This will infuriate Donald Trump


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

When Obama took office, wthe economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 job loses a month, a stock market nose diving, a deficit projected to be ob=ver a trillion dollars.

Where was it when he eft? Well asshole?

And a global warming denier is the absolute dumbest fucking piece of shit on thew planet. That would be YOU.

Trump insulted our allies when he makes claims like the Iran Nuke deal was the dumbest deal ever when our allies and the US did it.

Like Trump is smarter that all of those negotiators & leaders. Trump is a fucking moron.

And anyone who supports that Russian colluding POS is a moron and hates this country.

Here's a clue for all you dumbass snowflakes: The economy always recovers after a recession. That's why economists call them "recessions." That means they are temporary. Obama was in the right place at the right time. The economy was already on the rebound before he was even inaugurated. Obama made the deficit far worse with his trillion dollar "stimulus" spending that only served to keep the checks coming in to the DNC.

The true sign of gullibility is falling for the global warming scam.

The Iran nuke deal the United States ever made with a dangerous adversary. Sorry if the truth hurts. Lying about it doesn't change the facts. My 8-year-old neice is smarter than the morons who negotiated that deal.

The whole "russian collusion" scame is the paranoid conspiricy theory to beat all "paranoid conspiricy theories."

You are 50% dishonest.
You ignored to post the reason why we have the recession. The collapse of the real state enterprise.

Russian collusions? If there is no collusions. Prove it.
If there is no collusions. Why is Trump is so scared?

Over a year of investigations and nothing. NOTHING.


Mueller start investigation May 2017. Not one year. You lied again.
It took 2 years to investigate Hillary on Benghazi. That is one woman one woman & found nothing + $7 millions tax payers money wasted. Yet you and your buddies keep bringing this up. That is 2 years.
Crooked Trump has so many lying traitors involved so it will take time. But they will get there.So far 2 already indicted & 2 pleaded guilty. LOCKED THEM UP INCLUDING TRUMP.
Whassamatter, loser? Not up for the challenge?

The challenge for you was to explain how some “expert” was able to determine the document was a fake when they never even saw the document...

The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No “expert” ever examined Obama’s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.
As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No “expert” ever examined Obama’s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!


Stop it you are tickling us. Coming from a conspiracy theorist like you. Doesn’t mean or prove any diddly squat.
Ignorant leftards enjoy their stupidity.........

Hisses the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax. :lmao:

Ahhhh yes, another double dose of crow for little faun!

Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: '9 points of forgery' in Obama's birth certificate

I’ve seen this before report before and I know what that published. I know this is exactly what you are going to post.
What a coincidence coming from racist asshole Sherrif Arpaio Sherrif Office.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Are you really this dumb?

How in the world that bc could be different from the original bc master form?
So the most powerful elected official in this world will use a fake form that came from public office then supply it to investigators?

In my opinion someone (could be Arpaio) made that fake birth certificate then published then analyzed by others. Then of course it’s fake.

Entire GOP didn’t like and fought Obama for straight 8 years. Did any of these nut head or ANYBODY claimed Obama bc was fake? Nobody except Trump, his accolades and people like you.
There are no other assholes in this world but Trump trying to delegitimize Obama’s presidency. One and only racist asshole Trump.

The neocons that are part of the establishment simply gave lip service when the Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC much like the leftards did when they claimed that they would stop funding the illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan if they took control of the House and Senate in 2006.....did anything change? Nope, they passed spending bills loaded with pork to placate their "serfs" that voted them in. I would think that even someone as stupid as you are would begin to see a pattern and have an "Ah ha!" moment..........

Do you expect people believed that from conspiracies people like you?
Like the Las Vegas massacre making CONCLUSIONS that it was part of conspiracy to massacre people then blame the left. Are you supposed to be credible? Very funny very funny.

I am not blaming the left for the shooting in Las Vegas but the real story of what happened is being suppressed. There was definitely more than one shooter and the body that was removed from the hotel room of the lone shooter was not that of Paddock. Remember, Paddock had the #13 tattooed on his neck and the body that was removed didn't have it.
Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Nope my butt doesn’t hurt.

But I know it hurts yours and your buddies because I’m telling truth and facts. Trump is an amateur, unfit, unethical, undisciplined , arrogant, ignorant POTUS ever.

Trump Won. hiLIARy Lost.

Thank God!

People already knew that but did this lousy president proved that he is fit to run this country?
Ask the 212 millions registered voters that didn’t vote for this crooked president.
Last edited:
When have you cornered anyone? How is that possible on the internet? lol...
When yiour stupid asrguments get shoved down your ignorant throats. You should be used to that by now.
Nothing has been shoved down my throat. What are you talking about? Be specific. (don't lie)
I did that many times and blasted your ass too.
Dude you are embarrassing yourself.
Yet you are the one lying...tsk tsk tsk....
Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Nope my butt doesn’t hurt.

But I know it hurts yours and your buddies because I’m telling truth and facts. Trump is an amateur, unfit, unethical, undisciplined , arrogant, ignorant POTUS ever.

Trump Won. hiLIARy Lost.

Thank God!

