Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

With all due respect...what does any of that have to do with the fact that a Grand Jury looked at the evidence in the Brawley case and found there wasn't sufficient cause to bring charges against ANYONE!

My point is the system has a history of letting white male rapists off or giving them a smack on the wrist.

A white Texas cop raped a woman. A jury convicted him for the rape. And a judge gives him ZERO jail time and 10 years' probation,

The fk you crying about ?

A 42 year old white supremacist pedophile (Jason Pope) who has AIDS, raped and had sexual contact with over hundreds of Black females in Florence SC. Black women were reporting him for his sex crimes for a decade, but law enforcement in SC simply didn’t charge him



This white man (Joseph James DeAngelo Jr) who was former cop committed near 100 rapes and murders, while on-duty as a police officer, got a plea deal, sparing him the death penalty.

The court system is soaked with racist white supremacists and in a system of racism white supremacy. A white man having sex with a black woman is not rape, no matter what. That's how the system and that's why Brawley was raped.
I hope you get sued for attaching their pictures to your racist propaganda.

Greetings, Fort Fun Indiana. Keeping it 💯 REAL, Factual and Respectful. No Hate.

With all due respect, I'd like to share with you >>>

How I Learned I Am A “Racist,” Ignorant, Slow-To-Evolve American Citizen, Much Like Donald Trump

In the early 1980s significant numbers of my American neighbors asserted I am a Racist American citizen when I became a rookie cop assigned to serve the traumatized Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods where young Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victims Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama's friend Shawn "Jay Z" Carter peddled life harming substances to their depressed, emotionally troubled neighbors, regardless of their self-harming neighbor's AGE, physical, emotional or MATERNAL condition.

#AfeniShakur #ToyaGraham #GloriaDarden #FreddieGray

Sadly, during this period of American societal and human evolution I learned significant numbers of my FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS adamantly believed, and often LOUDLY asserted I was a racist American citizen for simply wearing a blue uniform and walking along any one of Bedford Stuyvesant's residential streets.

The same RESIDENTIAL neighborhood streets where I, as well as many of my peaceful American neighbors and their children would regularly deal with emotional stresses, as well as FEARS for our personal, family's, neighbor's or co-worker's SAFETY, while counting the number of nearby or distant GUNSHOTS echoing through the community at anytime of day or night.

After a while I got used to the illogical, hateful name calling.

Though I'm not sure I will ever get over REGULARLY witnessing the VIOLENCE as well as SU!CIDAL, HOMIC!DAL family, people and community harming Anti-social behaviors 'Childhood Trauma' victims Shawn "Jay Z" Carter and his admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking friend "Biggie Smalls" proudly rap/speak about personally engaging in, or witnessing their emotionally troubled friends and fellow GANG members engaging in. (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*)

In all SERIOUSNESS, who is raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent emotionally troubled, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult citizens intentionally causing COMMUNITY VIOLENCE, TERROR & FEAR, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

"Emotionally troubled, homicidal suic!dal minded American citizens:"

"Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other:"

"A Little Kid With 9mm Shoots At Woman Because...":

In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of THUGLIFE Child Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.

Back in the day, Tupac Shakur, a Mega-popular American recording artist and Gun Violence Homicide victim, shared his definition for THUGLIFE, as well as his belief that it impacts EVERYONE of ALL AGES AND BACKGROUNDS >>>

*"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim

Apparently the HATE young Tupac (born 1971) experienced or witnessed, inspired him to not only create his often misinterpreted THUGLIFE Child Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment and Maltreatment AWARENESS PREVENTION PSA...

...Tupac chose to tattoo THUGLIFE in bold letters across his ONCE neglected, hungry "hurting" belly.

Indicating to me he was pretty serious about PREVENTING HATE.

Tupac explains THUGLIFE:


According to SCIENTIFIC Medical Research, Tupac was 💯 correct!

Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistency or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:

Learn why 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder of the 'Center for Youth Wellness', believes a NATIONAL MOVEMENT is required to educate citizens about our Nation's Child Care Public Health CRISIS:

Nadine Burke Harris

Cali Surgeon General and pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris explains Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect, Maltreatment and ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Dr. Harris offers REAL SOLUTIONS for preventing Violence & HATE:


Recognizing many American citizens of African descent support Democratic Party values and ideology, as well as a COMMUNITY CODE OF SILENCE rule and SNITCHES GET STITCHES policy, I am beyond heartbroken knowing Joe 'Unity' Biden and Kamala Harris, our Nation's Chief Elected Problem Solvers, will NEVER, EVER, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, address the primary reason for untold numbers of American children and teens of African descent SUFFERING, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic childhood upbringing fraught with Pain, Struggles, Hardships, Uncertainty, Community Violence and FEAR! by BlackVoiceNews

"We need more people who CARE; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

If a CARING, responsible fellow American or foreign-born citizen has developed a plan for PREVENTING American children and teens from SUFFERING, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potential life scarring childhood upbringing fraught with Struggles, Pain, Hardships, Depression, Uncertainty, Sorrow, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Sadness, Intra-Racial Discrimination, Community Violence and FEAR...

...I look forward to learning their SOLUTION for ending POVERTY, largely created by our Nation's unhealthy, potential life scarring Culture of Generational Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture Of Racism.







Peace ♥️🇺🇲 EndHate2021
With all due respect...what does any of that have to do with the fact that a Grand Jury looked at the evidence in the Brawley case and found there wasn't sufficient cause to bring charges against ANYONE!

