This my prediction.. what is yours


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

I'd guess no. She's supposedly closer to him than anyone else, part of his thought processes, in on everything, essentially inseparable.

Hard to imagine that a few ceremonial heads won't roll (that's already started), and we'll see if that's good enough to call off the media dogs. My guess is that it will be, no doubt they'd like to be able to find a way to forgive him and get back to "business".

my guess.

This will be the typical "early first term" non-scandal that people will make a very big deal over when it really isn't.

With Reagan it was Iran-Contra. With Clinton it was the fundraising and bhuddist monks. With Bush it was Scooter Libby and all things Plame.

It's the little tantrum the oppossition has after losing re-election but before a midterm gives them something to hang their hats on.
my guess.

This will be the typical "early first term" non-scandal that people will make a very big deal over when it really isn't.

With Reagan it was Iran-Contra. With Clinton it was the fundraising and bhuddist monks. With Bush it was Scooter Libby and all things Plame.

It's the little tantrum the oppossition has after losing re-election but before a midterm gives them something to hang their hats on.

Each party is going to run full bore with any and every perceived advantage, every situation they can pretend is a "scandal", every nugget of information they can twist against the other party. Neither party has any shame, neither party looks in the mirror, neither party cares about being intellectually honest for even a moment.

The point was made yesterday here much of the public no longer cares, because they're used to the bullshit coming from DC. It's a well-deserved admonishment to politicians and politicos, but it's a bad omen for this country. This isn't a game, though some seem to think it is.

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Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.
I don't think much will happen with this one. I mean nobody in Benghazi is very safe. While this event was tragic, it wasn't completely surprising. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would have done things differently knowing what they do now. But we have people in a lot of unsafe areas so something like this was bound to happen eventually. We should really stop the finger pointing and find those responsible.
my guess.

This will be the typical "early first term" non-scandal that people will make a very big deal over when it really isn't.

With Reagan it was Iran-Contra. With Clinton it was the fundraising and bhuddist monks. With Bush it was Scooter Libby and all things Plame.

It's the little tantrum the oppossition has after losing re-election but before a midterm gives them something to hang their hats on.

Each party is going to run full bore with any and every perceived advantage, every situation they can pretend is a "scandal", every nugget of information they can twist against the other party. Neither party has any shame, neither party looks in the mirror, neither party cares about being intellectually honest for even a moment.

The point was made yesterday here much of the public no longer cares, because they're used to the bullshit coming from DC. It's a well-deserved admonishment to politicians and politicos, but it's a bad omen for this country. This isn't a game, though some seem to think it is.


Let's look at that.

If you want to look at the genesis of all this, it's Watergate.

Nixon won 49 states. But because he was too arrogant to simply throw his minions under the bus, he was forced to resign in 1974, and his party took huge losses in the midterms.

And since then, every party has tried to replicate this, with varying degrees of success.

Incidently, I think Obama is being sort of weak-willed about this.

The best way to handle this is to directly challenge these guys. Reagan did this very effectively with Iran-Contra, by pointing out he WAS trying to save American lives. Clinton beat back all thing Monica by pointing out that the people accusing him cheated on their spouses.

Obama, IMHO, is conceding the points too easily. The guys at the IRS were trying to deal with a law that was so incredibly murky that there wasn't an easy way to sort it out. Policy organizations are exempt but political organizations aren't. How do you tell the difference?
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

Lefties said Rove was Bush's brains.
Jarrett is Obama's balls.
Throw Michelle into the mix because
I think she is the one who has final say in what Obama does.
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

Quick question: Remember when Valerie Jarrett was reported by her own staff ( anonymously ) that she said, Whoever opposed us? THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!!!

I read the article back in 2011 - 2012 before the re-election. They were discussing his re-election and she said, Who ever opposes us there will be hell to pay.

They need to appoint an independent council. GOP was working with Resolution 36 up until last night. it is now signed and ready to go but it has been decided that Issa won't do, we need something else. So they should do same thing with Jarrett. This woman has been acting Chief of Staff in our own WH. She must be removed from her position.

Then they should investigate who the source was for that news story. I believe it was WND or Drudge report that ran the story on Washington Insider outing Valerie Jarrett vowing payback wil be hell to the GOP - Tea Party - anyone who had the nerve to run a campaign against Obama. lol...

Jarrrett is an Iranian Muslim ( who replaced Rahm Emmanuel ) and would have known that it is against Islam for a Muslim to asssist another Muslim in rescuing a non - muslim. Which is probably why during Benghazi jihad Obama went to bed while Jarrett passed out the candy. Jefferson said if you ever allowed Mohamedans into the WH it would be the end of our nation.

My prediction: All of this and more will collide into a perfect storm - the people will revolt against the government - while the WH is fully distracted with how to keep Obama from being impeached and calming the rage of the american people the Russians take their opportunity and hit our nuclear warehouses ( which Obama told Hillary to reveal the locations to the Russians ) and the USA is not able to respond due to Obama giving Putin our Missile defense secrets - they figure out how to disable it - America falls - the world is stunned. No govt, lawlessness prevails and the four corners of USA decimated by nuclear fire - Fla, California, New York, Las Vegas.

