this is your police state thanks the Rs, Ds, and those who think cops can do no wrong

I am referring to a VERY FAMOUS speech Obama gave stating he would CREATE a civilian force separate from the military ( but as powerful) and separate from current law enforcement. This group would work at the discretion of the President of the United States.

Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...

Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain
It’s difficult to discern a practical reason why a man working for an urban police department would need to wear camouflage, especially while patrolling an economic summit. He’s a civilian dressed like a soldier. The symbolism is clear, and it affects the attitudes of both the cops wearing the clothes and the people they’re policing.

Yes, it does. Mostly I suspect it affects the cops attitudes, and not in a good way, either. Cops theoretically are limited by the constiution. Martial law is not civil authority.

And I found this rather telling, too:

The trend may have started at the 1999 World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, which saw both actual rioting and police overkill. Mayor Paul Schell not only declared a state of emergency, imposed a curfew, and designated swaths of the city “no-protest” zones; he actually banned civilian possession of gas masks. Police then gassed entire city blocks. The victims included many owners of the stores the police were ostensibly protecting from looters. Assistant Police Chief Ed Joiner, who was in charge of security for the event, would later tell reporters that future summits should be held only in destinations with military governments.
Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...

Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Not gonna happen DUMB FUCK. He made the speech and your ignorant " I never heard or saw it" routine is going to get ignored.
It’s difficult to discern a practical reason why a man working for an urban police department would need to wear camouflage, especially while patrolling an economic summit. He’s a civilian dressed like a soldier. The symbolism is clear, and it affects the attitudes of both the cops wearing the clothes and the people they’re policing.

Yes, it does. Mostly I suspect it affects the cops attitudes, and not in a good way, either. Cops theoretically are limited by the constiution. Martial law is not civil authority.

And I found this rather telling, too:

The trend may have started at the 1999 World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, which saw both actual rioting and police overkill. Mayor Paul Schell not only declared a state of emergency, imposed a curfew, and designated swaths of the city “no-protest” zones; he actually banned civilian possession of gas masks. Police then gassed entire city blocks. The victims included many owners of the stores the police were ostensibly protecting from looters. Assistant Police Chief Ed Joiner, who was in charge of security for the event, would later tell reporters that future summits should be held only in destinations with military governments.

Telling? Sure is, the guy just went through a civil war with the scum of the protesters and made a very good suggestion. Hold those meetings where the terrorists protesters have few chances to attack the police, the businesses or the people attending the meetings. He was admitting that in the US we did not have the laws to deal with the shit that went down in Seattle.
Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Not gonna happen DUMB FUCK. He made the speech and your ignorant " I never heard or saw it" routine is going to get ignored.

I know why it's 'Not gonna happen'...You CAN'T put up, so shut up and go eat some more Alex Jones paranoia turds
Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Not gonna happen DUMB FUCK. He made the speech and your ignorant " I never heard or saw it" routine is going to get ignored.

I know why it's 'Not gonna happen'...You CAN'T put up, so shut up and go eat some more Alex Jones paranoia turds

You may want to ACTUALLY learn about the people you are whining about. You see pee stain, I have never watched, listened to or read Alex Jones. I did however pay attention to Obama's speeches when he ran for President. Something the left should have done but were to busy shitting themselves that a BLACK man might be President to actually listen to what he was saying.
Not gonna happen DUMB FUCK. He made the speech and your ignorant " I never heard or saw it" routine is going to get ignored.

I know why it's 'Not gonna happen'...You CAN'T put up, so shut up and go eat some more Alex Jones paranoia turds

You may want to ACTUALLY learn about the people you are whining about. You see pee stain, I have never watched, listened to or read Alex Jones. I did however pay attention to Obama's speeches when he ran for President. Something the left should have done but were to busy shitting themselves that a BLACK man might be President to actually listen to what he was saying.

Then you have a severe cognitive problem...somewhere between your ears and your tiny little pea orientated where adults have a brain there's cognitive dysfunction...

That still doesn't provide me with the speech... Is Obama planning a Gestapo-like "civilian national security force"?
The speech was delivered on July 2 2008 in Colorado.

