This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig past the left wing propaganda....

Notice the source....not right wing is it....
So cited sources on wikipedia are left wing propaganda but a website you show me isn't right wing propaganda? That's from 2010, nothing is perfect.
Does the capitalist who owns that house pay his gardener and housekeeper enough to have the same house?

I would say not....but when the gardener or the housekeeper gets a job that can afford that house? They can get that house....because in a capitalist society they can change their life circumstances and become more than what they started out as....while in socialism...not so much...they are a gardener or a housekeeper for life...

Under socialism the gardener and housekeeper get affordable healthcare and education. Under capitalism they're on their own.
This is true, especially in european countries that have social democracies, with universal healthcare and affordable education.

There healthcare and education is not affordable...they are running both into the ground....they were just lucky to have previous, hard working generations to pay up to they have made their kids lazy and they don't have the work ethic.....
They are entirely affordable, it's why european countries generally have longer life expectancies and happier citizens, they spend less on healthcare/education then america, and get better results. "previous, hard working generations.." How do you judge that all european kids are lazy? How do you make a basis for any of your claims?

Listening to reports on the fact that they have to import foreign labor......since their kids don't want to work...
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig past the left wing propaganda....

Notice the source....not right wing is it....
So cited sources on wikipedia are left wing propaganda but a website you show me isn't right wing propaganda? That's from 2010, nothing is perfect.

Yeah....last I heard the New York times wasn't a right wing source.......try again...
Why don't capitalist want to pay their fair share of taxes - or any taxes?
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Does the capitalist who owns that house pay his gardener and housekeeper enough to have the same house?
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah tell me again how the welfare states aren't in trouble.....

French unemployment rising to record high Business DW.COM 01.06.2015

Of particular concern is the percentage of long-term unemployed, which has grown by more than 10 percent in a year.

According to Europe's statistics agency, Eurostat, unemployment rate in France hovered at about 10.6 percent in March this year, more than twice as much as in Germany, which recorded a jobless rate of 4.7 percent.
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig past the left wing propaganda....

Notice the source....not right wing is it....
So cited sources on wikipedia are left wing propaganda but a website you show me isn't right wing propaganda? That's from 2010, nothing is perfect.

Yeah....last I heard the New York times wasn't a right wing source.......try again...
I never said it was, I explicitly said: "isn't right wing?." I can care less about the bias of a particular site, it's the data and the facts that matter.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Does the capitalist who owns that house pay his gardener and housekeeper enough to have the same house?

I would say not....but when the gardener or the housekeeper gets a job that can afford that house? They can get that house....because in a capitalist society they can change their life circumstances and become more than what they started out as....while in socialism...not so much...they are a gardener or a housekeeper for life...

Under socialism the gardener and housekeeper get affordable healthcare and education. Under capitalism they're on their own.
Yep...they are free to succeed and not be held back by socialists demanding that they take care of those who won't do for themselves.
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

Liberals like to use the word "regulation" without actually committing to what you are referring to.
Be ignorant if you so desire then...
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
Does the gardener and housekeeper have advanced degrees?

The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah tell me again how the welfare states aren't in trouble.....

French unemployment rising to record high Business DW.COM 01.06.2015
How does a single period in france indicate that "welfare" states are in trouble, when germany/etc are doing just fine? Socio-economic landscapes change constantly, it's intellectually dishonest to cherry pick, and you know it is.
Why don't capitalist want to pay their fair share of taxes - or any taxes?

Why do you lefties always lie and say we don't want to pay any taxes....that is you bitch and moan about the greedy rich not paying their fair share of taxes...and then you don't pay yours....just look at all the lefties on MSNBC who didn't pay their al "tawana Brawley" sharpton....

We want to pay just enough to pay for government services that are required for living in a civil society...

You guys want to give corrupt, greedy politicians, who use any tax money they get to reward themselves and their friends and who use that tax money to increase their own power.......

that makes no sense at all since all you guys do is bitch about corporations getting government hand outs....who do you think is giving them the hand outs...the politicians who you want to give increasing amounts of our tax dollars to...

How does that make any sense?
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.

Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.

Yeah...the switch from the misery of a manual labor agrarian culture to an industrial one was messy...why? Because it had never happened we have people with rock climbing walls at work........things do not change over night and things are not made perfect over has taken us this long to get where we are and we have cleaned up the environment, and work conditions are excellent for even the most manual of laborers.....

And what made all those safety laws, and improvements....captialism...people became wealthier than ever before, and they demanded more from their lives...because they had money to make it happen.........

Socialism destroys innovation and achievement........
It did not seem to inhibit Nazi Germany...
Why don't capitalist want to pay their fair share of taxes - or any taxes?

Why do you lefties always lie and say we don't want to pay any taxes....that is you bitch and moan about the greedy rich not paying their fair share of taxes...and then you don't pay yours....just look at all the lefties on MSNBC who didn't pay their al "tawana Brawley" sharpton....

We want to pay just enough to pay for government services that are required for living in a civil society...

