This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

There's everything wrong with it. Seldom is government "investment" for the public good. More often then not it's for the benefit of crony capitalists.
Err, government investment in domestic issues actually does help the public, and calling all capitalists who don't agree with you crony is childish.

government investment in domestic issues actually does help the public,

Until the people become so dependent on it they stop wanting to work...and then the money runs out...and the real socialists take over...and the mass graves get dug.....
Your posts are an example of why we need afforable college.

Allow me to translate...I minored in "socialist though"t in college.....

I am loosing the argument...I can't bully these guys and they can counter all of my arguments with the truth and .....I better insult him.......

Translation over.......
What? Your posts are consistently relying on claiming that socialism will bring mass graves when europe has had socialists for decades and they're doing nothing close to that. I don't think you can "minor" in socialist thought, I'm a social democrat, capitalism/socialism are both failures if left unchecked.

Yeah...because they had the last mass graves 70 years they are resting up for the next round......Russia is on the move and China is about to get frisky....they are rested and ready to start digging again....
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

What horrible thing are they doing, providing people with jobs?

And the only thing that allows the social welfare countries of Europe to provide their luxurious benfits to their people...they don't pay for a real military...they rely on the U.S. to keep them safe....big mistake...big mistake.....Putin is laughing...

Report Sweden s National Defences Have Vanished and Russia is Laughing

A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Its air force was one of the capable in the world, its navy had dozens of ships and submarines, and artillery guarded the coastlines from a multitude of secret mountain hideaways.

Now, after a number of fatal decisions, based on the belief that wars in Europe were a thing of the past, most of its military is gone and Sweden has virtually no means of protecting itself.

According to Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Göransson, we can, at best and in five years, defend ourselves in one place for one week.
Forming treaties with warlike states that are willing to send their soldiers to fight for your country is nothing new.
It's also good business for the country supplying the soldiers.

That's the free market in action.
Why do you hate the free market?
Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?

No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

What horrible thing are they doing, providing people with jobs?

And the only thing that allows the social welfare countries of Europe to provide their luxurious benfits to their people...they don't pay for a real military...they rely on the U.S. to keep them safe....big mistake...big mistake.....Putin is laughing...

Report Sweden s National Defences Have Vanished and Russia is Laughing

A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Its air force was one of the capable in the world, its navy had dozens of ships and submarines, and artillery guarded the coastlines from a multitude of secret mountain hideaways.

Now, after a number of fatal decisions, based on the belief that wars in Europe were a thing of the past, most of its military is gone and Sweden has virtually no means of protecting itself.

According to Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Göransson, we can, at best and in five years, defend ourselves in one place for one week.
Forming treaties with warlike states that are willing to send their soldiers to fight for your country is nothing new.
It's also good business for the country supplying the soldiers.

That's the free market in action.
Why do you hate the free market?

It isn't good business for the country supplying the soldiers if the client isn't paying.....of course as a leftist you wouldn't understand that concept.....
Err, government investment in domestic issues actually does help the public, and calling all capitalists who don't agree with you crony is childish.

government investment in domestic issues actually does help the public,

Until the people become so dependent on it they stop wanting to work...and then the money runs out...and the real socialists take over...and the mass graves get dug.....
Your posts are an example of why we need afforable college.

Allow me to translate...I minored in "socialist though"t in college.....

I am loosing the argument...I can't bully these guys and they can counter all of my arguments with the truth and .....I better insult him.......

Translation over.......
What? Your posts are consistently relying on claiming that socialism will bring mass graves when europe has had socialists for decades and they're doing nothing close to that. I don't think you can "minor" in socialist thought, I'm a social democrat, capitalism/socialism are both failures if left unchecked.

Yeah...because they had the last mass graves 70 years they are resting up for the next round......Russia is on the move and China is about to get frisky....they are rested and ready to start digging again....
LOL. When the soviet union dissolved, russia started embracing capitalism, and they still do, china heavily embraces capitalism, where do you think ipads are made?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?

No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.
Unfettered capitalism is as destructive as unfettered socialism. Both need regulated. An optimum combination of both is best.

