This will infuriate Donald Trump

Iā€™m sure Alex Jones told you that. LOL. Very funny.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart <---- New habit discovered!

Give me facts not funny jokes. Coming from Infowars, Fox News or Breitbart is the worst you can show me.

Go get me something credible. Remember I said credible.
Troll liar

Why donā€™t you prove where I lied? You are one funny dude.
One post and I blasted your long list.
I ordered you to get me something credible.
Not jokes.
I dont take orders from regressive faggots.

And this is the best you can come up with.
Since you are a liar and fake. Iā€™m ordering you to go get me something credible not funny jokes.
You are waste of my time.
Go stand in the corner and take your meds. NOW GO.
The Comet Ping Pong And Pizza website was hacked and it was loaded with child porn and snuff films that are being sold for bitcoin and it's linked up to eight other sites some of which is overseas. A D.C detective has the information and was in contact with the hacker but suddenly cut off correspondence after the actor went into Comet Pizza and fired one shot that went right through their network server......can you imagine that? Of course dumb fucks like you nod with your mouth agape and believe all of the shit you are fed.

So, enjoy your crow, little faun....

Oh, Iā€™m enjoying every bit of this, you can be sure. :mm:

Ignorant leftards enjoy their stupidity.........

Hisses the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax. :lmao:

Ahhhh yes, another double dose of crow for little faun!

Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: '9 points of forgery' in Obama's birth certificate

Iā€™ve seen this before report before and I know what that published. I know this is exactly what you are going to post.
What a coincidence coming from racist asshole Sherrif Arpaio Sherrif Office.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Are you really this dumb?

How in the world that bc could be different from the original bc master form?
So the most powerful elected official in this world will use a fake form that came from public office then supply it to investigators?

In my opinion someone (could be Arpaio) made that fake birth certificate then published then analyzed by others. Then of course itā€™s fake.

Entire GOP didnā€™t like and fought Obama for straight 8 years. Did any of these nut head or ANYBODY claimed Obama bc was fake? Nobody except Trump, his accolades and people like you.
There are no other assholes in this world but Trump trying to delegitimize Obamaā€™s presidency. One and only racist asshole Trump.

The neocons that are part of the establishment simply gave lip service when the Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC much like the leftards did when they claimed that they would stop funding the illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan if they took control of the House and Senate in 2006.....did anything change? Nope, they passed spending bills loaded with pork to placate their "serfs" that voted them in. I would think that even someone as stupid as you are would begin to see a pattern and have an "Ah ha!" moment..........
What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

When Obama took office, wthe economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 job loses a month, a stock market nose diving, a deficit projected to be ob=ver a trillion dollars.

Where was it when he eft? Well asshole?

And a global warming denier is the absolute dumbest fucking piece of shit on thew planet. That would be YOU.

Trump insulted our allies when he makes claims like the Iran Nuke deal was the dumbest deal ever when our allies and the US did it.

Like Trump is smarter that all of those negotiators & leaders. Trump is a fucking moron.

And anyone who supports that Russian colluding POS is a moron and hates this country.

Here's a clue for all you dumbass snowflakes: The economy always recovers after a recession. That's why economists call them "recessions." That means they are temporary. Obama was in the right place at the right time. The economy was already on the rebound before he was even inaugurated. Obama made the deficit far worse with his trillion dollar "stimulus" spending that only served to keep the checks coming in to the DNC.

The true sign of gullibility is falling for the global warming scam.

The Iran nuke deal the United States ever made with a dangerous adversary. Sorry if the truth hurts. Lying about it doesn't change the facts. My 8-year-old neice is smarter than the morons who negotiated that deal.

The whole "russian collusion" scame is the paranoid conspiricy theory to beat all "paranoid conspiricy theories."

You are 50% dishonest.
You ignored to post the reason why we have the recession. The collapse of the real state enterprise.

Russian collusions? If there is no collusions. Prove it.
If there is no collusions. Why is Trump is so scared?

Over a year of investigations and nothing. NOTHING.


Imbecile.... tell the forum again how this ā€œexpertā€ was able to determine the document was a fake when they never even saw the document.

You know, just so the forum can laugh at you again.


It was fake and it was easily dismantled for the fake, fraudulent document that it was.........just because YOU want to believe it doesn't make it so......

Hope this helps!
Whassamatter, loser? Not up for the challenge?

The challenge for you was to explain how some ā€œexpertā€ was able to determine the document was a fake when they never even saw the document...

