This will put Romney over the top to stay


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Romney to declare goal of North American energy independence by 2020

'Republicans are eager to make greater use of the U.S. energy supply to increase jobs for Americans suffering amid an 8.3 percent unemployment rate. They would curtail some federal regulations to permit more production.

Romney is to predict that a full-blown energy plan will create 3 million jobs in energy sectors and other areas, part of an ambitious effort to create 12 million jobs during a Romney presidency.

"I want every American who wants a good job to be able to have one," Romney told Republicans at a fund-raising event in Little Rock on Wednesday.'

Romney to declare goal of North American energy independence by 2020 -

That is real hope and change, and America is eager for a change in direction in this nation.
A Presidential candidate is going to declare a goal of energy independence?!

What a novel idea. In 1976.
Maybe Romney could run on a platform with the goal to achieve textile independence.

and food independence!

and electronics independence!

That dumbass Ricardo didn't know what he was talking about.
A Presidential candidate is going to declare a goal of energy independence?!

What a novel idea. In 1976.

Difference being, Romney actually knows how to do more than peanut farm.
A Presidential candidate is going to declare a goal of energy independence?!

What a novel idea. In 1976.

Difference being, Romney actually knows how to do more than peanut farm.

Candidates who have stated energy independence as a goal (no matter how f'in stupid that goal is:

Bush II

Notice a trend here?

Maybe Romney is listening to T Boone Pickens, which would be a smart thing.

The Screwed Generation is paying close attention:

'After commencement, a growing number young people say they have no choice but to take low-skilled jobs, according to a survey released this week. And while 63% of “Generation Y” workers — those age 18 to 29 — have a bachelor’s degree, the majority of the jobs taken by graduates don’t require one, according to an online survey of 500,000 young workers carried out between July 2011 and July 2012 by, a company that collects data on salaries.'

Trading caps and gowns for mops - MarketWatch

Time for a job driven MOONSHOT energy effort!
Don't forget Pickens lost his ass on windmill investments.

Investors lose at times. Don't take a chance, can't win. I like his natural gas plan, it makes abundant sense to me.


Agreed. I saw him lay out that plan some time ago. The one that starts with the trucking industry

Bingo, that's the one. Just put trucks on natural gas, and you significantly decrease our dependence on Middle East oil.

Maybe too complicated for DC, huh?

The caribou will be just fine........

a route around an aquifer can be easily accomplished

OH, PA and WV coal miners are more than ready to go back to work

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