This might be the most absurd of Trump's promises

What to you find funny about the truth, gnat?

Succinctly put....."you're just an idiot"

hurling juvenile insults when defeated by truth and facts. typical libtardian. you contribute nothing to this forum but laughs, gnat. you amuse us with your stupidity, you are the court jester of USMB

1. Attacks 'juvenile insults' 2. Issues juvenile insults calling poster 'libtardian' and a 'gnat'.

orange man

takes one to know one. We all do it, because its fun. Grow up, none of this is as serious as you think it is.
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Almost as absurd as if you like your can keep your....

That and your monthly health insurance bill will be cheaper than your cell phone bill

Of course you believed that garbage

Liberals are incensed because Trump is doing what they have been doing for decades.

And Conservatives are now in favor of what they had been incensed about for decades.

I suppose that makes both sides festering hypocrites.
Almost as absurd as if you like your can keep your....

That and your monthly health insurance bill will be cheaper than your cell phone bill

Of course you believed that garbage

Liberals are incensed because Trump is doing what they have been doing for decades.

And Conservatives are now in favor of what they had been incensed about for decades.

I suppose that makes both sides festering hypocrites.

I told all you libs this was coming and now that you are getting a taste of your own medicine you bitch and cry like spoiled brats its hilarious.
Almost as absurd as if you like your can keep your....

That and your monthly health insurance bill will be cheaper than your cell phone bill

Of course you believed that garbage

Liberals are incensed because Trump is doing what they have been doing for decades.

And Conservatives are now in favor of what they had been incensed about for decades.

I suppose that makes both sides festering hypocrites.

I told all you libs this was coming and now that you are getting a taste of your own medicine you bitch and cry like spoiled brats its hilarious.

Exactly the same as the past 8 years of cons bitching and crying like spoiled brats.

It is hilarious to watch from outside of that partisan shit-show.
premiums and deductibles will go down once obozocare is replaced. Those on medicare and Medicaid will not be affected. Those who pay will pay less.

the people that like O'care are the ones getting it free. For everyone who pays for insurance, it sucks big time.

Obamacare not obozocare. Using a racist attacks--------- Is that supposed to be credible?

Obama is/was a bozo, so the term is applicable. when you stop calling Trump orange and Bush shrub, I will stop calling Obama a bozo.

Crap------- you've been using that same racist crap started 8 years ago.
premiums and deductibles will go down once obozocare is replaced. Those on medicare and Medicaid will not be affected. Those who pay will pay less.

the people that like O'care are the ones getting it free. For everyone who pays for insurance, it sucks big time.

Obamacare not obozocare. Using a racist attacks--------- Is that supposed to be credible?

Obama is/was a bozo, so the term is applicable. when you stop calling Trump orange and Bush shrub, I will stop calling Obama a bozo.

Crap------- you've been using that same racist crap started 8 years ago.

So insulting a person's intelligence if they are black and a democrat is racist? However, calling Herman Cain an Uncle Tom is not? Is it because he is a Republican?

The intolerant and bigoted regressives use race as a wedge when they have no defense. Thanks for proving it.
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We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

Trump Promises “Great Healthcare At A Tiny Fraction Of The ObamaCare Cost”

Actually it wouldn't be difficult at all. We had great healthcare before we spent a dime on Obamacare. Simply repealing that crappy bill would give us great health care and we wouldn't have to spend a cent.

Of course Republicans wont do that. Because somehow despite the fact that they ran on that and kicked the crap out of democrats at the polls, they are going to give the democrats the victory. So crappy insurance for everyone!
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

Trump Promises “Great Healthcare At A Tiny Fraction Of The ObamaCare Cost”

Actually it wouldn't be difficult at all. We had great healthcare before we spent a dime on Obamacare. Simply repealing that crappy bill would give us great health care and we wouldn't have to spend a cent.

Of course Republicans wont do that. Because somehow despite the fact that they ran on that and kicked the crap out of democrats at the polls, they are going to give the democrats the victory. So crappy insurance for everyone!
Are you serious! Pull your head out!! SOME people had great heath care. I had, and still have great health care because it's employer based. Many others had crap or nothing at all. The free market/ for profit system DOES NOT WORK very well but it can and must be reined in with tight regulations.
Sarah Palin was right: There will be death panels — under Trumpcare 3.0

During the 2010 protests against Obamacare, tea party members alleged that the legislation would cause death panels, but now it seems Trumpcare might actually make them a reality.

