this is why you KILL people with knives

The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.

But the question remains. Why should a police officer risk his life by using less-than-lethal force when confronted by someone who shows the intent and the means to kill them?

NO REASON, when the police officer is obviously so unskilled and untrained that he has no confidence in stopping a man 20 feet away any other way than to empty a clip into his chest. THAT'S MY POINT: These cops obviously haven't the skills and training they should.

IMO, these two cops are lucky they got this guy with the knife before he offed BOTH of them with their own guns!
You are wrong. You are projecting. Your point is not reality. Cops are trained to aim and hit center mass. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge. Even if you can. The police train for hours. They have to periodically qualify that they will hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is neutralized.

So it really doesn't matter what your skills are or how big and bad you are. If you cannot or will not aim for center mass and keep firing you are not law enforcement material.

They don't train with their firearms for hours. They spend more time learning how to write reports, far more, than they do on firearms training.
All the police I know train and qualify. I've gone with quite a few to practice.

Squeamish cops who cannot shoot to kill don't pass the psych eval.

Yes, training to qualify takes a few minutes. They qualify, on the good departments three times a year. Most are once per year.
Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessar

I never got that order. You'd never see anyone of authority in a police force giving that order.

The lawsuits alone would bankrupt any city or county in the country.

I'm not sure where you get all your inside information about police policies and procedures ... but it sure sounds like a good show.


Why tell me? I'm just repeating what your girlfriend tipsycatlover thinks! As to policies and procedures, I go by what I see. Can't deny the countless news stories and videos. Cops are scared these days, scared and under-trained, and they shoot to kill people rather than risk a proportional response that offers them any risk for the public good. I mean, in this case, they could have at least TRIED to down this guy with MACE or capsicum! Some of that stuff shoots 25 feet or more, then if he still kept coming, he would have been blinded and disabled and any competent person could have then probably subdued him without a hail of bullets in close proximity to homes and children.

Amazing how quickly we have moved to a brutal authoritarian society (and accepted it).

You still haven't explained why LEOs should be obligated to execute a proportional response to an attack.
Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessar

I never got that order. You'd never see anyone of authority in a police force giving that order.

The lawsuits alone would bankrupt any city or county in the country.

I'm not sure where you get all your inside information about police policies and procedures ... but it sure sounds like a good show.


Why tell me? I'm just repeating what your girlfriend tipsycatlover thinks! As to policies and procedures, I go by what I see. Can't deny the countless news stories and videos. Cops are scared these days, scared and under-trained, and they shoot to kill people rather than risk a proportional response that offers them any risk for the public good. I mean, in this case, they could have at least TRIED to down this guy with MACE or capsicum! Some of that stuff shoots 25 feet or more, then if he still kept coming, he would have been blinded and disabled and any competent person could have then probably subdued him without a hail of bullets in close proximity to homes and children.

Amazing how quickly we have moved to a brutal authoritarian society (and accepted it).

You still haven't explained why LEOs should be obligated to execute a proportional response to an attack.
thank you---I guess if a jackass criminal has a knife, the cop should pull out a knife/etc
---or what they REALLY want, is for the cop to go barehanded or TALK to the dangerous lunatic
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:


You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

What formal training have you had?
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

:lmao: That thing is a toy sold to suckers like you at LARPer conventions or sketchy websites. Couldn't find one with a dragon printed on the blade? If that didn't confirm the image of you as a ninja turtle PJs wearing, role-playing little dork the part about " I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit" really did it. Gotta grow up sometime.

Right. You're an idiot as always. You know nothing of knives, school boy.
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

:lmao: That thing is a toy sold to suckers like you at LARPer conventions or sketchy websites. Couldn't find one with a dragon printed on the blade? If that didn't confirm the image of you as a ninja turtle PJs wearing, role-playing little dork the part about " I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit" really did it. Gotta grow up sometime.

Right. You're an idiot as always. You know nothing of knives, school boy.

I know that thing is a toy sold to suckers like you. That is for hanging on the wall at best.
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

What formal training have you had?

