This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.
Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

What horrible thing are they doing, providing people with jobs?

And the only thing that allows the social welfare countries of Europe to provide their luxurious benfits to their people...they don't pay for a real military...they rely on the U.S. to keep them safe....big mistake...big mistake.....Putin is laughing...

Report Sweden s National Defences Have Vanished and Russia is Laughing

A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Its air force was one of the capable in the world, its navy had dozens of ships and submarines, and artillery guarded the coastlines from a multitude of secret mountain hideaways.

Now, after a number of fatal decisions, based on the belief that wars in Europe were a thing of the past, most of its military is gone and Sweden has virtually no means of protecting itself.

According to Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Göransson, we can, at best and in five years, defend ourselves in one place for one week.
Forming treaties with warlike states that are willing to send their soldiers to fight for your country is nothing new.
It's also good business for the country supplying the soldiers.

That's the free market in action.
Why do you hate the free market?

It isn't good business for the country supplying the soldiers if the client isn't paying.....of course as a leftist you wouldn't understand that concept.....
You're dead right but...why would the war-loving country send its soldiers if they're getting nothing in return?
That would definitely be bad wouldn't do it.

You're dead right but...why would the war-loving country send its soldiers if they're getting nothing in return?
That would definitely be bad wouldn't do it

No....but the government runs the military...doesn't just made my point....thank you.

And we don't love war......we understand the history of the 1930s...the left doesn't.
Of course I'm biased.......but just in this thread I can see that right wingers seem to have the intellectual capacity of a 7 year old...the emotional capability of 6 year old...and compose an argument worthy of a 5 year old.
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Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Fuck about that.......does that bother you too........really........a lot ........and yes, the Iraq invasion was justified since he violated the ceasefire agreements that ended the war and put us back into a state of war with him....and you don't think Russia is digging mass graves in are funny............
The invasion of Iraq was a was the ultimate public/private partnership project.
The government started a war - the private sector sold them the means to conduct it and helped them run it.
A lot of people got very rich.
See...the government and private business really can work together when they want to.

I wonder...does that make the Iraq war a Socialist enterprise?
Does that mean that you supported a Socialist enterprise?
What horrible thing are they doing, providing people with jobs?

And the only thing that allows the social welfare countries of Europe to provide their luxurious benfits to their people...they don't pay for a real military...they rely on the U.S. to keep them safe....big mistake...big mistake.....Putin is laughing...

Report Sweden s National Defences Have Vanished and Russia is Laughing

A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Its air force was one of the capable in the world, its navy had dozens of ships and submarines, and artillery guarded the coastlines from a multitude of secret mountain hideaways.

Now, after a number of fatal decisions, based on the belief that wars in Europe were a thing of the past, most of its military is gone and Sweden has virtually no means of protecting itself.

According to Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Göransson, we can, at best and in five years, defend ourselves in one place for one week.
Forming treaties with warlike states that are willing to send their soldiers to fight for your country is nothing new.
It's also good business for the country supplying the soldiers.

That's the free market in action.
Why do you hate the free market?

It isn't good business for the country supplying the soldiers if the client isn't paying.....of course as a leftist you wouldn't understand that concept.....
You're dead right but...why would the war-loving country send its soldiers if they're getting nothing in return?
That would definitely be bad wouldn't do it.

You're dead right but...why would the war-loving country send its soldiers if they're getting nothing in return?
That would definitely be bad wouldn't do it

No....but the government runs the military...doesn't just made my point....thank you.

And we don't love war......we understand the history of the 1930s...the left doesn't.
The US military is a huge industry making a lot of people and corporations very rich.
Starting wars is good for business.
It certainly doesn't achieve anything else of value. at work - successfully partnering with the government.
China is as capitalist as ever, little to no regulations, capitalists using suicide nets for their workers.

Here is what China's capitalistic industries have contributed to the air quality....The devastating pollution as seen from outer space.

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I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
The cool thing about a capitialist don't need an advanced you would need in Europe or a socialist country to get a good government can start a business and become a millionaire........just by working real hard at doing something someone needs done that you can do better than the other guy...

