This is why you shouldn't pay burger flippers 15 an hour

Only in America, can a rich white guy, with orange skin, ie Trump who by the way, and others like him are the reason wages in this country hasn't caught up with inflation and the cost of living since the late 60's, convince stupid ignorant white people that its Obama's the black guys fought, life now sucks in america...LOLOLOL. Not these rich white mf's, these CEO's, the Wall street fucks, who keep their white ass's out of the middle class....endlessly. Truth be told, if this country stayed with the cost of living, min. wage should be about 20 bucks an hour.

80% of the jobs in this country are all service industry jobs, just about....and that includes the burger flippers that I hope spit on your shit when you come in, moron.

You know why all those good jobs got shipped overseas??? Free trade. Which the DEMOCRATS brought upon us.

That's right. Democrats wanted 3rd world shitholes to get all our jobs....then imported tens of millions of low skill immigrants.

So when your fellow black males age 18-35 can't find entry level work outside of McDonald's and you know why.

Stop hanging around Burger King.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless
Yeah they put the burgers in bags too

THAT takes skill let me tell you
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

I'll tell you something, I worked in fast food for many years and, except for cleaning up if you were on the closing shift, pretty much all you did was flip burgers...

Now, the average hourly salary for an EMT in California is $16.98. In New York it is $18.85. These are professionals, experts to a degree. And now we're talking about paying some fast food schlub just starting out in a menial job $15.00 an hour? Do you not see something wrong with this? These fast food jobs aren't meant to support a family, they're not meant to even support a single person. They are meant to provide experience and training for future employment, they are meant to earn money for movies and condoms.
and all those $15 and above workers will im sure, be asking for raises themselves.....and many may get laid off to accommodate the raises....
As far as the OP title for this thread goes, my response is, the $15 an hour wage increase that was recently implemented for California is an inflation issue. I doubt the OP lives in L.A. because he ought to check out rent cost there. And gas and groceries for that matter. Just try and make it on less and you will be one of the many homeless living on the streets there mumbling to themselves.
Also the link has nothing to connect it to the title of this thread. Apparently the OP has access to a pc and the internet but has little or no knowledge as to make a valuable contribution to this message board.

And also why illegal rentals are widespread in LA and So. CA in general. And of course the liberal governments there are legalizing grossly improper housing...anything to hide the truth of reality there.
Yes this is not a new issue with property in So. Cal. or happening elsewhere. Anyway someone can come up with to make more money and dodge tax assessments the better right?
To have to see what amounts to subletting an apartment or condo is distressing to regular owners for their neighbors. There is an issue that needs some addressing there. but if you can only find work in a fast food restaurant to survive then the wage should reflect the cost of living for the area. If not there may have to be some sort of mass housing like that used in China to support workers in proximity to the jobs. But i don't see America going in that direction. At least this isn't a totalitarian society just yet. THX 1138 comes to mind.

Going back to the old democrat/socialist/communist stand by- segeration, prisons?

Housing projects don't work.See the old cabrini green and Robert taylor homes in Chicago~ just prisions for the poor

View attachment 70865

Robert Taylor Homes public-housing project

Robert Taylor Homes would be humane replacements for slums was starting to crack. Many of the high-rise complexes were poorly constructed. Unemployment at CHA developments ran as high as 90 percent, and residents were at least twice as likely to be the victims of serious crime as other Chicagoans. The concentration of the poorest of the poor transformed Chicago's public housing into a national emblem of the failures of government-run shelter.

