This woman is why we have stereotypes

Members of the public are ill-mannered, rude, and poorly behaved. Anyone working in front line with the general public will have similar experiences. If you can't handle dealing with everyday people, don't take a front line job.
Ok, the first two sentences are easy enough to get behind, but whats with the bold part? Did the driver NOT handle it? Why do you keep talking about the driver? What exactly did the driver do wrong, other than be an Uber driver? Why isnt your attention on the fat bitch who has no manners or commons sense?
This is what Uber drivers have to deal with on an every day basis. The female Uber driver has to put up with this rude woman yapping on her phone nonstop. Which by the way as an Uber driver I’ve had to deal with that back when I drove for uber. Whether it’s some white business woman or some ghetto black or some wigger yapping on their phone….its rude.

This young black woman the way she’s talking…. her dialect is not acceptable. That’s not how black folks talked 75 years ago. It’s not how black folks talk in Africa. This is an American problem. And yes, some whites do it too. They’re called wiggers….

This is worse because this woman is making a mess inside of the Uber drivers car chopping down some Doritos during the ride…. Can barely understand her dialect. This is a serious problem in America. People can’t even understand what she’s saying. This is a culture problem. Needs to be corrected.

Get a hobby and stop worrying what someone else is doing.
Don't take a job working with the public if you can't accept all of the bad behavior some of them engage in.

I have been requesting that I not be assigned to work phones or with the public ever since I began working decades ago.

I understand your sentiment but you have the wrong viewpoint.

Your statement only allows this kind of behavior to thrive and grow. Instead of being against this kind of behavior you're hand waving it and ignoring you. You're response is our society finding ways to live with that kind of person.

We should not tolerate these kinds of people, ever. Tolerating them just creates even more of them. That's why we have more of them than ever because no one tries to correct the problem they just try to ignore it.

People like her will never, ever, in a million years correct themselves. They have to be corrected and every time they aren't all they do is raise more people to be just like them and it spreads like a disease.
Blaming one person for another persons bad behavior will now and forever be dumb as fuck. It doesnt matter what the scenario is. It could be driving Uber, working at McDonalds, walking through a crowded mall, etc.; if you are a victim of another persons behavior, it isnt YOUR fault.

"Well getting shot in the face should be expected, you were walking in LA after all."

"You were looking good in that dress, so its YOUR fault you were raped you stupid dummy."

"You should have known that you were going to be attacked for being a jew. Youre on a college campus."

Blah blah blah. :cuckoo:
Okay. And-?
Making everyone in the car listen to your entire boring as fuck conversation on speaker phone should at the very least deserve a smack in the face. Im not saying to do it, but it would be deserved. The main issue is the Doritos. She would grab a chip, put it in her mouth, then she rubbed her fingers together to get rid of the Doritos flavor dust on her fingers. That is going all over the seats and the driver does not have to put up with that.

Everyone in the car??? There is only supposed to be one passenger and the driver.

A "smack in the face" is "assault" and brings criminal charges and an end to your Uber driving.

I understand your sentiment but you have the wrong viewpoint.

Your statement only allows this kind of behavior to thrive and grow. Instead of being against this kind of behavior you're hand waving it and ignoring you. You're response is our society finding ways to live with that kind of person.

We should not tolerate these kinds of people, ever. Tolerating them just creates even more of them. That's why we have more of them than ever because no one tries to correct the problem they just try to ignore it.

People like her will never, ever, in a million years correct themselves. They have to be corrected and every time they aren't all they do is raise more people to be just like them and it spreads like a disease.

So much for freedom, individuality, and your right to self-determination. Not to mention civil rights. Conform or die!!!

This is why Republicans HATE democracy. You have to tolerate the lowest common denominator.
Everyone in the car??? There is only supposed to be one passenger and the driver.

A "smack in the face" is "assault" and brings criminal charges and an end to your Uber driving.

Doesnt kicking people out of your car for making a mess "GO WITH THE TERRITORY" too? :cuckoo:
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This is what Uber drivers have to deal with on an every day basis. The female Uber driver has to put up with this rude woman yapping on her phone nonstop. Which by the way as an Uber driver I’ve had to deal with that back when I drove for uber. Whether it’s some white business woman or some ghetto black or some wigger yapping on their phone….its rude.

This young black woman the way she’s talking…. her dialect is not acceptable. That’s not how black folks talked 75 years ago. It’s not how black folks talk in Africa. This is an American problem. And yes, some whites do it too. They’re called wiggers….

This is worse because this woman is making a mess inside of the Uber drivers car chopping down some Doritos during the ride…. Can barely understand her dialect. This is a serious problem in America. People can’t even understand what she’s saying. This is a culture problem. Needs to be corrected.


Why are you folks on the Right such soft bitches? Talking on the phone in a dialect you can't understand? I guess America isn't for you meek bitches anymore. Shuffle off to the that retirement home you geriatric fucks. :lol:

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