Republicans accused Democrats of setting up an ethics panel that would determine if those over 75 would be given major medical procedures. The conspiracy caught on fast and the myth of “death panels” was born. But as Steve Rosenfeld notes, allowing states to opt-out of the pre-existing conditions mandate and turn it into a “high-risk pool” could turn into actual death panels.

It would ultimately put people in a desperate situation where if they are denied care they have to wait for the high-risk pool to save them.
More on the so called repeal and replace:

‘That is a lie’: Cuomo nails Paul Ryan ‘intentionally deceiving people’ with fake news on Obamacare repeal

That is a lie,” Cuomo noted. “OK, he has to know that it doesn’t do that. He has to be intentionally deceiving people when he says it would do that because — by definition what this amendment does is — by definition it gives the state an ability to opt out and create their own pools which have huge problems for the people at the high end of the risk

Trumpcare could make sexual assault a pre-existing condition again — depending on where you live

Despite the GOP’s best efforts to ensure pre-existing conditions are covered under their health plan, an amendment has yet to manifest. But in their new bill, sexual assault will be considered an illness.

Prior to the passage of Obamacare, survivors of sexual assault who sought medical attention for injuries sustained during the assault could be denied coverage later on because rape was considered a pre-existing condition. The National Women’s Law Center launched a campaign at the time “Being a Woman is Not a Pre-Existing Condition,” as Gina Scaramella from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center recalled.

Right! We had great fucking health care before Obamacare . That is just as fucking stupid as stupid gets!!
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

You know, my firm offers several health insurance plans. One of them, the most popular one among single employees, and those who don't obtain it via an offering from their significant other's employer, is 100% subsidized by the firm. (It's for individuals only -- there's no family option associated with that plan -- but it's still 100% free to them.) If/when the GOP repeal and replace O-care, I wonder whether that plan will remain low cost enough that the firm can fully subsidize it.

What does that plan cover? Everything except experimental procedures and experimental drugs.
  • Co-pay for office visits and procedures -- $25
  • Co-pay for outpatient hospital procedures and visits -- $75
  • Co-pay for inpatient hospital (or similar) procedures -- $300 for up to $500K in treatment
  • Co-pay for prescription meds -- $10
  • Fully paid substance abuse rehabilitation for one six weeks (allowed once every three years and comes with three months of "job protection" for employees whose last semi-annual eval rating was "meets expectations" or higher [1] -- that's just something the firm does to make sure people who need to "get clean" and do not worry about their job if do so)
  • Regular dental checkups/cleanings, and "simple" fillings -- free
  • Annual ophthalmic exam and two pairs of prescription glasses -- free
I share that only to point out that though the plan is free to the employee, it's not a "BS" plan that's of no value.

  1. "Meets expectations" is a rating that one can earn, but one won't get promoted with it. If one doesn't within a three to five year period (depending on one's level) obtain more "exceeds expectations" than "meets" ratings, one is "out counseled." Because the firm is "up or out," one does not need to ask for a promotion. We only want professionals who can advance to partner because firm revenue growth depends on partners -- the more partners there are, the more revenue there is and the more the firm grows. There's no "rocket science" to it.

Notice how the far left drone leaves out the dutiable and if you can even get this on the markets!
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

You know, my firm offers several health insurance plans. One of them, the most popular one among single employees, and those who don't obtain it via an offering from their significant other's employer, is 100% subsidized by the firm. (It's for individuals only -- there's no family option associated with that plan -- but it's still 100% free to them.) If/when the GOP repeal and replace O-care, I wonder whether that plan will remain low cost enough that the firm can fully subsidize it.

