this thing was "Artificially Induced" -- wow; Trump just said that

HOPEFULLY, he is getting us mentally prepared for the hammer he is going to drop in China

Well, from what I've read, and I've read a LOT about the possible origin of the Chinese Virus, I truly believe it was manufactured as a biological weapon by Chinese scientists. In Wuhan, China, and leaked into the general public in Wuhan, China. The very first cases, ANYWHERE in the world, appeared in Wuhan, China. The virus SHOULD be called the Chinese Virus or Wuhan Virus, this is without question. There has been speculation by many that someone like George Soros funded the Chinese in their effort to come up with the virus. This DOES make a lot of sense, considering Soros absolutely hates the US and is even on videotape back in 1979, claiming his greatest desire was to somehow destroy America. He ACTUALLY said this, AND is on tape saying just that. So, I think his plan was to get the virus started in China, and make SURE it got to the States. Far-fetched? Not one bit, considering Soros' hatred for America is VERY strong. Just some food for thought.
The Trump economy was artificially induced by debt. Debt growth under Trump was >2 x GDP growth which means the stimulus wasn't working and the debt was producing less than 50% benefit.

Trumpies will be working themselves into a lather as the incompetence of Dopey Donald Trump is exhibited daily on TV.

As to our Debt to GDP rate, a major indicator.

As of June 2019, the nation with the highest debt-to-GDP ratio is Japan with a ratio of 253%. The next highest ratio is from Greece, which at 181.1%, lags significantly behind Japan.

Lebanon has the next highest debt-to-GDP ratio at 152%, followed by Italy at 123.4%. Other nations with high debt-to-GDP ratios include:

If I remember right, the market was going down, but when oil prices dropped, that's when things got real. It was a double whammy. Funny no one is blaming Russia and Saudia Arabia for our empty retirement accounts.

Then you must only be watching CNN and MSNBC business. FOX Business discussed it at length and touched on it today. Apparently Saudi and Russia are in discussions to reduce their production.
If I remember right, the market was going down, but when oil prices dropped, that's when things got real. It was a double whammy. Funny no one is blaming Russia and Saudia Arabia for our empty retirement accounts.

Then you must only be watching CNN and MSNBC business. FOX Business discussed it at length and touched on it today. Apparently Saudi and Russia are in discussions to reduce their production.
Not that it matters, but I don't have tv; I don't watch any of them.
Most meaningful thing I read here is "Fauci excluded from briefing".

Yes Trump does not like to be contradicted again, again and again. It makes him feel inadequate and he does not like to feel inadequate.
Wow, regressives really lose it when President Trump drops those truth bombs.

Yes, our economy is taking a big hit because of this artificial, self-induced action if needing to shut down half the economy.

And when it’s over, you don’t think the economy will quickly recover?

But, that won’t help Dems grab more power. So they need to push this fantasy that everything bad happening is President Trump’s fault. Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Dems?
The economic collapse is world wide. Are you trying to claim the Dems and the media caused that?
HOPEFULLY, he is getting us mentally prepared for the hammer he is going to drop in China

I'd hold the excitement on whatever hammer you think he's going to drop on China. Sounds like he was talking about the panic over the pandemic.

Damn, it really is painful watching him slog his way through these briefings. He just isn't qualified to sit in that chair.

Keep your eye on Joe Biden. He's a real winner.
And to make us feel even more secure...Jared Kushner is heading up the Corona response team.
Wow, regressives really lose it when President Trump drops those truth bombs.

Yes, our economy is taking a big hit because of this artificial, self-induced action if needing to shut down half the economy.

And when it’s over, you don’t think the economy will quickly recover?

But, that won’t help Dems grab more power. So they need to push this fantasy that everything bad happening is President Trump’s fault. Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Dems?
The economic collapse is world wide. Are you trying to claim the Dems and the media caused that?
When Rome fell it ushered in the dark ages. The democrat engineered fall of the United States the age will be deeper and darker. To communists this is the fast track to world wide Marxism.
Yes Trump does not like to be contradicted again, again and again. It makes him feel inadequate and he does not like to feel inadequate.

We surely do appreciate that your inadequacies give you full appreciation of how that feels. Fortunately such inadequacy prevents the passing on of defective genes!
He was talking about the impact on the economy being artificial. Not the virus.
Some people are just so stupid.
He was talking about the impact on the economy being artificial. Not the virus.
Some people are just so stupid.
It would ALSO fit the Chinese Virus, which IS artificial, being that it WAS manufactured in Chinese labs. So there's THAT.....
HOPEFULLY, he is getting us mentally prepared for the hammer he is going to drop in China

He knows that there are people out there that are trying to destroy the economy.
After the H1N1 pandemic. Obama all of a sudden decided to stop scientist from creating lethal viruses. I think that he knew where it has originated from. And was scared that he will be blamed for it.

The Trump economy was artificially induced by debt. Debt growth under Trump was >2 x GDP growth which means the stimulus wasn't working and the debt was producing less than 50% benefit.

Trumpies will be working themselves into a lather as the incompetence of Dopey Donald Trump is exhibited daily on TV.

As to our Debt to GDP rate, a major indicator.

As of June 2019, the nation with the highest debt-to-GDP ratio is Japan with a ratio of 253%. The next highest ratio is from Greece, which at 181.1%, lags significantly behind Japan.

Lebanon has the next highest debt-to-GDP ratio at 152%, followed by Italy at 123.4%. Other nations with high debt-to-GDP ratios include:

well, those numbers for the USA just changed, BIG TIME! And not for the better!
Maybe he didn't want Fauci to face palm when Trump said the media artificially induced this panic.
Trump is saying that the economic SLUMP is artificially induced.

Lol, you TDS liberals are just hilarious!
how is the economic slump, artificially induced??????
Because it was due to economic factors, but the government ordering everything pretty much shut down over the COVID19 virus.

Hope you are doing well, too, BTW.

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