The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

It was fake and it was easily dismantled for the fake, fraudulent document that it was.........just because YOU want to believe it doesn't make it so......

Hope this helps!
Whassamatter, loser? Not up for the challenge?

The challenge for you was to explain how some ā€œexpertā€ was able to determine the document was a fake when they never even saw the document...

The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Whassamatter, loser? Not up for the challenge?

The challenge for you was to explain how some ā€œexpertā€ was able to determine the document was a fake when they never even saw the document...

The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.
The document was put on line....and easily taken apart (the layers that were "cut and pasted) by Adobe and they analyzed the new fonts that were put on this fake document. The creator of this fraud should have had it printed and scanned....but unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us) it was put directly on the .gov website and thousands of people downloaded it. The damage was done and it is a fraudulent "if's, and's or but's".....not my opinion but those that are experts in the field.

Any other questions???

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!

As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!

Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

You poor thing. That article is laced with links corroborating their findings. You prove to be such a chickenshit, you thought you could merely scoff at the source to avoid having to deal with reality.

And again, the simple challenge I've laid down now 4 times, which you also run away from ...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

... your fear reveals you have no clue what you're talking about. Which you also revealed with your ineptness as to how Adobe Illustrator works.

And of course, that nonsense too was debunked long ago by an Adobe expert...

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit
Trump knew that ISIS was a creation of the deep state and their minions like the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet and McCain helped to make it happen........

So Trump believed that crock of shit? That explains a lot.

HOLY SHIT! You REALLY don't know that ISIS was a proxy army for the deep state?? That the CIA, the Mossad and Saudi-Intel provided logistics and training while using Qatar as a conduit to provide weapons and cash? Ever heard of Scott Bennett, the military whistleblower that found over 11,000 bank accounts in a Swiss bank all tied into the Saudis and the state department that was providing funding for them? Do you think that those Toyota trucks just magically appeared and used by ISIS while getting uniforms????? Can't tell the players without a program, right???

Dude, you are hopelessly naive.........

Iā€™m sure Alex Jones told you that. LOL. Very funny.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart <---- New habit discovered!

Give me facts not funny jokes. Coming from Infowars, Fox News or Breitbart is the worst you can show me.

Go get me something credible. Remember I said credible.
17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart <---- New habit discovered!
As expected, you failed. Miserably.

No ā€œexpertā€ ever examined Obamaā€™s COLB. They were only shown a digital copy of it.

Now for your next challenge, which you will also fail....

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering aspect ratio of dimensions...

And as expected, delusional dale fails miserably again.

Poor delusional dale ... can't rise to such a simple challenge...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...


Faun, there was 9 items that were lifted from another certificate of live birth and those 9 layers were easily dissected using was easily debunked within a day of this being put on the .gov website because the one that did this fraudulent document didn't have the common sense to "print" it and then scan it before they put it on the website. I am really hurting for you because you are really struggling with this. I chalk it up to your ignorance of basic computer skills...........hang in there, lil fella.......big time revelations are coming your way.

Hope this helps and I wish you a happy new year! It's only going to get better because the Hildebeast lost......I know that is hard for you to fathom....but it is true.
Repeating your idiocy doesn't address what I asked...

Explain how a digital ā€œcopy & pasteā€ of an image alters pixels without altering the aspect ratio or the size of the pasted image...

You don't even attempt to address it because you can't since it blows your delusions out of the water.

But wait, there's more. I'm not the only one who easily debunked Joe the Sheriff's con job...

Joe Arpaio's New Birther "Evidence," as Usual, Was Debunked Months Ago

As always, you prove yourself to be the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, whose only role here is to be laughed at.


Well holy fucking shit! That's the end of THIS, set AND match courtesy of the "Phoenix News Times" and this article that has the tag line of "Chief birther bullshitter Mike Zullo"........seriously, this is honest journalism at it's finest!!!!!!.....that is if you are a leftard with a double digit I.Q like lil' faun....

Rock on with your bad self, little fella....rock the fuck on!


This from an admitted Birther. I have news, you don't get much dumber than that.

Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

When Obama took office, wthe economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 job loses a month, a stock market nose diving, a deficit projected to be ob=ver a trillion dollars.

Where was it when he eft? Well asshole?

And a global warming denier is the absolute dumbest fucking piece of shit on thew planet. That would be YOU.

Trump insulted our allies when he makes claims like the Iran Nuke deal was the dumbest deal ever when our allies and the US did it.

Like Trump is smarter that all of those negotiators & leaders. Trump is a fucking moron.

