This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good

Like all losers, Odium blames capitalism for his failures rather than his own personal limitations.
This country is not a pure capitalist nation and has not been since the GOP started regulations and social relief,,,also breaking up monopolies and trusts...
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.

This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...
They had Democracy in Vietnam? I didn't know that.

Socialism makes it possible for dictators to kill 100 million people.
Yes there was democracy in Nam.....socialism has nothing to do with a dictatorship using a communistic form of govt.. That wasn't all communistic..if you twas smart enough you'd know that..But you're just an ignorant blowhard trying to show how intelligent you are, but you fail miserably...

Communism is socialism, numskull. It's a genuine attempt at socialism rather than the half hearted limp-wristed brand of socialism they support in Western Europe.
Afraid not...Communist is a form of socialism but is based on Marxist ideology, whereas socialism itself is not based on Marxist ideology.......
JUst like Christian democrats are not exactly like social democrats..

Actually, all modern socialism is based on Marxist ideology. For example, take the concept of "class". All modern socialist refer to the concept of class. This is a Marxist concept. Pre-Marxist theories of socialism never mentioned class. The difference between so-called "social democracy" and communism is one of degree. There is no fundamental difference in ideology.
And just where was this pre-Marxist socialism? English Fabist?

For one, yes.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good

Like all losers, Odium blames capitalism for his failures rather than his own personal limitations.
This country is not a pure capitalist nation and has not been since the GOP started regulations and social relief,,,also breaking up monopolies and trusts...

We had virtually no regulations until FDR ascended the throne.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good

Like all losers, Odium blames capitalism for his failures rather than his own personal limitations.
This country is not a pure capitalist nation and has not been since the GOP started regulations and social relief,,,also breaking up monopolies and trusts...

What does that have to do with the fact that Odium is a loser?
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

You are a slow learner then.....don't be ashamed....left wingers are just slow at learning about the truth, reality, good and evil and right and wrong...and capitalism.....

I mean...they murdered 100 million people trying to get socialism to work....and they still think they can make it work out next time.....
That would be communism not socialism especially not the kind of socialism I believe in.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good
Haven't flipped burgers in 13 years since I was 17 pal. Capitalism allows the rich to hold the workers feet to the fire by not paying livable wage its nothing more than economic terrorism. Can't afford to quit,in these WONDERFUL "right to work" states my wife with 2 years experience in her field JUST got her first care manager position and is only making 10$ an hour. In Va and Pa where we are looking at moving to that EASILY is 15$ an hour. Just more republican policies at work down here in the bible belt....nothing but hypocrites. As for me I learned a skill,got injured but still try to apply for the jobs in my field when they come open but I never get hired. I am passed over in favor of non whites with less work ethic and shocker in 3-6 months I see the EXACT same job I applied for BACK in the newspaper. I saw my father bust his ass for 30 years and he has nothing to show for it....well other than physical ailments....capitalism is for the rich to steal the labor of the poor by using the fact most workers NEED a job and they aren't in any real position to debate over either take what measly offering they are offering or you starve....republicans no nothing other than blame the worker its pathetic and evil. You HATE the idea of educating the people because that would mean everyone would be on equal footing. I am under no impression this can be fixed via politics. Its only going to be fixed by the barrel of a gun.
Yes, when we give lower classes jobs, that is THEM supporting US. When all their bills are paid with money we pay them. You people are just ridiculous
You think that you still own the money you pay your employees?

So what are you implying, that everything I earn belongs to the government?

That's pretty much the definition of "stupid."
I didn't say anything about the government. I said that you don't own the money you pay your employees. You don't get to reach into their pocket and take what you want because it's not yours anymore.
i have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Until the money is transferred to their bank accounts, it's your money.

I don't know if he thinks he's being clever or what, but it's just inane and no one said otherwise
Socialists think you should be able to just take the nice stuff of other people, and kill those people if they don't want to give it up.
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

You are a slow learner then.....don't be ashamed....left wingers are just slow at learning about the truth, reality, good and evil and right and wrong...and capitalism.....

