This Nonsense Of Bringing Up "Black on Black Crime" Whenever Policy Brutality Has Taken Place

So, we are simply asking If black lives matter, why do they only matter to you when a white cop kills a black.? It’s a simple question. We are observant. You don’t see blacks in the streets looting, pillaging, burning and murdering when a black cop is shot down by black looters. Why. Do black lives matter or don’t they? Secondly when whites are killed by cops you don’t see looting pillaging riots and murder. When it happens then come back and ask your question.
When you read and address the OP, then, perhaps, maybe I'll take you seriously.

The simple premise is: Why do only some black lives matter.

All. Lives. Matter.

Black. Lies. Matter.
Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Why won't you address black on black violence with a 100th percent of the enthusiasm that you spend
looking for these black murdering cops? Maybe there's no sympathy or glory in that realizing that the real
murderers of blacks are black people themselves by and large?
List all the examples of cops getting punished for unjustly taking black life.
So, we are simply asking If black lives matter, why do they only matter to you when a white cop kills a black.? It’s a simple question. We are observant. You don’t see blacks in the streets looting, pillaging, burning and murdering when a black cop is shot down by black looters. Why. Do black lives matter or don’t they? Secondly when whites are killed by cops you don’t see looting pillaging riots and murder. When it happens then come back and ask your question.
When you read and address the OP, then, perhaps, maybe I'll take you seriously.

I don’t give a shit if you take me seriously or not. Your dumbass asked some questions and I answered them. It’s not my responsibility to make sure you like the answer. So now I conclude that you didn’t want answers. You just wanted to make accusations. Happy now dumbass?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Black on black crime is obviously not an excuse for police unjustly killing black people, or anybody for that fact. However, if BLM cares so much about black lives why aren't they putting this kind of effort into stop the dozens of murders of black men in Chicago every week? They only seem to care when the media tells them a white cop killed a black guy.

As far as white people not talking about white on white crime, do you hear white people playing the racial victim card every time one of them are gunned down by a cop? Maybe they should, since more unarmed white people were killed by police last year than blacks, but the media didn't tell you that, did they?
bringing up race at all when its about police brutality is the nonsense,,,

but since blacks always want to make it about race then it is perfectly fine to bring up black on black crime cause it shows the hypocrisy,,,and also shows the blacks are the racist,,,
LOLing @ this KKKOMEDY!

I don’t give a shit if you take me seriously or not. Your dumbass asked some questions and I answered them. It’s not my responsibility to make sure you like the answer. So now I conclude that you didn’t want answers. You just wanted to make accusations. Happy now dumbass?
OK racist, if you can present an example of a black officer killing a black unjustly, I'll give you the answer you claim to seek.

Go for it.
bringing up race at all when its about police brutality is the nonsense,,,

but since blacks always want to make it about race then it is perfectly fine to bring up black on black crime cause it shows the hypocrisy,,,and also shows the blacks are the racist,,,
LOLing @ this KKKOMEDY!

well you guys are the ones that always makes police brutality about race,,,

if you werent so racist on the subject you would have a lot more people like me on your side,,,
Where are examples of all the cases in which police killed blacks with no adverse consequences at all?
You live in a fairy land of misinformation and tropes that reinforce to an agreeable audience fiction that becomes fact through it's repeated usage.

Why won't you address black on black violence with a 100th percent of the enthusiasm that you spend
looking for these black murdering cops? Maybe there's no sympathy or glory in that realizing that the real
murderers of blacks are black people themselves by and large?
List all the examples of cops getting punished for unjustly taking black life.
Only black life? Is that the only life that matters to you? Are you ok with police officers unjustly taking life of other 'colors'?
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
America may have a race problem but most Americans are not racist and most police officers are not racist. Sorry it doesn't fit your hateful rhetoric.
Black on black crime is obviously not an excuse for police unjustly killing black people, or anybody for that fact. However, if BLM cares so much about black lives why aren't they putting this kind of effort into stop the dozens of murders of black men in Chicago every week? They only seem to care when the media tells them a white cop killed a black guy.

As far as white people not talking about white on white crime, do you hear white people playing the racial victim card every time one of them are gunned down by a cop? Maybe they should, since more unarmed white people were killed by police last year than blacks, but the media didn't tell you that, did they?
Ahhhhh, NOW we're getting a little closer to what is true.

What should black citizens be doing that they aren't already? Are you suggesting that they take up arms and go hunting down people like the race soldiers who killed Trayvon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery?

Are you supporting vigilante justice?

And what the heck would you racists do w/o Chicago to fall back on?

