This will be controversial

I don't want to watch my shit get processed at the sewage plant, but that does not mean that I don't support proper waste management, nor that my support of proper waste management is somehow, hypocritical.

I don't want to watch a person get cut open by a doctor, or watch as a person has the lens of their eye removed and replaced by that does not mean that I do not support modern medicine or that my support of that is somehow hypocritical.

You string your words together, as though they make an argument, but they don/t

I could just as easily say, "YOU ARE EVUL BECAUSE YOU WEAR BLUE".

It would make as much sense are your defense of your position.

That makes zero sense. Are you honestly comparing those things as if they are equal? Iā€™m actually baffled at how you can compare poop been processed to brutally killing a sentient being who is fighting for their life. The fact that you act as if they are mere objects is incomprehensible to me. And extremely sad.

You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.

1. I did not rephrase your words. I cut and pasted them.

2. I think the vast majority of Americans, animal lovers or not, would if it was their job, would be quite able to look an animal in the eye, and then slaughter the animal, however it is done, in order to feed people.

YOu know, since humans have been doing that since there WERE humans.
My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support

What color is the sky in your universe?

who are generally more empathetic than men

and a misandrist as well i see....

could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis.

Then go out, look that pig or chicken in the eye, and do the dirty deed

In fact, let's up the ante' here

I taught pigs to drink beer out of a bottle

we had a grand time together

then i ate '>>>>

My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support

What color is the sky in your universe?

who are generally more empathetic than men

and a misandrist as well i see....

could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis.

Then go out, look that pig or chicken in the eye, and do the dirty deed

In fact, let's up the ante' here

I taught pigs to drink beer out of a bottle

we had a grand time together

then i ate '>>>>


Quit trolling. Are you drunk? But if you do have an actual argument you wanna make, go ahead.
That makes zero sense. Are you honestly comparing those things as if they are equal? Iā€™m actually baffled at how you can compare poop been processed to brutally killing a sentient being who is fighting for their life. The fact that you act as if they are mere objects is incomprehensible to me. And extremely sad.

You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.

1. I did not rephrase your words. I cut and pasted them.

2. I think the vast majority of Americans, animal lovers or not, would if it was their job, would be quite able to look an animal in the eye, and then slaughter the animal, however it is done, in order to feed people.

YOu know, since humans have been doing that since there WERE humans.

I think youā€™re underestimating how much people love animals. What you said doesnā€™t make much sense because most people wouldnā€™t take the job in the slaughterhouse in the first place. It is a known fact that people who work in slaughterhouses often end up with PTSD or other emotional problems. Which says a lot in and of itself. Just because some of you guys couldnā€™t care less doesnā€™t mean everyone else is like that.
Quit trolling. Are you drunk?

non sequitur hack....

But if you do have an actual argument you wanna make, go ahead.

yes i do

your quest of self righteous indignation is no more than sactimonious hypocricy

may your pets feast on your deceased remians weeks before you're found



Still no argument, but wow, more ad hominems and now talking about my death? Your hatred is over-the-top. Like I said to someone else, Iā€™m not interested in mudslinging. If you ever get around to putting forth an actual argument that isnā€™t filled with hateful ad hominems, please let me know.
You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.

1. I did not rephrase your words. I cut and pasted them.

2. I think the vast majority of Americans, animal lovers or not, would if it was their job, would be quite able to look an animal in the eye, and then slaughter the animal, however it is done, in order to feed people.

YOu know, since humans have been doing that since there WERE humans.

I think youā€™re underestimating how much people love animals. What you said doesnā€™t make much sense because most people wouldnā€™t take the job in the slaughterhouse in the first place. It is a known fact that people who work in slaughterhouses often end up with PTSD or other emotional problems. Which says a lot in and of itself. Just because some of you guys couldnā€™t care less doesnā€™t mean everyone else is like that.

For the vast majority of human history, and prehistory, humans hunted or raised animals, and then killed and ate them.

Animal loving, did not slow that down.
I don't want to watch my shit get processed at the sewage plant, but that does not mean that I don't support proper waste management, nor that my support of proper waste management is somehow, hypocritical.

I don't want to watch a person get cut open by a doctor, or watch as a person has the lens of their eye removed and replaced by that does not mean that I do not support modern medicine or that my support of that is somehow hypocritical.

You string your words together, as though they make an argument, but they don/t

I could just as easily say, "YOU ARE EVUL BECAUSE YOU WEAR BLUE".