While many of the CHA's high-rises were built at a time when the civil rights movement seemed to be striking blows for racial and economic equality, Chicago and many other cities were sowing the seeds of an underclass of mostly black citizens who seemed consigned to live their lives in these vertical ghettos. James Weston and his family moved out of the Taylor project after five years, but that was a rare example of public housing serving as a stopping place on the way to a better life. Admitting the failure of densely packed high-rises, the CHA began demolishing buildings at Cabrini-Green and Henry Horner Homes in 1995 and is razing many more.
. The question is this also. where are these people coming from in such large numbers like that ? You would think that if you are in a social economic ressesion/depression in life, and you can see a life of hell and poverty for your children if have children, then do you just have children like rabbits in such a situation as that ? Yes you do if you have a federal government promising cradle to grave entitlements for doing so. Ok, so why is the government incentivizing growth in this area by giving perks and freebies to people who will flood their situation with babies either in or out of Wed lock not knowing what their future will be ? Is it for democrat votes and empowering of the democrats through a false idea of compassion and pity towards the poor and needy in life that the dems are incentivizing this activity ? Why does the poor and needy have population explosions among their group if it weren't for the government incentivizing this craziness? The way out of poverty and off the democrat plantation is to use ones head, and not listen to the dems or be satisfied with the feds being ones cradle to grave master in life is how. Just think how many would have been born into poverty if abortion and the lies surrounding that form of control and mechanism wasn't involved. The poor have been used, lied to, given false hopes, and manipulated by government, but why ? Was it that government was in bed with manufacturing back in the day, and the thought was to have a huge low skilled labor force that could be exploited by factories or areas where such workers would then apply, and if so then the workers would vote Democrat in thoughts that the government was their friend in this way or was it just all out population and voter building for the creation of a certain type of voter who would become loyal to them no matter what ? Where did the democrats get the money to achieve such things over the years ? They got it from the taxpayers without their understanding or acceptance is where, and this is why the over taxed citizens are in full rebellion of the democrats in this election. Not sure who the voters can actually trust anymore, but it explains everything that has been going on lately.
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The contempt most on the right have for American workers comes as no surprise.
. Is it contempt for the workers or contempt for a foolish government who is confusing the workers with unchecked power and manipulation ?
Gee I wonder if they opened the doors before they went outside. A bell shoulda gone off right then. sheesh
The reporter was about equally dumb. I guess air is technically a gas

Burger King employees smash windows following prank call

idiota, they were told it was the fire department and the place would blow up unless they let out the gas from a purported leak.

i figure you're worth about 4 cents an hour, but i still support your right to be able to feed, house and clothe yourself if you work a 40 hour week.

now run along like a good little winger
I bet air conditioning in your car is rolling down the windows.

no. it's putting the top down.

Gee I wonder if they opened the doors before they went outside. A bell shoulda gone off right then. sheesh
The reporter was about equally dumb. I guess air is technically a gas

Burger King employees smash windows following prank call

idiota, they were told it was the fire department and the place would blow up unless they let out the gas from a purported leak.

i figure you're worth about 4 cents an hour, but i still support your right to be able to feed, house and clothe yourself if you work a 40 hour week.

now run along like a good little winger

I excercised my right to learn a trade that is worth more than minimum wage.
. Minimum wage should be an entrance pay only... If can't move up from that, then find something one can move up from... Not all jobs are suitable to everyone, so stopping the search is to just give up and become stagnant... This is a bad way to be in life, but it should pressure one to do better, and not to expect the government to come to the rescue. That has become a major problem these days.
The country is going down the financial/social drain.
The Industrial revolution destroyed the negro labor based cotton industry just as it created tens of thousands of jobs in the 'rust belt' at the same time.
Tens of thousands of negroes left the South and ended up working in the manufacturing industry.
China and India woke up. Their basically slave labor destroyed the US manufacturing industry leaving hundreds of thousands of semi-literate people without a way to make a living in the US.
Combine that with a fucking farce education system almost exclusively controlled by LIB unions which 'streams' kids who don't know how to read or write by the hundreds of thousands, who also have zero chance to ever get a decent paying job and this is where the country is at now.
Anyone who believes the US economy can magically go back to what it was a few decades ago is delusional.
If I had any kids in the school system today I would make damn sure they were actually learning something. When they graduated actually knowing how to read and write I'd move heaven and earth to get them into good trade schools. Forget the Liberal Indoctrination Centers AKA colleges and universities. No one gives a shit about what medieval footwear looked like and they aren't going to pay anyone to find out.
Everyone needs an electrician or a plumber.
1. It amazes me the poor just keep on pumping out kids. When the economy took a dump birth rates went down in the middle class but not in the poor communities. Middle class people don't have more kids when they can't afford them because they don't want to be poor. The poormust not think it matters when it does. I can't understand someone trying to have a family in a ghetto. Why didn't James move the family out of the ghetto? Why did he have 3 kids? And at least he raised them right.

2. My bro went to msu and got a masters and is now a vp of a fortune 500. You would have sent him to plumbers school.
Failure to see the "big" picture is why people don't understand/hate businesses; the global market. We bitch about companies leaving the US, but we don't look into the consumer side of the equation - and the left just paints it as businesses being greedy. Reality is in the middle.

1. Global businesses have difficulty choosing America as their home base because:
a. labor costs are much higher here
b. /if/ they price their products to account for higher labor costs, then they are undercut by other global businesses lower labor costs​
2. Global businesses have difficulty investing in American economy because:
a. importing cash into the US is double taxed (once by other nations and then again by the US when bringing it in)
b. some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world
c. our economy is going to shit and we're just spending and printing more instead of being fiscally responsible and fixing the problems​

MW increases only exasperate this problem. Every time we increase minimum wage, businesses raise prices, which means that MW workers need a higher MW. Its a cycle we've let go on for far too long. We have hit the ceiling, American produced and based businesses are at the point where they cannot compete in a global market, unable to sell said products at a profit in the global market, they have no choice but to lower their expenses. The easiest way to lower expenses is lowering labor costs, because that in itself is 40% of your average businesses expenses. Move to another country, and pay import taxes (if there even are any) and then you can price your products at a globally competitive price.