The part in question is this...

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The only source you might accept for believing it was the Chicago Tribune. The Congressional Quarterly also reported it. Since the speech was given the press has refused to cover this and refused to publish the speech.

I am NOT going to go find out if the Chicago Tribune was a good little boy and deleted the report too.
Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...

Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Which transcript would you prefer. The prepared text provided prior to the speech (July 2nd 2008) and issued to the media, or a transcript of what he said... or would you like both - with markings to show where he deviated from the prepared text?
Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Which transcript would you prefer. The prepared text provided prior to the speech (July 2nd 2008) and issued to the media, or a transcript of what he said... or would you like both - with markings to show where he deviated from the prepared text?

He is denying Obama said what he did. And he is using the fawning press to cover it up. Obama said it. It was a bad thing to say, he knew it and his handlers knew it so it got shit canned.
Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Which transcript would you prefer. The prepared text provided prior to the speech (July 2nd 2008) and issued to the media, or a transcript of what he said... or would you like both - with markings to show where he deviated from the prepared text?

He is denying Obama said what he did. And he is using the fawning press to cover it up. Obama said it. It was a bad thing to say, he knew it and his handlers knew it so it got shit canned.

You need to see a psychiatrist Sarge...maybe he or she can coax your frightened little ass out from under the bed...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hey Sarge...need some really scary rhetoric to fear from the collectivist communist affirmative action presidential candidate?

“Our greatness depends upon our patriotism, and our patriotism is hardly encouraged when we cannot take pride in the highest public institutions, institutions that should transcend all sectarian, regional, and commercial conflicts to fortify the public’s allegiance to the national community.”

“There are greater pursuits than self-seeking.…Glory belongs to the act of being constant to something greater than yourself.”

“Those who claim their liberty but not their duty to the civilization that ensures it live a half-life, indulging their self-interest at the cost of their self-respect, sacrifice for a cause greater than self-interest, however, and you invest your life with the eminence of that cause. Americans did not fight and win World War II as discrete individuals.”

“In the Roosevelt code, the authentic meaning of freedom gave equal respect to self-interest and common purpose, to rights and duties, and it absolutely required that every loyal citizen take risks for the country’s sake.…His insistence that every citizen owed primary allegiance to American ideals, and to the symbols, habits, and consciousness of American citizenship, was as right then as it is now.”

Be Afraid of President...
The Criminalization of Protest - Reason Magazine

I hope all the people who defend cops & military no matter their action are the first to be shot or jailed when the dictatorship finally comes.
Speaking only for myself, I don't know that there are a lot of people that defend cops and military regardless of what they do. I certainly don't. I do promote a strong military, a larger police force and higher pay for cops.

You are referring to H.R. 675...

To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide police officers, criminal investigators, and game law enforcement officers of the Department of Defense with authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms.

Congressman Bob Filner

Legislation to Allow DOD and Civilian Police Coordination

In February, I re-introduced the Department of Defense and Civilian Law Enforcement Coordination Act, H.R. 675, which would amend federal law to permit Department of Defense (DOD) law enforcement officers to better coordinate and cooperate with civilian law enforcement agencies.

I drafted this legislation in cooperation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) because many DOD law enforcement officers are currently prohibited from basic coordination with civilian agencies near DOD facilities. We need to ensure that federal, state, and local law enforcement are able to work together to apprehend criminals and to prevent and solve crimes.


Now, bring me your Alex Jones conspiracy theory...

I am referring to a VERY FAMOUS speech Obama gave stating he would CREATE a civilian force separate from the military ( but as powerful) and separate from current law enforcement. This group would work at the discretion of the President of the United States.

Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...
Surely, you jest. It is common knowledge that the boy king wants his own private police control our civilian lives.

Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...

Ahh yes, the " I don't recall that" syndrome. Sorry I don't play that game. Are you one of his supporters that also admits he lied but you knew it was just politics as usual?

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain
This is a tactic typical of liberals...namecalling, denial and adolescence...all in one sentence.

