This 'n' that from me.....


Senior Member
May 13, 2013
Just some things I like/love........I love nature and music. I love working in the yard and gardens.......flower and vegetable. Sure, I love my families.....both birth family and Church family.....and other things as well.


Whenever I really need spiritual uplifting, I cue this video up and sit back and let the "uplifting" take place.

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.......and I love it as well.......

As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself.
I've become my own friend.

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they
understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play, on the computer, until 4
AM, or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes
of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love,
I will.

I will walk the beach, in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body,
and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the
pitying glances from the jet set.
They, too, will get old.

I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as
well forgotten. And, I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years, my heart has been broken. How can your heart not
break, when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when
somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But, broken hearts are what give
us strength, and understanding, and compassion. A heart never broken, is
pristine, and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and
to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face.
So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could
turn silver.

As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what
other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the
right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like
the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am
still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or
worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I
feel like it).
.......I'm weird because I see things that are not the picture of the flower below. I SEE the Angel of purple and gold surrounded by a perfect white........


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the bible also says....jesus came only for the jews...the bible does say a lot of things but i am sure you only thump the new testiment
the bible also says....jesus came only for the jews...the bible does say a lot of things but i am sure you only thump the new testiment

No, actually, I believe in the entire Word of God...and I don't "thump" the Bible or my Christian beliefs, that being said however should someone begin to ridicule and belittle me for my beliefs, I will stand to defend the Faith. Wouldn't anyone, regardless of their beliefs do the same? And, no I was not seeking some sort of religious debate.........As I understood this General Discussion Forum, all peoples are accepted here, and their beliefs are not belittled or ridiculed.

Maybe I misunderstood, but that was the impression. I was simply providing some information/insight into me personally.

Maybe it should be in the Coffee Shop thread? Don't know, but I didn't see the harm in placing it here. If there is some idea you would like to discuss, I would be happy to do so provided it can be done with common courtesy, otherwise I'll opt out.

Thanks for the comments though.

I took my mom to the DR’s the other day for her checkup and after I got her settled in the waiting room, I went back out to the parking lot. While I was standing there, a guy in a wheelchair came out of the building. He went to a parked car (to the passenger side). Opened the door and pulled himself into the passenger seat. Moved himself over a bit and folded up the wheelchair and pulled it into the car. Then he moved himself over to the driver’s seat and about that time I realized that I should go over and offer to close the passenger door. Being me though, I was caught up in wanting to see how he handled the situation of closing the passenger door. He put on his seat belt, cranked up the car, started backing up, gave it a little extra gas and then hit the brake. That door shut just as pretty as ya please! As he pulled forward by me, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up! He smiled and waved back and went on his way.

I got to thinking about the mountains I have to climb and how huge they are in my mind and then I realized that when compared to the mountains that others have to climb every day, shoot, mine ain’t more than mole hills………………
Who might drop by "this 'n' that..........."


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He waits for me to catch 'em, and then hopes I give them to him.....


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I took my mom to the DR’s the other day for her checkup and after I got her settled in the waiting room, I went back out to the parking lot. While I was standing there, a guy in a wheelchair came out of the building. He went to a parked car (to the passenger side). Opened the door and pulled himself into the passenger seat. Moved himself over a bit and folded up the wheelchair and pulled it into the car. Then he moved himself over to the driver’s seat and about that time I realized that I should go over and offer to close the passenger door. Being me though, I was caught up in wanting to see how he handled the situation of closing the passenger door. He put on his seat belt, cranked up the car, started backing up, gave it a little extra gas and then hit the brake. That door shut just as pretty as ya please! As he pulled forward by me, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up! He smiled and waved back and went on his way.

I got to thinking about the mountains I have to climb and how huge they are in my mind and then I realized that when compared to the mountains that others have to climb every day, shoot, mine ain’t more than mole hills………………

i always offer to help but many times....they simply say they have it...watching someone do the wheelchair out of the car and then back in amazes me...but i would rather offer the help and have it declined...than not offer and wonder if it was needed

I took my mom to the DR’s the other day for her checkup and after I got her settled in the waiting room, I went back out to the parking lot. While I was standing there, a guy in a wheelchair came out of the building. He went to a parked car (to the passenger side). Opened the door and pulled himself into the passenger seat. Moved himself over a bit and folded up the wheelchair and pulled it into the car. Then he moved himself over to the driver’s seat and about that time I realized that I should go over and offer to close the passenger door. Being me though, I was caught up in wanting to see how he handled the situation of closing the passenger door. He put on his seat belt, cranked up the car, started backing up, gave it a little extra gas and then hit the brake. That door shut just as pretty as ya please! As he pulled forward by me, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up! He smiled and waved back and went on his way.