We cannot regulate the pay other countries give to /their/ people, therefore we /will/ lose businesses, we will lose jobs, we will lose our economy. We're in a downward spiral that I don't know if we /can/ recover from because American's have become entirely too spoiled; leasing cars, buying new cellphones every year, $200 purses and sneakers... The excess, and worse, the sense that they are "entitled" to those excesses, drives the cycle endlessly. We cannot export products at a reasonable price, American's don't want to pay "more" so they buy from non-American companies who have the lowest price. I do not know how we can get out of the cycle, but if we don't do something to /try/ and get out of it we are going to economically self-destruct and I don't think the country will make it through that; our society doesn't have the cohesion and unity to survive it.

This feeds into everything; the immigration issues, the back-lash against anti-nationalism, fear, hate, all of it is tied to our economy and the more "strings that bind us together" we cut, the weaker our binding together as a nation will become. Eventually, the rope is going to snap and we're /all/ going to fall. Band-aids on things like transgender bathrooms and Trump are not going to address the gaping wound that we American's have allowed to infect our nation. We chose to ignore it, chose to dig a deeper hole, chose "today" (this four year term) instead of looking to the "future." Now, we are going to have to pay the piper and it's going to suck for the majority of this nation.
Gee I wonder if they opened the doors before they went outside. A bell shoulda gone off right then. sheesh
The reporter was about equally dumb. I guess air is technically a gas

Burger King employees smash windows following prank call

idiota, they were told it was the fire department and the place would blow up unless they let out the gas from a purported leak.

i figure you're worth about 4 cents an hour, but i still support your right to be able to feed, house and clothe yourself if you work a 40 hour week.

now run along like a good little winger

I excercised my right to learn a trade that is worth more than minimum wage.
. Minimum wage should be an entrance pay only... If can't move up from that, then find something one can move up from... Not all jobs are suitable to everyone, so stopping the search is to just give up and become stagnant... This is a bad way to be in life, but it should pressure one to do better, and not to expect the government to come to the rescue. That has become a major problem these days.
The country is going down the financial/social drain.
The Industrial revolution destroyed the negro labor based cotton industry just as it created tens of thousands of jobs in the 'rust belt' at the same time.
Tens of thousands of negroes left the South and ended up working in the manufacturing industry.
China and India woke up. Their basically slave labor destroyed the US manufacturing industry leaving hundreds of thousands of semi-literate people without a way to make a living in the US.
Combine that with a fucking farce education system almost exclusively controlled by LIB unions which 'streams' kids who don't know how to read or write by the hundreds of thousands, who also have zero chance to ever get a decent paying job and this is where the country is at now.
Anyone who believes the US economy can magically go back to what it was a few decades ago is delusional.
If I had any kids in the school system today I would make damn sure they were actually learning something. When they graduated actually knowing how to read and write I'd move heaven and earth to get them into good trade schools. Forget the Liberal Indoctrination Centers AKA colleges and universities. No one gives a shit about what medieval footwear looked like and they aren't going to pay anyone to find out.
Everyone needs an electrician or a plumber.
1. It amazes me the poor just keep on pumping out kids. When the economy took a dump birth rates went down in the middle class but not in the poor communities. Middle class people don't have more kids when they can't afford them because they don't want to be poor. The poormust not think it matters when it does. I can't understand someone trying to have a family in a ghetto. Why didn't James move the family out of the ghetto? Why did he have 3 kids? And at least he raised them right.

2. My bro went to msu and got a masters and is now a vp of a fortune 500. You would have sent him to plumbers school.
NO! If they had showed natural talents to excel in business I would have encouraged them to go that route. Obviously!
You continue to not THINK beyond your nose!
How many Fortune 500 VPs are there?
How many fucking journeymen tradesmen are there making an excellent secure income?
Ya fucking right!
Your 'Bro' could go to work tomorrow and be told the company is now owned by a fucking Chinese investment firm and his services are no longer required. This is happening thousands a time a day somewhere.
Then what's your genius VP 'Bro' going to do?
Suuuuure he'll just be able to call any old Fortune 500 company and slide back into another exorbitantly paid job. Suuuuure!
My kids will be the first one your 'Bro' phones to fix his fucking sink.
"That will be 200 bucks. Are you paying by credit card or cash?"
Failure to see the "big" picture is why people don't understand/hate businesses; the global market. We bitch about companies leaving the US, but we don't look into the consumer side of the equation - and the left just paints it as businesses being greedy. Reality is in the middle.

