Zone1 This "Jesus never mentioned abortion" nonsense... He didn't mention nuclear weapons either


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
This "Jesus never mentioned abortion" nonsense... He didn't mention nuclear weapons either
I put that as the title of OP so maybe people wouldn't forget what the topic is. Why do I get the feeling they will just thesame...?


Anyhow.. it is so short-sighted and illogical to say or imply that just because something is not in the Bible and there is no other written statement saying Jesus did or said whatever... that He didn't care about that issue.

I'msure Jesus has a viewpoint on ALL the important events of our time. Just bc nuclear weapons are not mentioned in the Word does not mean Jesus doesn't care about that scary issue.

It is so clueless to say or imply that Jesus was ... what? pro abortion? just because that precise method of child murder was not mentioned in the Bible!

I wish people would stop making themselves look like morons...
The Bible does contain several passages that speak to the sanctity of human life and the importance of protecting the vulnerable...
While Jesus did not specifically address the topic of abortion... his teachings about loving and caring for the vulnerable... including children... can be applied to issues surrounding abortion...
The Bible does contain several passages that speak to the sanctity of human life and the importance of protecting the vulnerable...
While Jesus did not specifically address the topic of abortion... his teachings about loving and caring for the vulnerable... including children... can be applied to issues surrounding abortion...
thanks for the reminder... (the specifics)

Mt 25:31

"Whatever you do to the least of My people, you do unto Me."

Anyone who says an unborn child is NOT one of Christ's

is loony tunes evil

"Suffer the little children to come to me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven"

"Unless you become like children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
This "Jesus never mentioned abortion" nonsense... He didn't mention nuclear weapons either or the Cardinals, either. What is your point?
He did mention the protection of the vulnerable especially children and the Bible speaks of the destruction of cities...
Nuclear weapons didn't exist when he was alive and also neither did Doctor assisted abortion on demand of healthy mothers...
He did mention the protection of the vulnerable especially children and the Bible speaks of the destruction of cities...
Nuclear weapons didn't exist when he was alive and also neither did Doctor assisted abortion on demand of healthy mothers...
Thanks. This is a hard topic. Even though our law is secular, no doubt Christian teachings and allusions inform our understanding of both. I like Genesis 2:7 best. Life begins at a child's first breath.
Read Luke 1:41-44. WHILE BOTH WERE IN THE WOMB, John the Baptist JUMPED FOR JOY at being in the presence of Jesus.
I always feel joy when I enter a Catholic Church where the Real PResence of Christ is 24/7/365

well, it used to be there. Some Catholic Churches don't have it anymore (is what it seems like to me). That's probably because the priest is a FM rather than a Catholic..... or maybe some other godawful thing..
I always feel joy when I enter a Catholic Church where the Real PResence of Christ is 24/7/365

well, it used to be there. Some Catholic Churches don't have it anymore (is what it seems like to me). That's probably because the priest is a FM rather than a Catholic..... or maybe some other godawful thing..
All the statues creep me out.

Mark 9:42 King James Version (KJV)

And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
This "Jesus never mentioned abortion" nonsense... He didn't mention nuclear weapons either
I put that as the title of OP so maybe people wouldn't forget what the topic is. Why do I get the feeling they will just thesame...?


Anyhow.. it is so short-sighted and illogical to say or imply that just because something is not in the Bible and there is no other written statement saying Jesus did or said whatever... that He didn't care about that issue.

I'msure Jesus has a viewpoint on ALL the important events of our time. Just bc nuclear weapons are not mentioned in the Word does not mean Jesus doesn't care about that scary issue.

It is so clueless to say or imply that Jesus was ... what? pro abortion? just because that precise method of child murder was not mentioned in the Bible!

I wish people would stop making themselves look like morons...
Go Away. Find a Choir. Preach to Them.
How do you handle Genesis 2:7?
What about it? God created Adam and Eve as an adult human beings. No gestational period was involved. In Chapter 4, Eve became PREGNANT with Cain and Abel. Ironically, the Old Testament seems to countenance human sacrifice (Abraham/Isaac) after birth, but not before.
What about it? God created Adam and Eve as an adult human beings. No gestational period was involved. In Chapter 4, Eve became PREGNANT with Cain and Abel. Ironically, the Old Testament seems to countenance human sacrifice (Abraham/Isaac) after birth, but not before.
So you are a sophist. That's OK. It still has nothing to do with the law.
All the statues creep me out.
frankly, I never liked statues either, but oddly, I didn't mind them (the ones in the Church) when I was a child --though there weren't many in the Church we went to back then... maybe because Vatican II was trying to get rid of them..? I don't know... but V2 did try to get rid of a lot of uniquely Catholic "things" like that...

Again, anti-Christs infiltrated the CatholicChurch and then in 1958 were able to wrest the Vatican from Catholics... then pretended to continue the Catholic faith anyway.. probably to get Catholics to continue giving them money for their corrupt bank.... (etc etc....). I suppose I am over-simplifying? But not much. I say what I have said here is very precise.. I have studied the matter.

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