This kid is fat (according to the City of New York)

Damn I'm glad I dont live up there in that dictatorship.


rightwingnuts are spoiled brats who don't want anyone telling them what to do. but they sure as heck want to stick their little noses in other people's personal business.
The author of this thread and all the RW'ers who chimed in are too ineducable to appreciate this fact,

but for the rest of you who have a brain - this is not some crazy NYC phenomenon.

Randomly picking a state, I found the same sort of program in Texas:

Mapping FITNESSGRAM® | Reshaping Texas
The author of this thread and all the RW'ers who chimed in are too ineducable to appreciate this fact,

but for the rest of you who have a brain - this is not some crazy NYC phenomenon.

Randomly picking a state, I found the same sort of program in Texas:

Mapping FITNESSGRAM® | Reshaping Texas

Doesn't change what I said, the schools should butt out, this should be between the parents and the child's doctor, period.
They need to let the parents know that they are fat too

I think most parents know when their kid is fat. The problem here is two fold. One many parents who's kids are overweight live in denial.
Two, this is more liberal bureaucratic bullshit. When a 49 inch tall kid weighing in at 66lbs is considered 'overweight' there is a serious problem.....With the system.
I would be willing to bet that of those 800,000 notices, fewer than half ever made it home.

They are going solely by BMI, which is not a good indicator of obesity. A buddy of mine was getting a physical done to become a firefighter and his BMI range considered him to be overweight. He wasn't fat though, the dude was muscular and ripped.
I work with a client who is also pencil thin but they fit under the definition of 'obese' because of their BMI.

He has a severe eating disorder. His diet has consisted of chicken nuggets, french fries, pancakes, candy, and a very small amount of other carbs like bagels. He also lives an extremely sedentary life; he has never worked out, never goes outside by choice, and is rarely found not sitting in front of his computer or television.

This has led to a host of health problems that they now have to deal with. I don't know what the case is with the girl in the OP, but it is certainly possible to be thin yet fat.

This kid is fat (according to the City of New York) | New York Post

Gwendolyn Williams is a pencil-thin, bubbly 9-year-old who is a perfectly healthy third-grader.
But according to city bureaucrats, she’s practically obese.

“I was like, ‘Oh, my God! Why did I get this?’” the Staten Island kid recalled Thursday after getting a Department of Education-issued “Fitnessgram” that described her Body Mass Index as “overweight.”

“I’m 4-foot-1, and 66 pounds, and I’m like, what?!” Gwendolyn exclaimed of the school handout, which the city is sending home in the bookbags of 870,000 public school students, grades K through 12.

The kids, who were weighed and measured back in November, are told not to look.
But the Fitnessgrams are sealed with only a small, easily replaced round sticker — and peeking is rampant, parents complain, with devastating effects on kids’ self-esteem.

Gwendolyn’s mom, Laura Bruij Williams of Port Richmond, says she found out about her daughter’s Fitnessgram Wednesday night, as she was tucking the girl in for the night.

“She said, ‘Hey, Mom. The school told me I’m overweight.’ And then she started jiggling her thighs, and saying, ‘Is this what they mean?’”

“That was heartbreaking,” said the stay-at-home mom of two.
The next morning, Williams sought out Gwendolyn’s principal at PS 29.

“She was sympathetic, but said the kids weren’t supposed to open it. My response is, they’re kids. How can you believe they’re not going to open it?” Williams said.

“It’s a very positive thing for some kids who are overweight, but we shouldn’t be putting these assessments in the children’s hands,” the mom added.


Lets let the government take over and fill every aspect of our lives with bureaucrats. That way everything can really run efficiently.

Yes folks, this is political. Liberals are nothing more than a scourge on society. They are an absolute disaster.

Don't worry. New York state has taught her at this exact moment in time that perhaps bulimia or anorexia will be her best bet. She's certainly thinking about it. I can guarantee you that at her age.

Well done New York. Stupid state of objectifying women and girls. "Ground zero for fashion and eating disorders".
They need to let the parents know that they are fat too

And the parents should also be responsible what the kids eat while they are at school.

Kids' lunch should be packed by parents, not forced upon them by useless and needless school cafeterias.
The idea of "FAT" poisons the mind of a child.

Few years ago I was coaching a girls soccer team, when my daughter was 12 years old. One of her team mates virtually faded away before my eyes, because she thought that she was overweight/fat/obese, an starved herself in order to please lose weight. It broke my heart when she needed to be hospitalized and brought back to reality.