You would hire Roy Moore to babysit your children.

You would hire Harvey Weinstein to babysit yours.

Why? it was your dodo president trump that support a child molester.
This will not go away. I can tell you that.
Last edited:
The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No “expert” ever examined Obama’s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.
And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!


Stop it you are tickling us. Coming from a conspiracy theorist like you. Doesn’t mean or prove any diddly squat.

Conspiracy analyst, Charwin........and I back up what I claim. You suck at debate and refuting the things I post. The ol "UH-UH?!?!?!?!?" defense doesn't pass anyone's "sniff test" for proof.

Hisses the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax. :lmao:

Ahhhh yes, another double dose of crow for little faun!

Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: '9 points of forgery' in Obama's birth certificate

I’ve seen this before report before and I know what that published. I know this is exactly what you are going to post.
What a coincidence coming from racist asshole Sherrif Arpaio Sherrif Office.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Are you really this dumb?

How in the world that bc could be different from the original bc master form?
So the most powerful elected official in this world will use a fake form that came from public office then supply it to investigators?

In my opinion someone (could be Arpaio) made that fake birth certificate then published then analyzed by others. Then of course it’s fake.

Entire GOP didn’t like and fought Obama for straight 8 years. Did any of these nut head or ANYBODY claimed Obama bc was fake? Nobody except Trump, his accolades and people like you.
There are no other assholes in this world but Trump trying to delegitimize Obama’s presidency. One and only racist asshole Trump.

The neocons that are part of the establishment simply gave lip service when the Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC much like the leftards did when they claimed that they would stop funding the illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan if they took control of the House and Senate in 2006.....did anything change? Nope, they passed spending bills loaded with pork to placate their "serfs" that voted them in. I would think that even someone as stupid as you are would begin to see a pattern and have an "Ah ha!" moment..........

Do you expect people believed that from conspiracies people like you?
Like the Las Vegas massacre making CONCLUSIONS that it was part of conspiracy to massacre people then blame the left. Are you supposed to be credible? Very funny very funny.

I am not blaming the left for the shooting in Las Vegas but the real story of what happened is being suppressed. There was definitely more than one shooter and the body that was removed from the hotel room of the lone shooter was not that of Paddock. Remember, Paddock had the #13 tattooed on his neck and the body that was removed didn't have it.

This is so funny. I already knew from the start that people like you or Alex Jones will come up something funny. Like the SandyHook massacre was a hoax.
Why in the world they will bungled this investigation? Why and what do they need to hide?
Maybe the tattooed #13 was not taken off before the massacre? I know several people who has their tattoo removed.

I’ve asked you several questions so far you avoided it.
That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

When Obama took office, wthe economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 job loses a month, a stock market nose diving, a deficit projected to be ob=ver a trillion dollars.

Where was it when he eft? Well asshole?

And a global warming denier is the absolute dumbest fucking piece of shit on thew planet. That would be YOU.

Trump insulted our allies when he makes claims like the Iran Nuke deal was the dumbest deal ever when our allies and the US did it.

Like Trump is smarter that all of those negotiators & leaders. Trump is a fucking moron.

And anyone who supports that Russian colluding POS is a moron and hates this country.

Here's a clue for all you dumbass snowflakes: The economy always recovers after a recession. That's why economists call them "recessions." That means they are temporary. Obama was in the right place at the right time. The economy was already on the rebound before he was even inaugurated. Obama made the deficit far worse with his trillion dollar "stimulus" spending that only served to keep the checks coming in to the DNC.

The true sign of gullibility is falling for the global warming scam.

The Iran nuke deal the United States ever made with a dangerous adversary. Sorry if the truth hurts. Lying about it doesn't change the facts. My 8-year-old neice is smarter than the morons who negotiated that deal.

The whole "russian collusion" scame is the paranoid conspiricy theory to beat all "paranoid conspiricy theories."

You are 50% dishonest.
You ignored to post the reason why we have the recession. The collapse of the real state enterprise.

Russian collusions? If there is no collusions. Prove it.
If there is no collusions. Why is Trump is so scared?

Over a year of investigations and nothing. NOTHING.



Do you assholes know what that means? Do you know how many agencies can label something clsasified?

'Of course not. Because you are fucking idiots.

Trump colluded with the Russians, he lied about contacts with the Russians & his campaign.

And you are lying about Clinton to give him cover,.

'What a pack of pathetic, America Hating jackasses you all are.
Dear RealDave
first of all I am a progressive Green Democrat, I believe in setting up sustainable health care and environmental protections and restorations directly by programs created around each site, funding and run voluntarily by citizens who get tax breaks and deductions for setting up what works locally, instead of relying on federal govt to mandate for the whole nation through Congress which doesn't address the local details and process needed.

I believe that approach is more sustainable, ethical and effective, and Constitutional by respecting beliefs of both parties where Conservatives don't believe in govt micromanagement that gets politicized. I believe better decisions are made by working with medical professionals and environmental scientists to set up programs locally,
which people will naturally choose to fund and participate in when proven to work better.

