This pic of a Venezuelan street sums up Socialism perfectly.

socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.

That's horseshit. I go by how much money of mine they are taking from me.

They are taking a lot more money from you than you realize.
For example, the military spending when we illegally invaded Iraq cost us trillion that we have not yet paid off.
That means we not only do not even pay off the interest each year, but the military caused the housing collapse that caused millions of US citizens to lose their homes.
So the national debt grows and the US continually get more poor, paying countries like China who finance our military spending.

"but the military caused the housing collapse"

There is absolutely no doubt that the trillions Bush borrowed for his military ventures are what caused the housing market collapse.
In fact, it cause a world wide recession.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.
See that garbage littering the street? That is Venezuelan money! That's right it is worthless trash. Think of that picture as Stage 4 Socialism. Bernie Sanders is Stage 1.

View attachment 305465
socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.
It's 18% of the budget, moron. The discretionary budget is irrelevant. The entire budget is discretionary. Douchbags like you try to make the number seem bigger by comparing it with the so-called discretionary budget. What makes you believe the defense budget is "discretionary?"
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.

That's horseshit. I go by how much money of mine they are taking from me.

They are taking a lot more money from you than you realize.
For example, the military spending when we illegally invaded Iraq cost us trillion that we have not yet paid off.
That means we not only do not even pay off the interest each year, but the military caused the housing collapse that caused millions of US citizens to lose their homes.
So the national debt grows and the US continually get more poor, paying countries like China who finance our military spending.

"but the military caused the housing collapse"

There is absolutely no doubt that the trillions Bush borrowed for his military ventures are what caused the housing market collapse.
In fact, it cause a world wide recession.
Another lie.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.
So socialism, where the people starve every day and flee the country by the millions, serves the people better than capitalism where they had plenty to eat and the highest standard of living in South America?

You're a fucking idiot. You know that don't you?

Socialism always ends up looking like Venezuela.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.

That's horseshit. I go by how much money of mine they are taking from me.

They are taking a lot more money from you than you realize.
For example, the military spending when we illegally invaded Iraq cost us trillion that we have not yet paid off.
That means we not only do not even pay off the interest each year, but the military caused the housing collapse that caused millions of US citizens to lose their homes.
So the national debt grows and the US continually get more poor, paying countries like China who finance our military spending.

"but the military caused the housing collapse"

There is absolutely no doubt that the trillions Bush borrowed for his military ventures are what caused the housing market collapse.
In fact, it cause a world wide recession.
There is every doubt in the world about that.
See that garbage littering the street? That is Venezuelan money! That's right it is worthless trash. Think of that picture as Stage 4 Socialism. Bernie Sanders is Stage 1.

View attachment 305465
socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.
How is the national debt all military, because you wish it were true?
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

Bullshit! No experiment with socialism have ever succeed. Every damn last one of them ended in complete failure. Socialism has never worked and it can never work or suceed because it flies in the face of both mother nature and human nature. It's just that simple. The only lazy ass dumbshits and under achivers who are ever for it are the very reason it can never suceed.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

Sure, quit being a failure and capitalism will treat you well.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

Bullshit! No experiment with socialism have ever succeed. Every damn last one of them ended in complete failure. Socialism has never worked and it can never work or suceed because it flies in the face of both mother nature and human nature. It's just that simple. The only lazy ass dumbshits and under achivers who are ever for it are the very reason it can never suceed.
Socialism is only as good as the people who run the country. It tends to preserve whatever corruption existed before it is imposed. The point here is that socialism is a reaction, perhaps an overreaction, to a greedy ruthless plutocracy. It is rarely any better and it never just comes out of nowhere.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

I disagree.
Socialism always works and can never fail.
What happened in Venezuela was centralized and not collaborative or communal in planning or profit sharing, so was not socialism.
But with the US swinging its massive economic club, who can say exactly who is to blame?
See that garbage littering the street? That is Venezuelan money! That's right it is worthless trash. Think of that picture as Stage 4 Socialism. Bernie Sanders is Stage 1.

View attachment 305465
socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.
It's 18% of the budget, moron. The discretionary budget is irrelevant. The entire budget is discretionary. Douchbags like you try to make the number seem bigger by comparing it with the so-called discretionary budget. What makes you believe the defense budget is "discretionary?"

You are not making any sense at all.
First of all, you are not supposed to include non-discretionary things like Social Security because they not only mandated by law and not up for any vote, but they are self funding. It would make no sense to include something that actually generates a surplus, like Social Security did for half a century, into the budget.
There are lots of things that are not supposed to be included in the national budget, because they are mandatory and can not be voted on. The interest on the national debt is another. By law that is supposed to just be paid, without any debate.
That fact that the ENTIRE national debt has also always been for the military actually makes leaving the national debt out hide military spending.

But all military spending other than on the national debt interest payments ARE discretionary.
We could survive quite well without spending a cent on the military.
The founders wanted a volunteer, citizen soldier military, and that would have been best.
It also would have been totally funded by the states and not the federal government.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

I disagree.
Socialism always works and can never fail.
What happened in Venezuela was centralized and not collaborative or communal in planning or profit sharing, so was not socialism.
But with the US swinging its massive economic club, who can say exactly who is to blame?
Countries that have been colonies have a terrible time growing beyond their exploitative past. That includes us.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.
So socialism, where the people starve every day and flee the country by the millions, serves the people better than capitalism where they had plenty to eat and the highest standard of living in South America?