I mean...they murdered 100 million people trying to get socialism to work....and they still think they can make it work out next time.....
That would be communism not socialism especially not the kind of socialism I believe in.
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good
Haven't flipped burgers in 13 years since I was 17 pal. Capitalism allows the rich to hold the workers feet to the fire by not paying livable wage its nothing more than economic terrorism. Can't afford to quit,in these WONDERFUL "right to work" states my wife with 2 years experience in her field JUST got her first care manager position and is only making 10$ an hour. In Va and Pa where we are looking at moving to that EASILY is 15$ an hour. Just more republican policies at work down here in the bible belt....nothing but hypocrites. As for me I learned a skill,got injured but still try to apply for the jobs in my field when they come open but I never get hired. I am passed over in favor of non whites with less work ethic and shocker in 3-6 months I see the EXACT same job I applied for BACK in the newspaper. I saw my father bust his ass for 30 years and he has nothing to show for it....well other than physical ailments....capitalism is for the rich to steal the labor of the poor by using the fact most workers NEED a job and they aren't in any real position to debate over either take what measly offering they are offering or you starve....republicans no nothing other than blame the worker its pathetic and evil. You HATE the idea of educating the people because that would mean everyone would be on equal footing. I am under no impression this can be fixed via politics. Its only going to be fixed by the barrel of a gun.

Communism is a type of socialism...the really effective type if you want to murder your class enemies in the millions....
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

You are a slow learner then.....don't be ashamed....left wingers are just slow at learning about the truth, reality, good and evil and right and wrong...and capitalism.....

I mean...they murdered 100 million people trying to get socialism to work....and they still think they can make it work out next time.....
That would be communism not socialism especially not the kind of socialism I believe in.
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

15 years and you are still a MW wage burger flipper?, who's fault is that asshat?

Been dealing with it for 30 years I live good
Haven't flipped burgers in 13 years since I was 17 pal. Capitalism allows the rich to hold the workers feet to the fire by not paying livable wage its nothing more than economic terrorism. Can't afford to quit,in these WONDERFUL "right to work" states my wife with 2 years experience in her field JUST got her first care manager position and is only making 10$ an hour. In Va and Pa where we are looking at moving to that EASILY is 15$ an hour. Just more republican policies at work down here in the bible belt....nothing but hypocrites. As for me I learned a skill,got injured but still try to apply for the jobs in my field when they come open but I never get hired. I am passed over in favor of non whites with less work ethic and shocker in 3-6 months I see the EXACT same job I applied for BACK in the newspaper. I saw my father bust his ass for 30 years and he has nothing to show for it....well other than physical ailments....capitalism is for the rich to steal the labor of the poor by using the fact most workers NEED a job and they aren't in any real position to debate over either take what measly offering they are offering or you starve....republicans no nothing other than blame the worker its pathetic and evil. You HATE the idea of educating the people because that would mean everyone would be on equal footing. I am under no impression this can be fixed via politics. Its only going to be fixed by the barrel of a gun.

1) move

2) get more training in a better skill

3) wow...with your interpersonal you really wonder why you can't get hired?
400 million people have been lifted out of desperate poverty in China since it changed it's economic policies to become more market oriented. You and your ilk would consign those people to living on less than $1.00/day.

This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia
This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

The Western Europe where criminals get fully automatic rifles, and 30 round magazines and where they are throwing grenades like confetti in Sweden.....that Western Europe, with all of their extreme gun control and their criminals weapon of choice are grenades and fully automatic rifles? Canada....does it even count? Japan, a police state....

Australia...gun crime is going up there....

this is how easy it is to get a gun in Canada...if you want one, even with their gun control laws...

Guns too easy for Ottawa gangs to get police say - Ottawa - CBC News

Ottawa police believe more local gang members are carrying guns now than at any other time in the city's recent history, and low-quality, semi-automatic handguns smuggled in from the United States as the weapons of choice.

Now you guys tell us that extreme anti gun laws will stop this sort of thing.....If we mention Latin or Central America, or say they are 3rd World so don't count..even though you say gun control will reduce gun violence....

Now tell me...are Canada and Sweden 3rd World?

