This my prediction.. what is yours

My prediction? This will no longer be the "land of the free" or the "home of the brave" if we let these things continue unabated. Something has to give. My prediction is that these transgressions will go on to an extent that the people grow weary, and will show the world the true meaning of why we call ourselves the "United States of America" to begin with.
My prediction is that Republicans will try to milk Benghazi until the 2016 elections
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.

This is the kind of hyperbole that makes people roll their eyes at the whole Benghazi thing.
I would give more credence for your predictions if I believed you guys wouldn't totally be defending a Republican President, ala Reagen, if these scandals happened under their watch. Hell you guys made Ollie North a hero and convicted felon G. Gordon Liddy got his own talk show.
My prediction is that Republicans will try to milk Benghazi until the 2016 elections

At their peril. Conservatives are even encouraging wingnuts to stop all of this.

“But the one advice I give to Republicans is stop calling it a huge scandal,” Krauthammer said. “Stop saying it’s a Watergate. Stop saying it’s Iran-Contra. Let the facts speak for themselves. Have a special committee, a select committee. The facts will speak for themselves. Pile them on but don’t exaggerate. Don’t run ads about Hillary. It feed the narrative for the other side that it’s only a political event. It’s not. Just be quiet and present the facts.”

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Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.

This is the kind of hyperbole that makes people roll their eyes at the whole Benghazi thing.

Only one rolling their eyes at this thing here is you.
My prediction is that Republicans will try to milk Benghazi until the 2016 elections

If it is perceived to be successful in the interim elections, I agree. But if milking it blows up in their faces in the 2014 elections, they will drop it like a hot potato.

Issa is in the next Congressional District over. I'd like to see his opponent hit him over the head with it again and again and again.
My prediction is that Republicans will try to milk Benghazi until the 2016 elections

They should have kept this pin in the grenade until after the midterms when they could have really tried to trash Ms. Clinton. What they don't know is that Ms. Clinton is very beatable in 2016. Having the Dems unite behind another figure may be a worse scenario for the GOP.
That Valerie Jarrett will be the scapegoat and that is who Obama will blame for the Benghazi talking points ..

My prediction is that the narrative we already know is the extent of the story, it will blow over, and that when the next faux scandal surfaces, you'll still be here to provide dimwitted commentary. :thup:
Who cares........

Bottom line........when you get big government assholes at the helm, this is the BS you're going to get. n their minds, this is all fair game. The ends justify the means. They wont stop until their asses get the boot.

Sadly.....we're not even close to being there because we have a nation of disinterested and uninformed.

Or we just realize, this isn't a big deal.

Sorry, sitting in my cubicle, trying to make ends meet, I just simply do not give a fuck if an organization the Koch brothers (or George Soros) is funnelling money into gets a tax exemption or not. Nor do most sensible people. It's just not that big of a deal. No one is entitled to a tax cut.

If the GOP has a problem, it simply is that it doesn't appeal to what most people are really concerned about.

It is one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States, Joe. This is the endgame here and your Team Obama Gang will be blamed for the Fall of America because his actions are leading to precisely just that. Our fall. Do you have your passport ready, Joe? Try UAE. They ought to like you over there.

Yawn, guy, we got two big oceans separating us from the scary muslims... We are getting killed because we keep going into THEIR countries.

Why aren't they blowing up the Japanese? The Japanese ain't sticking their noses into the hornet's nest.

Now, again, since this was a thread about the Faux Tax claims ("waaaaahhhhhh, I can't get my tax exemption!") I am not sure why you are changing the subject to Benghazi.

Personally, I think that getting in the middle of Libya's civil war was a dumb move. But the same Republicans who are ripping Obama for not realizing how dangerous Libya was are the same ones screaming for us to go into Syria.

It's like we never learn.

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