This Old Gentleman Is Unfit

At this early juncture, it is looking hopeless for the DemocRATS.
And that's a good thang.....
He was covering Hillary in Bosnia also...

There he was laying grazing fire so she could escape
Democratic dementia- what happens to democrats after a life of lies.

Does anyone really believe Obama is ever going to endorse him, or does everyone think if he gets elected he will make the perfect puppet?
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Some registered Democrats are already asking themselves, is this my Party?, is this my house?, is this my wife?, is this my life?.......same as it ever was....same as it ever was.....
Hell, a great many folks would rather vote for a fence-post than vote for Trump, so... Biden's shortcomings may not matter much to the Democrats right now.
Hell, a great many folks would rather vote for a fence-post than vote for Trump, so... Biden's shortcomings may not matter much to the Democrats right now.

Don't bet on it.
Hillary was a fence-post.
It just wasn't evident to Hillary supporters.
Michelle: hello Joe, this is Michelle.

Joe: Michelle who?

Michelle: Michelle, you know, Barack’s wife.

Joe: oh Michelle, please forgive me. All that pork on a stick in Iowa sort of has me a little forgetful. How is Barack, you know I still don’t want him to endorse me yet.

Michelle: Barack is fine and he will certainly respect your wishes, but he has suggested I call you and encourage you to take a small summer vacation and lay off the campaign trail for a few days, you know, sort of act like you are above the fray and not concerned about the competition because of your vast experience. Keep the media guessing and therefore talking about you. You know sometimes less is more.

Joe: great idea Michelle. I was thinking about that myself but I think you have given me some great advice. Has Barack had a chance to talk to any of those big donors I mentioned yet. The campaign is getting a little low on funds and the Chinese investors said they are waiting to hear from Barack before they make another move.

Michelle: absolutely joe. He is on the phone every day. Just take a few days off, get your batteries charged. We will send you another packet of talking points you can go over before you get back to campaigning. Great job on the trump hating rhetoric. You really nailed it. Barack says hi. I have to go but great talking to you joe, will be in touch.

Joe: thanks Michelle, I don’t know what I would do without you. Please tell Barack not to endorse me yet. You know this is a big f______ deal. Call me soon.
Democrats ran poor old FDR for his 4th term when he wasn't even in his right mind and they knew he would not survive his 4th term. FDR lived for about three months after his inauguration but the dem's had an ace in the hole. They selected a timid little bean counter senator who didn't even have a college education to run on the ticket when the sitting VP was on vacation and what do you know, little dumb assed Harry Truman became president without even trying. Is that what democrats have in mind for Joe Biden? It ain't gonna work.

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