This Makes Me Angry

I agree.

Way too many who were rotten and/or not smart, but the one guy who seems like a pretty decent kid got the book thrown at him while others committed felonies and will walk.

I am glad the jury came back with the right verdict.

It's an American success story. After Kyle sues the pants off everyone, becomes a multi-bazillionaire and marries a supermodel wife, maybe he'll run for President in 2040. Maybe Barron Trump will even run as his VP. :04:
Even if she does know the "basics" of what happened, she knows far more than you do. :laughing0301:

Yeah lol it's just when you read an article about a shooting that happened somewhere every day out of self-defense or not,.. it gets really tiring. So, I needed a break from it.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: More humor................keeps me coming back.

The real "humor" is that even while the Rittenhouse verdict is eating you alive from the inside out, you still manage to crack some silly jokes.

You're a study in controlled terror.
Go out back and dump a few magazines. That's what I do when I need a break.

Alright, I'll go ahead and dump on a few magazines.... This is going to bring an all new meaning to the phrase "Poopy Joe" when I'm done with it. :biggrin:

To be fair to Mac, even though at times he doesn't deserve it, he did say there were no likable characters, so that would include the dead thugs.

Now, if you were just telling Mac to fuck off because he is Mac, I will join you.

I'm just surprised that he didn't say "There were good people on both sides."
So he was a fool for defending his right to defend himself? You're an idiot.

Normally I can't stand BLM, but I looked it up and apparently they were protesting the life of a police officer and a black man being lost,.. however, that doesn't really matter though when all is said and done. What does matter is that the people Kyle shot weren't the victims, he was because he was the one being shot at and his life could have been lost if he didn't do something. The jury came to the proper verdict whether you like it or not.
If you would let your teenage kid go to a demonstration, where everybody on the planet knew it was going to turn into a violent race riot, you are a lousy mother with lousy overindulgent tendencies, and should have had your tubes tied before child bearing age, to avoid further polluting the gene pool.
Nobody said they blame her for wanting her kid to get off a murder charge. What mother wouldn't unless the dumb ass kid, went looking to kill, and started killing people at random, which was not the case. This indulgent streak is what is the matter with lots of lousy parents, today, and it is definitely not in the long-term good for little Johnny, little Suzy or society as a whole.
In case you cannot read I will make it bigger and planer, as I have in other posts here on the board. I fully support the verdict of the jury. Don't be a dingbat. That has nothing to do with whether he should have been allowed to go out of state, pick up a weapon he bought through a straw buyer, out of state and attend a riot, whether the state they are going to has any laws to prevent it or not.
Make no mistake, I suspect you are probably normal in general, and actually would not support your own kid going out of state to an expected race riot, supervised or not. If you would not advocate it for parents of kids at a PTA meeting, it is probably a pretty lousy idea, just as a rule of thumb, no matter how right-wing cute it sounds on the internet.

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