This was eye opening

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Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, the Google faggots, Jeff Bezos, the media, academia and your personal programmers George Floyd and BLM chose the almost dead dude.
Sounds like you’re upset that America chose to kick Trump out.

Sucks for you, huh?
MSNBC hasn’t rigged the election any more than Gatewaypundit has.

They’re just partisan and we know that.
Except 90% was anti Trump and brushed aside the Hunter Biden facts, Cuomo facts and the whole “big guy” debacle. Whether or not you believe the media acted fairly is not important to me as you’re a deranged leftist. Truth remains that Hunter was dirty as was Cuomo. But those details truly came out post elections and conveniently so.
You’re clearly upset.

And that’s just fine with me. Whine some more please. :)
Again: for the hard of learning. I am not the one whining. I am also not “upset” — except for the tragedy which has malignantly befallen our Republic.

Nobody but nobody cares about what you’re fine with.
Sounds like you’re upset that America chose to kick Trump out.

Sucks for you, huh?
I just told you “America” voted right.
You programmed fools followed the orders issued by crackheads 6’ deep and those under contract with the federal government, Americas wealthiest most elite…you know those evil bastards you claim to hate.
Except 90% was anti Trump and brushed aside the Hunter Biden facts, Cuomo facts and the whole “big guy” debacle. Whether or not you believe the media acted fairly is not important to me as you’re a deranged leftist. Truth remains that Hunter was dirty as was Cuomo. But those details truly came out post elections and conveniently so.
Trump seemed to enjoy the negative publicity. He didn’t do much about it. And that’s still not rigging. It’s called freedom of the press.

The Hunter Biden thing was pushed hard leading up to the election, mostly by right-wing media and it was a horrible strategy. We were deciding whether or not to vote for Joe, not Hunter. Terrible strategy.
Am I supposed to care how you define “America”? LoL.
Nah, just do what you always do. Vote America down the shitter…..and
Trump seemed to enjoy the negative publicity. He didn’t do much about it. And that’s still not rigging. It’s called freedom of the press.

The Hunter Biden thing was pushed hard leading up to the election, mostly by right-wing media and it was a horrible strategy. We were deciding whether or not to vote for Joe, not Hunter. Terrible strategy.
Mostly RW not mainstream media. Great you agree. Election was rigged. Moving on.
I don't know if the election was stolen, and quite frankly, the comments on both sides bore me. What I do know is that mail-in played a huge part. Now the Communists want to have mail in every election covid or not. Is it because it sets the stage for easier ways to steal the election? Is it because they know they can drag in the most politically ignorant to vote? Is it the combination of the two?

Either way the Communists would not be trying to make this our new way of voting if it didn't benefit them.

Not only did Biden have no-shows for his rallies, even his car only rallies were pathetic. He's a guy who spent most of his adult life in federal politics and has nothing to show for it. He was running for President while his son was under FBI investigation for matters Joe was also involved in, and he had a record amount of people vote for him?

If the left can have their way they'll sport on-demand voting via smart phones, and they'll solicit votes with pop-ups under the theme "every vote must count".

Leftists think that's neat right, they're so smart (puke). Democrats have that one figured out, anything they do from here on out is "every vote must count". They'd throw polls up everyone's ass with the pop-ups in the process if they can, monkey see monkey do, you must be a leftist, check here.
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