This vile creature, ellen page criticizing celebs who are Christian.

I said gay, not pedophile. Look up the difference.

Not much.

"You either suck cock, or you don't."
- Andrew Dice Clay
So you don’t know the difference, got it.

Explain it to me.
Jesus only hung around with men. And banged a woman only once. Only once means that he didn’t like it.

Your voice of ignorance has spoken.
Jesus also wore a dress and rode a donkey, which in those days was reserved for slaves and women. And we know he wasn't a slave. Plus, he's always depicted a being pretty buff, if you know what I mean. So I'm saying it's possible Jesus was gay. Why? Does that make you uncomfortable?

Wow. Go to YouTube and there’s dozens of right wing American Christian sermons calling for the execution of gays and the round up of gays and put them on an island and hope they die out.

And so their defense is we’re not as bad as Muslims?

If right wing Americans could change the law, they would prove to be worse than Muslims. Because it seems like they might want to torture the gays before they kill them.

So according to them, anyone that points out their murderous intent is vile. To me it’s the murderous intent that’s vile. To Republicans it’s those the dare protest who are vile.
Disagreeing with her or anyone else doe not make that person "vile" and "evil". And, saying she have also talked about another religion is just silly. FACT is, the OP hates her because she's liberal and gay.

This is a very basic difference between right and left. The left says that all people have the right to speak an opinion. The right condemns anyone with whom they disagree.

So called "christians" are vile and evil for supporting actions that fly in the face of what Jesus taught. They support and defend the orange squatter in the White House. Read threads about Blacks being murdered by police and the right celebrates. Taking thousands of brown children away from their parents? They're in favor of that. Taking away very basic rights to control your own reproduction or who you marry and they will do anything to deny those rights.

The left says that all people have the right to speak an opinion. The right condemns anyone with whom they disagree. <<< Lie #1. Even you cannot say that with a straight face.

So called "christians" are vile and evil for supporting actions that fly in the face of what Jesus taught..
<<< Lie #2. But if you think we are vile and evil, then I am vile and evil and very grateful to God for that.

They support and defend the orange squatter in the White House. <<< That’s true.

Read threads about Blacks being murdered by police and the right celebrates. <<< Lie #3. Nothing more than a sign of how stupid or dishonest you are. Nothing more.

Taking thousands of brown children away from their parents? They're in favor of that. <<< Lie #4. Nice spin CNN. I suggest you keep your head in the sand, less harm can come that way.

Taking away very basic rights to control your own reproduction or who you marry and they will do anything to deny those rights. <<< Lie #5. That’s right, we’ll do anything to deny those rights, except lie openly like you people on the left do, and except engage in subversive un-American activities to gain hold of power or destroy the enemy, like all your heroes on the left willingly engage in. Funny how lying and being dishonest and criminal never bothers you when your side is in full swing on it.
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Not much.

"You either suck cock, or you don't."
- Andrew Dice Clay
So you don’t know the difference, got it.

Explain it to me.
Jesus only hung around with men. And banged a woman only once. Only once means that he didn’t like it.

Your voice of ignorance has spoken.
Jesus also wore a dress and rode a donkey, which in those days was reserved for slaves and women. And we know he wasn't a slave. Plus, he's always depicted a being pretty buff, if you know what I mean. So I'm saying it's possible Jesus was gay. Why? Does that make you uncomfortable?

You don't know much about Judaism either, eh?

What DO you know something about?

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Are any conservatives capable of telling the truth?

she said she opposed christian churches that are anti-gay

NOT all christians or christian churches are anti-gay.

yet this LYING CONSERVATIVE kept SPINNING it as attacks on christianity.

does this piece of shit lie on purpose or is he too fkn stupid to realize he lies?
So you don’t know the difference, got it.

Explain it to me.
Jesus only hung around with men. And banged a woman only once. Only once means that he didn’t like it.

Your voice of ignorance has spoken.
Jesus also wore a dress and rode a donkey, which in those days was reserved for slaves and women. And we know he wasn't a slave. Plus, he's always depicted a being pretty buff, if you know what I mean. So I'm saying it's possible Jesus was gay. Why? Does that make you uncomfortable?

You don't know much about Judaism either, eh?

What DO you know something about?
I know that you’re a homophobe.
Disagreeing with her or anyone else doe not make that person "vile" and "evil". And, saying she have also talked about another religion is just silly. FACT is, the OP hates her because she's liberal and gay.

This is a very basic difference between right and left. The left says that all people have the right to speak an opinion. The right condemns anyone with whom they disagree.

So called "christians" are vile and evil for supporting actions that fly in the face of what Jesus taught. They support and defend the orange squatter in the White House. Read threads about Blacks being murdered by police and the right celebrates. Taking thousands of brown children away from their parents? They're in favor of that. Taking away very basic rights to control your own reproduction or who you marry and they will do anything to deny those rights.

