This will infuriate Donald Trump

View attachment 168248

Trump knows America loves Obama but either tolerates him or hates him.
This poll will completely ruin his vacation.
Makes me smile.

Someone just said that Obama is who we hope we are.
Trump is who we fear we are.

I believe this is true. Look at his fave president. Andrew Jackson. A truly low spot in our history, a man who brought shame on the entire country as well as the presidency. Sick.
View attachment 168248

Trump knows America loves Obama but either tolerates him or hates him.
This poll will completely ruin his vacation.
Makes me smile.

Someone just said that Obama is who we hope we are.
Trump is who we fear we are.

I believe this is true. Look at his fave president. Andrew Jackson. A truly low spot in our history, a man who brought shame on the entire country as well as the presidency. Sick.
Nice post. Obama is and will always be a class act.
No one has ever accused Trump of being one.
View attachment 168248

Trump knows America loves Obama but either tolerates him or hates him.
This poll will completely ruin his vacation.
Makes me smile.

Someone just said that Obama is who we hope we are.
Trump is who we fear we are.

I believe this is true. Look at his fave president. Andrew Jackson. A truly low spot in our history, a man who brought shame on the entire country as well as the presidency. Sick.
Nice post. Obama is and will always be a class act.
No one has ever accused Trump of being one.
Because class acts result in a nation of food servers.
I just wish all the Trump haters here would list the illegals in their families.
Always dumbing down every thread he posts in.
I understand your emotional disability.
You're the kind of person I avoid in real life.
This is the genius that said Trump wanted to shut down the investigation because it’s “ too expensive.”
Can you provide a Link?
On the other hand, I wish I hand a well paying consulting position with no end in sight.
So do you.
Trump supporters are dropping like flies watching this mentally unstable president.
The only ones remaining are the ones that know they’ll never have a white supremacist prez again so they’re holding on for dear life.
Another lame and worthless thread proving the Left is scared shitless because they see themselves for the train-wreck they are
Actually just the opposite.
America respects Hillary, Michelle O and Barack.

I’m hearing testimonials tonight of DEPLORABLES totally rejecting this “ out of control” prez.
They’re saying he dwells on chaos but you can’t run a country like that.

I just saw that too. They voted for him but now are ashamed of him. And they seemed ashamed of their own vote.
I just wish all the Trump haters here would list the illegals in their families.
Always dumbing down every thread he posts in.
I understand your emotional disability.
You're the kind of person I avoid in real life.
This is the genius that said Trump wanted to shut down the investigation because it’s “ too expensive.”
Can you provide a Link?
On the other hand, I wish I hand a well paying consulting position with no end in sight.
So do you.
Your memory is that bad?
Hilarious you’re already running away from that boner of a comment.
Trump supporters are dropping like flies watching this mentally unstable president.
The only ones remaining are the ones that know they’ll never have a white supremacist prez again so they’re holding on for dear life.
Can you name actual instances of where you saw Trump supporters sagging over?
The soda machine?
The gym.
Really...keep a list.
I just wish all the Trump haters here would list the illegals in their families.
Always dumbing down every thread he posts in.
I understand your emotional disability.
You're the kind of person I avoid in real life.
This is the genius that said Trump wanted to shut down the investigation because it’s “ too expensive.”
Can you provide a Link?
On the other hand, I wish I hand a well paying consulting position with no end in sight.
So do you.
Your memory is that bad?
Hilarious you’re already running away from that boner of a comment.
I have a memory; you don't even have a brain.
View attachment 168248

Trump knows America loves Obama but either tolerates him or hates him.
This poll will completely ruin his vacation.
Makes me smile.

Someone just said that Obama is who we hope we are.
Trump is who we fear we are.

I believe this is true. Look at his fave president. Andrew Jackson. A truly low spot in our history, a man who brought shame on the entire country as well as the presidency. Sick.
Nice post. Obama is and will always be a class act.
No one has ever accused Trump of being one.
Because class acts result in a nation of food servers.
Yet Obama is a twice elected president so you failed again.
Always dumbing down every thread he posts in.
I understand your emotional disability.
You're the kind of person I avoid in real life.
This is the genius that said Trump wanted to shut down the investigation because it’s “ too expensive.”
Can you provide a Link?
On the other hand, I wish I hand a well paying consulting position with no end in sight.
So do you.
Your memory is that bad?
Hilarious you’re already running away from that boner of a comment.
I have a memory; you don't even have a brain.
First you claim not to remember your bonehead comment than a childish insult to boot.
Go back to sleep.
Another lame and worthless thread proving the Left is scared shitless because they see themselves for the train-wreck they are
Actually just the opposite.
America respects Hillary, Michelle O and Barack.

I’m hearing testimonials tonight of DEPLORABLES totally rejecting this “ out of control” prez.
They’re saying he dwells on chaos but you can’t run a country like that.

I just saw that too. They voted for him but now are ashamed of him. And they seemed ashamed of their own vote.
Anyone with even a modicum of self respect is ashamed of their vote.
My cousin, who is a cop and republican told me on Xmas Eve,” I voted for the guy but he is an idiot.”
Many in the highest levels of the British government want Trump banned from England.
Prince Harry and his fiancé want the Obama’s at their wedding but not the Trump’s.
Says so much.
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

I'm still trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election; let's see...


Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?


Was it Wikileaks?


Was it Podesta?


Was it Comey??


Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?


Was it Huma Abedin's sexual predator husband? Anthony Weiner?


Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?


Was it subpoena violations? Was it the congressional testimony lies??

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?


Was it Pay For Play?


Was it the recording of Hillary laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?


Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apartment bought with Foundation money?
(see the resemblance to Webster Hubbell?)


OR her husband's interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?


OR happily accepting the stolen debate questions?


OR her own secret server in her house and disdain for classified information?


OR deleting 30,000 emails?


OR having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?


Was it the Vince Foster murder?


Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the U.S. deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?


Was it Bill's impeachment?


Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10M she got for the pardon of Marc Rich?

OR the $6 BILLION she "lost" when in charge of the State Department?


Or is it because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

Gee I just can't seem to put my finger on it....
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

I'm still trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election; let's see...


Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?


Was it Wikileaks?


Was it Podesta?


Was it Comey??


Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?


Was it Huma Abedin's sexual predator husband? Anthony Weiner?


Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?


Was it subpoena violations? Was it the congressional testimony lies??

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?


Was it Pay For Play?


Was it the recording of Hillary laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?


Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
Was it the Whitewater scandal?
Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
Was it the Trooper Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apartment bought with Foundation money?
(see the resemblance to Webster Hubbell?)


OR her husband's interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?


OR happily accepting the stolen debate questions?


OR her own secret server in her house and disdain for classified information?


OR deleting 30,000 emails?


OR having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
Was it the Seth Rich murder?


Was it the Vince Foster murder?


Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
Was it calling half the U.S. deplorable?
Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?


Was it Bill's impeachment?


Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Was it the $10M she got for the pardon of Marc Rich?

OR the $6 BILLION she "lost" when in charge of the State Department?


Or is it because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

Gee I just can't seem to put my finger on it....
Nice cut and paste with no attribution. Seems the reality of this poll and how America feels about the participants is hitting you as hard as it will Trump.
I always laugh when I read about Trump being "infuriated". Those always come from second-hand accounts the majority of which I suspect are made up.

Trump does not "infuriate". He is solid as a rock in his resolve and any speculation that he loses his composure is pure projection.

It's the left who's miserable, going ape-shit crazy, and freaking out.

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