Anybody who puts such idea in a child's head should be horse whipped, because they are undoubtedly the same people who cut out physical education, who outlawed the kids playing tag, who banned dodge ball and force kids to eat tasteless crap (which the kids rightfully and smartly toss in the trash) in those useless and needless school cafeterias.

You know, the same politically correct assholes who refuse to let kids to be kids.
The author of this thread and all the RW'ers who chimed in are too ineducable to appreciate this fact,

but for the rest of you who have a brain - this is not some crazy NYC phenomenon.

Randomly picking a state, I found the same sort of program in Texas:

Mapping FITNESSGRAM® | Reshaping Texas

Doesn't change what I said, the schools should butt out, this should be between the parents and the child's doctor, period.

It changes the idiocy of trying to make this a partisan political issue. But, as you'll see, despite my posting irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you and your fellow retards will continue to act as if this is some liberal New York City thing.
This is poor choice of attempts to deal with a very real problem of obesity in this country. That doesn't mean that the health of the nation is not in the national interest.

This kid is fat (according to the City of New York) | New York Post

Gwendolyn Williams is a pencil-thin, bubbly 9-year-old who is a perfectly healthy third-grader.
But according to city bureaucrats, she’s practically obese.

“I was like, ‘Oh, my God! Why did I get this?’” the Staten Island kid recalled Thursday after getting a Department of Education-issued “Fitnessgram” that described her Body Mass Index as “overweight.”

“I’m 4-foot-1, and 66 pounds, and I’m like, what?!” Gwendolyn exclaimed of the school handout, which the city is sending home in the bookbags of 870,000 public school students, grades K through 12.

The kids, who were weighed and measured back in November, are told not to look.
But the Fitnessgrams are sealed with only a small, easily replaced round sticker — and peeking is rampant, parents complain, with devastating effects on kids’ self-esteem.

Gwendolyn’s mom, Laura Bruij Williams of Port Richmond, says she found out about her daughter’s Fitnessgram Wednesday night, as she was tucking the girl in for the night.

“She said, ‘Hey, Mom. The school told me I’m overweight.’ And then she started jiggling her thighs, and saying, ‘Is this what they mean?’”

“That was heartbreaking,” said the stay-at-home mom of two.
The next morning, Williams sought out Gwendolyn’s principal at PS 29.

“She was sympathetic, but said the kids weren’t supposed to open it. My response is, they’re kids. How can you believe they’re not going to open it?” Williams said.

“It’s a very positive thing for some kids who are overweight, but we shouldn’t be putting these assessments in the children’s hands,” the mom added.


Lets let the government take over and fill every aspect of our lives with bureaucrats. That way everything can really run efficiently.

Yes folks, this is political. Liberals are nothing more than a scourge on society. They are an absolute disaster.

Gosh, the NY Post gets it's wires crossed once again. This story is a lie.

I wish it was. Here is the link to the CDC BMI calculator for Children...

Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: BMI: Child and Teen Calculator | DNPAO | CDC

She's 4'1" tall, 66 lbs and age 9

Information Entered

Age: 9 years 0 months
Sex: Girl
Birth Date: January 01, 2000 Height: 4 feet 1 inch(es)
Date of Measurement: January 01, 2009 Weight: 66 pounds

Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 19.3 , placing the BMI-for-age at the 86th percentile for girls aged 9 years 0 months. This child is overweight.

BMI is a woefully inadequate measurement.

This kid is fat (according to the City of New York) | New York Post

Gwendolyn Williams is a pencil-thin, bubbly 9-year-old who is a perfectly healthy third-grader.
But according to city bureaucrats, she’s practically obese.

“I was like, ‘Oh, my God! Why did I get this?’” the Staten Island kid recalled Thursday after getting a Department of Education-issued “Fitnessgram” that described her Body Mass Index as “overweight.”

“I’m 4-foot-1, and 66 pounds, and I’m like, what?!” Gwendolyn exclaimed of the school handout, which the city is sending home in the bookbags of 870,000 public school students, grades K through 12.

The kids, who were weighed and measured back in November, are told not to look.
But the Fitnessgrams are sealed with only a small, easily replaced round sticker — and peeking is rampant, parents complain, with devastating effects on kids’ self-esteem.

Gwendolyn’s mom, Laura Bruij Williams of Port Richmond, says she found out about her daughter’s Fitnessgram Wednesday night, as she was tucking the girl in for the night.

“She said, ‘Hey, Mom. The school told me I’m overweight.’ And then she started jiggling her thighs, and saying, ‘Is this what they mean?’”

“That was heartbreaking,” said the stay-at-home mom of two.
The next morning, Williams sought out Gwendolyn’s principal at PS 29.