1. Global businesses have difficulty choosing America as their home base because:
a. labor costs are much higher here
b. /if/ they price their products to account for higher labor costs, then they are undercut by other global businesses lower labor costs​
2. Global businesses have difficulty investing in American economy because:
a. importing cash into the US is double taxed (once by other nations and then again by the US when bringing it in)
b. some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world
c. our economy is going to shit and we're just spending and printing more instead of being fiscally responsible and fixing the problems​

MW increases only exasperate this problem. Every time we increase minimum wage, businesses raise prices, which means that MW workers need a higher MW. Its a cycle we've let go on for far too long. We have hit the ceiling, American produced and based businesses are at the point where they cannot compete in a global market, unable to sell said products at a profit in the global market, they have no choice but to lower their expenses. The easiest way to lower expenses is lowering labor costs, because that in itself is 40% of your average businesses expenses. Move to another country, and pay import taxes (if there even are any) and then you can price your products at a globally competitive price.

We cannot regulate the pay other countries give to /their/ people, therefore we /will/ lose businesses, we will lose jobs, we will lose our economy. We're in a downward spiral that I don't know if we /can/ recover from because American's have become entirely too spoiled; leasing cars, buying new cellphones every year, $200 purses and sneakers... The excess, and worse, the sense that they are "entitled" to those excesses, drives the cycle endlessly. We cannot export products at a reasonable price, American's don't want to pay "more" so they buy from non-American companies who have the lowest price. I do not know how we can get out of the cycle, but if we don't do something to /try/ and get out of it we are going to economically self-destruct and I don't think the country will make it through that; our society doesn't have the cohesion and unity to survive it.

This feeds into everything; the immigration issues, the back-lash against anti-nationalism, fear, hate, all of it is tied to our economy and the more "strings that bind us together" we cut, the weaker our binding together as a nation will become. Eventually, the rope is going to snap and we're /all/ going to fall. Band-aids on things like transgender bathrooms and Trump are not going to address the gaping wound that we American's have allowed to infect our nation. We chose to ignore it, chose to dig a deeper hole, chose "today" (this four year term) instead of looking to the "future." Now, we are going to have to pay the piper and it's going to suck for the majority of this nation.
Ok with all that said, then how much should a company CEO and his shareholders make in relation to the employee's that help them make their profits ? Are all these factors you mention the real problem between Ownership/Management and the employee base or is their other things going on (like a total disrespect for the employee's, and then not having a structural pay system in which to go by) ? Are corporations of the world moving towards making the most they can, but using the citizens of the world as pawns in their game by confusing them with things like world affairs in which they can't understand totally ?

The bottom line is what the corporations make in profits, how much the CEO and shareholders make, and then how much is paid to the employees in respect to their service.

Now if you can explain those ratios or numbers to the citizens or workers of this nation or the world for that matter, then everyone will have wide open ears for sure.
Damn straight...they also open bags, take pieces of paper and wrap something with it, push buttons and wait for it to beep back...sophisticated stuff for sure.

my gosh but people are stupid. Who cleans the bathrooms? Sweeps and washes the parking lots. Unloads the trucks. They surely are not worth 15 dollars and hour but a lot of those people do more than "flip burgers". If you had any sense you would realize that and just parrot something you heard like a drone.
The problem is these are not career jobs, but starter jobs, once held primarily by high-school youth to learn business practices and make a few bucks.

Now we have American youth employment at an all-time high because the unskilled invaders have glommed onto these jobs as permanent positions, forced out the kids and now want to make a career salary for work that requires absolutely none but rudimentary skills.

Sorry, but it's just monkey work, undeserving of any real money.
All additional money any minimum worker makes will get spent, going back into the economy. The health of any economy depends on continued circulation of money, just as the health of water depends on circulation. The more it stagnates the sicker it gets.

I think the increase to $15/hr is too much, it should go to $12/hr then after another 4 years to $15/hr. But this, like every increase in the minimum wage will over time be absorbed into the economy.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

Its the 3rd thread on this one wonder what kind of "kick" conservative shit bags get out of attacking the poor. I mean, I understand they were never loved as kids but surely even people as dense as this can see they are repeating the cycle.
I don't think we should pay one man at the top 1,500,000 bucks per year! At least the burger flipper is doing the hard work.
You don't understand business do you? Shithead
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