This might explain the Noah's Ark parable in the bible

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
The recent flash flooding in parts of the world from Flagstaff to Germany to Oman that has caused enormous damage and loss of life might have happened 3,000 years ago or more. The accounts were noted and as years went by they were embellished more and more and before you knew it was..God ordered Noah to build an ark and then flooded the entire world...Merkel visits 'surreal' flood zone as death toll rises
The recent flash flooding in parts of the world from Flagstaff to Germany to Oman that has caused enormous damage and loss of life might have happened 3,000 years ago or more. The accounts were noted and as years went by they were embellished more and more and before you knew it was..God ordered Noah to build an ark and then flooded the entire world...Merkel visits 'surreal' flood zone as death toll rises
Your theory has foundations in reality. Reality is not what these people are interested in.
Merkel said the country will continue to ''oppose'' the destructive forces of nature, but a policy is needed that would focus more on climate than it did before.

“We stand by your side, at the federal level and that of the state,” the chancellor said, adding that everyone can now see “with what force nature can act.”

The recent flash flooding in parts of the world from Flagstaff to Germany to Oman that has caused enormous damage and loss of life might have happened 3,000 years ago or more. The accounts were noted and as years went by they were embellished more and more and before you knew it was..God ordered Noah to build an ark and then flooded the entire world...Merkel visits 'surreal' flood zone as death toll rises

Makes sense to me, Ben. .. an epic myth grows up around a catastrophic event? Yep. That works.
Many scholars are certain the biblical flood story was adapted in antiquity from the epic of Gilgamesh. Practically every ancient culture had some sort of flood legend.
Many scholars are certain the biblical flood story was adapted in antiquity from the epic of Gilgamesh. Practically every ancient culture had some sort of flood legend.

Yep.. There is a real flood in 2900 BC in Sumer on the Euphrates River... that is probably the source of the Gilgamesh myth.
Food for thought. The fact that almost every culture on earth has a FLOOD story supports the idea that the flood was actually more than a local random prima facie consideration. Especially civilizations found to exist in the western Hemisphere......that had no contact with the peoples of the eastern Hemisphere. Most of native south and north America have passed down numerous flood accounts.

The really strange thing? Even the most elevated points on earth demonstrate evidence of being underwater as the fossil record proves that evidence of sea life has been found even on elevated mountains such as Everest.

And the stranger thing? The Scriptures detail that during the flood, the mountains rose and the valleys sank. There is no evidence of when these "continental shifts" actually occurred (the scriptures declare that it was during the flood) the theory of Carbon dating anything that been subject to water leeching is most unreliable. When every point on earth is demonstrated to have been under water........carbon dating is nothing more than shooting an arrow at the side of the barn.........then rushing up to draw a large bullseye around the arrow while declaring......"Told ya.........dead center".

The scriptures detail a change in weather and geological topography when revealing the history of the flood. In Genesis 8:1 The winds began to blow. This the very first mention of a weather event called WINDS. could mean that up until that time it was not worth mentioning winds....but it could also mean that the climate on the earth was changing its cold air meeting warm air that produces high winds.

Other changes occurred during this time period, as mentioned earlier, God mentions that the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:6-9). This means that our mountains are a great deal higher today than they were during the time period of Noah. The valleys sinking more than likely is referring to the need for having a place to for all the receding water to collect..........such as the 7 mile deep trench....etc.

People attempt to say.......the flood could cover all the land masses on earth as they point out the elevation of the highest peaks on earth......and forget about the lowest points on earth. Science proves these peaks were not always that high nor the ocean floors always that low....and the sea floors have changed many times in history.

Its also most interesting to point to another fact of science. The mountains of Mt. Ararat (the supposed resting place of the Ark) are formed from pillow lava.........stone that can only be produced by underwater volcanic flow under great pressure due to depth.
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The recent flash flooding in parts of the world from Flagstaff to Germany to Oman that has caused enormous damage and loss of life might have happened 3,000 years ago or more. The accounts were noted and as years went by they were embellished more and more and before you knew it was..God ordered Noah to build an ark and then flooded the entire world...Merkel visits 'surreal' flood zone as death toll rises

If you are interested in the deluge during Noah's time, and his ark, you are in luck.

