This Must End

A good idea, done completely wrong.

Teach all basic curriculum - English, literature, history, arts and sciences in English only. Force immigrants to learn English.

Teach foreign languages only as immersive elective courses.

Bilingual education in US in its infancy, but growing

In my district (and really state) they are put into ESOL classrooms and taught in the target language (English). They might get assistance in their native language if possible (and unless they speak Spanish-it's going to come from a peer). Based on my experience (I don't teach ESOL classes, but have many ELL students in my classes), the feedback overall is fairly positive.
The story of the Tower of Babel.

One day many years ago, I walked into a Roy Rogers restaurant to order lunch. The speechless senora at the counter punched the picture buttons on her console to make my order, and then suddenly barked out "CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?"

I squinted and said "Huh?"

"CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?" She was a big girl, and quite loud.

I scratched my head and said "Excuse me?"


By this time everyone in the restaurant was aware of the high-volume negotiation occurring at the counter. My fellow queue mates were beginning to chuckle.

"Hmmm, Big Rhonda perhaps?" I thought to myself. "What game might be afoot here?"

I grinned, stared her straight in the eye, winked and said "Well, maybe! Walk Big Rhonda out here an' lemme have a look at her!"

The whole place fell apart laughing. The loud girl stood gaping blankly.

Turned out the restaurant had a special deal, aptly titled "Big Roundup" for the cowboy atmosphere.

That is a true story.

Clear communication is a necessity for human interaction.

Children learn languages best by immersion. Immerse immigrant children in English, American children in the language of their choice.
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To the alt-right, educating yourself by learning a second language is unpatriotic :laugh:

Yes it is. In 1900 my great-grandparents came here from the German-Polish border area. Between them they spoke six different languages fluently or almost fluently. They also both spoke English moderately well.

Aftrr they got through Ellis Island my grsat-grandparents spoke only one language wjth any frequency - English. They refused to teach their eight children ANY of the German, French, Polish, Czheck, Slovak, and Russian.

It's tjme for Americans to ALL start speaking English again. The best way to do thst us very simple..... No Government, Legal or Medical documents in any language ither thsn English.
To the alt-right, educating yourself by learning a second language is unpatriotic :laugh:

Yes it is. In 1900 my great-grandparents came here from the German-Polish border area. Between them they spoke six different languages fluently or almost fluently. They also both spoke English moderately well.

Aftrr they got through Ellis Island my grsat-grandparents spoke only one language wjth any frequency - English. They refused to teach their eight children ANY of the German, French, Polish, Czheck, Slovak, and Russian.

It's tjme for Americans to ALL start speaking English again. The best way to do thst us very simple..... No Government, Legal or Medical documents in any language ither thsn English.

Anybody else find the spelling and grammar of this quote to be ironic?
The story of the Tower of Babel.

One day many years ago, I walked into a Roy Rogers restaurant to order lunch. The speechless senora at the counter punched the picture buttons on her console to make my order, and then suddenly barked out "CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?"

I squinted and said "Huh?"

"CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?" She was a big girl, and quite loud.

I scratched my head and said "Excuse me?"


By this time everyone in the restaurant was aware of the high-volume negotiation occurring at the counter. My fellow queue mates were beginning to chuckle.

"Hmmm, Big Rhonda perhaps?" I thought to myself. "What game might be afoot here?"

I grinned, stared her straight in the eye, winked and said "Well, maybe! Walk Big Rhonda out here an' lemme have a look at her!"

The whole place fell apart laughing. The loud girl stood gaping blankly.

Turned out the restaurant had a special deal, aptly titled "Big Roundup" for the cowboy atmosphere.

That is a true story.

Clear communication is a necessity for human interaction.

Children learn languages best by immersion. Immerse immigrant children in English, American children in the language of their choice.

Sounds like you're a poor listener, and looking hard for something to be upset over.
The story of the Tower of Babel.

One day many years ago, I walked into a Roy Rogers restaurant to order lunch. The speechless senora at the counter punched the picture buttons on her console to make my order, and then suddenly barked out "CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?"

I squinted and said "Huh?"

"CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?" She was a big girl, and quite loud.

I scratched my head and said "Excuse me?"


By this time everyone in the restaurant was aware of the high-volume negotiation occurring at the counter. My fellow queue mates were beginning to chuckle.

"Hmmm, Big Rhonda perhaps?" I thought to myself. "What game might be afoot here?"

I grinned, stared her straight in the eye, winked and said "Well, maybe! Walk Big Rhonda out here an' lemme have a look at her!"

The whole place fell apart laughing. The loud girl stood gaping blankly.

Turned out the restaurant had a special deal, aptly titled "Big Roundup" for the cowboy atmosphere.

That is a true story.

Clear communication is a necessity for human interaction.

Children learn languages best by immersion. Immerse immigrant children in English, American children in the language of their choice.

Sounds like you're a poor listener, and looking hard for something to be upset over.

Nope. She couldn't speak English.
Anybody else find the spelling and grammar of this quote to be ironic?

The grammar is fine. The spelling is a factor of typing on a cell phone keyboard.

Nice to see you at least admit you have bo other argument against what I actually said.
Damn. What a waste.

They came here to become Americans. They never even communicated with the people they'd left in Germany. It wasn't until a relative of mine did the geneology in the 1980s that the family in Germany even knew my great-grandparents had made it here.
The story of the Tower of Babel.

One day many years ago, I walked into a Roy Rogers restaurant to order lunch. The speechless senora at the counter punched the picture buttons on her console to make my order, and then suddenly barked out "CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?"

I squinted and said "Huh?"

"CHOO WON BEEG RONDA?" She was a big girl, and quite loud.

I scratched my head and said "Excuse me?"


By this time everyone in the restaurant was aware of the high-volume negotiation occurring at the counter. My fellow queue mates were beginning to chuckle.

"Hmmm, Big Rhonda perhaps?" I thought to myself. "What game might be afoot here?"

I grinned, stared her straight in the eye, winked and said "Well, maybe! Walk Big Rhonda out here an' lemme have a look at her!"

The whole place fell apart laughing. The loud girl stood gaping blankly.

Turned out the restaurant had a special deal, aptly titled "Big Roundup" for the cowboy atmosphere.

That is a true story.

Clear communication is a necessity for human interaction.

Children learn languages best by immersion. Immerse immigrant children in English, American children in the language of their choice.

Sounds like you're a poor listener, and looking hard for something to be upset over.

Nope. She couldn't speak English.

In the story you told, she could. You were half of that breakdown in communication.
Anybody else find the spelling and grammar of this quote to be ironic?

The grammar is fine. The spelling is a factor of typing on a cell phone keyboard.

Nice to see you at least admit you have bo other argument against what I actually said.

Go re-read my posts earlier in this thread...I actually think that classes should be taught in English for immigrants (under the proper situations like an ESOL classroom with a certified teacher). My issue really isn't your point, but rather the awful way you presented it-which makes everybody who agrees with you look ignorant and stupid.

If you'd like me to dissect your original post for grammar, I will gladly do so...who knows you might just learn something?
Damn. What a waste.

They came here to become Americans. They never even communicated with the people they'd left in Germany. It wasn't until a relative of mine did the geneology in the 1980s that the family in Germany even knew my great-grandparents had made it here.
So to you, part of being an American is being ignorant and never learning another language. Great. :rolleyes:

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