This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place

Black on black crime is obviously not an excuse for police unjustly killing black people, or anybody for that fact. However, if BLM cares so much about black lives why aren't they putting this kind of effort into stop the dozens of murders of black men in Chicago every week? They only seem to care when the media tells them a white cop killed a black guy.

As far as white people not talking about white on white crime, do you hear white people playing the racial victim card every time one of them are gunned down by a cop? Maybe they should, since more unarmed white people were killed by police last year than blacks, but the media didn't tell you that, did they?
Ahhhhh, NOW we're getting a little closer to what is true.

What should black citizens be doing that they aren't already? Are you suggesting that they take up arms and go hunting down people like the race soldiers who killed Trayvon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery?

Are you supporting vigilante justice?

And what the heck would you racists do w/o Chicago to fall back on?

You're so transparent, and you're too dumb and full of racial hatred to even see it.
You seem to be the one full of racial hatred.

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.


no truer words have ever been said,,,

raise you kids better and they wont always be in trouble,,,this has nothing to do with race,,,
List all the examples of cops getting punished for unjustly taking black life.
I don't have all of the examples of cops punished for unjustly taking black life. Go check Google.
I do know what is going to happen to this Minneapolis cop by everyone's accounting.
The good news folks, is that the tide has turned, and the values that the racist heathens that has infected this thread are being beaten back.

Perhaps America will truly actually be great.

God is good.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
Whenever someone uses a word like "GINORMOUS" I just know I'm hearing from a clueless, juvenile.
I don't have all of the examples of cops punished for unjustly taking black life. Go check Google.
I do know what is going to happen to this Minneapolis cop by everyone's accounting.
If you didn't have those facts, then how can you make an argument based on it?

And I'd love to see what your prediction is for Minneapolis Mr. Svengali.

Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
Maybe if you just stop killing each other over a fucking dime bag.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
Black lives mattered when they were slaves. After all, they were property. Now, not so much. You think slave owners would allow slaves to kill each other?
You're perpetuating the racism that I gave example you would in your very post.

WoW! What a new level of stupid.
This is meaningless drivel.

Why won't you address white on white violence racist? What's the matter? Have a problem w/facts?
What would you like me to say about white on white violence? It happens a lot and the nation hasn't been tied up in a politicized knot about it. No one shoots cops or tears down cities and sets them on fire
because of it.

Blacks are treated like poor retarded children who cannot deal with their own issues while whites simply
get on with life because there are no politicized cynical politicians who will pander to them.
The same with Asians, or Hispanics. Everyone but the poor ignorant, violent black folks.

How does it feel to be so patronized and the source of so much violence and destruction?
The good news folks, is that the tide has turned, and the values that the racist heathens that has infected this thread are being beaten back.

Perhaps America will truly actually be great.

God is good.

It may get better, and if you want it that way, your community can help by changing behaviors.
The good news folks, is that the tide has turned, and the values that the racist heathens that has infected this thread are being beaten back.

Perhaps America will truly actually be great.

God is good.
85 shot and 25 died in chiraq . You all are trying
If you didn't have those facts, then how can you make an argument based on it?
I do have those facts though so what can you possibly be talking about?

And I'd love to see what your prediction is for Minneapolis Mr. Svengali.
More violence, death and destruction for Minneapolis unless Chauvin gets the harshest sentence
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

I'd like to resolve it.

By shipping all of BLM off to the Congo.
Ghana has welcomed them to return home. You know, the ones who kidnapped their ancestors and sold them

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