Nuhah. Suffice it to say Billy I know my way around guns, knives, weapons and fighting pretty well. I'm done giving out personal info that idiots here simply then use to ridicule with, or at best dismiss everything as empty boasting.

Apparently, EVERYONE here simply boasts empty claims and NO ONE here has had any actual life, to believe some.

This thread went from a simple pointing out that the cops in the video were virtually DEFENSELESS, with the first being literally run down by a guy with a knife (after being shot) with no clue how to defend himself after his gun was empty (not a thrust kick, not a block, not even a trip), until his buddy literally saved his life and stopped his own gun being taken from him, to my being called "Chuck Norris" for simply pointing that out. Too much.
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

:lmao: That thing is a toy sold to suckers like you at LARPer conventions or sketchy websites. Couldn't find one with a dragon printed on the blade? If that didn't confirm the image of you as a ninja turtle PJs wearing, role-playing little dork the part about " I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit" really did it. Gotta grow up sometime.

Right. You're an idiot as always. You know nothing of knives, school boy.

I know that thing is a toy sold to suckers like you. That is for hanging on the wall at best.

You flatter yourself, idiot. You don't know SHIT. I wish I could show you what a "toy" it really it. You'd shit yourself. Every part of that knife is functional and lethal. Sharp enough to shave with. You are obviously as always way in over your head while fantastically overrating your own opinions.
But the question remains. Why should a police officer risk his life by using less-than-lethal force when confronted by someone who shows the intent and the means to kill them?

NO REASON, when the police officer is obviously so unskilled and untrained that he has no confidence in stopping a man 20 feet away any other way than to empty a clip into his chest. THAT'S MY POINT: These cops obviously haven't the skills and training they should.

IMO, these two cops are lucky they got this guy with the knife before he offed BOTH of them with their own guns!
You are wrong. You are projecting. Your point is not reality. Cops are trained to aim and hit center mass. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge. Even if you can. The police train for hours. They have to periodically qualify that they will hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is neutralized.

So it really doesn't matter what your skills are or how big and bad you are. If you cannot or will not aim for center mass and keep firing you are not law enforcement material.

They don't train with their firearms for hours. They spend more time learning how to write reports, far more, than they do on firearms training.
All the police I know train and qualify. I've gone with quite a few to practice.

Squeamish cops who cannot shoot to kill don't pass the psych eval.

Yes, training to qualify takes a few minutes. They qualify, on the good departments three times a year. Most are once per year.

Bullets ain't cheap ... and most departments don't reload.
Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessar

I never got that order. You'd never see anyone of authority in a police force giving that order.

The lawsuits alone would bankrupt any city or county in the country.

I'm not sure where you get all your inside information about police policies and procedures ... but it sure sounds like a good show.


Why tell me? I'm just repeating what your girlfriend tipsycatlover thinks! As to policies and procedures, I go by what I see. Can't deny the countless news stories and videos. Cops are scared these days, scared and under-trained, and they shoot to kill people rather than risk a proportional response that offers them any risk for the public good. I mean, in this case, they could have at least TRIED to down this guy with MACE or capsicum! Some of that stuff shoots 25 feet or more, then if he still kept coming, he would have been blinded and disabled and any competent person could have then probably subdued him without a hail of bullets in close proximity to homes and children.

Amazing how quickly we have moved to a brutal authoritarian society (and accepted it).

You still haven't explained why LEOs should be obligated to execute a proportional response to an attack.

Because if they are allowed to merely fall back on lethal force all of the time, then that is ALL they will do eventually. And there will be no repercussions for it. Lethal force should always be the last resort. Obviously, in the case of an active shooter that is the default position, but in any other case, there MUST be thought involved. Otherwise you will have the serial killer cop who says "I feared for my life because he was wielding that spatula in a threatening manner" over, and over, and over again.
NO REASON, when the police officer is obviously so unskilled and untrained that he has no confidence in stopping a man 20 feet away any other way than to empty a clip into his chest. THAT'S MY POINT: These cops obviously haven't the skills and training they should.

