This is your evidence?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
Republicans think that a lot of records of financial transactions proves something.

No, it just proves a private citizen earned money abroad. The worst you got on Hunter is a FARA violation. Taxes? There are whispers, but Hunter is a private citizen, so, BFD. US Attorney Delaware David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for over three years and thus far has not handed out any indictments.

Probably because of one glaring and inescapable detail: There are no crimes worthy of prosecution. True, the DOJ does prosecute on FARA violations, but for the president's son, that won't amount to any brownie points for the prosecutors, and that's why they are not likely to indict on that alone, (neither will lying on a gun permit application do the trick) they will want something bigger to go with it. If you argue 'it's Biden's DOJ', no, Weiss was assigned to Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden by Bill Barr, both republicans, and Weiss is no Biden toadie, not to mention he was left to finish the job by Joe Biden, Hunter's own father. That doesn't really add much up to corruption, does it? Nope.

Are the transactions predication for a subpoena? Probably, okay.......

Where are the transcripts of subpoenas for Hunter, et al, to testify before Congress to illuminate on the allegations being hurled in his name?

Unless you can prove Joe Biden participated and received payments from Hunter's biz deals, and that Hunter's associates impacted foreign policy, all you got is a private citizen doing business abroad.

Y'all talk a lot of shit, like a cowboy with a tall hat and no cattle.

The documents released Wednesday provide no evidence that President Biden was ever directly involved in the alleged schemes—or even if the payments in question resulted in tangible impact on U.S. policy.

"None of the bank records reviewed by Committee staff allege, or even suggest, any potential misconduct by President Biden, nor do they show President Biden's involvement in Hunter Biden's business relationships," Representative Jamie Raskin, the Democratic ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote in a rebuttal of the GOP's findings after the press conference.
Republicans think that a lot of records of financial transactions proves something.

No, it just proves a private citizen earned money abroad. The worst you got on Hunter is a FARA violation. Taxes? There are whispers, but Hunter is a private citizen, so, BFD. US Attorney Delaware David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for over three years and thus far has not handed out any indictments.

Probably because of one glaring and inescapable detail: There are no crimes worthy of prosecution. True, the DOJ does prosecute on FARA violations, but for the president's son, that won't amount to any brownie points for the prosecutors, and that's why they are not likely to indict on that alone, (neither will lying on a gun permit application do the trick) they will want something bigger to go with it. If you argue 'it's Biden's DOJ', no, Weiss was assigned to Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden by Bill Barr, both republicans, and Weiss is no Biden toadie, not to mention he was left to finish the job by Joe Biden, Hunter's own father. That doesn't really add much up to corruption, does it? Nope.

Are the transactions predication for a subpoena? Probably, okay.......

Where are the transcripts of subpoenas for Hunter, et al, to testify before Congress to illuminate on the allegations being hurled in his name?

Unless you can prove Joe Biden participated and received payments from Hunter's biz deals, and that Hunter's associates impacted foreign policy, all you got is a private citizen doing business abroad.

Y'all talk a lot of shit, like a cowboy with a tall hat and no cattle.

The documents released Wednesday provide no evidence that President Biden was ever directly involved in the alleged schemes—or even if the payments in question resulted in tangible impact on U.S. policy.

"None of the bank records reviewed by Committee staff allege, or even suggest, any potential misconduct by President Biden, nor do they show President Biden's involvement in Hunter Biden's business relationships," Representative Jamie Raskin, the Democratic ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote in a rebuttal of the GOP's findings after the press conference.

democrats are saying Biden is not corrupt! Stop the Presses!!
There are several of these threads floating around, suggesting the leftist sludge is getting nervous.

But that is the right wing strategy, The right will blow a ton of smoke and hope the fog will obfuscate the view of Trump's much greater sins and that of his siblings. Excuse us for trying to countermand it.
There are several of these threads floating around, suggesting the leftist sludge is getting nervous.
Obviously, the DNC email blast went out with the talking point NO EVIDENCE!!!....Lather, rinse, repeat.