That is the miracle of Capitalism........
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They have huge structural unemployment issues, especially among the Muslims, who are the only growing part of the population. European birth reates are well below replacement.
Every country has structural unemployment, countries go through shifting socio-economic conditions constantly, what do muslims have to do with this? There is nothing wrong with muslims: "According to the Pew Research Center, Europe's population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030"
If you see something wrong with that, what a shame. How are they below replacement? I need you to elaborate.
You are deflecting to irrelevance.
Europe has large numbers of unemployed younger people. This is simply fact. The economies there are far less dynamic than ours.
European birth rates are below replacement, typically given as 2.1 children per couple. As I recall the Italians are the worst off but none of the western Euripean countries has a birth rate above 2. This indicates a declining population and a death spiral.
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.
There is no such thing a unfettered capitalism. Capitalism by nature has restraints.

That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.

Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.
That really omits a lot of history. Sure by our standards things looked bad. But it represented an improvement for people at the time, who largely fled rural areas and starvation. They could at least find work and support themselves.
This doesn't omit a lot of history, it was this way for decades with little to no change before the government stepped in, labor fought a long hard battle and helped to bring in regulations/etc... They were horrible, truly horrible, might as well say the soviet union was a good place because it brought a country out of feudalism into something better, sure, it looked bad, but pfft, everyone had a job. Yeah, support themselves with a loaf of bread and kids working 50 hours a weeks.
Your ignorance on this topic has been established and verified. Move on.
I don't see capitalists doing much for the homeless when their are plenty of homes available...
European countries are generally social democracies, a mixture of capitalism and socialism, yes, you can start a business and become a millionaire in any first world country, if you're lucky, have start up capital, etc, etc.. Tons of people are trying to move up and only a few will, they're all hard working, only a few will become the millionaires. There is nothing wrong with capitalism if it is regulated.

They are beginning to collapse...people are not working and they are running out of tax money to fund their welfare paradises...that is why they have to import so many foreign workers.....
I don't think they are beginning to collapse at all, people are working there, want to discuss the employment rates? Welfare paradises? What does that even mean?
List of countries by unemployment rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They have huge structural unemployment issues, especially among the Muslims, who are the only growing part of the population. European birth reates are well below replacement.
Every country has structural unemployment, countries go through shifting socio-economic conditions constantly, what do muslims have to do with this? There is nothing wrong with muslims: "According to the Pew Research Center, Europe's population was 6% Muslim in 2010, and is projected to be 8% Muslim by 2030"
If you see something wrong with that, what a shame. How are they below replacement? I need you to elaborate.
You are deflecting to irrelevance.
Europe has large numbers of unemployed younger people. This is simply fact. The economies there are far less dynamic than ours.
European birth rates are below replacement, typically given as 2.1 children per couple. As I recall the Italians are the worst off but none of the western Euripean countries has a birth rate above 2. This indicates a declining population and a death spiral.
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.
I addressed you, I haven't deflected anything. Many countries, including america, have unemployed young people, they're young, what do you expect? Declining population? Good for them. 8% muslim by 2030? RUUUUUUUN THE EVIL MUSLIMS.
Because they like the space, the look or any number of factors....and right show why you socialists can never let go of the mass graves...because the real serious socialists know that some people will always want a house like that....and they will upset the apple cart with that kind of they get out their shovels...and their guns....the guns you guys only want the government to have....
Why are you assuming I support mass graves? I'm a social democrat, I want nothing to do with authoritarian socialism, who says I support banning guns? I agree that assault weapons should be banned in cities, but that's about it.

I'm sure you don't support mass graves....the belief system you support will lead to them....that's the problem..your system is based in jealousy of those with more.....and eventually, when the system is stressed, the worst of your kind will take over....and where you simply question the need of someone wanting a house that big...they will make it a policy of taking that house from that person.....

Why should assault weapons be banned.....they kill fewer people than knives or empty hands....ban those first...
What are you talking.. ugh. Social democracies exist in many countries, a mixture of capitalism and regulations/government run programs/strong labor rights. NEVER have mass graves arose in these places, at all, mass graves are caused by people from all sides of the political spectrum, not just authoritarian socialists. Socialism is not based in jealousy, the word goes back to refer to many things, the modern american term usually refers to public ownership, usually through the government, and things such as UHC, maternity leave, food stamps, etc.. If so, I am a socialist in that way. The system gets stressed and the worst take over? That can happen on any political spectrum. In large, crowded cities, there is no reason to have an assault weapon, apart from mowing down people in a fast matter.

You do know that "assault rifles" kill fewer people than knives and hands and fists right? and that they are rarely used in crime or mass shootings...right? And in countries in Europe with extreme gun control criminals get "assault weapons" and grenades and pistols easily...right?
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
This is not true among the Muslims, who have birth rates well above 2. They are becoming the dominant force in Europe and will grow i strength unless something is done.