As for two points you made in posts above
1. Obama abused govt to try to impose health care and environmental policies,
which isn't sustainable or controllable. Putting these decisions in the hands of Congress is like gambling on who gets those seats. The proper way to set up environmental and health care programs is directly with schools and institutions that study problems and solutions. That's who can make longterm PROVEN policies, instead of voting on these arbitrarily. This approach by Obama and liberals is backwards. The first step is to set up proven workable programs, and THEN after these are established as working models, THEN the govt can model and adopt the programs that work. Perhaps federal govt can be used to fund the sites and institutions per state, but the programs have to be decided and chosen by people of that state in order to be accountable. Going through federal govt is not reliable for the diversity of details in addressing individual needs and choices and complex issues involved in either health care or sustainable energy and environment.

Again please understand I am a progressive liberal who SUPPORTS my fellow Greens and Democrats clamoring for sustainable environment and energy solutions, and the best models, solutions and approaches I have found are through local cooperatives and universities to study and implement programs creating jobs and internships to do the work. This is best done through local partnerships and built on state levels BEFORE trying to promote and replicate models on national and global levels - by free choice AFTER these are proven to work. NOT IMPOSING them by political force or bullying.

2. As for "Trump collusion with Russia"
from what I understand, the meetings with Russia were POST ELECTION
after Trump was no longer just a candidate but was the President ELECT.
So that is normal protocol to start meeting and talks with foreign leaders.

Please correct me if I am wrong on this.

I find more coverup, denial and deflection on Clinton's side
that is still being skirted over.

I am concerned about wasting taxpayer money on investigations
that are politically biased. Maybe we should make a rule that whoever
is wrong should pay back taxpayers for the cost of investigations.

I personally would rather get paid back the 24 billion wasted of tax money
on the govt shutdown over conflicts with the federal budget due to ACA mandates,
and charge that cost back to the parties responsible.

We need a way to check Govt that allows taxpayers to charge
the cost back to the Wrongdoers instead of making the public pay for
the cost of govt abuses.
As long as there is no accountability or cost for abusing govt or party power,
what motivation do wrongdoers have to stop this? if taxpayers have to foot the bill?
As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No “expert” ever examined Obama’s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.
And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.

You rarely ask swing your cyber purse for the most part and whine about the things I post.
And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.
NO one has to answer your questions commie.
Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!


Stop it you are tickling us. Coming from a conspiracy theorist like you. Doesn’t mean or prove any diddly squat.

Conspiracy analyst, Charwin........and I back up what I claim. You suck at debate and refuting the things I post. The ol "UH-UH?!?!?!?!?" defense doesn't pass anyone's "sniff test" for proof.

Very funny Dale. You backed up your claimed based from your own conspiracy.
Very credible Dale. Just imagine if all or most people are like you. The whole world will collapse.
Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.
NO one has to answer your questions commie.

I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. Go to bed dude. You are embarrassing yourself.

Right now I’m talking to a conspiracy theorist.
Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!


Stop it you are tickling us. Coming from a conspiracy theorist like you. Doesn’t mean or prove any diddly squat.

Conspiracy analyst, Charwin........and I back up what I claim. You suck at debate and refuting the things I post. The ol "UH-UH?!?!?!?!?" defense doesn't pass anyone's "sniff test" for proof.

Very funny Dale. You backed up your claimed based from your own conspiracy.
Very credible Dale. Just imagine if all or most people are like you. The whole world will collapse.

I have a challenge for you......,.....invest just 30 minutes to listen to this whistleblower. I bought and downloaded his book. I have heard the numerous interviews he has done and his testimony never varies. It's very you have the balls to listen to it? It validates a lot of what I have claimed about the OKC Murrah building bombing. Now, if they could pull this off? Do you really believe that the other things that I contend here is wrong?

Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.
NO one has to answer your questions commie.

I will let you know when you are qualified to talk to me. Go to bed dude. You are embarrassing yourself.

Right now I’m talking to a conspiracy theorist.

You are the one that initiates contact. I don't sweat the likes of you....never have because I know what I know.
Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital “copy & paste” of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.

Just for the sake of your ignorance Dale.

Let say you are correct. So why in the world only people only VERY FEW people like you that are crying?
So why is Trump doesn’t back up his accusations?
Why did Trump admitted that Obama was born in USA?
Obama was born 1961 Adobe was not even available.

No Dale the only people that are struggling are people like you. Nobody else.

Not crying at all.....I am simply providing information concerning this issue to back up those that know that this internet created document was a fraud. We made it through the eight horrific years of the Barrypuppet and his crimes as well as those of the Bush and Clinton crime families are going to be revealed and they are numerous and broad in scope.

You have not answer any of my questions.
My questions to you are real facts and no BS.

You rarely ask swing your cyber purse for the most part and whine about the things I post.

I asked you questions in my post #482.

Your post are based from a conspiracy from your own beliefs. That is a problem. You are trying very hard to influence us based from conspiracies. Is that supposed to be credible?
Do you expect people to believe you?

Like Paddock massacre. How How in the world you can easily come up with that kind of statement?
SandyHook massacre was a hoax.
911 was an inside jobs.
Obama build a wall to keep illegal alien out................
Who are the people that believe this kind of nonsense.

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