It would make as much sense are your defense of your position.

That makes zero sense. Are you honestly comparing those things as if they are equal? Iā€™m actually baffled at how you can compare poop been processed to brutally killing a sentient being who is fighting for their life. The fact that you act as if they are mere objects is incomprehensible to me. And extremely sad.

You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.
There was an episode of Anthony Bordain a couple seasons ago, where he participated in the slaughter of the village's night feast. You could see he didn't enjoy the experience, but he sure enjoyed those tasty lamb chops that night.
Last edited:

How can you vegans go on killing like this?
No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.

1. I did not rephrase your words. I cut and pasted them.

2. I think the vast majority of Americans, animal lovers or not, would if it was their job, would be quite able to look an animal in the eye, and then slaughter the animal, however it is done, in order to feed people.

YOu know, since humans have been doing that since there WERE humans.

I think youā€™re underestimating how much people love animals. What you said doesnā€™t make much sense because most people wouldnā€™t take the job in the slaughterhouse in the first place. It is a known fact that people who work in slaughterhouses often end up with PTSD or other emotional problems. Which says a lot in and of itself. Just because some of you guys couldnā€™t care less doesnā€™t mean everyone else is like that.

For the vast majority of human history, and prehistory, humans hunted or raised animals, and then killed and ate them.

Animal loving, did not slow that down.

Weā€™re living in a different world now. Most people do not kill animals for survival. Some might think they are, but as those quotes I posted earlier show, from a health standpoint, it is completely unnecessary. Itā€™s done because of habit/ tradition/ taste.

Factory farms are filling up entire lagoons with animal waste (actual shit), contaminating groundwater, polluting rivers, polluting the air, causing people living nearby to be sick. An outrageous amount of rainforests are being destroyed continually, to make room for animal agriculture. Outrageous amounts of resources are being completely wasted, because of animal agriculture. Itā€™s killing people and itā€™s killing the planet. I completely understand your position. I was there myself. But mark my wordsā€¦ The world is changing. A plant based diet is the future. Not only from a secular standpoint, as people are going vegan in droves, but also from a biblical standpoint.
That makes zero sense. Are you honestly comparing those things as if they are equal? Iā€™m actually baffled at how you can compare poop been processed to brutally killing a sentient being who is fighting for their life. The fact that you act as if they are mere objects is incomprehensible to me. And extremely sad.

You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.
There was an episode of Anthony Bordain a couple seasons ago, where he participated in the slaughter of the village's night feast. You could see he didn't enjoy the experience, but he sure enjoyed those tasty lamb chops that night.

I never watched that show. But I heard about himā€¦ I heard he ate anything.
You were arguing that not wanting to watch something meant that you should not support it.

Are you admitting that argument has been refuted?

No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.
There was an episode of Anthony Bordain a couple seasons ago, where he participated in the slaughter of the village's night feast. You could see he didn't enjoy the experience, but he sure enjoyed those tasty lamb chops that night.

I never watched that show. But I heard about himā€¦ I heard he ate anything.
And drank everything.
Very interesting show. More about the cultures and politics of the areas he visits. Talks with the regular folks worldwide.
Worth a look see, if your ever bored. Of course you would have to put up with all the meat eating.
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No, I was not talking about it in the broad way that youā€™re framing it. Obviously people donā€™t want to watch things like poop being processed or someone having surgery. Iā€™m saying that your comparisons are ridiculous, but if thatā€™s what you really believe then nothing I say will get through to you, if you see animals as mere objects.

Your words

, to the point of refusing to look at it, yet not by the actual act or those industries overall."

So, you've dropped that argument, the moment you were called on it. Kind of shows that you were not serious about that argument to start with.

ANimals are not objects. They are animals.

Strawman. My argument was NEVER that anything people donā€™t want to see is something they shouldnā€™t support. That was your deceptive rephrasing of my argument.

And just to add to what I said earlier, I think a lot of Americans, especially animal lovers and women (who are generally more empathetic than men) could never kill a cow or pig with their own two hands, yet they pay others to do that on a daily basis. And no, not simply because itā€™s messy or gross, but because a true animal lover would look the animal in the eye and have compassion rather than slit its throat just to have a snack.
There was an episode of Anthony Bordain a couple seasons ago, where he participated in the slaughter of the village's night feast. You could see he didn't enjoy the experience, but he sure enjoyed those tasty lamb chops that night.