This was all predicted by the way in Dumitru Dudumans book Man Through the Fire. He wrote the book in the late 70's. It is unfolding exactly as he said it would. One of the most fascinating books I have ever read in my life. I think they may have changed the title to "The Destruction of America." Buy a copy and read it.
The idea of taking out the people responsible for killing Americans is something that the GOP really doesn't care about. We saw that with Bin Laden. We are seeing it now when they continually cry about Obama doing nothing about terrorists, then turn around and condemn the use of drones.

The whole of North Africa and the Middle East is a very dangerous unstable place. Best we steer clear of both, and make sure that those from that area know that striking America will bring disaster down on their heads.
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

Quick question: Remember when Valerie Jarrett was reported by her own staff ( anonymously ) that she said, Whoever opposed us? THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!!!

I read the article back in 2011 - 2012 before the re-election. They were discussing his re-election and she said, Who ever opposes us there will be hell to pay.

They need to appoint an independent council. GOP was working with Resolution 36 up until last night. it is now signed and ready to go but it has been decided that Issa won't do, we need something else. So they should do same thing with Jarrett. This woman has been acting Chief of Staff in our own WH. She must be removed from her position.

Then they should investigate who the source was for that news story. I believe it was WND or Drudge report that ran the story on Washington Insider outing Valerie Jarrett vowing payback wil be hell to the GOP - Tea Party - anyone who had the nerve to run a campaign against Obama. lol...

Jarrrett is an Iranian Muslim ( who replaced Rahm Emmanuel ) and would have known that it is against Islam for a Muslim to asssist another Muslim in rescuing a non - muslim. Which is probably why during Benghazi jihad Obama went to bed while Jarrett passed out the candy. Jefferson said if you ever allowed Mohamedans into the WH it would be the end of our nation.

My prediction: All of this and more will collide into a perfect storm - the people will revolt against the government - while the WH is fully distracted with how to keep Obama from being impeached and calming the rage of the american people the Russians take their opportunity and hit our nuclear warehouses ( which Obama told Hillary to reveal the locations to the Russians ) and the USA is not able to respond due to Obama giving Putin our Missile defense secrets - they figure out how to disable it - America falls - the world is stunned. No govt, lawlessness prevails and the four corners of USA decimated by nuclear fire - Fla, California, New York, Las Vegas.

This was all predicted by the way in Dumitru Dudumans book Man Through the Fire. He wrote the book in the late 70's. It is unfolding exactly as he said it would. One of the most fascinating books I have ever read in my life. I think they may have changed the title to "The Destruction of America." Buy a copy and read it.

Wheeeeee..................................... Oh where is my little tin hat, little tinfoil hat..........
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.

It's astounding that so many are willing to just ignore this for nothing more than partisan reasons, ignoring that the same people are going to be enforcing obamacare compliance.

Poor America
I don't think much will happen with this one. I mean nobody in Benghazi is very safe. While this event was tragic, it wasn't completely surprising. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would have done things differently knowing what they do now. But we have people in a lot of unsafe areas so something like this was bound to happen eventually. We should really stop the finger pointing and find those responsible.

To me, Benghazi is not about the attack. That was tragic, but as you said, not surprising.

To me it is about the SoS lying at a hearing and the White House doing all it could to cover it up....INCLUDING criticizing those that simply asked for the truth.....AND SUCCESSFULLY MAKING THOSE SEEKING THE TRUTH LOOK LIKE DOLTS.

We can not have government ruin the reputation of Americans who catch them lying. They have the power to do it.....but to do it in a self serving, dishonest way is unacceptable....regardless of what your ideology is.
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.

Thanks for the chuckle.
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

Quick question: Remember when Valerie Jarrett was reported by her own staff ( anonymously ) that she said, Whoever opposed us? THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!!!

I read the article back in 2011 - 2012 before the re-election. They were discussing his re-election and she said, Who ever opposes us there will be hell to pay.

They need to appoint an independent council. GOP was working with Resolution 36 up until last night. it is now signed and ready to go but it has been decided that Issa won't do, we need something else. So they should do same thing with Jarrett. This woman has been acting Chief of Staff in our own WH. She must be removed from her position.

Then they should investigate who the source was for that news story. I believe it was WND or Drudge report that ran the story on Washington Insider outing Valerie Jarrett vowing payback wil be hell to the GOP - Tea Party - anyone who had the nerve to run a campaign against Obama. lol...

Jarrrett is an Iranian Muslim ( who replaced Rahm Emmanuel ) and would have known that it is against Islam for a Muslim to asssist another Muslim in rescuing a non - muslim. Which is probably why during Benghazi jihad Obama went to bed while Jarrett passed out the candy. Jefferson said if you ever allowed Mohamedans into the WH it would be the end of our nation.

My prediction: All of this and more will collide into a perfect storm - the people will revolt against the government - while the WH is fully distracted with how to keep Obama from being impeached and calming the rage of the american people the Russians take their opportunity and hit our nuclear warehouses ( which Obama told Hillary to reveal the locations to the Russians ) and the USA is not able to respond due to Obama giving Putin our Missile defense secrets - they figure out how to disable it - America falls - the world is stunned. No govt, lawlessness prevails and the four corners of USA decimated by nuclear fire - Fla, California, New York, Las Vegas.

This was all predicted by the way in Dumitru Dudumans book Man Through the Fire. He wrote the book in the late 70's. It is unfolding exactly as he said it would. One of the most fascinating books I have ever read in my life. I think they may have changed the title to "The Destruction of America." Buy a copy and read it.

Red Dawn II Rise of the Mouthbreathers. Wolverines!!!!!

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