But that is the right wing strategy, The right will blow a ton of smoke and hope the fog will obfuscate the view of Trump's much greater sins and that of his siblings. Excuse us for trying to countermand it.
Tons of money. For what? Staggered payments funneled through multiple people’s and LLC’s bank accounts in set amounts, the LLC’s appear to have no purpose other than acting as a financial conduit, and for unknown consideration. What, exactly, did Biden family members have to trade for so much money other than connections and influence (that’s rhetorical, btw)?

Get the fuck out of here with your stupid bullshit! The writing is clear on the wall.
Of course not.

But the dishonest reprehensible right will continue to lie regardless of the facts.
Adam_Clayton is an exemplar of the dishonest reprehensible left who lie perpetually. Like his bullshit quoted post for example. He loves the lies of his fellow reprehensible scumbag libtards.
Republicans think that a lot of records of financial transactions proves something.

No, it just proves a private citizen earned money abroad. The worst you got on Hunter is a FARA violation. Taxes? There are whispers, but Hunter is a private citizen, so, BFD. US Attorney Delaware David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for over three years and thus far has not handed out any indictments.

Probably because of one glaring and inescapable detail: There are no crimes worthy of prosecution. True, the DOJ does prosecute on FARA violations, but for the president's son, that won't amount to any brownie points for the prosecutors, and that's why they are not likely to indict on that alone, (neither will lying on a gun permit application do the trick) they will want something bigger to go with it. If you argue 'it's Biden's DOJ', no, Weiss was assigned to Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden by Bill Barr, both republicans, and Weiss is no Biden toadie, not to mention he was left to finish the job by Joe Biden, Hunter's own father. That doesn't really add much up to corruption, does it? Nope.

Are the transactions predication for a subpoena? Probably, okay.......

Where are the transcripts of subpoenas for Hunter, et al, to testify before Congress to illuminate on the allegations being hurled in his name?

Unless you can prove Joe Biden participated and received payments from Hunter's biz deals, and that Hunter's associates impacted foreign policy, all you got is a private citizen doing business abroad.

Y'all talk a lot of shit, like a cowboy with a tall hat and no cattle.

The documents released Wednesday provide no evidence that President Biden was ever directly involved in the alleged schemes—or even if the payments in question resulted in tangible impact on U.S. policy.

"None of the bank records reviewed by Committee staff allege, or even suggest, any potential misconduct by President Biden, nor do they show President Biden's involvement in Hunter Biden's business relationships," Representative Jamie Raskin, the Democratic ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote in a rebuttal of the GOP's findings after the press conference.
Let's see Hunter gets millions from China. Then Biden shuts down all of our mines for the minerals for the EV batteries. Gives China the exclusives rights. Let's China fly a spy balloon over the United States for a week over sensitive spots. Leaves classified documents in his Penn state office, where Chinese officials have access to them.
Russia give Hunter 2 million, putin gets the northstrom pipeline. Even Obama wouldn't let him have it. Biden is bought and paid for.
"None of the bank records reviewed by Committee staff allege, or even suggest, any potential misconduct by President Biden, nor do they show President Biden's involvement in Hunter Biden's business relationships," Representative Jamie Raskin, the Democratic ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote in a rebuttal of the GOP's findings after the press conference.
They're making everything they can of this. Their Orange God may be in trouble, so they're just running with whatever they can come up with.

They clearly don't understand what it means to prove something. It's not "proven" just because "reports" from MAGA media and your imagination say so.

They're very emotional right now.
They're making everything they can of this. Their Orange God may be in trouble, so they're just running with whatever they can come up with.

They clearly don't understand what it means to prove something. It's not "proven" just because "reports" from MAGA media and your imagination say so.

They're very emotional right now.
All of us conservatives are not MAGA orange, sweetheart. Yes, I supported and voted for Trump both times, and would do it again to save the nation from the leftist scourge. But simply labeling everyone on the right as MAGA is (1) incorrect, and (2) overly simplistic.

Granted, I fully understand that the left puts out these stupid talking points for all of its useless tools to mindlessly parrot about online. Therefore, raising this objection to your ignorant comment is a foolhardy task. You are a retarded circus monkey that just received a successful lobotomy.
Old Joe never had a real job that wasn't paid by taxpayers and yet he is worth millions. Americans have a right to know where the money came from. Y'all lefties save your hysteria for the indictments.

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