This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Why would anyone want a house like that even if you can afford it? It's a monstrosity. It's a giant lawn ornament.
Why does anyone need a house like that?

Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?
Thirty years war
French wars of religion
Second sudanese civil war
Lebanese civil war
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They have huge structural unemployment issues, especially among the Muslims, who are the only growing part of the population. European birth reates are well below replacement.
Every country has structural unemployment, countries go through shifting socio-economic conditions constantly, what do muslims have to do with this? There is nothing wrong with muslims: "According to the Pew Research Center, Europe's population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030"
If you see something wrong with that, what a shame. How are they below replacement? I need you to elaborate.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Why would anyone want a house like that even if you can afford it? It's a monstrosity. It's a giant lawn ornament.
Why does anyone need a house like that?

Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?
Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.

Yeah...the switch from the misery of a manual labor agrarian culture to an industrial one was messy...why? Because it had never happened we have people with rock climbing walls at work........things do not change over night and things are not made perfect over has taken us this long to get where we are and we have cleaned up the environment, and work conditions are excellent for even the most manual of laborers.....

And what made all those safety laws, and improvements....captialism...people became wealthier than ever before, and they demanded more from their lives...because they had money to make it happen.........

Socialism destroys innovation and achievement........
It did not seem to inhibit Nazi Germany...

Yeah it did......look at innovation...they only had it in war machines and that wouldn't last......just like the soviet union had top notch military jets....but couldn't feed their people...
The soviet union did alot more then develop military jets..
List of space exploration milestones 1957 1969 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they still didn't feed their people or have a modern society...astronauts, olympic gymnasts and party officials made out like kings...the common people...not so much...

I have a friend that went to Russia during the cold war...he was warned to keep his pass port handy because he couldn't get into a foreign guest hotel without it.....why? Because they had all the luxuries of the west in there....sort of.....and they needed to keep out the regular Russian citizens.......

I remember my first realization about Russia....and how bad it sucked.....i was watching the olympics with my family and an American pairs figure skating team came on....during some competition in Russia during the cold war, she cracked her head on the ice and had to go to the hospital....her team left her coach stayed with her.

They didn't have sheets on the beds, the patients had to share needles, they didn't have antibiotics or pain medicine the mattresses were stained...and not clean.....

She was saved because a Russian figure skater, who was a friend, came in with his coach and his medical supplies from his private stash...which he got because he was on the olympic team..he brought sheets, needles, medicines, blankets........

That was my first knowledge of socialism...and how badly it sucked....
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.

Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.
That really omits a lot of history. Sure by our standards things looked bad. But it represented an improvement for people at the time, who largely fled rural areas and starvation. They could at least find work and support themselves.
This doesn't omit a lot of history, it was this way for decades with little to no change before the government stepped in, labor fought a long hard battle and helped to bring in regulations/etc... They were horrible, truly horrible, might as well say the soviet union was a good place because it brought a country out of feudalism into something better, sure, it looked bad, but pfft, everyone had a job. Yeah, support themselves with a loaf of bread and kids working 50 hours a weeks.
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.

Yeah...the switch from the misery of a manual labor agrarian culture to an industrial one was messy...why? Because it had never happened we have people with rock climbing walls at work........things do not change over night and things are not made perfect over has taken us this long to get where we are and we have cleaned up the environment, and work conditions are excellent for even the most manual of laborers.....

And what made all those safety laws, and improvements....captialism...people became wealthier than ever before, and they demanded more from their lives...because they had money to make it happen.........

Socialism destroys innovation and achievement........
It did not seem to inhibit Nazi Germany...

Yeah it did......look at innovation...they only had it in war machines and that wouldn't last......just like the soviet union had top notch military jets....but couldn't feed their people...
The soviet union did alot more then develop military jets..
List of space exploration milestones 1957 1969 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they still didn't feed their people or have a modern society...astronauts, olympic gymnasts and party officials made out like kings...the common people...not so much...

I have a friend that went to Russia during the cold war...he was warned to keep his pass port handy because he couldn't get into a foreign guest hotel without it.....why? Because they had all the luxuries of the west in there....sort of.....and they needed to keep out the regular Russian citizens.......

I remember my first realization about Russia....and how bad it sucked.....i was watching the olympics with my family and an American pairs figure skating team came on....during some competition in Russia during the cold war, she cracked her head on the ice and had to go to the hospital....her team left her coach stayed with her.

They didn't have sheets on the beds, the patients had to share needles, they didn't have antibiotics or pain medicine the mattresses were stained...and not clean.....

She was saved because a Russian figure skater, who was a friend, came in with his coach and his medical supplies from his private stash...which he got because he was on the olympic team..he brought sheets, needles, medicines, blankets........

That was my first knowledge of socialism...and how badly it sucked....
I don't even like russia, nor the soviet union.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Why would anyone want a house like that even if you can afford it? It's a monstrosity. It's a giant lawn ornament.
Why does anyone need a house like that?
Who are you to judge what someone needs? IN any case half the crap people buy are unneeded. So what?
I can have a personal opinion, it was a question in the context of this thread. Agreed, consumerism is a stupid thing.
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.

Yeah...the switch from the misery of a manual labor agrarian culture to an industrial one was messy...why? Because it had never happened we have people with rock climbing walls at work........things do not change over night and things are not made perfect over has taken us this long to get where we are and we have cleaned up the environment, and work conditions are excellent for even the most manual of laborers.....

And what made all those safety laws, and improvements....captialism...people became wealthier than ever before, and they demanded more from their lives...because they had money to make it happen.........

