This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

So what are you implying, that everything I earn belongs to the government?

That's pretty much the definition of "stupid."
I didn't say anything about the government. I said that you don't own the money you pay your employees. You don't get to reach into their pocket and take what you want because it's not yours anymore.
That's irrelevant, borderline insane.
As can be seen above, Kaz originally said that the upper classes support the lower classes by paying the lower classes' bills by giving them a paycheck and implied he still owned the money after giving it to his employees. I called him on that. British Patriot chimed in to call my point that the money he earns belongs to the government stupid. I pointed out that I didn't even say anything about the government let alone what belongs to it and reiterated my actual point that, once he compensates his employees for supporting him, he no longer owns that compensation. You're not paying their bills. You're paying your bill owed to them for working for you. It's not that hard a concept once you stop accepting the notion that you own your employees.
OK what we have here is a failure to communicate.
He said nothing about upper classes and lower classes. Rather it was about employers and employees. In your mind that might be the samr thing.
Yes technically once the employer pays the employee the money is not his anymore but the employee's. So what? It came from somewhere. If the employer were not employing the worker the worker would have nothing. I think you havent made your case here.
Employment is a contract. The employee sells their labor for money. The employer pays the employee at a mutually agreed upon rate in exchange for that labor. The money paid to the employee by the employer is just the employee's charge for services rendered. That's it. That's all a paycheck is. It's solely that person's property to do with as they will once it's in their hands and the employee's personal finances are otherwise not remotely the business of the employer. I would therefore argue that his point about the employer paying the employee's bills is what's irrelevant.

I am using "upper classes" and "employers" synonymously btw. Capitalist and laborer, employer and employee, rich and working poor, they're all just labels for the same dichotomy.

No, they aren't.....if the guy working for someone else has a pension..he is a capitalist....he is investing money for his retirement...we don't have classes here in the states...the left would love it if we did and they are trying real hard to make them....but we just don't.......and someone who works at wal mart, could very easily also have their own side business....and it isn't just "Rich" and "working poor" there are people who make more and those who make less, for now, and will move up and down the scale.......

Wealth or lack of wealth is not a fixed status in the United States.....and we can't allow the left to make it seem like it is.......
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

Right, if a Capitalist thought that he would support a redistrbution of the wealth. BTW, that home in CA would be seven figures, in Texas less than my 3/2 Rancher in the SF Bay Area.
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.

Hey, maybe can try selling to Muslims a Planned Parenthood type of system.......I mean, you right wingers are looking to defund them in the US, so they may be i search of other venues.....Surely you right wingers are ALL in favor of aborting Muslim, brown fetuses.

No, that is what the democrats call "family planning" in the 3rd world.....notice it is always you lefties who look at the 3rd world, Africa in particular, and say..." have too many people....we need to give them family planning/abortion." The racism of the left is deep and pervasive....and they have convinced themselves that their racism is simply concern for the less fortunate....which always ends up with them wanting to abort them....
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....

The FREE Exchange of goods?
Sociologists are little more then professional indoctrinators. What they do isn't science, and they don't know the first thing about economics.

You do know that you're a fucking, illiterate moron, don't you?

Sociology ENTAILS economics......there is an entire field that covers the sociology of economic life, that can also be said to be concerned with resource allocations.

Had you made it through junior high school you would at least not be making imbecilic remarks like the one above.

Sociology may "entail" economics," but that doesn't mean sociologists have an understanding of economics. Most of them are Marxists, which means they are quacks and imbeciles. Their understanding of economics is bogus and their sociological theories are wrong.
Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.
Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.

Yeah....but they would all be living on less that 1 dollar a day........that is true equality.........according to a lefty.....
They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They have huge structural unemployment issues, especially among the Muslims, who are the only growing part of the population. European birth reates are well below replacement.
Every country has structural unemployment, countries go through shifting socio-economic conditions constantly, what do muslims have to do with this? There is nothing wrong with muslims: "According to the Pew Research Center, Europe's population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030"
If you see something wrong with that, what a shame. How are they below replacement? I need you to elaborate.
You are deflecting to irrelevance.
Europe has large numbers of unemployed younger people. This is simply fact. The economies there are far less dynamic than ours.
European birth rates are below replacement, typically given as 2.1 children per couple. As I recall the Italians are the worst off but none of the western Euripean countries has a birth rate above 2. This indicates a declining population and a death spiral.
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.
I addressed you, I haven't deflected anything. Many countries, including america, have unemployed young people, they're young, what do you expect? Declining population? Good for them. 8% muslim by 2030? RUUUUUUUN THE EVIL MUSLIMS.
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.