IMO, these two cops are lucky they got this guy with the knife before he offed BOTH of them with their own guns!
You are wrong. You are projecting. Your point is not reality. Cops are trained to aim and hit center mass. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge. Even if you can. The police train for hours. They have to periodically qualify that they will hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is neutralized.

So it really doesn't matter what your skills are or how big and bad you are. If you cannot or will not aim for center mass and keep firing you are not law enforcement material.

They don't train with their firearms for hours. They spend more time learning how to write reports, far more, than they do on firearms training.
All the police I know train and qualify. I've gone with quite a few to practice.

Squeamish cops who cannot shoot to kill don't pass the psych eval.

Yes, training to qualify takes a few minutes. They qualify, on the good departments three times a year. Most are once per year.

Bullets ain't cheap ... and most departments don't reload.

Yeah? So? A Wrongful Death lawsuit ain't cheap either.
If you ain't got stars on your shoulders you ain't shit.
If someone comes at me with a knife I'm shooting them

Only idiots "come" at people with knives. If they are at all any kind of skilled fighter, you'll never know or see the knife until they are already upon you. Me, I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit. If I actually do use a conventional knife in hand to hand fighting, it'll likely be this 15" Bowie:

View attachment 267903

You won't know I have it until I am up close, and I'll give you every impression of cooperating and not being a threat until I run you through. Hope you are damn fast with your gun.

:lmao: That thing is a toy sold to suckers like you at LARPer conventions or sketchy websites. Couldn't find one with a dragon printed on the blade? If that didn't confirm the image of you as a ninja turtle PJs wearing, role-playing little dork the part about " I might just throw a throwing knife or hatchet at you from 20 feet away and you'll never realize it until hit" really did it. Gotta grow up sometime.

Right. You're an idiot as always. You know nothing of knives, school boy.

I know that thing is a toy sold to suckers like you. That is for hanging on the wall at best.

You flatter yourself, idiot. You don't know SHIT. I wish I could show you what a "toy" it really it. You'd shit yourself. Every part of that knife is functional and lethal. Sharp enough to shave with. You are obviously as always way in over your head while fantastically overrating your own opinions.

Sharp enough to shave with! Like this?

Sorry guy but you invite ridicule like shit invites flies.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

I always believe in 3 warning shots in the chest.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

I always believe in 3 warning shots in the chest.

I would put a couple in his head just to make sure.
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees?

Well, TASERS are frequently ineffective, and in best cases are only effective for the five seconds while the power is on. All effects of the TASER on muscles cease after five seconds and you only have two shots.

Rubber-jacketed bullets (they have lead or steel cores) can be just as lethal and copper jacketed bullets in a close order firefight. They aren't typically used in handguns.

Cops typically don't carry baseball bats ... they're hard to hang on your duty belt and don't really send the right message.

OC Spray (we don't call it 'mace') is very frequently ineffective. Adrenaline, insanity, or substance abuse can cause an attacker to simply ignore it for up to a minute. It has a limited effective range. You have to actually hit the attacker in the face for maximum effect, not easy to do on a moving target with what is essentially a cheap water pistol. The duty belt size version has two shots in it, not particularly useful for multiple assailants. The larger Mk9 versions (unofficially known as 'Party Packs') have a longer range and much more capacity, but must be worn on a thigh rig and are very aggressive looking. The best thing about spray is ... when someone has been sprayed before, they usually try to avoid it a second time (it stings like HELL, I know). Just the threat of using a spray has caused a more sane attacker to back down.

A shot gun blast to the knee (unlike what they show on TV) is just as lethal as a 9mm (all those pesky arteries in your legs, knee and thighs) and then there are all those pellets that don't hit the target still flying with lethal velocity to the women and children in the crowd behind the attackers. A shotgun's main value, .like the spray, is it's very, very intimidating. Just the sight of one can cause someone with even a tiny bit of rational judgement in them to think again. It looks cool on TV when they rack it ... however, since it's typically carried in condition 0, racking would just expend a live round.

The best thing cops carry as a defense are their radios and ability to communicate. They are effective much more often and don't typically lead to unplanned loss of life.

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