This May Tick A Lot Of Conservatives Off, But i agree with Biden - Afghanistan War Can NOT Be Won

I can't disagree with that. But we absolutely owe all of the Afghanees who risked their lives to be translators for US soldiers to get them and their families out safely. There are thousands of them and they and their families are marked for death by the Taliban.

You talk from an era where we gave half a shit!
We give no shit, now.
Some good points are made in the above posts.......but overall a lot of muddled thoughts.

muddled thinking is also a big problem at the highest levels.

Good analytical skills are sorely lacking from top to bottom.....and having a high i.q. does not mean one also has good analytical skills.

Anyhow, I will now take a little time to explain what we should have done in Afghanistan.

First of all.....we started out in a outstanding manner.....approx 100 special ops guys with the help of our AirForce drove the taliban (what was left of them) out of Afghanistan.

Well done guys.

First big mistake.....allowing them refuge in Pakistan.

Why did we do that? Kowtowed to Pakistan....believing we needed Pakistan....another mistake.

The claim is made by top officials that Pakistan helped us fight the some ways yes...but I contend we would have been better off without them.

Sure they have nukes.....another big mistake....allowing them to get nukes and even worse letting them keep them.

We should have allied with India in this Afghan war....they have huge resources of manpower and they hate muslims as we all should.

It should have been easy to arrange.....use some special ops to seize Pakistani nukes....which would not have been all that difficult....India would have done anything for us if we had done that....Pakistan being one of their mortal enemies right after China.

We could have used Indian Troops to secure Pakistan whilst we mopped up the taliban in the tribal lands of Pakistan.

If we had done that the war would have been won. All we needed to do then was to keep a small force in Afghanistan composed mainly of special ops troops to train and aid the huge force of Indian troops that we had invited in....along with monitoring any resurgence of the remnants of the taliban up in the Mountains of Pakistan.

Look at all the troops we have maintained in Korea,Japan and Europe.....we would only have needed a small fraction of that number to remain in Afthanistan.
This Bush era idea that we can galivant around the world creating liberal (in the true meaning of the word) democracies has always been a massive failure. It is asinine that we, as a nation, still do not seem to get it.
This Bush era idea that we can galivant around the world creating liberal (in the true meaning of the word) democracies has always been a massive failure. It is asinine that we, as a nation, still do not seem to get it.
Our own country is in the process of falling bad it will get remains to be seen but we are definitely spiraling downward at an increasing pace due to all the multi-culturalism.....the more cultures, races and different religions that exist within any nation...the harder it is for democracy to at this point someone always pipes up and says we are not a democracy....which is true in essence.

Technically what we have is a republic but it has always been acceptable to refer to it as a democracy as most seem to think a democracy means a free nation.....a non totalitarian nation.

Obviously our congress is barely functional much hatred exists between the two parties now that the traditional manner of working together at least to some extent is rapidly fading away.

Nothing exemplifies that more than how fanci nanci sat behind President Tump whilst he was giving the most oustanding speech on the state of the nation I have ever heard.....and began tearing up his speech which had been presented to her....such outrageous, ignorant and devisive behavior should not be allowed....her own party should have disciplined her.

How much longer all the chaos can go on coupled with all the problems presented to us by the Chinese Virus before we as a nation become a failed state is a huge questionmark.
Our own country is in the process of falling bad it will get remains to be seen but we are definitely spiraling downward at an increasing pace due to all the multi-culturalism.....the more cultures, races and different religions that exist within any nation...the harder it is for democracy to at this point someone always pipes up and says we are not a democracy....which is true in essence.

Technically what we have is a republic but it has always been acceptable to refer to it as a democracy as most seem to think a democracy means a free nation.....a non totalitarian nation.

Obviously our congress is barely functional much hatred exists between the two parties now that the traditional manner of working together at least to some extent is rapidly fading away.

Nothing exemplifies that more than how fanci nanci sat behind President Tump whilst he was giving the most oustanding speech on the state of the nation I have ever heard.....and began tearing up his speech which had been presented to her....such outrageous, ignorant and devisive behavior should not be allowed....her own party should have disciplined her.

How much longer all the chaos can go on coupled with all the problems presented to us by the Chinese Virus before we as a nation become a failed state is a huge questionmark.

It's a cliffhanger currently.
Ahhhhh the legacy of Bush and the 2000 GOP:
inherited a balanced budget, spent like drunken sailors on stupidity, crashed the economy
started 2 wars we didn't need and then couldn't win them, and never caught Bid Laden like Big O did.
throw in a Katrina and you have the making of the worst president in US history.

but then Trump came and he trumped Bush with failure. Bush and Trump, 2 failed GOP losers.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Why should it anger conservatives? Most conservatives don’t believe we should be involved in other country’s internal matters. Slap the, down hard when they interfere with our interests, yes, then leave them alone to internalize the lesson.
We should never have sent regular troops into Afghanistan in the first place. We should have sent Special Forces in the support the Northern Alliance, perhaps provided weapons and maybe even air support. But not regular troops. Afghanistan has always turned on outsiders, and no one has been able to pacify it. Any change will have to come from the people of Afghanistan.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Agreed. There is no brining democracy to the Islamic world. It will always be a shit hole.