The left says that all people have the right to speak an opinion. The right condemns anyone with whom they disagree. <<< Lie #1. Even you cannot say that with a straight face.

So called "christians" are vile and evil for supporting actions that fly in the face of what Jesus taught..
<<< Lie #2. But if you think we are vile and evil, then I am vile and evil and very grateful to God for that.

They support and defend the orange squatter in the White House. <<< That’s true.

Read threads about Blacks being murdered by police and the right celebrates. <<< Lie #3. Nothing more than a sign of how stupid or dishonest you are. Nothing more.

Taking thousands of brown children away from their parents? They're in favor of that. <<< Lie #4. Nice spin CNN. I suggest you keep your head in the sand, less harm can come that way.

Taking away very basic rights to control your own reproduction or who you marry and they will do anything to deny those rights. <<< Lie #5. That’s right, we’ll do anything to deny those rights, except lie openly like you people on the left do, and except engage in subversive un-American activities to gain hold of power or destroy the enemy, like all your heroes on the left willingly engage in. Funny how lying and being dishonest and criminal never bothers you when your side is in full swing on it.
If you believe what Jesus taught then how can you be a right wing Republican Christian?
I don’t remember Jesus mentioning gay people a single time. But he did say have plenty to say about the rich and helping people and healthcare.
Explain it to me.
Jesus only hung around with men. And banged a woman only once. Only once means that he didn’t like it.

Your voice of ignorance has spoken.
Jesus also wore a dress and rode a donkey, which in those days was reserved for slaves and women. And we know he wasn't a slave. Plus, he's always depicted a being pretty buff, if you know what I mean. So I'm saying it's possible Jesus was gay. Why? Does that make you uncomfortable?

You don't know much about Judaism either, eh?

What DO you know something about?
I know that you’re a homophobe.

Accepting your puerile and innacurate term for what YOU think it means for the sake of argument, not at all.

I believe in freedom of association, and freedom of non-association.
If you believe what Jesus taught then how can you be a right wing Republican Christian?
I don’t remember Jesus mentioning gay people a single time. But he did say have plenty to say about the rich and helping people and healthcare.
"It's not surprising," said Obama, that "they get bitter and cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Our last president was an Islamic apologist and a foe of Christianity and Judaism alike. So when did you start being a judge of character instead of political ideologies to determine which party was more Christian?

Secular liberalism has moved aggressively to remove any vestiges of God and Christianity out of schools including in history books and holidays and anyone dare pray after a game or on the playground, what have you.

Secular liberalism has turned our children into experiments. They encourage gender selection, champion transgenderism, have made bathrooms and locker rooms battle grounds, etc. This is seriously sinful.

Secular liberalism is a huge proponent of teaching our youngest children “gay is ok.” And reading books like “Johnny has two Daddies.” This is outright sinful.

Secular liberalism is a huge backer of gay marriage. Christianity does not judge homosexuals as condemned or anything of the sort. Christianity does make clear gay marriage is wrong and not a marriage.

Secular liberalism is a giant promoter of abortion. Christianity is vehemently opposed to the practice. This, alone, is a deal breaker. A Christian of good conscience would never vote for a pro-abortion candidate unless both or all candidates were pro-choice.

Don’t go searching for Christian outlier churches that embrace the practice of homosexuality, etc. Because the Bible, most Protestant faiths, and most importantly, the Catholic Church is clear that such sexual practices are sinful. But let’s not stop there so we do not appear the bigots you so want us to be. The Catholic Church is equally clear that all sex outside of marriage is a sin. That includes co-habitating, one night stands, pornography, adultery and every kind of perversion you can think of. And most all of that is all cool with liberals and the democrat party. Now tell me I as a Christian should be voting for the party of perversion and a foe of God. Trump is a sinner, yes, what a revelation! You need to be honest or smarter to understand why we clearly support Trump and not you all.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.


There are Christians in Hollywood? I thought they all had to sleep with Harvey Weinstein to be a celebrity?

Then again, he could have sexually assaulted them I reckon.

Speaking of which, I'm sure you disdain these people who identify as Christians more than Harvey, don't ya?

Come on now, admit it.

As for burning in hell, I reckon so long as they don't murder viable infants or condone doing that there chances of going to hell are far less.

Just a guess.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Those other religions are ignorant too. She was talking about your religion not the other one though.

The Muslims would say you will burn in hell for your comment. What do you think about that?

I don’t know why anyone would burn in hell just for calling out another persons religion. Everyone who’s not a member of your religion knows it’s bullshit just like you know their religions are bullshit.

You just believe yours is the one true religion. Yea, they think that too about theirs.

Kindof reminds me of liberals. We're all going to pay for not believing in their frauds like Climate Change and that Trump is a racist. We're getting tired of being lied to by the left, so everything they tell us is highly suspicious, and most of it turns out to be totally false. I could go down a long list of outright frauds they have perpetrated against us, but if we don't go along with their stupid nonsense, we're all racists and deplorables and subject to attacks in social media and violence in public places.