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This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

And here we have Sweden....
Sweden s 3rd largest city hit by multiple blasts police plead for help to tackle violence spike RT News

on Sweden being the rape capitol of Europe...
The Swedes and the Clash of Civilizations Roger s Rules

June 2015 violence in Sweden...
Violence Erupts in Sweden as Ethnic Groups Clash in Race Riots Sputnik International

Serial shooter from 09-10 in Sweden..–10_Malmö_shootings

The cause of violence in Sweden....immigration from violent 3rd world countries...

Another shooting in Roseng rd. Was Fox News right about Malm 12 years ago Swedish Surveyor

2015-06-04 -On Wednesday night, at 19.30 a 35-year-old man was found by emergency services in a car after having been shot in the head in Rosengård, one of Malmös “no-go zones“.

The man was transported to the hospital and the police have labelled the crime attempted murder/manslaughter.

On a more positive note: 6 men (ethnicity withheld) were indicted this Tuesday for the bombings which plagued Malmö last year.

[…] Rosengard was once one of the programme’s proudest achievements: a high-rise development that was close to the centre of Malmö, one of Sweden’s industrial powerhouses, but surrounded by open space. Today over 80% of its population of 24,000 are immigrants. The local shops have names such as Babylon and Lebanon. Women in hijabs and headscarves cart their shopping through the freezing rain. Men sit in cafés drinking strong coffee and keeping dry. A truck sells falafel sandwiches.

[…] Mass immigration is posing serious problems for the region. For the Nordic countries to be able to afford their welfare states they need to have 80% of their adults in the workforce, but labour-force participation among non-European immigrants is much lower than that. In Sweden only 51% of non-Europeans have a job, compared with over 84% of native Swedes. The Nordic countries need to persuade their citizens that they are getting a good return on their taxes, but mass immigration is creating a class of people who are permanently dependent on the state.

the Economist, Feb 2nd 2013
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This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

Australia...gun crime is on the rise........even with their extreme gun control.....

Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

Police are discovering guns in cars every two days in Melbourne's north-west, which has been dubbed the "red zone" by officers concerned about a growing gangster culture in the region.

The alarming figure, obtained from The Police Association, follows anecdotal and statistical evidence of a burgeoning gun culture among young men in the city's north-western fringe.

Police working in the large region, which includes Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Werribee, have reported:


  • Firearm-related incidents, such as drive-by shootings, every six days.
  • An increasing trend of children as young as 16 carrying guns.
  • Regularly finding guns in cars, including sawn-off shotguns and an automatic machine gun, during routine car intercepts.
  • Guns stolen from rural homes being used in violent crime in the north-west. Some 530 guns were stolen in rural Victoria in 2013.
It comes as the Crime Statistics Agency released figures on Thursday showing an almost threefold jump in firearm offences in the north-west over the past five years, from 581 in the year to March 2011 to 1332 in the 12 months to April 2015.

A similar trend was reported statewide, with firearm offences rising more than 50 per cent to 13,626.

news video on increasing gun crime...shows robbery and injured...

Gun crime red zone
This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

And how easy is it to get fully automatic rifles in Europe...the land of extreme gun control....

This story tracks gun smuggling in Europe.....lots of it....
European Police Face Being Outgunned by Jihadists WIth Assault Rifles

French police believe rifles are on sale in French cities for between €1,000 and €1,500. Earlier this month, Philippe Capon, head of the French police union UNSA, told Bloomberg News, “The French black market for weapons has been inundated with eastern European war artillery and arms.” A French police source told TIME that the weapons from the Charlie Hebdoattack came from the Balkans.

That is not the only source of weaponry. Donald says he fears that the continent might be facing a fresh influx of weapons from North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring revolts. In August, 2011, Libyan rebels looted large quantities of mortars, tank shells and other munitions when Moammar Gaddafi’s regime collapsed. Although most of those weapons are believed to have filtered across North and West Africa, some could also have made their way to Europe.

aanother story on ease terrorists get guns....

Getting a gun legally in Europe may be hard but terrorists have little trouble - The Washington Post
This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

What did you say about Western Europe...

