this president is putting himself and family in danger just like lincoln

Do you rubes EVER get tired of being cycled up into hysteria by your masters? Do you? Ever?

Christ, every fucking week you are shitting your pants over the panic-du-jour. Take some fucking Immodium, for chrissakes.

All that hack piss you guzzle is giving you the runs. FIGURE IT OUT!!!
I'm sure they told the jews the same thing about Hitler.

I mean hey, if you like living with your head buried up your ass clear to your shoulders, that's fine. But don't expect the rest of the nation to. It appears the majority isn't either, because they just gave you progtards and obama a clear message. Problem is you and the rest of your progtard party just don't fucking get it. You just might have to learn the hard way.
I'm saying he's asking for it by going way to far and the probability just skyrocketed to unseen proportions since the civil war.
SO... THE FUCK... WHAT... :lol:

What a fucking MORON.

Yeah, the SS will be visiting someone alright... YOU... for WASTING THEIR FUCKING TIME!

Holy SHIT... you need to get a grip.
Do you rubes EVER get tired of being cycled up into hysteria by your masters? Do you? Ever?

Christ, every fucking week you are shitting your pants over the panic-du-jour. Take some fucking Immodium, for chrissakes.

All that hack piss you guzzle is giving you the runs. FIGURE IT OUT!!!

go piss up a rope. No one is chaining you here
Only if you promise to drink it.

There is none left after you lap it up
Barry has been careful to attend only friendly events. He seems pretty secure compared to the hatred spewed at George Bush and even Sarah Palin. What does thursday have to do with it? Are you talking about the potential amnesty speech? Get some perspective lefties. Remember the left wing hate speech calling the commander of US Troops in combat "betray-us"? Remember how the nut case anti-war activists hanged and burned effigies of the former president? You almost gotta laugh at the last ditch effort to make Barry Hussein a sympathetic figure now. I guess that's all he has left.
I don't know if it was the OP's intent but this thread has attracted replies like "He's a tyrant, he deserves to be killed". Every President has had an opposition group who truly believed he was a "Tyrant". Think FDR and SCOTUS. Do either we on the left or you on the right believe that in
this case it is all right to say "Fuck the Constitution" , and through cowardice or silence or tacit agreement encourage the vigilant approach to settling disagreements, that group's approach has been kept at bay for 238 yrs by that very document, If you disregard it the descent into chaos begins.

Bullet or Ballot?
I have been very hesitant to post this but with this eo he's doing Thursday this thread is very relavent.

He's at high risk of being assinated during and after his presidency. His family also. Is there a point where as president you have an obligation to consider your and your family's safety?

Expect a call from the Secret Service.

Do you have Obama number? I didn't do shit. I don't want anything to happen to his beautiful family. It would be terrible

Dude don't let this old fart scare you, nothing's going to happen, you're not going to be visited by anyone.
The mindless barrage of insults levied upon Obama has real effect on ignorant people. The slimy neo cons would be the first to claim they have no responsibility. The die has been cast. There never again will be a president that has safety from ignorant verbal abuse nor it's effects on those easily swayed into acting irresponsibly.

You seem to have forgotten the pattern you lefties set with your abuse of President Bush. You just can't seem to get your hive mind around the simple fact that "what goes around comes around". Now try to think that through and, when you get done, suck it up. There's more to come - in (of course) the interest of "equality". are an idiot. The vitrol was started in ernest by Newt Gingrich 4 decades ago. Do try to get up to speed ya moron.
I have been very hesitant to post this but with this eo he's doing Thursday this thread is very relavent.

He's at high risk of being assinated during and after his presidency. His family also. Is there a point where as president you have an obligation to consider your and your family's safety?

Every President has to accept the danger of that lone nut. Even well loved Presidents like Kennedy an Reagan were not safe. Like Luddly I have been worried about Obama since day one, his race I thought might increase the pressure on a particular kind of nut.

But if you're suggesting he should change his agenda because of fear that is clearly impossible. A Leader whose direction is ruled by fear would be a terrible leader. Let's hope America never becomes that dangerous.
Pain, suffering, poor economy, opposite views, race put this president in a very high risk category just like lincoln after the civil war. I'm sa Ying that this president needs to choose his battles wisely. There's big things he can do and historI will judge him favoring for it and he can accomplish a lot. He needs to consider he's in his final years of his presidency and just lost last election hugely. Not intentionally ignore the American people and cross the thin red line. I'm saying he's asking for it by going way to far and the probability just skyrocketed to unseen proportions since the civil war.
He needs to consider he's in his final years of his presidency and just lost last election hugely. Not intentionally ignore the American people and cross the thin red line. I'm saying he's asking for it by going way to far

interesting use of words

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