You guys want to give corrupt, greedy politicians, who use any tax money they get to reward themselves and their friends and who use that tax money to increase their own power.......

that makes no sense at all since all you guys do is bitch about corporations getting government hand outs....who do you think is giving them the hand outs...the politicians who you want to give increasing amounts of our tax dollars to...

How does that make any sense?
One african american on msnbc not paying some taxes has nothing to do with capitalists always looking to pay the lowest in taxes.
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah tell me again how the welfare states aren't in trouble.....

French unemployment rising to record high Business DW.COM 01.06.2015
How does a single period in france indicate that "welfare" states are in trouble, when germany/etc are doing just fine? Socio-economic landscapes change constantly, it's intellectually dishonest to cherry pick, and you know it is.

Not Cherry picking...look at the deep numbers.....birth rates, job growth, and you cherry pick the one workaholic country in Europe who has half the country that just got out from under socialism and are looking to live the life of freedom.....
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.

Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.

Yeah...the switch from the misery of a manual labor agrarian culture to an industrial one was messy...why? Because it had never happened we have people with rock climbing walls at work........things do not change over night and things are not made perfect over has taken us this long to get where we are and we have cleaned up the environment, and work conditions are excellent for even the most manual of laborers.....

And what made all those safety laws, and improvements....captialism...people became wealthier than ever before, and they demanded more from their lives...because they had money to make it happen.........

Socialism destroys innovation and achievement........
It did not seem to inhibit Nazi Germany...

Yeah it did......look at innovation...they only had it in war machines and that wouldn't last......just like the soviet union had top notch military jets....but couldn't feed their people...
As capitalism lends it's self to bonding with government as a mechanism to endure that is the genesis of fascism.

Not even close...that is how socialism starts.....the government and business get together until the government starts dictating to everyone...that is socialism...not the free exchange of goods and services which is what capitalism is....

Capitalism is NOT the free exchange of goods and services. Capitalism is predatory by nature. I agree that a well regulated capitalism is the best system we can have but left to it's own devices with no regulation capitalism consumes as much as it can at as little cost as it can arrange. It certainly is not some Utopian arrangement where all have free and fair access to get a piece of the pie.

I think you're a little late, Marx already covered that, Comrade.

Capitalism keeps itself in check. Companies that misbehave are punished by consumers and employees in free markets. Only government can warp markets because only government can use force to compel people to do things that are not in their interest because only government can use force

Nonsense. Walmart has done enormous harm to countless small communities by it's predatory practices. Mitt Romney destroyed the lives of thousands of hard working Americans by taking advantage of companies that were going through difficult times. Staples is one of the few examples of Romney actually saving a company but he did it off the backs of the employees reducing pay and benefits. Romney's business practices are only in place to benefit Romney at a very high cost to the companies that have the bad judgement to get involved with him. Even in a society that attempts to protect workers and companies from unfair practices vampires like Mitt Romney will fix the system and find ways to take unfair advantage.

You know zero about business or the economy, I'd stick to your sewing club

You know zero on how to conduct yourself in a rational reasonable discussion. Your position must feel weak for you to resort to name calling and insult.

I have owned several companies some successful, some not. A startup can be difficult for many reasons some foreseen and some not. You don't know how much I have risked. Stop being glib and juvenile. It exposes your lack of real knowledge on this subject.
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah tell me again how the welfare states aren't in trouble.....

French unemployment rising to record high Business DW.COM 01.06.2015
How does a single period in france indicate that "welfare" states are in trouble, when germany/etc are doing just fine? Socio-economic landscapes change constantly, it's intellectually dishonest to cherry pick, and you know it is.

Not Cherry picking...look at the deep numbers.....birth rates, job growth, and you cherry pick the one workaholic country in Europe who has half the country that just got out from under socialism and are looking to live the life of freedom.....
Which country are we talking about here? France?
2.01 births per woman (2012) - France
France has the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal figures and the ninth largest economy by PPP figures.[9] It has the third-largest economy in Europe with Germany and the UK in 1st and 2nd.[10] OECD is headquartered in Paris, the nation's financial capital.

The chemical industry is a key sector for France, helping to develop other manufacturing activities and contributing to economic growth.[11] France's tourism industry is a major component of the economy, as France is the most visited destination in the world.[12][13] In 2010, Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report ranked France the wealthiest European country with 2.6 million dollar-millionaires, and the world's 4th wealthiest[14] nation[15] in aggregate household wealth. According to the IMF, in 2013, France was the world's 20th country by GDP per capita with $44,099 per inhabitant. In 2013, France was listed on the United Nations's Human Development Index with 0.884 (very high human development) and 25th on the Corruption Perceptions Index.

After the turn of the millennium, wealth per adult grew very strongly in France, tripling in value between 2000 and 2007. France's economy entered the recession of the late 2000s later and appeared to leave it earlier than most affected economies, only enduring four-quarters of contraction.[16] However, France experienced stagnant growth between 2012 and 2014, with the economy growing by 0% in 2012, 0.8% in 2013 and 0.2% in 2014, though growth picked up sharply in Q1 2015, as the economy expanded by 0.6%.[17]
Germany has uhc, virtually free education, maternity leave, etc..

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