What does that plan cover? Everything except experimental procedures and experimental drugs.
  • Co-pay for office visits and procedures -- $25
  • Co-pay for outpatient hospital procedures and visits -- $75
  • Co-pay for inpatient hospital (or similar) procedures -- $300 for up to $500K in treatment
  • Co-pay for prescription meds -- $10
  • Fully paid substance abuse rehabilitation for one six weeks (allowed once every three years and comes with three months of "job protection" for employees whose last semi-annual eval rating was "meets expectations" or higher [1] -- that's just something the firm does to make sure people who need to "get clean" and do not worry about their job if do so)
  • Regular dental checkups/cleanings, and "simple" fillings -- free
  • Annual ophthalmic exam and two pairs of prescription glasses -- free
I share that only to point out that though the plan is free to the employee, it's not a "BS" plan that's of no value.

  1. "Meets expectations" is a rating that one can earn, but one won't get promoted with it. If one doesn't within a three to five year period (depending on one's level) obtain more "exceeds expectations" than "meets" ratings, one is "out counseled." Because the firm is "up or out," one does not need to ask for a promotion. We only want professionals who can advance to partner because firm revenue growth depends on partners -- the more partners there are, the more revenue there is and the more the firm grows. There's no "rocket science" to it.

Notice how the far left drone leaves out the dutiable and if you can even get this on the markets!
leaves out the dutiable

??? What has what is or isn't taxable, "dutiable," to do with it?
Heartless Former GOP Lawmaker Had The Most DESPICABLE Response To Jimmy Kimmel’s Emotional Healthcare Plea

Former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill) has always been an asshole. His Twitter feed is full of damn near sociopathic rants, and he regularly appears on television saying the same sorts of things. He was kicked off his own radio show for racist slurs, is a well-known deadbeat dad, and even rewrote Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech into one of his infamous racist rants. However, what this guy did this time really takes the cake.

Joe Walsh


Sorry Jimmy Kimmel: your sad story doesn't obligate me or anybody else to pay for somebody else's health care.
1:39 PM - 2 May 2017

This man is absolutely despicable. In his world, newborns with heart defects should just be made to die? Does he know that time is of the essence in such situations, and the LAST thing those parents should have to worry about is whether or not some corporate bureaucrats will deem their kid’s life worth saving, whether or not it hurts their bottom line too much?

This is what conservatism is, folks. It’s people like Joe Walsh who really don’t care about anyone but themselves. It’s those who’d let people die all because of selfishness. If this single tweet doesn’t tell you that the GOP is heartless, I don’t know what will.
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

You know, my firm offers several health insurance plans. One of them, the most popular one among single employees, and those who don't obtain it via an offering from their significant other's employer, is 100% subsidized by the firm. (It's for individuals only -- there's no family option associated with that plan -- but it's still 100% free to them.) If/when the GOP repeal and replace O-care, I wonder whether that plan will remain low cost enough that the firm can fully subsidize it.

What does that plan cover? Everything except experimental procedures and experimental drugs.
  • Co-pay for office visits and procedures -- $25
  • Co-pay for outpatient hospital procedures and visits -- $75
  • Co-pay for inpatient hospital (or similar) procedures -- $300 for up to $500K in treatment
  • Co-pay for prescription meds -- $10
  • Fully paid substance abuse rehabilitation for one six weeks (allowed once every three years and comes with three months of "job protection" for employees whose last semi-annual eval rating was "meets expectations" or higher [1] -- that's just something the firm does to make sure people who need to "get clean" and do not worry about their job if do so)
  • Regular dental checkups/cleanings, and "simple" fillings -- free
  • Annual ophthalmic exam and two pairs of prescription glasses -- free
I share that only to point out that though the plan is free to the employee, it's not a "BS" plan that's of no value.

  1. "Meets expectations" is a rating that one can earn, but one won't get promoted with it. If one doesn't within a three to five year period (depending on one's level) obtain more "exceeds expectations" than "meets" ratings, one is "out counseled." Because the firm is "up or out," one does not need to ask for a promotion. We only want professionals who can advance to partner because firm revenue growth depends on partners -- the more partners there are, the more revenue there is and the more the firm grows. There's no "rocket science" to it.
yeah. Thank God I've only met my deductible 3x in the past 20 years, and my wife has the copays with her arthritis care, but now we each get two wellness exams each (up to 1K each I think, but I never pay for than 50-75bucks for stuff not covered under wellness) and my college kid gets her OBGYN stuff and birth control, and OFFICE VISITS are just $25.

I'm paying $450 each month out of my paycheck, but it's a lot better than it was. And if I get cancer, I'll probably get well enough to work another 5 years.