In Williamstown , Kentucky, a museum has erected a life size replica of the Tremendous Ark and all of the information you would want to know about it.

The recent flash flooding in parts of the world from Flagstaff to Germany to Oman that has caused enormous damage and loss of life might have happened 3,000 years ago or more. The accounts were noted and as years went by they were embellished more and more and before you knew it was..God ordered Noah to build an ark and then flooded the entire world...Merkel visits 'surreal' flood zone as death toll rises
Yes local floods.
If you are interested in the deluge during Noah's time, and his ark, you are in luck.

In Williamstown , Kentucky, a museum has erected a life size replica of the Tremendous Ark and all of the information you would want to know about it.

Money makes all kinds of people act weird.
Food for thought. The fact that almost every culture on earth has a FLOOD story supports the idea that the flood was actually more than a local random prima facie consideration. Especially civilizations found to exist in the western Hemisphere......that had no contact with the peoples of the eastern Hemisphere. Most of native south and north America have passed down numerous flood accounts.

The really strange thing? Even the most elevated points on earth demonstrate evidence of being underwater as the fossil record proves that evidence of sea life has been found even on elevated mountains such as Everest.

And the stranger thing? The Scriptures detail that during the flood, the mountains rose and the valleys sank. There is no evidence of when these "continental shifts" actually occurred (the scriptures declare that it was during the flood) the theory of Carbon dating anything that been subject to water leeching is most unreliable. When every point on earth is demonstrated to have been under water........carbon dating is nothing more than shooting an arrow at the side of the barn.........then rushing up to draw a large bullseye around the arrow while declaring......"Told ya.........dead center".

The scriptures detail a change in weather and geological topography when revealing the history of the flood. In Genesis 8:1 The winds began to blow. This the very first mention of a weather event called WINDS. could mean that up until that time it was not worth mentioning winds....but it could also mean that the climate on the earth was changing its cold air meeting warm air that produces high winds.

Other changes occurred during this time period, as mentioned earlier, God mentions that the mountains rose and the valleys sank (Ps. 104:6-9). This means that our mountains are a great deal higher today than they were during the time period of Noah. The valleys sinking more than likely is referring to the need for having a place to for all the receding water to collect..........such as the 7 mile deep trench....etc.

People attempt to say.......the flood could cover all the land masses on earth as they point out the elevation of the highest peaks on earth......and forget about the lowest points on earth. Science proves these peaks were not always that high nor the ocean floors always that low....and the sea floors have changed many times in history.

Its also most interesting to point to another fact of science. The mountains of Mt. Ararat (the supposed resting place of the Ark) are formed from pillow lava.........stone that can only be produced by underwater volcanic flow under great pressure due to depth.

Local flood stories are thousands of years apart.

There is no evidence from pillow lava or fossils for a global flood on Mt. Ararat.

The flood was in the Euphrates River Basin which is flat and drains south to the Persian Gulf. The Ark was barges that were used to haul grain, beer and livestock downriver.
Local flood stories are thousands of years apart.

There is no evidence from pillow lava or fossils for a global flood on Mt. Ararat.

The flood was in the Euphrates River Basin which is flat and drains south to the Persian Gulf. The Ark was barges that were used to haul grain, beer and livestock downriver.

The description of the Ark given by Almighty God in Genesis isn't that of river barges.

The Ark was a huge vessel that took years to construct and had 2 of EVERY species, not just "livestock". Its also a fact that Noah brought a male and a female of each species aboard- not 2 of the same sex, showing Almighty God's love of Normality.
The description of the Ark given by Almighty God in Genesis isn't that of river barges.

The Ark was a huge vessel that took years to construct and had 2 of EVERY species, not just "livestock". Its also a fact that Noah brought a male and a female of each species aboard- not 2 of the same sex, showing Almighty God's love of Normality.

The story of Noah's Ark is a myth. The Jews learned the Gilgamesh story during their exile in Babylon.

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