Hey, maybe can try selling to Muslims a Planned Parenthood type of system.......I mean, you right wingers are looking to defund them in the US, so they may be i search of other venues.....Surely you right wingers are ALL in favor of aborting Muslim, brown fetuses.
That statement is utter nonsense. Capitalism's nature is to have NO restraints. Restraints must be imposed on capitalism from outside sources.

Competition is the only restraint that works.......that and the fact for a captialist to succeed....he has to make people happy.....

The government bureaucrat in charge of toilet paper has no one to make sure he does his job right...and the state runs out of toilet paper...ask Venezuela...
This doesn't fit reality, early 20th century america/europe, and going back to the dawn of capitalism, conditions were very bad for the workers, no safety laws, capitalists violently fighting labor organizing, children working to get a loaf of bread... The government had to step in.
That really omits a lot of history. Sure by our standards things looked bad. But it represented an improvement for people at the time, who largely fled rural areas and starvation. They could at least find work and support themselves.
This doesn't omit a lot of history, it was this way for decades with little to no change before the government stepped in, labor fought a long hard battle and helped to bring in regulations/etc... They were horrible, truly horrible, might as well say the soviet union was a good place because it brought a country out of feudalism into something better, sure, it looked bad, but pfft, everyone had a job. Yeah, support themselves with a loaf of bread and kids working 50 hours a weeks.
Your ignorance on this topic has been established and verified. Move on.
How am i Ignorant on the topic?
Timeline . Triangle Fire . American Experience . WGBH PBS
Child Labor in U.S. History - The Child Labor Education Project
Why are you assuming I support mass graves? I'm a social democrat, I want nothing to do with authoritarian socialism, who says I support banning guns? I agree that assault weapons should be banned in cities, but that's about it.

I'm sure you don't support mass graves....the belief system you support will lead to them....that's the problem..your system is based in jealousy of those with more.....and eventually, when the system is stressed, the worst of your kind will take over....and where you simply question the need of someone wanting a house that big...they will make it a policy of taking that house from that person.....

Why should assault weapons be banned.....they kill fewer people than knives or empty hands....ban those first...
What are you talking.. ugh. Social democracies exist in many countries, a mixture of capitalism and regulations/government run programs/strong labor rights. NEVER have mass graves arose in these places, at all, mass graves are caused by people from all sides of the political spectrum, not just authoritarian socialists. Socialism is not based in jealousy, the word goes back to refer to many things, the modern american term usually refers to public ownership, usually through the government, and things such as UHC, maternity leave, food stamps, etc.. If so, I am a socialist in that way. The system gets stressed and the worst take over? That can happen on any political spectrum. In large, crowded cities, there is no reason to have an assault weapon, apart from mowing down people in a fast matter.

You do know that "assault rifles" kill fewer people than knives and hands and fists right? and that they are rarely used in crime or mass shootings...right? And in countries in Europe with extreme gun control criminals get "assault weapons" and grenades and pistols easily...right?
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
I'm sure you don't support mass graves....the belief system you support will lead to them....that's the problem..your system is based in jealousy of those with more.....and eventually, when the system is stressed, the worst of your kind will take over....and where you simply question the need of someone wanting a house that big...they will make it a policy of taking that house from that person.....

Why should assault weapons be banned.....they kill fewer people than knives or empty hands....ban those first...
What are you talking.. ugh. Social democracies exist in many countries, a mixture of capitalism and regulations/government run programs/strong labor rights. NEVER have mass graves arose in these places, at all, mass graves are caused by people from all sides of the political spectrum, not just authoritarian socialists. Socialism is not based in jealousy, the word goes back to refer to many things, the modern american term usually refers to public ownership, usually through the government, and things such as UHC, maternity leave, food stamps, etc.. If so, I am a socialist in that way. The system gets stressed and the worst take over? That can happen on any political spectrum. In large, crowded cities, there is no reason to have an assault weapon, apart from mowing down people in a fast matter.

You do know that "assault rifles" kill fewer people than knives and hands and fists right? and that they are rarely used in crime or mass shootings...right? And in countries in Europe with extreme gun control criminals get "assault weapons" and grenades and pistols easily...right?
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
OK you have been thoroughly pwned here. Time to move on.
What are you talking.. ugh. Social democracies exist in many countries, a mixture of capitalism and regulations/government run programs/strong labor rights. NEVER have mass graves arose in these places, at all, mass graves are caused by people from all sides of the political spectrum, not just authoritarian socialists. Socialism is not based in jealousy, the word goes back to refer to many things, the modern american term usually refers to public ownership, usually through the government, and things such as UHC, maternity leave, food stamps, etc.. If so, I am a socialist in that way. The system gets stressed and the worst take over? That can happen on any political spectrum. In large, crowded cities, there is no reason to have an assault weapon, apart from mowing down people in a fast matter.