Best to contain them, and drop a big bomb on them when they get out of line. That was President Trump’s policy and it WORKED.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

People have been saying it couldn't be won when he was still in college. That statement has been made thousands of times for decades. He didn't come up with that idea or even the 100th person to say it.

And Afghanistan wasn't "a war to be won". It was a war to maintain peace and stem the tide of terrorism and rise of the people who would use to grow for violent means. Afghanistan war is way more complicated than most will ever know.

If we stay it's a shit show, if we leave it's a shit show that will have reprocussions later on. It's a damned if you do and damned if you don't type scenario.
When did the doddering old fool come to that conclusion? He seemed to support the effort when he was Hussein's lackey.
Too bad he didn't feel that way for the 8 years he was VP under the warmonger Barack Obama.

He did but he wasn't the president then.
Why didn't GWB realise it. No. He allowed thousands if troops to die to protect oil investments. Nothing else.
Giving them freedom my arse.
With Biden - or any liberal - as "president" NO war can be won.

Patriots would refuse to support such a creature and liberals want to fight no country other than America.

Next war is going to be a cake-walk and this bit of real estate is going to be the cake being walked on.

Dubya the liberal started this war and didn't finish it. Obama actually was president when OBL was killed and he didn't end it either. tRump, the ultimate Alpha Male liberal didn't finish it either. Strange huh
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

The LOGISTICAL reality of war isn't just about winning battles. No

WAR is about establishing a NEW REALITY. The REVOLUTIONARY WAR is one prime example.

When WARS ARE WON it is essential that a new REALITY IS ESABLISHED. That, takes years and aggravation, and unreal pain that can last years if not decades.

Failure in this regard is so devastating. It erases any and all blood shed for the years it took to win the battles and in the end the original goal is meaningless.

This is the reality of war, reality of our sad modern world and reality of where we are headed.

LOGISTICAL reality is what amateurs never grasp nor understand. We couldn't and shouldn't have ever even entertained the idea of the US leaving Afghanistan.

Now, we are all seeing why. Whatever the US accomplished and whatever blood was spilled over the last (close to) 20 years has now officially been in vain.

This goes for conservatives too that don't understand the reality of war and logistical reality.

This war the US is in won't STOP because we decide to pull out. It won't stop if we decide to pull all of our troops of every place in the ME or around the world. It will make us unbelievably vulnerable.

It is sad how this country has to lead the world but that is the cross this country bears. It is a sad and painful truth but it is an absolute truth.

It was absolutely necessary to remove the taliban at the time and that meant our presence would have to be permanent. Don't think a majority of Americans get it at all.

These are warring factions and religious fanatics who are absolutely determined to convert the world the Islam or kill the world who don't. That means they will not stop. They cannot be reasoned with. Literally cannot be reasoned with.

Abandoning our allies in the region and losing that region MAKES US VULNERABLE and even more so now when we do need to go back in (and we will I assure you) we will not have the base with hardware. Needs to now be shipped in from other places making it far more difficult.

This was NOT war that would be won and we capture their flag and everyone goes home to smoke cigars.

It is an everlasting battle until Jesus returns. It is just a sad reality and pulling out was and is a big mistake. It means ALL OF THE BLOOD spilled there was in vain.
The LOGISTICAL reality of war isn't just about winning battles. No

WAR is about establishing a NEW REALITY. The REVOLUTIONARY WAR is one prime example.

When WARS ARE WON it is essential that a new REALITY IS ESABLISHED. That, takes years and aggravation, and unreal pain that can last years if not decades.

Failure in this regard is so devastating. It erases any and all blood shed for the years it took to win the battles and in the end the original goal is meaningless.

This is the reality of war, reality of our sad modern world and reality of where we are headed.

LOGISTICAL reality is what amateurs never grasp nor understand. We couldn't and shouldn't have ever even entertained the idea of the US leaving Afghanistan.

Now, we are all seeing why. Whatever the US accomplished and whatever blood was spilled over the last (close to) 20 years has now officially been in vain.

This goes for conservatives too that don't understand the reality of war and logistical reality.

This war the US is in won't STOP because we decide to pull out. It won't stop if we decide to pull all of our troops of every place in the ME or around the world. It will make us unbelievably vulnerable.

It is sad how this country has to lead the world but that is the cross this country bears. It is a sad and painful truth but it is an absolute truth.

It was absolutely necessary to remove the taliban at the time and that meant our presence would have to be permanent. Don't think a majority of Americans get it at all.