And anyone who supports that Russian colluding POS is a moron and hates this country.

Here's a clue for all you dumbass snowflakes: The economy always recovers after a recession. That's why economists call them "recessions." That means they are temporary. Obama was in the right place at the right time. The economy was already on the rebound before he was even inaugurated. Obama made the deficit far worse with his trillion dollar "stimulus" spending that only served to keep the checks coming in to the DNC.

The true sign of gullibility is falling for the global warming scam.

The Iran nuke deal the United States ever made with a dangerous adversary. Sorry if the truth hurts. Lying about it doesn't change the facts. My 8-year-old neice is smarter than the morons who negotiated that deal.

The whole "russian collusion" scame is the paranoid conspiricy theory to beat all "paranoid conspiricy theories."

You are 50% dishonest.
You ignored to post the reason why we have the recession. The collapse of the real state enterprise.

Russian collusions? If there is no collusions. Prove it.
If there is no collusions. Why is Trump is so scared?

Over a year of investigations and nothing. NOTHING.



Do you assholes know what that means? Do you know how many agencies can label something clsasified?

'Of course not. Because you are fucking idiots.

Trump colluded with the Russians, he lied about contacts with the Russians & his campaign.

And you are lying about Clinton to give him cover,.

'What a pack of pathetic, America Hating jackasses you all are.
Iā€™m sure Alex Jones told you that. LOL. Very funny.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart <---- New habit discovered!

Give me facts not funny jokes. Coming from Infowars, Fox News or Breitbart is the worst you can show me.

Go get me something credible. Remember I said credible.
Troll liar

Why donā€™t you prove where I lied? You are one funny dude.
One post and I blasted your long list.
I ordered you to get me something credible.
Not jokes.
I dont take orders from regressive faggots.

Bigoted fuck. When cornered, you people relly let your deplorable side out in the open.
When have you cornered anyone? How is that possible on the internet? lol...
Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Nope my butt doesnā€™t hurt.

But I know it hurts yours and your buddies because Iā€™m telling truth and facts. Trump is an amateur, unfit, unethical, undisciplined , arrogant, ignorant POTUS ever.

Trump Won. hiLIARy Lost.

Thank God!
Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Nope my butt doesnā€™t hurt.

But I know it hurts yours and your buddies because Iā€™m telling truth and facts. Trump is an amateur, unfit, unethical, undisciplined , arrogant, ignorant POTUS ever.

Trump Won. hiLIARy Lost.

Thank God!

You would hire Roy Moore to babysit your children.
You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Nope my butt doesnā€™t hurt.

But I know it hurts yours and your buddies because Iā€™m telling truth and facts. Trump is an amateur, unfit, unethical, undisciplined , arrogant, ignorant POTUS ever.

Trump Won. hiLIARy Lost.

Thank God!

You would hire Roy Moore to babysit your children.

You would hire Harvey Weinstein to babysit yours.

Oh, Iā€™m enjoying every bit of this, you can be sure. :mm:

Ignorant leftards enjoy their stupidity.........

Hisses the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax. :lmao:

Ahhhh yes, another double dose of crow for little faun!

Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: '9 points of forgery' in Obama's birth certificate

Iā€™ve seen this before report before and I know what that published. I know this is exactly what you are going to post.
What a coincidence coming from racist asshole Sherrif Arpaio Sherrif Office.

Are you really this fucking stupid? Are you really this dumb?

How in the world that bc could be different from the original bc master form?
So the most powerful elected official in this world will use a fake form that came from public office then supply it to investigators?

In my opinion someone (could be Arpaio) made that fake birth certificate then published then analyzed by others. Then of course itā€™s fake.

Entire GOP didnā€™t like and fought Obama for straight 8 years. Did any of these nut head or ANYBODY claimed Obama bc was fake? Nobody except Trump, his accolades and people like you.
There are no other assholes in this world but Trump trying to delegitimize Obamaā€™s presidency. One and only racist asshole Trump.

The neocons that are part of the establishment simply gave lip service when the Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC much like the leftards did when they claimed that they would stop funding the illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan if they took control of the House and Senate in 2006.....did anything change? Nope, they passed spending bills loaded with pork to placate their "serfs" that voted them in. I would think that even someone as stupid as you are would begin to see a pattern and have an "Ah ha!" moment..........

Do you expect people believed that from conspiracies people like you?
Like the Las Vegas massacre making CONCLUSIONS that it was part of conspiracy to massacre people then blame the left. Are you supposed to be credible? Very funny very funny.

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