This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.

Unfettered socialism murdered 100 million people around the world...for no other reason than they had 1 penny more than someone else.....

Can't you read?

I think he got lost when you said socialism needs to be regulated. What does that even mean? Government regulating itself?

Are you really that stupid - or just flaming? Are you suggesting that our American socialist programs are unregulated?

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Capitalism created the wealth that made people want to make changes for the better...when you are are only concerned about today...when capitalism makes you wealthy...then you think about tomorrow, and a cleaner, nicer today...

It's a lot easier for them to create a boogie man to whine about and blame their sucky lives on than it is to just bust their ass and make it on their own
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.
You assume there is an endgame.

That is asinine. You create a system to ENDURE - not to get somewhere. Capitalism might be a vehicle for innovation but it, in and of itself, is not something that is supposed to move into another system such as fascism.

As capitalism lends it's self to bonding with government as a mechanism to endure that is the genesis of fascism.

Not even close...that is how socialism starts.....the government and business get together until the government starts dictating to everyone...that is socialism...not the free exchange of goods and services which is what capitalism is....

Capitalism is NOT the free exchange of goods and services. Capitalism is predatory by nature. I agree that a well regulated capitalism is the best system we can have but left to it's own devices with no regulation capitalism consumes as much as it can at as little cost as it can arrange. It certainly is not some Utopian arrangement where all have free and fair access to get a piece of the pie.

I think you're a little late, Marx already covered that, Comrade.

Capitalism keeps itself in check. Companies that misbehave are punished by consumers and employees in free markets. Only government can warp markets because only government can use force to compel people to do things that are not in their interest because only government can use force

Nonsense. Walmart has done enormous harm to countless small communities by it's predatory practices. Mitt Romney destroyed the lives of thousands of hard working Americans by taking advantage of companies that were going through difficult times. Staples is one of the few examples of Romney actually saving a company but he did it off the backs of the employees reducing pay and benefits. Romney's business practices are only in place to benefit Romney at a very high cost to the companies that have the bad judgement to get involved with him. Even in a society that attempts to protect workers and companies from unfair practices vampires like Mitt Romney will fix the system and find ways to take unfair advantage.
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.
Government is the law that prevents capitalists from killing off humans like mine mules. Pure capitalism would love not to have government controls - instead they would like to control the police to protect their unfettered greed and exploitation of human and material resources.
You assume there is an endgame.

That is asinine. You create a system to ENDURE - not to get somewhere. Capitalism might be a vehicle for innovation but it, in and of itself, is not something that is supposed to move into another system such as fascism.

As capitalism lends it's self to bonding with government as a mechanism to endure that is the genesis of fascism.

Not even close...that is how socialism starts.....the government and business get together until the government starts dictating to everyone...that is socialism...not the free exchange of goods and services which is what capitalism is....

Capitalism is NOT the free exchange of goods and services. Capitalism is predatory by nature. I agree that a well regulated capitalism is the best system we can have but left to it's own devices with no regulation capitalism consumes as much as it can at as little cost as it can arrange. It certainly is not some Utopian arrangement where all have free and fair access to get a piece of the pie.

I think you're a little late, Marx already covered that, Comrade.

Capitalism keeps itself in check. Companies that misbehave are punished by consumers and employees in free markets. Only government can warp markets because only government can use force to compel people to do things that are not in their interest because only government can use force

Nonsense. Walmart has done enormous harm to countless small communities by it's predatory practices. Mitt Romney destroyed the lives of thousands of hard working Americans by taking advantage of companies that were going through difficult times. Staples is one of the few examples of Romney actually saving a company but he did it off the backs of the employees reducing pay and benefits. Romney's business practices are only in place to benefit Romney at a very high cost to the companies that have the bad judgement to get involved with him. Even in a society that attempts to protect workers and companies from unfair practices vampires like Mitt Romney will fix the system and find ways to take unfair advantage.

You know zero about business or the economy, I'd stick to your sewing club
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out

You only think it's "funny" because you are so clueless. If a business misbehaves it's competitors take it's business. If an employee is unreasonable they price themselves out of employment until they ask what they are worth, if a consumer won't pay enough then no one will sell to them.

What you think is "capitalism" is an irrational boogie man in your head that you use to justify socialism to assuage your hysterical fear of running your own life
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

Yes, it checks itself. If businesses, consumers or employees misbehave, they lose out
Now days with the regulations, they will, but not so much before the era of regulations...

I don't see much wrong with the liberal view to be honest.
The liberal cartoon would be true if, ultimately, nobody could see over the fence except the person who put up the fence in the first place. He would be on the other side proud of himself that he made everyone equal.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Yeah that would explain why republicans hate rich liberals... :rofl:
Pointing out the hypocrisy of rich liberals is NOT hate...
Socialists believe they are so morally superior when what they do does nothing but destroy. Just look at Detroit, Baltimore or any city run by Democrats. It is just like the old Soviet Union; bleak, sad, gray and dreary with no hope. But everyone is equal (except the leaders).

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