How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Those other religions are ignorant too. She was talking about your religion not the other one though.

The Muslims would say you will burn in hell for your comment. What do you think about that?

I don’t know why anyone would burn in hell just for calling out another persons religion. Everyone who’s not a member of your religion knows it’s bullshit just like you know their religions are bullshit.

You just believe yours is the one true religion. Yea, they think that too about theirs.

Kindof reminds me of liberals. We're all going to pay for not believing in their frauds like Climate Change and that Trump is a racist. We're getting tired of being lied to by the left, so everything they tell us is highly suspicious, and most of it turns out to be totally false. I could go down a long list of outright frauds they have perpetrated against us, but if we don't go along with their stupid nonsense, we're all racists and deplorables and subject to attacks in social media and violence in public places.

But but but charlottesville!!!!

You are communicating with people who still think hands up don't shoot was a true story the way the media reported it. They still think he was a gentle giant. They absolutely think cops target blacks on a daily basis and the democrats through the media push the narrative.

Their entire existence is about using the race card. That is ALL they are. Period.

They still deny blacks support Trump. Either that, or they despise those blacks more than they hate Trump. That is how racist they are.

To prove it, why do they ignore the blacks that support Trump? Let them answer that. They won't cause they already think of them as "Uncle Toms" as if they even know the facts in regards to the history of that story.

No, they simply cling to the chains and or puppet strings that democrats use to keep them down. The democrats and the grievance industry know how imperative it is to make certain they are always victims. Almost entirely helpless people without the help of white democrats saving them.

That is it. Ask them. Why do they ignore the blacks the support Trump? They will not answer, or they will giggle cause they know they cannot answer the way they want to answer it.
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How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Right now America is a ****-hair from calling for the execution of Christians in mass.
These people have taken leave of their senses.
What's the difference between Democrats in the KKK and Democrats in the LGBT community right now?

I doubt they have a Southern drawl.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

How can you watch that annoying son of a bitch?
Churches and christians should not hate the LGBT's if they are true christians they will not yet Owl is the biggest bigoted hater that Christ is annoyed by on USMB.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Right now America is a ****-hair from calling for the execution of Christians in mass.
These people have taken leave of their senses.
What's the difference between Democrats in the KKK and Democrats in the LGBT community right now?

I doubt they have a Southern drawl.

Nope.....they just say "like" every other word.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

How can you watch that annoying son of a bitch?

Because he's more honest that Don Lemon or any other annoying SOB in the news.

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

How can you watch that annoying son of a bitch?

Because he's more honest that Don Lemon or any other annoying SOB in the news.

I don't watch or listen to the news it's just the same old crap humans do everyday..

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

Those other religions are ignorant too. She was talking about your religion not the other one though.

The Muslims would say you will burn in hell for your comment. What do you think about that?

I don’t know why anyone would burn in hell just for calling out another persons religion. Everyone who’s not a member of your religion knows it’s bullshit just like you know their religions are bullshit.

You just believe yours is the one true religion. Yea, they think that too about theirs.

Kindof reminds me of liberals. We're all going to pay for not believing in their frauds like Climate Change and that Trump is a racist. We're getting tired of being lied to by the left, so everything they tell us is highly suspicious, and most of it turns out to be totally false. I could go down a long list of outright frauds they have perpetrated against us, but if we don't go along with their stupid nonsense, we're all racists and deplorables and subject to attacks in social media and violence in public places.

But but but charlottesville!!!!

You are communicating with people who still think hands up don't shoot was a true story the way the media reported it. They still think he was a gentle giant. They absolutely think cops target blacks on a daily basis and the democrats through the media push the narrative.

Their entire existence is about using the race card. That is ALL they are. Period.

They still deny blacks support Trump. Either that, or they despise those blacks more than they hate Trump. That is how racist they are.

To prove it, why do they ignore the blacks that support Trump? Let them answer that. They won't cause they already think of them as "Uncle Toms" as if they even know the facts in regards to the history of that story.

No, they simply cling to the chains and or puppet strings that democrats use to keep them down. The democrats and the grievance industry know how imperative it is to make certain they are always victims. Almost entirely helpless people without the help of white democrats saving them.

That is it. Ask them. Why do they ignore the blacks the support Trump? They will not answer, or they will giggle cause they know they cannot answer the way they want to answer it.

Blacks reasons for supporting trump are even dumber than yours

Don’t forget we mock you too not just black trump supporters

How loud and proud hollywood is to attack Christianity and never ever say one fucking word from their arrogant fucking faces about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped.

They can and indeed will burn in hell.

"about the religion that actually systematically executes gays and stone women for being raped." Sure thing owl. You care about gay rights, and raped women having the right to have an abortion. Got it, Sparky.

You think having one's uterus scraped by men in white coats cures rape?

Of course you do. Because it does cure rape..for the rapist.

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