European Police Face Being Outgunned by Jihadists WIth Assault Rifles

As Europe struggles to crack down on illegal weapons, some police recruits face a new training exercise: Go buy a Kalashnikov rifle. Donald says that in “a city in Europe,” which he would not name, “very young officers with no training or experience” were recently told to go find an assault weapon on the streets from an illegal arms dealer. “One came back two hours later with an AK-47,” Donald says. “He bought it for €1,000.”
This reminds me of the star fish story...the conservative version and the lefty version.....

Conservative version...

A woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The first woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....."

The lefty version......

A left wing woman is walking on the beach...she sees the tide has gone out and thousands of star fish are stranded and dying on the beach....another woman, a conservative, is throwing starfish back into the ocean. The left wing woman says, "you can't save all of these star fish." The other woman says "I know....but I can save this one, and this one....and this one....." At which point the left wing woman screams at the top of her lungs "If you can't save all of them, you can't save any of them...." and proceeds to violently assault the conservative keep her from saving any of the star fish.....

The end...........

(Of course, the conservative woman has a concealed carry permit...she draws her weapon and holds the raging left wing woman at gun point till the police arrive and take the nut job into custody)

The end...again....



But your story has nothing to do with liberals

Which definition of "liberal" are we talking about.....because in this story the "liberal" is the conservative woman...while the left wing woman could be described as a "Modern Liberal" in that she is a statist who has adopted the term "liberal" to hide the fact that she supports big government, statist thuggery.....

Your fable better applies to gun nuts who scream at every attempt to end gun violence....that won't work

If a piece of legislation will not stop all possible murders, it should not be used to stop any

You guys have yet to show how licensing gun owners, registering guns, or limiting magazines stop gun crime or mass shootings...or how they are even required to arrest criminals committing crimes with guns or felons who are caught with guns....since in either case you don't need licensing, or registration to arrest they serve no purpose...other than to harrass law abiding gun owners...

We have shown

Look at Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia

And were saying about Western Europe...

In contrast with the free-firing United States, Europe is generally seen as a haven from serious gun violence. Here in Denmark, handguns and semiautomatic rifles are all but banned. Hunting rifles are legally available only to those with squeaky-clean backgrounds who have passed a rigorous exam covering everything from gun safety to the mating habits of Denmark’s wildlife.

“There’s a book about 1,000 pages thick,” said Tonni Rigby, one of only two licensed firearms dealers in Copenhagen. “You have to know all of it.”

But if you want an illicit assault rifle, such as the one used by a 22-year-old to rake a Copenhagen cafe with 28 bullets on Saturday, all it takes are a few connections and some cash.

“It’s very easy to get such a weapon,” said Hans Jorgen Bonnichsen, a former operations director for the Danish security service PET. “It’s not only a problem for Denmark. It’s a problem for all of Europe.”


You can find Kalashnikovs for sale near the train station in Brussels,” acknowledged a Brussels-based European Union official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record. “They’re available even to very average criminals.”

In the case of the Paris attackers, they were able to obtain an entire arsenal: AK-47 assault rifles, pistols, a Skorpion submachine gun and even a rocket-propelled-grenade launcher. All of it was purchased in Brussels for about $5,000, according to Belgian media reports.

Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

When you say everyone should have the opportunity to own a house like that do you mean everyone can freely purchase such a home of they wanted to? I thought we already had that.

What we have or don't have wasn't the question.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

Yeah.....not living high on the hog here and I love the free exchange of goods and makes life better for everyone.....
You are obviously on drugs then. I have dealt with capitalism for 15 years since I started working. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for it. It doesn't work. Period.

It CAN work if the capitalists don't stack the decks to unfairly swindle Americans such as paying congress to make it illegal to have medicare and the VA bargain for the prices of meds and make it illegal to go to other countries to buy legal meds from a much cheaper system. This is only one example but regulated FAIRLY and OPENLY capitalism can as I have said be the best system. It just doesn't work out that way when the fox is guarding the hen house.
Socialists think you should be able to just take the nice stuff of other people, and kill those people if they don't want to give it up.

Cool! A twofer!! Ya get to kill em AND get their shit? What a great system!

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