This May Tick A Lot Of Conservatives Off, But i agree with Biden - Afghanistan War Can NOT Be Won

Sure it can be won

We just aren't gonna do it

We could have ethnically cleansed those fuckers long ago. If we're not going to do that then this war is pointless to continue. I don't think we should have nuked Vietnam either, but it would have been a lot easier to pick out the ones we want in afghanistan.

These groups are divided ethnically and geographically very cleanly in Afghanistan. Pashtuns speak a different language and live in a different part of the country. Who are the core of what we call the "taliban"

They want ancient laws of hospitality we can enforce ancient laws about retribution......Just wiping a people out isn't very profitable tho so that was never on the table.

No country has ever won in Afghanistan.
Ask any general, we are supposed to fight our enemies at every opportunity. I bet you're one of those liberal hippies who wanted us to cut and run from Vietnam.
Ummmm Vietnam was a fucking disaster.

Of course you were in favor of it.
They didn't have our tech

If we just wanted to kill every pashtun...That would be easy

We only lost 2,000 men there in 20 years due to "hostile action"
2442 killed

And over 20,000 maimed and injured.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Afghanistan was a twenty year farce designed specifically to money launder billions in boomerang defense monies through a black whole of non accountability. As one massive procurement after another disappeared down the bottomless cookie jar untold billions were stolen from the American Taxpayers by their own elected officials who worked in tandem with the thug-government set up to operate just for that purpose. The dead giveaway is how all of the top tier officials of the phony-baloney government immediately hopped air planes to plush compounds in other countries that had been waiting for them now for the past ten years where they will live off of huge bank accounts all funded by US tax money for the rest of their unworried lives. The depth and complexity of this thievery is awe inspiring to be sure and gasp inducing. But there it is. Most of the army that was recruited and trained never intended to oppose the Taliban because they are members!
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

which is why we never should have been there in the first place.
I think we should let China have a crack at it.

China already has everything they want from Afghanistan. They own 90 percent of the copper mines there and already have thousands of Chinese Military at those locations protecting their assets.... Unlike the US china will have no problem dropping death gas on civilians should anyone even attempt to move them from their newly acquired mineral properties. They know better even than to try it,

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Then why not all of these troops be brought back also? Why are they there?
I can't disagree with that. But we absolutely owe all of the Afghanees who risked their lives to be translators for US soldiers to get them and their families out safely. There are thousands of them and they and their families are marked for death by the Taliban.
Would agree except if they were helping us because they wanted a democratic way of life Why didn't they fight back? Can understand them taking jobs for more money & better living conditions. But how many wanted our way of life for & in there own country? And why did so many Americans stay this long when our ex president had given an exit date so long ago. And last reality is, that war never ends well.
Would agree except if they were helping us because they wanted a democratic way of life Why didn't they fight back? Can understand them taking jobs for more money & better living conditions. But how many wanted our way of life for & in there own country? And why did so many Americans stay this long when our ex president had given an exit date so long ago. And last reality is, that war never ends well.
They did and have been fighting back.

64,000 allied Afghani soldiers KIA. WAY more than US.

They fell so quickly when we pulled out because WE SET IT UP THAT WAY. The entire time we have been training and arming the Afghani army we have been doing so as though this was going to be the same as every single case before it - a nominal US force would stay for an indeterminant amount of time to provide critical air support and reconnaissance. Just like we have done every other time. Without US support, there simply was no Afghani military force. They were without key operational necessities.

We failed them, period. We should have evacuated every single person we directly put into harms way before we started removing our military operations.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

2500 contingency troops was nothing
Until biden turned it into a dumpster fire.

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