You're a fucking idiot. You know that don't you?

Socialism always ends up looking like Venezuela.

Socialism can never fail or become abusive because socialism is collaborative and cooperative, so requires a democracy.
And there is no way a democracy can fail, because even if the people make a mistake they can correct it.
What you fail to understand it that since all democratic governments always implement socialism, the US is socialist.
The only failing is that for some reason the government is not fulfilling its socialist obligation on health care.
The only places where people have anything to eat are socialist.
When you have police, military, fire departments, health care, education, or anything that is not for profit and is funded communally, that is socialism.
Everything good about the US is socialism.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

Bullshit! No experiment with socialism have ever succeed. Every damn last one of them ended in complete failure. Socialism has never worked and it can never work or suceed because it flies in the face of both mother nature and human nature. It's just that simple. The only lazy ass dumbshits and under achivers who are ever for it are the very reason it can never suceed.
Socialism is only as good as the people who run the country. It tends to preserve whatever corruption existed before it is imposed. The point here is that socialism is a reaction, perhaps an overreaction, to a greedy ruthless plutocracy. It is rarely any better and it never just comes out of nowhere.
Dead wrong. Socialism fails despite the quality of the people who suffer under it because it flies in the face of human nature. Socialism is a con that demagogues use to gain power. It comes out of the lust for power. No one ever said it came out of nowhere.
See that garbage littering the street? That is Venezuelan money! That's right it is worthless trash. Think of that picture as Stage 4 Socialism. Bernie Sanders is Stage 1.

View attachment 305465
socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.
How is the national debt all military, because you wish it were true?

The national debt is all military because it is illegal to run a debt annually unless there is an emergency appropriation.
And that only happens in time of war or military requests, like the Invasion of Iraq and the trillions Bush requested for it.
If you look it up, you will see that the national debt is all military.
SDI was the closest to not being the military, but that actually was a cold war move to bankrupt the Soviet Union when they tried to keep up with SDI military spending.
Just look at the graph, and you will see that there has never been any significant national debt EXCEPT for military spending.

The blip around 1990 was SDI, intended to bankrupt the USSR in a space spending war.
The current accelerating climb was Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
See that garbage littering the street? That is Venezuelan money! That's right it is worthless trash. Think of that picture as Stage 4 Socialism. Bernie Sanders is Stage 1.

View attachment 305465
socialism is thriving in the US 50 some percent of the government budget goes to the armed forces? President spends billions on his golf trips and his family vacations, and so much more. but I have to admit we need space force.
18% of the budget goes to the military, moron.

That is not at all true that the military only gets 18%.

The government itself only admits to 54%, but it is actually much larger because almost all of the national debt and its interest is really all military, and also most social services is really VA or GIBill and is also defense.


Military Spending in the United States

When someone tries to claim a low figure, like 20%, that is by adding things like the national debt and Social Security to the national budget, and they are not. The national budget is only supposed to include discretionary spending, not mandated programs that are self financing, like social security.

So the reality is that military spending is actually more like 75% of our tax money.
It's 18% of the budget, moron. The discretionary budget is irrelevant. The entire budget is discretionary. Douchbags like you try to make the number seem bigger by comparing it with the so-called discretionary budget. What makes you believe the defense budget is "discretionary?"

You are not making any sense at all.
First of all, you are not supposed to include non-discretionary things like Social Security because they not only mandated by law and not up for any vote, but they are self funding. It would make no sense to include something that actually generates a surplus, like Social Security did for half a century, into the budget.
There are lots of things that are not supposed to be included in the national budget, because they are mandatory and can not be voted on. The interest on the national debt is another. By law that is supposed to just be paid, without any debate.
That fact that the ENTIRE national debt has also always been for the military actually makes leaving the national debt out hide military spending.

But all military spending other than on the national debt interest payments ARE discretionary.
We could survive quite well without spending a cent on the military.
The founders wanted a volunteer, citizen soldier military, and that would have been best.
It also would have been totally funded by the states and not the federal government.
Who says they are not supposed to be included? No one but a bunch of leftist douchebags. The budget is the budget. The game of including some parts and not others is propaganda.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

Bullshit! No experiment with socialism have ever succeed. Every damn last one of them ended in complete failure. Socialism has never worked and it can never work or suceed because it flies in the face of both mother nature and human nature. It's just that simple. The only lazy ass dumbshits and under achivers who are ever for it are the very reason it can never suceed.

That is silly because there have been lots of experiments in socialism in the US, like WI, and they all were extremely successful.
It is the capitalism of Stalinism that failed.
But that was never remotely socialist.
To be socialist, the planning and profit sharing has to be collaborative, cooperative, and communal.
Stalinism was never any of these, but was capitalism of a wealthy elite.
Socialism rises from the failure of capitalism to serve the people. In Venezuela capitalism did not serve the people at all. Socialism, in their case, didn't do a good job either. It's not like anyone can say they have ever had it good. Their socialism looks a lot like their capitalism did. There's still rich people who own everything, nothing gets done in the name of the people and there are no institutions anyone can trust.

I disagree.
Socialism always works and can never fail.
What happened in Venezuela was centralized and not collaborative or communal in planning or profit sharing, so was not socialism.
But with the US swinging its massive economic club, who can say exactly who is to blame?
So it wasn't really socialism? How many times have leftwing idiots used that excuse?

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