Thanks Obama
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

You know, my firm offers several health insurance plans. One of them, the most popular one among single employees, and those who don't obtain it via an offering from their significant other's employer, is 100% subsidized by the firm. (It's for individuals only -- there's no family option associated with that plan -- but it's still 100% free to them.) If/when the GOP repeal and replace O-care, I wonder whether that plan will remain low cost enough that the firm can fully subsidize it.

What does that plan cover? Everything except experimental procedures and experimental drugs.
  • Co-pay for office visits and procedures -- $25
  • Co-pay for outpatient hospital procedures and visits -- $75
  • Co-pay for inpatient hospital (or similar) procedures -- $300 for up to $500K in treatment
  • Co-pay for prescription meds -- $10
  • Fully paid substance abuse rehabilitation for one six weeks (allowed once every three years and comes with three months of "job protection" for employees whose last semi-annual eval rating was "meets expectations" or higher [1] -- that's just something the firm does to make sure people who need to "get clean" and do not worry about their job if do so)
  • Regular dental checkups/cleanings, and "simple" fillings -- free
  • Annual ophthalmic exam and two pairs of prescription glasses -- free
I share that only to point out that though the plan is free to the employee, it's not a "BS" plan that's of no value.

  1. "Meets expectations" is a rating that one can earn, but one won't get promoted with it. If one doesn't within a three to five year period (depending on one's level) obtain more "exceeds expectations" than "meets" ratings, one is "out counseled." Because the firm is "up or out," one does not need to ask for a promotion. We only want professionals who can advance to partner because firm revenue growth depends on partners -- the more partners there are, the more revenue there is and the more the firm grows. There's no "rocket science" to it.

Notice how the far left drone leaves out the dutiable and if you can even get this on the markets!
leaves out the dutiable

??? What has what is or isn't taxable, "dutiable," to do with it?

Another far left drone proving they hide things from the public as they do not want them to know how bad they are getting screwed..

deductibles, but only someone with intelligence below an ameba would not understand that!

So you admit you posted bunk?
We will all have healthcare at A TINY FRACTION OF THE COST we're now paying.

You know, my firm offers several health insurance plans. One of them, the most popular one among single employees, and those who don't obtain it via an offering from their significant other's employer, is 100% subsidized by the firm. (It's for individuals only -- there's no family option associated with that plan -- but it's still 100% free to them.) If/when the GOP repeal and replace O-care, I wonder whether that plan will remain low cost enough that the firm can fully subsidize it.

What does that plan cover? Everything except experimental procedures and experimental drugs.
  • Co-pay for office visits and procedures -- $25
  • Co-pay for outpatient hospital procedures and visits -- $75
  • Co-pay for inpatient hospital (or similar) procedures -- $300 for up to $500K in treatment
  • Co-pay for prescription meds -- $10
  • Fully paid substance abuse rehabilitation for one six weeks (allowed once every three years and comes with three months of "job protection" for employees whose last semi-annual eval rating was "meets expectations" or higher [1] -- that's just something the firm does to make sure people who need to "get clean" and do not worry about their job if do so)
  • Regular dental checkups/cleanings, and "simple" fillings -- free
  • Annual ophthalmic exam and two pairs of prescription glasses -- free
I share that only to point out that though the plan is free to the employee, it's not a "BS" plan that's of no value.

  1. "Meets expectations" is a rating that one can earn, but one won't get promoted with it. If one doesn't within a three to five year period (depending on one's level) obtain more "exceeds expectations" than "meets" ratings, one is "out counseled." Because the firm is "up or out," one does not need to ask for a promotion. We only want professionals who can advance to partner because firm revenue growth depends on partners -- the more partners there are, the more revenue there is and the more the firm grows. There's no "rocket science" to it.

Notice how the far left drone leaves out the dutiable and if you can even get this on the markets!
leaves out the dutiable

??? What has what is or isn't taxable, "dutiable," to do with it?

Another far left drone proving they hide things from the public as they do not want them to know how bad they are getting screwed..

deductibles, but only someone with intelligence below an ameba would not understand that!

So you admit you posted bunk?
No he didn't post bunk. all that stuff he listed is NOT DEPENDENT ON FIRST MEETING THE COPAY.

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