“She was sympathetic, but said the kids weren’t supposed to open it. My response is, they’re kids. How can you believe they’re not going to open it?” Williams said.

“It’s a very positive thing for some kids who are overweight, but we shouldn’t be putting these assessments in the children’s hands,” the mom added.


Lets let the government take over and fill every aspect of our lives with bureaucrats. That way everything can really run efficiently.

Yes folks, this is political. Liberals are nothing more than a scourge on society. They are an absolute disaster.

Gosh, the NY Post gets it's wires crossed once again. This story is a lie.

I wish it was. Here is the link to the CDC BMI calculator for Children...

Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: BMI: Child and Teen Calculator | DNPAO | CDC

She's 4'1" tall, 66 lbs and age 9

Information Entered

Age: 9 years 0 months
Sex: Girl
Birth Date: January 01, 2000 Height: 4 feet 1 inch(es)
Date of Measurement: January 01, 2009 Weight: 66 pounds

Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 19.3 , placing the BMI-for-age at the 86th percentile for girls aged 9 years 0 months. This child is overweight.

BMI is a woefully inadequate measurement.

It is.

"This means that in a room of a 100 kids the same age and gender of your child, on average she has more body fat than at least 86 of them."

That measurement wrongly assumes that among 100 random kids the ideal weight/height ratio would be 50 on the BMI scale. How would they know that? Do they take into account that muscle mass gain can cause weight gain, for example.
The author of this thread and all the RW'ers who chimed in are too ineducable to appreciate this fact,

but for the rest of you who have a brain - this is not some crazy NYC phenomenon.

Randomly picking a state, I found the same sort of program in Texas:

Mapping FITNESSGRAM® | Reshaping Texas

Doesn't change what I said, the schools should butt out, this should be between the parents and the child's doctor, period.

It changes the idiocy of trying to make this a partisan political issue. But, as you'll see, despite my posting irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you and your fellow retards will continue to act as if this is some liberal New York City thing.

Tell me, what about my comment was partisan?
I work with a client who is also pencil thin but they fit under the definition of 'obese' because of their BMI.

He has a severe eating disorder. His diet has consisted of chicken nuggets, french fries, pancakes, candy, and a very small amount of other carbs like bagels. He also lives an extremely sedentary life; he has never worked out, never goes outside by choice, and is rarely found not sitting in front of his computer or television.

This has led to a host of health problems that they now have to deal with. I don't know what the case is with the girl in the OP, but it is certainly possible to be thin yet fat.

Sounds like that guy from the powder movie a few years ago!
Gosh, the NY Post gets it's wires crossed once again. This story is a lie.

I wish it was. Here is the link to the CDC BMI calculator for Children...

Healthy Weight: Assessing Your Weight: BMI: Child and Teen Calculator | DNPAO | CDC

She's 4'1" tall, 66 lbs and age 9

Information Entered

Age: 9 years 0 months
Sex: Girl
Birth Date: January 01, 2000 Height: 4 feet 1 inch(es)
Date of Measurement: January 01, 2009 Weight: 66 pounds

Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 19.3 , placing the BMI-for-age at the 86th percentile for girls aged 9 years 0 months. This child is overweight.

BMI is a woefully inadequate measurement.

It is.

"This means that in a room of a 100 kids the same age and gender of your child, on average she has more body fat than at least 86 of them."

That measurement wrongly assumes that among 100 random kids the ideal weight/height ratio would be 50 on the BMI scale. How would they know that? Do they take into account that muscle mass gain can cause weight gain, for example.

Yep. BMI by itself is essentially a worthless measurement. You need more complete body composition measurements to determine if a person is "obese".

The thing that troubles me is that (according to the article) these "educated" administrators of this school system are still using it. :lol:
Doesn't change what I said, the schools should butt out, this should be between the parents and the child's doctor, period.

It changes the idiocy of trying to make this a partisan political issue. But, as you'll see, despite my posting irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you and your fellow retards will continue to act as if this is some liberal New York City thing.

Tell me, what about my comment was partisan?

The part where you don't join me in ridiculing your RW partisan pals for making this partisan.:badgrin:
Since when is it ANY BUSINESS of the schools to monitor student weights.....?

is the government trying to replace parents....? :mad:

I wonder what Michelle Obama's BMI is.....but that's probably another Obama 'state secret'...
I just calculated her BMI on another website (Lite and Easy) and she falls into the healthy range.
BMI is accurate, just not all the time.

She's 124cm and weighs 30kg.

Lite n' Easy

See for yourself.

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