Zone1 This "Jesus never mentioned abortion" nonsense... He didn't mention nuclear weapons either

The Bible does talk about abortion in Numbers 5, when it mandates abortion for an unfaithful wife. That is, the Bible is very much okay with abortion.

Some people choose to ignore what the Bible says. Go fig.



What about it? God created Adam and Eve as an adult human beings. No gestational period was involved. In Chapter 4, Eve became PREGNANT with Cain and Abel. Ironically, the Old Testament seems to countenance human sacrifice (Abraham/Isaac) after birth, but not before.
NOT true

When the apostate Israelites sacrificed children to Molech, God had one of his famous wrath fits

He seems to have had another one recently when the mass murderer Gosnell was finally brought to a semblance of justice

You go away

preach to your choir of satanist losers
Two Wings Clapping

Pathetic losers desperately need to associate themselves with a Higher Power. So they make one up, and add imaginary sins to that empowerment. Then they can delude themselves with the high that they are morally superior to normal people, just like Liberals do with their imaginary "social justice."
Two Wings Clapping

Pathetic losers desperately need to associate themselves with a Higher Power.

better than thinking YOU are the only higher power worth noting

ha ha... literally laughable


That's a good one... Baby killers accusing people of being pathetic losers

God's Word says He knew us and formed us in the womb. These people who support abortion are lost with dead souls.
What you do to others will be done to you, is what I always find myself thinking of these beasts in human form

I sometimes wonder if those who promote child murder are, in the next realm, going to undergo an abortion themselves in a continuous loop forever..

never know. I sometimes feel they deserve it... Only God knows but that's what I think at times... I know in the Old T God did not mess around with egregious sin.

And God does not change
Jesus - nor the Bible - mention nuclear war, either, so the end-times fantasies of most Christians are meaningless.

The Bible does mention abortion, though. It's an unnatural, barbaric practice.
The Bible does talk about abortion in Numbers 5, when it mandates abortion for an unfaithful wife. That is, the Bible is very much okay with abortion.

Some people choose to ignore what the Bible says. Go fig.
Sorry, NO

Those who claim the passage depicts abortion insert concepts not even hinted at in the text. Part of this confusion stems from the 2011 edition of the NIV, which refers to miscarriage. Pregnancy is not part of the requirement for the ritual. Nor is pregnancy mentioned anywhere in the process. The effects include some type of swelling and/or shriveling. Yet the targeted body part is vague. In fact, it’s the same Hebrew term used to describe the spot where Jacob suffered his infamous injury (Genesis 32:25), as well as the place where Ehud hid his sword (Judges 3:16). At worst, the Numbers 5 passage implies future infertility. The ritual was not a remedy for an unwanted pregnancy—it was a test for adultery. Traditional interpretations of the ritual even restricted it from being performed on pregnant women (Mishnah Sotah 4:3).

In the ancient world, women were often afforded no rights of any kind. Merely being suspected of adultery was enough justification to be divorced, cast aside, and left destitute. A man who suspected his wife was unfaithful might batter or even murder her. Or he might employ a pagan spell that would all but guarantee a guilty verdict. The ritual depicted in Numbers 5:11–31 is an allowance to human nature and to that cultural context, and it had the effect of greatly reducing the damage done to women. That’s not an endorsement of jealousy or suspicion. Nor does it include anything reasonably interpreted as an abortion. Unless God supernaturally intervened, the rite described in Numbers 5 would declare a woman innocent by default
Another question to ask is, "What would lead a woman to have an abortion?"

Do you think that Jesus would condemn a woman for having an abortion? Or would he question why the woman was in that position to begin with?

If Jesus Christ saved a woman from condemnation that committed adultery (likely a worse sin than abortion in ancient times) who is to say he would not have done the same for a woman that had an abortion?

That said, we no longer live in ancient times. The amount of information, social services, preventative healthcare and technology that we currently have should make abortions a rare occurrence.

In my humble opinion, we should start to focus on why women would be put in that position to begin with instead of going to war over the issue itself.
Is that your opinion on those that do not understand the Bible the same way you do?
no but it may be my opinion on those who don't care to look into some important spiritual topic or another.. and yet then try to portraythemselves as experts at internet forums
Another question to ask is, "What would lead a woman to have an abortion?"

Do you think that Jesus would condemn a woman for having an abortion? Or would he question why the woman was in that position to begin with?

If Jesus Christ saved a woman from condemnation that committed adultery (likely a worse sin than abortion in ancient times) who is to say he would not have done the same for a woman that had an abortion?
read this far

Something being a sin or not is objective

When we sin, our soul is changed by that sin. Our minds are made more dim and rationalizing wins out a lo of the timeso we stay in that sin and its terrible consequences, eventually ending up in Hell if we do not change course

Jesus only forgives those who are repentant (and even after being forgiven, we have to expiate, with Christ's help, the yucky residue the sin caused). He wants to forgive everyone but they will not let Him... and that is NOT His fault (that they choose Hell [temporarily or permanently])
I do not think there was any room or leverage to sanction or condoning of someone who would be committing pedophilia or abortion - even though these crimes are not mentioned.

the marriage system of the Bible is so mandatory and committed and so dedicated to the preserving of the health of the husband and wife and their future children, in fact the lives of families were to be protected from the inception of the marriage system in every detail - these were blood crimes when we knowingly endanger the lives of our spouse and children. when a woman or man commits adultery against one another and their family.

this is a blood crime

also, the laws against murder were very strict and the death penalty was a full automatic judgment for all proven to have committed /murder

there was just no question or possibility to even imagine that it would be ok to abort a baby after a specific month or even to commit a sex act with a little child.

one passage that is important to me is Exo 21:22
When fighting, someone striking a woman pregnant and come forth a child not that is
hurt,,, punishment will be punishment when set forth upon that the husbands wife makes the judgment

:23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

Directly from the Hebrew manuscripts…
Exo 21:22
וכי־ When - ינצו fighting,, - אנשׁים and someone - ונגפו striking - אשׁה a woman - הרה pregnant - ויצאו and come forth - ילדיה child - ולא not יהיה that is - אסון hurt,,, - ענושׁ punishment - יענשׁ will be punishment - כאשׁר when - ישׁית set forth,, - עליו upon this - בעל the husbands - wife - ונתן makes - בפללים׃ the judgment

When fighting and someone striking a woman pregnant and come forth child not that is hurt,,, punishment will be punishment when set forth upon this,,, the husbands - wife makes the judgment

:23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life

striking and hitting a pregnant woman was punishable, and if the baby dies then it is punishable by death. the law of God was so perfect and exactly what are standards that God mandates and commands, down to the very last detail, any room for abortion and pedophilia would not exist to those who obey.
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The Bible does talk about abortion in Numbers 5, when it mandates abortion for an unfaithful wife. That is, the Bible is very much okay with abortion.

Some people choose to ignore what the Bible says. Go fig.

i've read the whole thing..

I think I, who am totally pro life from conception on, would REMEMBER such
They don't call them Liebarrels for nothing
What about it? God created Adam and Eve as an adult human beings. No gestational period was involved. In Chapter 4, Eve became PREGNANT with Cain and Abel. Ironically, the Old Testament seems to countenance human sacrifice (Abraham/Isaac) after birth, but not before.
damn liar

God was always getting angry at the Israelites for disobeying His moral laws

But when they began sacrificing their children to the "god" Molech

Check it out.. that's when He really lost it... (not that God ever loses anything... just saying)

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