Horseshit. Unfettered capitalism is what raised the standard of living in this country levels not even imagined.
Unfettered socialism also raised the standard of living constantly in china/russia/etc, it doesn't make it a good thing. Same with unfettered capitalism.
No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Fuck about that.......does that bother you too........really........a lot ........and yes, the Iraq invasion was justified since he violated the ceasefire agreements that ended the war and put us back into a state of war with him....and you don't think Russia is digging mass graves in are funny............
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Fuck about that.......does that bother you too........really........a lot ........and yes, the Iraq invasion was justified since he violated the ceasefire agreements that ended the war and put us back into a state of war with him....and you don't think Russia is digging mass graves in are funny............
Iraq was not justified at all, the entire region was destabilized, no WMD'S were found.. Show me these mass graves.
No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt?

reagan's tax deal betrayal by tip oneill

How Reagan Was Compromised

Lesson for Fiscal Cliff negotiators The Reagan-O Neill tax hike
Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Fuck about that.......does that bother you too........really........a lot ........and yes, the Iraq invasion was justified since he violated the ceasefire agreements that ended the war and put us back into a state of war with him....and you don't think Russia is digging mass graves in are funny............
Iraq was not justified at all, the entire region was destabilized, no WMD'S were found.. Show me these mass graves.

They will be found in Russian occupied Ukraine...twit...
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Fuck about that.......does that bother you too........really........a lot ........and yes, the Iraq invasion was justified since he violated the ceasefire agreements that ended the war and put us back into a state of war with him....and you don't think Russia is digging mass graves in are funny............
Iraq was not justified at all, the entire region was destabilized, no WMD'S were found.. Show me these mass graves.

They will be found in Russian occupied Ukraine...twit...
So all you have is a nut job conspiracy theory.
No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Here you go twit....

How Reagan Was Compromised

In 1982, Reagan agreed to increase some excise taxes on a promise from House Speaker Tip O’Neill that every dollar increase in tax revenue would be matched by 3 dollars in spending cuts. Famously, O’Neill reneged. So much for compromise: When later asked again to raise some taxes, Reagan would reply, “I’m still waiting for those spending cuts.”

Those who oppose what Reagan stood for, now like to blame him for the increased government spending and debt that were largely inflicted on him by their predecessors, such as O’Neill, through stubbornness and deceit. Last week, Bloomberg Insider featured on its cover a picture of Reagan with the word “SOCIALIST!” scrawled across his face. The accompanying article did not even come close to demonstrating that Reagan was a socialist, but it did attempt to portray his compromises as if they were his guiding principles.
Oh please, this country has had a mix of socialism and capitalism for decades, like the rest of the world, I don't want to go back to the early 20th century, before the new deal.

Hmmmm...and we are now 18 trillion dollars in debt, 94 million people are not in the job market, social security, medicare and all the other social welfare problems are out of money.... are right.....
Reagan tripled the national debt, bush invaded the wrong country, we waste money on defense, obama was handed a disaster.. Clinton outsourced jobs. 94 million people? If you don't count part time workers, but whose fault is that? Oh, the capitalists. They aren't "running out" we just don't want to fund them or modify them.

No...the democrats broke their deal with Reagan, Bush should have also invaded Iran, and we don't waste money on Ukraine about spending money on defense...they might disagree with you.......
What deal did democrats break that caused reagan to triple the national debt? Also, please, quit using "......" after every damn sentence, it's annoying and makes you look like an illiterate person. You're telling me the iraq invasion was justified and we should invade iran? We've already done enough to iran, they hate us for a good reason. Russia expanding to ukraine as nothing to do with mass graves.

Here you go twit....

How Reagan Was Compromised

In 1982, Reagan agreed to increase some excise taxes on a promise from House Speaker Tip O’Neill that every dollar increase in tax revenue would be matched by 3 dollars in spending cuts. Famously, O’Neill reneged. So much for compromise: When later asked again to raise some taxes, Reagan would reply, “I’m still waiting for those spending cuts.”

Those who oppose what Reagan stood for, now like to blame him for the increased government spending and debt that were largely inflicted on him by their predecessors, such as O’Neill, through stubbornness and deceit. Last week, Bloomberg Insider featured on its cover a picture of Reagan with the word “SOCIALIST!” scrawled across his face. The accompanying article did not even come close to demonstrating that Reagan was a socialist, but it did attempt to portray his compromises as if they were his guiding principles.
Oh please, what does that have to do with military spending and debt increases?
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?