I never watched that show. But I heard about himā€¦ I heard he ate anything.
And drank everything.
Very interesting show. More about the cultures and politics of the areas he visits. Talks with the regular folks worldwide.
Worth a look see, if your ever bored.

Iā€™ll check it out on YouTube. But I have to sayā€¦ Even back when I ate animals, I never understood why anyone would want to eat things like intestines, brains, testicles, etc. They do that sort of thing here in Mexico. To each his own, I guess.
The best guy in Congress (in my view anyway) is a homesteader. But he's also an MIT guy. He's running his farm on solar power, too. The house he built by himself. Daniel Boone type stuff.
Probably off-topic, your post reminded me of it. It's a good video, though.
Great video.

Oh, you watched the whole thing? It was a little long, sorry. I probably shoulda mentioned to skip toward the end.
Again Vegans either take supplements and have a very strict diet or they are sickly as hell, man is biologically BUILT to eat meat. It is a scientific FACT.
Again Vegans either take supplements and have a very strict diet or they are sickly as hell, man is biologically BUILT to eat meat. It is a scientific FACT.

Iā€™m sorry, but that is flat out false. Youā€™re going by your extremely biased, outdated, preconceived notions, that are proven wrong all the time. Thereā€™s only one thing that many vegans supplement and thatā€™s B12. But B12 is produced by bacteria, it doesnā€™t need to be obtained from animal products. Animals used to get it from the soil, but since the soil these days is bad, often livestock are injected with B12. So many meat eaters donā€™t realize theyā€™re getting their B12 secondhand, through the dead animal they ate. Why not cut out the middleman, and just take the supplement yourself?

There are lots of people who have been vegan for decades, and are far healthier than the typical obese person on the standard American diet high in animal products, whose arteries are clogged and will probably die of heart disease or cancer. Again, youā€™re going by outdated info and your extremely biased, vegan-hating assumptions.

Here is what I posted earlier, which you probably didnā€™t read.

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage.Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.

The Mayo Clinic

A well-planned vegetarian diet (see context) can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them.

Harvard Medical School

Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.

Dietitians of Canada

A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults.

British Dietetic Association

Well planned vegetarian diets (see context) can be nutritious and healthy. They are associated with lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and lower cholesterol levels. This could be because such diets are lower in saturated fat, contain fewer calories and more fiber and phytonutrients/phytochemicals (these can have protective properties) than non-vegetarian diets. (...) Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of life and have many benefits.

The British National Health Service

With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.

The Dietitians Association of Australia

Vegan diets differ to other vegetarian diets in that no animal products are consumed or used. Despite these restrictions, with good planning it is still possible to obtain all the nutrients required for good health on a vegan diet.​
I go step by step..... I love animals....

so my first step was to stop eating red meat

I still eat chicken and fish and seafood

but I do not eat red meat and ....I am not missing it

step by step
Again Vegans either take supplements and have a very strict diet or they are sickly as hell, man is biologically BUILT to eat meat. It is a scientific FACT.

This man is over 100 years old, and has been a vegan for more than 50 years. Still healthy, still has a sharp mindā€¦ He retired at 95! He was a heart surgeon, so he knows what heā€™s talking about.

You can not dispute the science MAN is an Omnivore DESIGNED to eat meat. Science is NOT your friend. And I don't believe you or your claims that Vegans are inherently health. I knew a vegetarian officer in the Marine Corps and he had to have a special diet with specific foods, Vegans are even worse.
You can not dispute the science MAN is an Omnivore DESIGNED to eat meat. Science is NOT your friend. And I don't believe you or your claims that Vegans are inherently health. I knew a vegetarian officer in the Marine Corps and he had to have a special diet with specific foods, Vegans are even worse.

Werenā€™t you the one who I asked earlier to be more specific when you use the word ā€œdesignedā€. Who are you claiming designed us to eat meat? The word ā€œdesignedā€ is not a word typically use by nonbelievers /evolutionists, itā€™s normally used by people who believe in God. Are you a Christian?

Because from a biblical perspective, there is no debate that we were designed/ created as herbivores. I talked about this earlier, just read Genesis 1:29-30. As for the science, I posted a video earlier that went over our characteristics, did you watch it? We may act as omnivores, but we definitely have the characteristics of herbivores. Iā€™ll post it again:


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