These are warring factions and religious fanatics who are absolutely determined to convert the world the Islam or kill the world who don't. That means they will not stop. They cannot be reasoned with. Literally cannot be reasoned with.

Abandoning our allies in the region and losing that region MAKES US VULNERABLE and even more so now when we do need to go back in (and we will I assure you) we will not have the base with hardware. Needs to now be shipped in from other places making it far more difficult.

This was NOT war that would be won and we capture their flag and everyone goes home to smoke cigars.

It is an everlasting battle until Jesus returns. It is just a sad reality and pulling out was and is a big mistake. It means ALL OF THE BLOOD spilled there was in vain.

War is (or should be) the last option when diplomacy fails.

The military has 1 and only 1 purpose: To kill people and break their shit until the point where they surrender.
- It is not an arm of the State Department whose job it is to engage in Nation Building.

Our goal was to eliminate Al Qaeda's safe haven in Afghanistan - that was done. Once accomplished we should have brought troops home.

Instead Politicians forgot what the military is for:
- To kill people and break their shit until the point where they surrender.

The right thing to do was to bring troops home - no one wants to sacrifice more American soldiers' is the f*ed-up failed attempt to withdraw that was so massively flawed than bothers the 69% of people in a recent poll that say they disapprove of Biden's handling of the pull-out.

Politicians like Biden f* things up...and he did.
War is (or should be) the last option when diplomacy fails.

The military has 1 and only 1 purpose: To kill people and break their shit until the point where they surrender.
- It is not an arm of the State Department whose job it is to engage in Nation Building.

Our goal was to eliminate Al Qaeda's safe haven in Afghanistan - that was done. Once accomplished we should have brought troops home.

Instead Politicians forgot what the military is for:
- To kill people and break their shit until the point where they surrender.

The right thing to do was to bring troops home - no one wants to sacrifice more American soldiers' is the f*ed-up failed attempt to withdraw that was so massively flawed than bothers the 69% of people in a recent poll that say they disapprove of Biden's handling of the pull-out.

Politicians like Biden f* things up...and he didn't .
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an end to this war. No such thing. Getting rid of al qaeda safe space or killing bin laden was not going change what the reality is. That reality being that region is a hot spot that will not be just cooled down because we temporarily deposed a terror group's safe place. We will be going in again and now without an established base, it will make it that much tougher.

This is the logistical reality of the condition of our world. It is the reason why it was necessary to have bases in Japan, in Germany and other regions after conflicts.

The American hating left blames us and accuses us of OCCUPYING NATIONS, not knowing or caring that those nations invite us to be there and love our umbrella of protection and.......MONEY. This nation subjugates NO ONE. However whenever a conflict arises in various places around the globe we have ready and able armed forces already there. This is what I mean by logistical reality and how imperative it is that we have that. Otherwise, we are vulnerable.

The American hating world will use any and all reasons to hate America. Watch now as the world that accuse us of OCCUPYING Afghanistan will now say we are abandoning them. Which btw had been developing into an ALLY that we had and now no longer.

This is the hard truth. The hard truth is when we as a nation become more vulnerable it doesn't take our men and women in the armed forces in less danger. They are in more danger.


Cause when it becomes necessary for us to go back in we now face an enemy that is more powerful, more established and more emboldened.

These are again, logistical realities that amateurs never understand and what the professionals do understand. Look past the joy of the troops coming home and see what the long term ramifications are.

The left in this country (remember this) HATE THIS COUNTRY. Hate it. Period. Do you think the left give one rip about peace as they claim? Never listen to them. Or else they would have loved Trump for being the most peaceful President in 50 years who guided an historic peace accord.

THEY DO NOT CARE and yes Trump was on the wrong side too when he wanted to close the Afghan base too. I assure you the generals and colonels told him the long term ramifications of what I told you.

I can also assure you biden ignored all of that and now look at what is happening. This country isn't more safe. It's less safe and our troops as a result aren't in less danger. They are in more danger.

When clinton pulled out of Mogadishu in 1993, it actually made us far more vulnerable. It became a rallying cry for bin laden saying America doesn't have the heart for war and many many muslims joined al qaeda as a result. Look at what happened. Made our country vulnerable.

You should see what is happening in regards to long term ramifications and right now this pathetic president has made us far more vulnerable than many think. Including conservatives.
Unfortunately the OP and his ilk are not interested in a FORENSIC AUDIT of what happened in Afghan....

why "Osama" was NOT A PRIORITY
why W flipped off TNA and allowed Taliban to win the Afghan Civil War
who murdered Pat Tillman and why
were the Gitmos really AQ
what was up with Cheney waterboarding Gitmos
Did Cheney lie when he said he "knew" Saddam was arming AQ with chem and bio
What was Cheney's evidence of that

Until you pull your pro Israel bullshit off your head and see it for what it was, you are nothing but a supporter and enabler of massive zionist treason against America, and the blood of Pat Tillman is all over your face.

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