Socialism destroys innovation and achievement........
It did not seem to inhibit Nazi Germany...

Yeah it did......look at innovation...they only had it in war machines and that wouldn't last......just like the soviet union had top notch military jets....but couldn't feed their people...
The soviet union did alot more then develop military jets..
List of space exploration milestones 1957 1969 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they still didn't feed their people or have a modern society...astronauts, olympic gymnasts and party officials made out like kings...the common people...not so much...

I have a friend that went to Russia during the cold war...he was warned to keep his pass port handy because he couldn't get into a foreign guest hotel without it.....why? Because they had all the luxuries of the west in there....sort of.....and they needed to keep out the regular Russian citizens.......

I remember my first realization about Russia....and how bad it sucked.....i was watching the olympics with my family and an American pairs figure skating team came on....during some competition in Russia during the cold war, she cracked her head on the ice and had to go to the hospital....her team left her coach stayed with her.

They didn't have sheets on the beds, the patients had to share needles, they didn't have antibiotics or pain medicine the mattresses were stained...and not clean.....

She was saved because a Russian figure skater, who was a friend, came in with his coach and his medical supplies from his private stash...which he got because he was on the olympic team..he brought sheets, needles, medicines, blankets........

That was my first knowledge of socialism...and how badly it sucked....
No, it was your first knowledge of Russia.
Why would anyone want a house like that even if you can afford it? It's a monstrosity. It's a giant lawn ornament.
Why does anyone need a house like that?

Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
Why does anyone need a house like that?

Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
Make whatever excuses you want to try and make your opinion the only one...
and don't forget the Crusades all of them...just think of all the deaths before reformation...

You would compare the reaction to muslim aggression in the middle modern nation states, industrial, scientific nations in 1939 mass murdering people not because of war deaths....but becaue they simply mass murdered people in atheist countries.......
Why does anyone need a house like that?

Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
We were talking about mass graves and wars of all types and now we're switching to industrial wars? Atheists murdered 100 million people? Oh please, do you want to be a dishonest person and claim all christians are going to slaughter muslims because the crusades happened? There are good people who live without religion and bad people who live without religion, it says nothing about atheism if stalin was a horrid man and atheist.
Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
Make whatever excuses you want to try and make your opinion the only one...

You are the one comparing people of the 1600s with the people in modern Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, vietnam........
Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
We were talking about mass graves and wars of all types and now we're switching to industrial wars? Atheists murdered 100 million people? Oh please, do you want to be a dishonest person and claim all christians are going to slaughter muslims because the crusades happened? There are good people who live without religion and bad people who live without religion, it says nothing about atheism if stalin was a horrid man and atheist. is what Moonglow is saying....atheism murdered 100 million people around the world in modern times...not medieval times...
Mass graves, i suppose the many religious wars hurt no one?
Many? You can name these religious wars?

Yeah...they weren't industrial and not capitalist at the time were they.........and the atheists murdered 100 million people in the modern age, not in the medieval ages or the 1600s right? The atheists did their mass murder.......not war casualties...but mass murder for their beliefs, in 1939 onward............not religions in the 1600s and the most modern industrial nations of the world......mass murder in the 100 million level.....without any religious motivation...
We were talking about mass graves and wars of all types and now we're switching to industrial wars? Atheists murdered 100 million people? Oh please, do you want to be a dishonest person and claim all christians are going to slaughter muslims because the crusades happened? There are good people who live without religion and bad people who live without religion, it says nothing about atheism if stalin was a horrid man and atheist. is what Moonglow is saying....atheism murdered 100 million people around the world in modern times...not medieval times...
Atheism murdered no body just like christianity, both ideas, murdered no body, evil people murder other people, not all christians are bad people, just like not all atheists are bad people.
and don't forget the Crusades all of them...just think of all the deaths before reformation...

You would compare the reaction to muslim aggression in the middle modern nation states, industrial, scientific nations in 1939 mass murdering people not because of war deaths....but becaue they simply mass murdered people in atheist countries.......
But the USSR was not an atheist country, since the Eastern Orthodox Church was still operating in the USSR..
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Does the capitalist who owns that house pay his gardener and housekeeper enough to have the same house?
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.
No that's really not true. The very high and steeply progressive tax rates keep people from becoming very wealthy. That's why people come here. Or used to
Where is the equivalent of Sergey Brin and Bill Gates in Europe?

That is the key...bill gates and warren buffet and wal mart....they want high tax rates...because it keeps small businesses from becoming their competitors...warren buffet also has companies that do estate planning and that is more profitable when the tax rates are excessive....buffet and gates also hide all of their money in their foundations as they claim to be giving it to charity when they die and yell for higher taxes...on everyone else.....
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Does the capitalist who owns that house pay his gardener and housekeeper enough to have the same house?
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.
No that's really not true. The very high and steeply progressive tax rates keep people from becoming very wealthy. That's why people come here. Or used to
Where is the equivalent of Sergey Brin and Bill Gates in Europe?

That is the key...bill gates and warren buffet and wal mart....they want high tax rates...because it keeps small businesses from becoming their competitors...warren buffet also has companies that do estate planning and that is more profitable when the tax rates are excessive....buffet and gates also hide all of their money in their foundations as they claim to be giving it to charity when they die and yell for higher taxes...on everyone else.....
They want high tax rates, and walmart doesn't want higher taxes, LOL.
Gates/buffet want higher taxes on the really wealthy, not small businesses. Jesus christ.

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