You're so transparent, and you're too dumb and full of racial hatred to even see it.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

Black on black crime is obviously not an excuse for police unjustly killing black people, or anybody for that fact. However, if BLM cares so much about black lives why aren't they putting this kind of effort into stop the dozens of murders of black men in Chicago every week? They only seem to care when the media tells them a white cop killed a black guy.

As far as white people not talking about white on white crime, do you hear white people playing the racial victim card every time one of them are gunned down by a cop? Maybe they should, since more unarmed white people were killed by police last year than blacks, but the media didn't tell you that, did they?
^^^ THIS ^^^

I live in Boston, post Boston Marathon bombing the mantra was the police were running in while everyone else was running away. They were heroes. Now suddenly because of what happened in Minny, they are all villains. Leftist Logic 101.
Ahhhhh, NOW we're getting a little closer to what is true.

What should black citizens be doing that they aren't already?

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.

And what the heck would you racists do w/o Chicago to fall back on?

You're so transparent, and you're too dumb and full of racial hatred to even see it.

I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
Just pointing out the abject hypocrisy of the left and the ultra-racist BLM.
I don’t give a shit if you take me seriously or not. Your dumbass asked some questions and I answered them. It’s not my responsibility to make sure you like the answer. So now I conclude that you didn’t want answers. You just wanted to make accusations. Happy now dumbass?
OK racist, if you can present an example of a black officer killing a black unjustly, I'll give you the answer you claim to seek.

Go for it.
I asked you about blacks killing a black officer. Did his black life matter? It didn’t did it?
Ahhhhh, NOW we're getting a little closer to what is true.

What should black citizens be doing that they aren't already?

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.

And what the heck would you racists do w/o Chicago to fall back on?

You're so transparent, and you're too dumb and full of racial hatred to even see it.

I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
You just tazed him, bro. Well said. I am a Jew, can I be racist? Only 16mil of us in the WORLD.
Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.
WELL YOU WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT TO ME. No other group of people think they can beat, loot, and burn but the Blacks. Not all Blacks Just the ones that think they are owed a living because their great great great grand father was a slave. That is what the democrats have taught you. Here's some proof. In the early 60's the Black American family had the closet bond, were more religious, and less likely to have a baby out of wedlock than any other race. Thanks to LBJ's Great Society a Black baby 8 out of 10 are born without fathers. Blacks are 14% of the population and comet 65% of violent crime. . IT'S A BAD JOKE SO MANY OF YOU HAVE FELL FOR IT HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER. The democrats are not your friend. They weren't your friend when they founded the KKK. They weren't your friend when they called them self the Southern Confederacy, and they are not your friend now. YOU ARE RIGHT TRUMP IS OUT TO GET YOU BECAUSE HE IS A RACIST AND DEMOCRATS TOLD YOU SO.
You also have traitors to their race like Jackson and Sharpner who's job it is to blame anyone and everyone for your problems but the guilty. How many do you know the democrats have helped out of poverty? None, they are given enough to not starve. The party of the poor and democrats are Hell bound to make you stay that way. Just wake up and smell the shit the democrats are feeding you.
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Is just that, nonsense.

What do those people who do that think they're doing?

I mean, seriously, what argument are they making?

What's the comparison are they making exactly?

First of all, why aren't they talking about "White on White crime?" That's just as much of a thing as their made up term referring to blacks.

Secondly, and most importantly, how or why are you comparing regular crime, where the perpetrators are sought out, usually caught and subsequently prosecuted to those thugs who are SUPPOSED to be UPHOLDING the law, getting away with blue murder, no pun intended, with absolutely no consequences.

Another one of their BOGUS arguments is when they inject some random numbers and/or stats about who's committing the most crime, as if THAT has something to do w/police brutality.

Who can make this make sense?

The only sense it makes, is that they're exercising their non-stop racism by throwing red-hearings to obfuscate the argument.

They don't believe #BlackLivesMatter, and they absolutely hate the fact that more and more whites, are coming to understand that they do, and that America has a GINORMOUS race problem, that they themselves need to resolve.

The bottom line is this folks, if the police are supposed to be upholding the law, then they're supposed to be held to HIGHER STANDARD than the rest of us. If and when they get caught in a crime, or perceived crime, they ought to sought out, investigate and held to account, including jailtime and/or even death sentence if warranted.

Not the current level of unbridled violence and accountability they're currently running around rampant with.

I agree with you. Unions are a big part of the cause, a police officer gets a complaint and the union will fight for the police officer. The four cops charged in the Floyd case are being helped by the union and they are already attempting to get them reinstated. We could eliminate lot of problems be either reforming unions or getting rid of them altogether, I have no answers for this however no one else has either.

Raising your fucking kids properly would be a good start.


I'm not white, so I can't be racist, remember? You tards said so.
Welp, there you have it folks.

The venom and racial hatred is just dripping from his words. Nuff said.


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