No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
You've described free market forces perfectly.
You identify who can get stuff done for pay that person to do stuff for you...he does your stuff.
The more money you have the more stuff you can get done.
Simple - and everyone is playing on the same field.
Sociologists are little more then professional indoctrinators. What they do isn't science, and they don't know the first thing about economics.

You do know that you're a fucking, illiterate moron, don't you?

Sociology ENTAILS economics......there is an entire field that covers the sociology of economic life, that can also be said to be concerned with resource allocations.

Had you made it through junior high school you would at least not be making imbecilic remarks like the one above.
And more....

Lesson for Fiscal Cliff negotiators The Reagan-O Neill tax hike

Reagan and the Republicans wanted to cut spending. O’Neill and the Democrats were insisting on raising taxes and especially raising tax rates. It had all the makings of the same kind of stalemate that exists in Washington today.

After weeks of wrangling, O’Neill and the Democrats would not budge on their insistence that raising taxes had to be part of the final deal. To make it more palatable for Reagan, O’Neill offered a three-to-one ratio of spending cuts to tax increases. On that basis — that the deal, on paper, was designed to result in a net shrinking of government — Reagan and enough Republicans signed on, over the strong objections of many anti-tax conservatives in the Republican ranks.

Thus was concluded the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA), signed into law in September 1982. In hindsight, Reagan came to see the deal as one of the biggest domestic errors of his presidency. The tax increases went into effect immediately but as Reagan wrote in his memoirs, “later the Democrats reneged on their pledge and we never got those cuts,” so there was no shrinking in the size of government, and no taming of the deficit.

A few of the more important lessons learned:

The O’Neill-Reagan Lovefest: The deal helped perpetuate a myth that Speaker O’Neill and President Reagan had transcended the kind of rancorous personal animosity that seems to characterize today’s overly polarized atmosphere in Washington. After this bipartisan ’82 deal and a subsequent ’83 deal on Social Security reform, O’Neill had no hesitation to let forth this blast during the ’84 campaign: “The evil is in the White House at the present time. And that evil is a man who has no care or concern for the working class of America and the future generations of America, and who likes to ride a horse. He’s cold. He’s mean. He’s got ice water for blood.”
Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?

No...that is a socialist thing...because the government has the power to make or break your business with it's arbitrary power....if politicians didn't have that power, and only acted as police.....there would be no reason to bribe a place with have to bribe officials just to get a business going....
You've described free market forces perfectly.
You identify who can get stuff done for pay that person to do stuff for you...he does your stuff.
The more money you have the more stuff you can get done.
Simple - and everyone is playing on the same field.

No...I described actual socialism....
Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

What horrible thing are they doing, providing people with jobs?

And the only thing that allows the social welfare countries of Europe to provide their luxurious benfits to their people...they don't pay for a real military...they rely on the U.S. to keep them safe....big mistake...big mistake.....Putin is laughing...

Report Sweden s National Defences Have Vanished and Russia is Laughing

A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Its air force was one of the capable in the world, its navy had dozens of ships and submarines, and artillery guarded the coastlines from a multitude of secret mountain hideaways.

Now, after a number of fatal decisions, based on the belief that wars in Europe were a thing of the past, most of its military is gone and Sweden has virtually no means of protecting itself.

According to Sweden’s Supreme Commander Sverker Göransson, we can, at best and in five years, defend ourselves in one place for one week.
Forming treaties with warlike states that are willing to send their soldiers to fight for your country is nothing new.
It's also good business for the country supplying the soldiers.

That's the free market in action.
Why do you hate the free market?

It isn't good business for the country supplying the soldiers if the client isn't paying.....of course as a leftist you wouldn't understand that concept.....
You're dead right but...why would the war-loving country send its soldiers if they're getting nothing in return?
That would definitely be bad wouldn't do it.
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

Those are all socialist smears and only the gullible believe them.

Look at what corporations like Apple or many others are doing in China. Corporations need to be regulated or they will do exactly what I just said.

You're a native fool that is blind to reality if you can't accept what is right in front of your face.

Who do you think is letting APPLE do that in china.........the greedy, corrupt politicians who got paid off by apple......and yet those are your heroes...the guys you want to send more of your tax money to here in this do you explain that concept?
Paying off corrupt politicians is the free market at work.
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
Capitalism is a perfect system to them, everything bad that results from it such as colonialism/etc is "crony." Apparantly, pollution is "crony" now.

It sure is...look at

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