I got to thinking about the mountains I have to climb and how huge they are in my mind and then I realized that when compared to the mountains that others have to climb every day, shoot, mine ain’t more than mole hills………………

i always offer to help but many times....they simply say they have it...watching someone do the wheelchair out of the car and then back in amazes me...but i would rather offer the help and have it declined...than not offer and wonder if it was needed

I know what you mean, and as a general rule, I would have offered as well. Just got caught up in the moment, and this guy appeared quite in control of his situation, and my curiosity got the best of me I suppose. Had it been a lady, I wouldn't have hesitated to offer to help. Don't know if that is wrong or not, and I'm not saying I believe a lady would have been any less able to handle the situation, just saying it is how I was raised. I open doors for perfectly healthy ladies all the time. Sometimes they say thanks, and........sometimes not.

Thanks for the comment.......

I woke early to a darkened day and wondered whence it came? There were no clouds stormy gathered awaiting my presence to leak their rain.

I woke early to a silent sky and wondered where the birds had flown? There were no crows, nor wrens fluttering hither and yon, nor bees to kiss the flowers with their musical drone.

I woke early to a river running dry and wondered where the water pooled? There were no fish to catch, nor croaking frogs, or even nervous minnows schooled.

I woke early to a barren land and realized the finale of mans fate. My sleep, as others, had lasted too long and I found I woke too late.

I took my mom to the DR’s the other day for her checkup and after I got her settled in the waiting room, I went back out to the parking lot. While I was standing there, a guy in a wheelchair came out of the building. He went to a parked car (to the passenger side). Opened the door and pulled himself into the passenger seat. Moved himself over a bit and folded up the wheelchair and pulled it into the car. Then he moved himself over to the driver’s seat and about that time I realized that I should go over and offer to close the passenger door. Being me though, I was caught up in wanting to see how he handled the situation of closing the passenger door. He put on his seat belt, cranked up the car, started backing up, gave it a little extra gas and then hit the brake. That door shut just as pretty as ya please! As he pulled forward by me, I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up! He smiled and waved back and went on his way.

I got to thinking about the mountains I have to climb and how huge they are in my mind and then I realized that when compared to the mountains that others have to climb every day, shoot, mine ain’t more than mole hills………………

You know, I have on more than one occasion went to help a "handicapped" person and been gently rebuffed. They are proud of being able to do things themselves. I still keep myself available, and am still willing to help them, but I give them the chance to take care of it themselves first. A lot of times I think that's what they want us to do.

I am short and sometimes at the store I can't reach something on a top shelf. Sometimes I figure out a way to get it down myself, but sometimes if there is a tall person nearby I will ask them if they will grab the item for me. I think the handicapped people are just the same...they will ask if they need help.
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oooooo you are one of them short people...standing there ...looking at items on the top shelf...i am tall...i always offer to help...i have never been turned down there...i normally just ask what do ya need? and get the..could you hand me that....or when someone is older and short....they normally will just ask me..honey would you i am gonna say no?

yall are kind like miniature horses...cute and kinda
oooooo you are one of them short people...standing there ...looking at items on the top shelf...i am tall...i always offer to help...i have never been turned down there...i normally just ask what do ya need? and get the..could you hand me that....or when someone is older and short....they normally will just ask me..honey would you i am gonna say no?

yall are kind like miniature horses...cute and kinda

Hey!! : )

Cute, yes, but not useless! : ) At home, even at the age of 60, I have absolutely no problem hoisting myself up on the kitchen counters to get to the top shelves in the kitchen cabinets.

And at the stores, I can usually find a place to put my foot and step up to get something off the tall shelves. I have even gone so far as to find something in the store that has a long handle to use to fish something off the top shelves. Like a toilet bowl brush or something in the housewares aisle. : ) Usually cussing up a storm under my breath as I do it. Because I'm always in a big hurry. And, of course, there's never a store employee around to help.
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o i hate to see that climbing on the first shelf.....that is dangerous...yall need to be more militant....when i had to use a wheelcart in the store for a short time....i would get so upset over aisles that were crowded with displays....those cardboard ones...i would just knock them down and keep time in walmart i got caught in the damned display and was going round and round it...i just kept gunning the cart....
o i hate to see that climbing on the first shelf.....that is dangerous...yall need to be more militant....when i had to use a wheelcart in the store for a short time....i would get so upset over aisles that were crowded with displays....those cardboard ones...i would just knock them down and keep time in walmart i got caught in the damned display and was going round and round it...i just kept gunning the cart....

Yeah, I could just see us in the store together. I'd be climbing all over the shelves and knocking stuff down and you'd be ramming things with your cart. :lol: The employees would be avoiding us for sure!

A friend is a fleeting thing at best. We’re never sure they are one until they pass the test.

True friendship I’ve never herd defined complete. When penned down, the best of us from this task will retreat.

Being there, when you needed them most is oft required of a friend it’s been stated from coast to coast.

Not lying, regardless of the tears the truth will bring. This, as well, is required of a friend, but to cause another’s tears is such a difficult thing.

It’s true, that friends have been lost from time to time, but more oft than not, the friendship’s still true when once again them you find.

Cause not clouds of grief to darken the light of your day. If it’s a friend you seek, be one first and then so many good friends will come your way.

Hope everyone has a blessed day!

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