Sarge, I'm saying you're full of shit, so full of shit your burps smell like farts.

Put up or SHUT up pea brain

Not gonna happen DUMB FUCK. He made the speech and your ignorant " I never heard or saw it" routine is going to get ignored.

I know why it's 'Not gonna happen'...You CAN'T put up, so shut up and go eat some more Alex Jones paranoia turds
...and a persistent nature.

Which transcript would you prefer. The prepared text provided prior to the speech (July 2nd 2008) and issued to the media, or a transcript of what he said... or would you like both - with markings to show where he deviated from the prepared text?

He is denying Obama said what he did. And he is using the fawning press to cover it up. Obama said it. It was a bad thing to say, he knew it and his handlers knew it so it got shit canned.

You need to see a psychiatrist Sarge...maybe he or she can coax your frightened little ass out from under the bed...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You are far more likely to cower under a bed when its time to fight.
The Criminalization of Protest - Reason Magazine

I hope all the people who defend cops & military no matter their action are the first to be shot or jailed when the dictatorship finally comes.
Speaking only for myself, I don't know that there are a lot of people that defend cops and military regardless of what they do. I certainly don't. I do promote a strong military, a larger police force and higher pay for cops.

Then bring me the speech...full transcript only...
Surely, you jest. It is common knowledge that the boy king wants his own private police control our civilian lives.

This is a tactic typical of liberals...namecalling, denial and adolescence...all in one sentence.

...and a persistent nature.

He is denying Obama said what he did. And he is using the fawning press to cover it up. Obama said it. It was a bad thing to say, he knew it and his handlers knew it so it got shit canned.

You need to see a psychiatrist Sarge...maybe he or she can coax your frightened little ass out from under the bed...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You are far more likely to cower under a bed when its time to fight.

It's hilarious how much bluster and obfuscation you right wing pea brains can spew when you CAN'T back up your false claims...
Remind us who it is that wants to create a civilian volunteer NON military force that rivals the US military? A force to act on his behalf on any matter he deems important. One with arrest authority. Separate from all current law enforcement agencies.


You tell us...
I am referring to a VERY FAMOUS speech Obama gave stating he would CREATE a civilian force separate from the military ( but as powerful) and separate from current law enforcement. This group would work at the discretion of the President of the United States.

The Criminalization of Protest - Reason Magazine

I hope all the people who defend cops & military no matter their action are the first to be shot or jailed when the dictatorship finally comes.

Come the revolution, I hope the politicians who made revolution necessary to return the nation to 'We, the People' are the first to be shot or jailed.

nope. the politicians own the miltiary and police and those two groups will do whatever they say because they are power tripping sheep. if you think the police & military won't kill us civilians who politicians single out or denounce as a group you are crazy.
It’s difficult to discern a practical reason why a man working for an urban police department would need to wear camouflage, especially while patrolling an economic summit. He’s a civilian dressed like a soldier. The symbolism is clear, and it affects the attitudes of both the cops wearing the clothes and the people they’re policing.

Yes, it does. Mostly I suspect it affects the cops attitudes, and not in a good way, either. Cops theoretically are limited by the constiution. Martial law is not civil authority.

And I found this rather telling, too:

The trend may have started at the 1999 World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, which saw both actual rioting and police overkill. Mayor Paul Schell not only declared a state of emergency, imposed a curfew, and designated swaths of the city “no-protest” zones; he actually banned civilian possession of gas masks. Police then gassed entire city blocks. The victims included many owners of the stores the police were ostensibly protecting from looters. Assistant Police Chief Ed Joiner, who was in charge of security for the event, would later tell reporters that future summits should be held only in destinations with military governments.

Telling? Sure is, the guy just went through a civil war with the scum of the protesters and made a very good suggestion. Hold those meetings where the terrorists protesters have few chances to attack the police, the businesses or the people attending the meetings. He was admitting that in the US we did not have the laws to deal with the shit that went down in Seattle.

what about in pittsburgh where cops were tear gassing people just sitting outside their dorm and other abuses to peaceful people?

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