This would have been the perfect time for Biden to "Go High".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.
I've heard that Kamala has lots of experience with "Going High". Perhaps Biden can use her help in doing that.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

The election is not in contention. Biden won. Trump and his supporters are snacking on sour grapes because he lost. And quite frankly, just confirming they are un-American (we already know this).
There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. Trump has been pimping this "rigged" crap for months. The upside to this continued circus, the longer it goes on, the worse it will be for Republicans.
Those GA Senate run offs may be in reach now. That would be a game changer.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

The election is not in contention. Biden won. Trump and his supporters are snacking on sour grapes because he lost. And quite frankly, just confirming they are un-American (we already know this).
There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. Trump has been pimping this "rigged" crap for months. The upside to this continued circus, the longer it goes on, the worse it will be for Republicans.
Those GA Senate run offs may be in reach now. That would be a game changer.
Straight from the Goebbels news desk...
What a joke.

The election is not "obviously in contention" - ONLY Trump and his followers are ceaselessly waging war on the outcome and Biden, putting our national security at risk, refusing to allow him access to briefings, or the channels needed for transition.

I think Biden has been pretty darn restrained in what he has said.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

For more than six decades the democratic party has broken, bent, rewritten and trampled on both our rule of law and our Constitutional rights in order to change America and maintain power. The democrats' idea of going high is murdering sixty million unborn children and brainwashing our children into having their bodies mutilated to sate Satanic ideology. Appealing to Joe Biden's "better" nature or sense of empathy for his fellow human beings will get us extinct. At this moment and for the foreseeable future, the democratic party is the most dangerous enemy of America. We can whine at and try to negotiate with the democrats until hell freezes over. By the time they "come around" they will have raised Hell onto the Earth.
Yes is it "obviously in contention" no matter how much the gaslighting haters attempt to deny it. We are not turning back and we will refuse to be bullied by those who have discourage and hated our liberty, our blessings an our chosen president. We will keep praying that the fraud that has been perpetrated on the people will be fully exposed and dealt with properly and swiftly.

A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.
Are you joking?! No party has gone lower than the Dems?! Have you been paying attention to our dear president over the past 4 years?! My god, it’s not even close.

Tell me, as Trump lies and sulks about the election what has Biden said that’s been inflammatory or disrespectful? Post a quote.

Also consider the fact that Trumps people floated accusations that Joes son was out raping 10 year olds while Joe was involved in a family criminal organization. All that garbage to try and win the election. I think Joe did just fine going high despite all that disgusting crap.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

The election is not in contention. Biden won. Trump and his supporters are snacking on sour grapes because he lost. And quite frankly, just confirming they are un-American (we already know this).
There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. Trump has been pimping this "rigged" crap for months. The upside to this continued circus, the longer it goes on, the worse it will be for Republicans.
Those GA Senate run offs may be in reach now. That would be a game changer.
Straight from the Goebbels news desk...

Oh...I was wondering who would throw the first requisite Nazi reference?
It was you. Color me (un) shocked. :)

But yes, a black woman VP having the tie breaking vote in the Senate would be game changer.
Just think of the looks on those turkey necked Republicans (McConnell, Graham, Grassley, Kennedy, Cornyn) faces when a woman of color casts the deciding vote of a policy that
they are steadfastly against.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.

The election is not in contention. Biden won. Trump and his supporters are snacking on sour grapes because he lost. And quite frankly, just confirming they are un-American (we already know this).
There is no credible evidence of voter fraud. Trump has been pimping this "rigged" crap for months. The upside to this continued circus, the longer it goes on, the worse it will be for Republicans.
Those GA Senate run offs may be in reach now. That would be a game changer.
You are revolutionaries. There are a lot of other people who rather not be dragged into that. A politician that is in it for a while has to be of it. And most of these are not. They change their minds and views to often to keep power. and they use the tried and true ways of destruction from the same things tried in other nations. This nation not being the number one country would have collapsed a long time ago. and you take it for granted.
Plugs' spawn is raping and torturing 10-year old girls.... smoking crack with his naked 14-year old niece.... fucked his brother's widow for 2 years before the body was cold.

I don't think there's a "go high" in that Xiden crime family playbook.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.
Are you joking?! No party has gone lower than the Dems?! Have you been paying attention to our dear president over the past 4 years?! My god, it’s not even close.

Tell me, as Trump lies and sulks about the election what has Biden said that’s been inflammatory or disrespectful? Post a quote.

Also consider the fact that Trumps people floated accusations that Joes son was out raping 10 year olds while Joe was involved in a family criminal organization. All that garbage to try and win the election. I think Joe did just fine going high despite all that disgusting crap.
Biden now is a Soviet style government wannabe. Like Hillary. A Menshevik or Bolshevik. One will bring more death when it follows the other.
A much used phrase by Democrats has been "When they go low, we go high". The problem is, up until now all the evidence would be to the contrary. No party in modern American history has gone lower than the Democrats.

But with the election obviously in contention and nearly half of the country with no confidence in the outcome, this is the Democrats' chance to actually demonstrate what they say. Unfortunately it appears that Democratic leadership has no intention to 'go high'. They continue to vilify President Trump and his supporters with the same vitriol they have always used. They deny the obvious fraud and wrongdoing across multiple states and their media wrongly declared a winner despite all the legal challenges.

So unfortunately this opportunity to 'go high' will be bypassed. The Democrats want a divided America. They created it and they are doing everything they can to keep it that way.
Excuse me! What???? Calling on Trump to put the country first and participate in a peaceful transition is not vitriol. Biden is being presidential and the Democrats are actually being too patient with Trump. For his part, Trump is acting like a petulant 5 year old who was denied his 2nd desert. Cory Booker put it succinctly:

And then there is this:


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