This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
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Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

You really that clueless?

Blacks continually complain about the yearly low number of white on black murders, but ignore their high black on black murders.

That is the argument you and many others avoid.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem.
As you can see these people only believe what their echo chambers program them to say.
Blacks are imprisoned at 34 times the rate of whites.
I'm sure this is because those statues of Robert E. Lee and Columbus are so upsetting, along with the Confederate flags one sees so often.

The Knockout Game, played by black men sucker punching whites has no white counterpart. White on white crime is immaterial. The subject is what blacks are doing to each other and to whites. Stop trying to avoid facts and truth. Leftists do that constantly.
I don't like the idea of bringing up "black on black" crime either.

I'd just as soon that black criminals pick victims of the same race, and I'm sure that black law abiders don't want to see white criminals victimizing blacks.

Personally, I think that if someone commits a crime against someone of a different race, it should be considered a Hate Crime and the penalty should be juiced up regardless.
You really that clueless?

Blacks continually complain about the yearly low number of white on black murders, but ignore their high black on black murders.

That is the argument you and many others avoid.
False on all accounts.

Not to mention apples and oranges.

You don't have any reading comprehension, do you? Clearly you don't. Clearly.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem.

It doesn't matter whether it's black on black crime, or black on white crime.
What matters is simply that it's "crime", and when you have a particular group (black males) that have a higher rate of violent crime than any other group, guess what's going to happen.
You end up, also at a higher rate, bringing the police to you, which not surprisingly ups your odds of then having an altercation with the police.

I don't "bring" the police to my door, because I'm not involved in any street crime.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.
Black on Black violent crime and murder rates are proof of a systemic break down within the Black community that has existed for over half a century. It is not a coincidence the breakdown began with the introduction of the Great Society. And many of the individuals involved in Black on Black crimes end up in confrontations with Police.

Most Americans White or otherwise support Police reforms. But to blame ALL the problems present in the Black community especially the poor is to deny the obvious. And that denial is what keeps the problems from being addressed. When your "leaders" like Al Sharpton scream IT'S ALL WHITEY'S FAULT! IT'S ALL THE POLICES'S FAULT! that just keeps his pockets filled with cash at the expense of your Race.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.
bringing up race at all when its about police brutality is the nonsense,,,

but since blacks always want to make it about race then it is perfectly fine to bring up black on black crime cause it shows the hypocrisy,,,and also shows the blacks are the racist,,,
I don't like the idea of bringing up "black on black" crime either.

I'd just as soon that black criminals pick victims of the same race, and I'm sure that black law abiders don't want to see white criminals victimizing blacks.

Personally, I think that if someone commits a crime against someone of a different race, it should be considered a Hate Crime and the penalty should be juiced up regardless.
then you don't understand how hate crime works.......hate crimes are not necessary in my opinion.....but if we are going to use them, a white woman purchasing her drugs from a hispanic man doesn't mean he or she engaged in a hate crime...
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

I'd like to resolve it.

By shipping all of BLM off to the Congo.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
We are saying is, quit making a mountain out of a mole hill, and instead focus on REAL problems. There is no bigger problem in the US than black violence. Until you clean up your own act, no one is going to take you seriously. Also, get rid of BLM. They make you guys look soooooooo bad.
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Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.
Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Why won't you address black on black violence with a 100th percent of the enthusiasm that you spend
looking for these black murdering cops? Maybe there's no sympathy or glory in that realizing that the real
murderers of blacks are black people themselves by and large?
Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.
Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Exactly right.

Ever since I was a kid, police officers have had to be extra careful when dealing with black guys. They knew if they showed the slightest disrespect, the black guy would have a thousand marchers from the NAACP in front of the police station the next day.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
You scum deserve the black on black crime.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
So, we are simply asking If black lives matter, why do they only matter to you when a white cop kills a black.? It’s a simple question. We are observant. You don’t see blacks in the streets looting, pillaging, burning and murdering when a black cop is shot down by black looters. Why. Do black lives matter or don’t they? Secondly when whites are killed by cops you don’t see looting pillaging riots and murder. When it happens then come back and ask your question.
You really that clueless?

Blacks continually complain about the yearly low number of white on black murders, but ignore their high black on black murders.

That is the argument you and many others avoid.
False on all accounts.

Not to mention apples and oranges.

You don't have any reading comprehension, do you? Clearly you don't. Clearly.

That's all factual.
Facts that you don't like
Hell I don't blame ya, I wouldn't want to be a part of a race so naturally and inherently violent either.
Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Why won't you address black on black violence with a 100th percent of the enthusiasm that you spend
looking for these black murdering cops? Maybe there's no sympathy or glory in that realizing that the real
murderers of blacks are black people themselves by and large?
You're perpetuating the racism that I gave example you would in your very post.

WoW! What a new level of stupid.

Why won't you address white on white violence racist? What's the matter? Have a problem w/facts?

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