You do know that "assault rifles" kill fewer people than knives and hands and fists right? and that they are rarely used in crime or mass shootings...right? And in countries in Europe with extreme gun control criminals get "assault weapons" and grenades and pistols easily...right?
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
OK you have been thoroughly pwned here. Time to move on.
I don't go searching for news stories in china. I also don't worship the confederate flag like some racist idiot.
You do know that "assault rifles" kill fewer people than knives and hands and fists right? and that they are rarely used in crime or mass shootings...right? And in countries in Europe with extreme gun control criminals get "assault weapons" and grenades and pistols easily...right?
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
OK you have been thoroughly pwned here. Time to move on.
I don't go searching for news stories in china. I also don't worship the confederate flag like some racist idiot.
SO you are intentionally ignorant.
Makes sense.
See, some of us are news junkies. We read newspapers and internet stories and remember them. So when some moron comes on here proclaiming that European socialism has produced an economic paradise we all know it's bullshit. Because we've read numerous stories, as well as books, detailing the stagnant economies, high structural unemployment rates and general malaise in Europe. Unlike you who gets his news from comics.
I know this, but you're a delusional person if you think a knife can murder 15 people in a matter of minutes without the man with the knife being stopped. Europe has lower crime rates.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shit, sucks to be you.
Death toll rises to 33 in knife attack on China train station Fox News
OK you have been thoroughly pwned here. Time to move on.
I don't go searching for news stories in china. I also don't worship the confederate flag like some racist idiot.
SO you are intentionally ignorant.
Makes sense.
See, some of us are news junkies. We read newspapers and internet stories and remember them. So when some moron comes on here proclaiming that European socialism has produced an economic paradise we all know it's bullshit. Because we've read numerous stories, as well as books, detailing the stagnant economies, high structural unemployment rates and general malaise in Europe. Unlike you who gets his news from comics.
I read the news as well, but you cleartly, and specifically, searched up knife attacks to post that. When did I proclaim european social democracy is perfect? It's better then what we have. All of your "points" are dependent on the country and always change, idiot.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Ive seen men born into extreme poverty..He never had a bed as a child..Slept in the barn to avoid the abusive kid beating step father...His parents were both..abusive alcoholic parents..

This man grew up...made a life for himself in the CAPIALISTIC SYSTEM....hes falls off of him every where he goes...

He has made a wonderful life for himself..because of capitalism

Like Bill Cosby said..if you cant make it in America...your just not trying...

I was born low low low middle class...and Ive always had my own business's...I live in a wonderful home..on acreage...Ive owned cattle..horses......and camped in the mountains....

I love my life...If it were not for capitalism..this would not be my life... just an excuse to sponge off of others who will take the time to work hard..

Socialists are lazy asses....who lack brain power to do for themsevles





I had good parents...Socialists obviously had bad parents lacking morality..We wer taught that we could do anything we wanted in this land of opportunity..we were taught to stand on our own two feet..THAT NO ONE OWED US ANYTHING..
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Ive seen men born into extreme poverty..He never had a bed as a child..Slept in the barn to avoid the abusive kid beating step father...His parents were both..abusive alcoholic parents..

This man grew up...made a life for himself in the CAPIALISTIC SYSTEM....hes falls off of him every where he goes...

He has made a wonderful life for himself..because of capitalism

Like Bill Cosby said..if you cant make it in America...your just not trying...

I was born low low low middle class...and Ive always had my own business's...I live in a wonderful home..on acreage...Ive owned cattle..horses......and camped in the mountains....

I love my life...If it were not for capitalism..this would not be my life... just an excuse to sponge off of others who will take the time to work hard..

Socialists are lazy asses....who lack brain power to do for themsevles





I had good parents...Socialists obviously had bad parents lacking morality..We wer taught that we could do anything we wanted in this land of opportunity..we were taught to stand on our own two feet..THAT NO ONE OWED US ANYTHING..
How can anyone take you seriously when you claim liberalism is a mental disorder.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.
Exactly what I was going to say Huggy.100% true as well. The only people that love capitalism are living it high on the hog off the backs of others or they are on drugs.

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