This Makes Me Angry

That is not what I meant by "mag dump." :laughing0301:

I know, but I like this a whole LOT better. It's my early Christmas present to him. A turd for a turd. Merry Christmas mother fucker!! :biggrin:
You have a white kid killing 2 white guys and injuring another white guy while he was protecting a minority owned business...

Then the judge is a life long Democrat...

But somehow Rittenhouse is a racist and the judge is all about keeping the black man down and is actually all about white supremacy as well.
You have a white kid killing 2 white guys and injuring another white guy while he was protecting a minority owned business...

And let's point out for the record here that killing is different than murdering. Murdering is taking another life or lives without reason, killing often has a reason. Not always, but often.
Go out back and dump a few magazines. That's what I do when I need a break.
A few of these, eh?
I agree that it was not a wise place for a 17 year old to be, just like it is not wise for an attractive young woman to wear suggestive attire into a place where she is likely to be raped. Still, being unwise is not valid excuse for being attacked and having to defend yourself.
Roger, that. That is why I support the verdict.
If you would let your teenage kid go to a demonstration, where everybody on the planet knew it was going to turn into a violent race riot, you are a lousy mother with lousy overindulgent tendencies, and should have had your tubes tied before child bearing age, to avoid further polluting the gene pool.
Nobody said they blame her for wanting her kid to get off a murder charge. What mother wouldn't unless the dumb ass kid, went looking to kill, and started killing people at random, which was not the case. This indulgent streak is what is the matter with lots of lousy parents, today, and it is definitely not in the long-term good for little Johnny, little Suzy or society as a whole.
In case you cannot read I will make it bigger and planer, as I have in other posts here on the board. I fully support the verdict of the jury. Don't be a dingbat. That has nothing to do with whether he should have been allowed to go out of state, pick up a weapon he bought through a straw buyer, out of state and attend a riot, whether the state they are going to has any laws to prevent it or not.
Make no mistake, I suspect you are probably normal in general, and actually would not support your own kid going out of state to an expected race riot, supervised or not. If you would not advocate it for parents of kids at a PTA meeting, it is probably a pretty lousy idea, just as a rule of thumb, no matter how right-wing cute it sounds on the internet.
This Rittenhouse kid came to the defense of a minority family during a difficult time...

Then the whole media gets the story so wrong...and demonizes a kid who wants to help minorities... everyone in politics and in the media points a wagging finger at him calling him a white supremacist. When the truth is so very opposite of that.
Future husband you mean. :p That's what Santa gives to the REALLY bad people in the world though that are full of shit. ;)

That's not how you made it sound though.
I was just brought up with a big sense of parental responsibility as my parents exercised their. When you get there (if that is the path you choose), you probably will too. I wasn't really trying to pick on you, just making a point more about the non-reality of what people say in internet message boards, as opposed to reality.
I was just brought up with a big sense of parental responsibility as my parents exercised their. When you get there (if that is the path you choose), you probably will too. I wasn't really trying to pick on you, just making a point more about the non-reality of what people say in internet message boards, as opposed to reality.

Okay, well it's good to know that there are no hard feelings then. :)

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