This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Biden said he'd distribute 100M shots in 100 days. He's done over 200M.

Good job Mr. President.

This is why you elect fix the messes left by republicants.
Like all republicans, they like to have their presidency defined by war. Trump would have nuked Iran if they let him.
WTF? Not only was President Trump the only president of the modern era not to have a single war during his term, he was actually more successful with diplomacy than any president in US history. He brokered the:
  • Historic Israel - United Arab Emirates peace agreement
  • Historic Israel - Bahrain peace agreement
  • Historic Israel - Sudan peace agreement
  • Historic Israel - Morocco peace agreement
  • Historic Kosovo - Serbia economic normalization
  • Brought Kim Jong Un to the negotiating table
Biden said he'd distribute 100M shots in 100 days. He's done over 200M.

Good job Mr. President.

This is why you elect fix the messes left by republicants.
You mean by leaving the US military to execute the plan developed by the Trump Administration? :laugh:

It speaks volumes that “giving shots” is the only thing you can claim Biden has done in his first 100 days.
Biden said he'd distribute 100M shots in 100 days. He's done over 200M.

Good job Mr. President.

This is why you elect fix the messes left by republicants.
You mean by leaving the US military to execute the plan developed by the Trump Administration? :laugh:

It speaks volumes that “giving shots” is the only thing you can claim Biden has done in his first 100 days.

A controlled chaos operation called Covid-19
You really expect anyone to believe you care about anything other than how much money you can scam people out of?
Son, the only thing I care about is liberty. The right of people to make their own choices for their own life. You know, that thing you hate the most?
You care nothing about freedom! Or liberty. All you care about is taking money from those who earn it.
All you care about is taking money from those who earn it.
Uh...that's called "projection". That's what you do. You vote for Dumbocrats to take from people who earn and give it to people who do nothing.

Your trolling game is weak today.
Even other nations that don't embrace communism (ie China, North Korea, etc.) acknowledge the the Dumbocrat ideology embraces an "America last" doctrine.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are actually assisting one of our mortal enemies and undermining one of our greatest allies. Fucking repulsive.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are actually assisting one of our mortal enemies and undermining one of our greatest allies. Fucking repulsive.
You believe iran's foreign minister now?

Howbout Trump disclosing our own secrets

Joe Biden and the Democrats are actually assisting one of our mortal enemies and undermining one of our greatest allies. Fucking repulsive.
You believe iran's foreign minister now?
Uh...when it's leaked AUDIO...yeah. Yeah, I believe anyone when they produce a recording. :lmao:

Holy fucking shit Dud, you didn't even have to read the article. All you had to do was read the headline and you couldn't even do that. #YouHadONEJob
This is why you don't elect Dumbocrats. These ignorant mother-fuckers get people killed. What kind of an asshole would insist that children running hard outdoors should have their mouth and nose covered up? :mad:
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response


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