Hey, maybe can try selling to Muslims a Planned Parenthood type of system.......I mean, you right wingers are looking to defund them in the US, so they may be i search of other venues.....Surely you right wingers are ALL in favor of aborting Muslim, brown fetuses.

You're obviously a moron.
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.

Yeah....but they would all be living on less that 1 dollar a day........that is true equality.........according to a lefty.....
What if you're ambidextrous?
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Ive seen men born into extreme poverty..He never had a bed as a child..Slept in the barn to avoid the abusive kid beating step father...His parents were both..abusive alcoholic parents..

This man grew up...made a life for himself in the CAPIALISTIC SYSTEM....hes falls off of him every where he goes...

He has made a wonderful life for himself..because of capitalism

Like Bill Cosby said..if you cant make it in America...your just not trying...

I was born low low low middle class...and Ive always had my own business's...I live in a wonderful home..on acreage...Ive owned cattle..horses......and camped in the mountains....

I love my life...If it were not for capitalism..this would not be my life... just an excuse to sponge off of others who will take the time to work hard..

Socialists are lazy asses....who lack brain power to do for themsevles





I had good parents...Socialists obviously had bad parents lacking morality..We wer taught that we could do anything we wanted in this land of opportunity..we were taught to stand on our own two feet..THAT NO ONE OWED US ANYTHING..
How can anyone take you seriously when you claim liberalism is a mental disorder.

That's a good indication that he understands reality.
Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.

This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....

Yes, when we give lower classes jobs, that is THEM supporting US. When all their bills are paid with money we pay them. You people are just ridiculous
You think that you still own the money you pay your employees?

So what are you implying, that everything I earn belongs to the government?

That's pretty much the definition of "stupid."
I didn't say anything about the government. I said that you don't own the money you pay your employees. You don't get to reach into their pocket and take what you want because it's not yours anymore.
i have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Until the money is transferred to their bank accounts, it's your money.
Sociologists are little more then professional indoctrinators. What they do isn't science, and they don't know the first thing about economics.

You do know that you're a fucking, illiterate moron, don't you?

Sociology ENTAILS economics......there is an entire field that covers the sociology of economic life, that can also be said to be concerned with resource allocations.

Had you made it through junior high school you would at least not be making imbecilic remarks like the one above.

Sociology may "entail" economics," but that doesn't mean sociologists have an understanding of economics. Most of them are Marxists, which means they are quacks and imbeciles. Their understanding of economics is bogus and their sociological theories are wrong.

LOL, bripat knows this ^^^ because he heard a podcast by Rush Limbaugh.
Sociologists are little more then professional indoctrinators. What they do isn't science, and they don't know the first thing about economics.

You do know that you're a fucking, illiterate moron, don't you?

Sociology ENTAILS economics......there is an entire field that covers the sociology of economic life, that can also be said to be concerned with resource allocations.

Had you made it through junior high school you would at least not be making imbecilic remarks like the one above.

Sociology may "entail" economics," but that doesn't mean sociologists have an understanding of economics. Most of them are Marxists, which means they are quacks and imbeciles. Their understanding of economics is bogus and their sociological theories are wrong.

LOL, bripat knows this ^^^ because he heard a podcast by Rush Limbaugh.

Hmmm . . . no. I know it because I've read books by sociologists, and I a thorough understanding of economics. Sociologists believe that citing other authorities makes their papers "scientific." However, what they are really doing is committing the appeal to authority fallacy. Sociology is so full of quackery and bogus methodology it should be in the same class as astrology or creationism.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....

The FREE Exchange of goods?
You know what that means, right?

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