My point is the system has a history of letting white male rapists off or giving them a smack on the wrist.

A white Texas cop raped a woman. A jury convicted him for the rape. And a judge gives him ZERO jail time and 10 years' probation,

The fk you crying about ?

A 42 year old white supremacist pedophile (Jason Pope) who has AIDS, raped and had sexual contact with over hundreds of Black females in Florence SC. Black women were reporting him for his sex crimes for a decade, but law enforcement in SC simply didn’t charge him

View attachment 548423View attachment 548425
View attachment 548428

This white man (Joseph James DeAngelo Jr) who was former cop committed near 100 rapes and murders, while on-duty as a police officer, got a plea deal, sparing him the death penalty.

The court system is soaked with racist white supremacists and in a system of racism white supremacy. A white man having sex with a black woman is not rape, no matter what. That's how the system and that's why Brawley was raped.
What you've done, Paul is attempt to divert the conversation from what a sleazy character Reverend Al is to something else. The fact of the matter is that Tawana was never raped at all...let alone by four white men! She made the whole thing up. Al Sharpton ruined innocent people's lives to further his own ambitions.
TheDefiantOne said:
1. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the USA, won after the Spanish-American's economy has never been "socialist" in so much as "colonial - ized". It's the little details that Sowell just ignores when he makes his summation. FYI: Puerto Rico: A U.S. Territory in Crisis

2. When I say "academically debunked" I mean that he was proven wrong by fellow academics with similar if not higher acumen than him. Case in point: Sowell is a Biased, Opinionated, Klutzy Intellectual

I never claimed Puerto Rico was Socialist, Defiant. What I pointed out was why Sowell's early ideas that Communism was the best system changed when he saw how Big Government intervention in the wages of sugar cane workers in Puerto Rico caused the unemployment rate there to skyrocket and the government employees who oversaw that didn't care!

I'm curious...what "fellow academics" have a higher "acumen" than Thomas Sowell? Or are we to take YOUR word that someone who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard and has taught at some of our finest educational institutions of higher learning should be ignored?
1. You seem to think that you can lie about what was previously posted. YOU posted an assertion about Sowell's take on Puerto Rico. I provided facts that essentially prove the basis of his statements and conclusions are wrong. Plain and simple. All you do here is just ignore (if you've read my link at all) what you don't like and just regurgitate the SOS.

2. You're not curious, just willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn. If you had actually read my link, you'd have noticed the Harvard educated economist was the author. Now there are plenty other academics with authorship that have debunked Sowell, but folk like you just either pretend they don't exist or deny any and all documentation. I don't do the homework for the willfully ignorant, so you can bray on about your little token god without fear of factual contradiction.
Why is that you on the left feel the need to accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a racist, Defiant? Is your argument so weak that's all you have? I grew up in probably the most liberal town in probably the most liberal State in America. I was "comfortable" with Thomas Sowell because I'm comfortable with intelligent people. I've yet to hear anything out of you that proves Sowell's contentions wrong other than you're claiming that they are!
I respond to fact based evidence. FACT: Sowell has continually endorsed and supported social views found prevalent among documented racist and bigots....he does this with his myopic economics views and reviews, which have been thoroughly debunked by academic peers, sociologist, historians, etc. FACT: You have essentially extrapolated Sowell's rhetoric to support your own prejudiced opinions and conclusions (please spare us the usual, "how so, please show me", BS...the chronology of the posts are you undoing to the objective reader, and are of no need for rehash). To date, you avoid discussion of detail of any contrary evidence supplied (i.e., what precisely is wrong in the links provided), and just keep regurgitating your opinion, supposition and conjecture. Your personal like claims are no more believable than your attempts to substitute the aforementioned faux debate style of yours. In short, you're just a troll with delusions of grandeur. Carry on.
Since you admit that Jackson is off your "good guy list" why do I look foolish when I expose just how "bad" of a guy he's been? Not because he fathered a child out of wedlock which I could care less about...but because he used his position of power to line his own pockets.
1. You didn't "expose" anything, genius. As I previously stated why I took Jackson off my good guy list (again, either you have deplorable reading skills or are a poor liar) was IN PART due to his shake down tactics using protest against legitimate targets as a ruse to get his kids good jobs ... the threat of protest then magically disappears. Hell, I've known that for years, and I'll wager dollars to donuts that the other black posters here who have been making a fool of your bigotry did as well.

2. You're SO full of it, as your previous posts on this site are constantly parroting alt right rhetoric about character of black folk, i.e. single parents. So now you say its all about the benjamins...fine. Just stick to that premise whenever you feel the urge to get your Davey Duke on, and you'll have that much less to be humiliated about.
TheDefiantOne said:
Actually, Sharpton was called into the case by the family. And yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley that should have been answered in a court of law, not public opinion.

But you can thank the local judge who personally dismissed the case WITHOUT a grand jury hearing. He wasn't re-elected to of the few times the people got off their duffs and got involved in local party politics un masse.

Now that being said, my previous statement regarding Pagonis stands....just WTF was his reason for having his personal investigator confiscate the rape kit? And remember, Pagonis went whole hog with numerous charges against Sharpton...only 1 stuck. Also, why weren't any of the cops involved questioned outside local IAD (if that happened at all)? A man commits investigation of worth.

the whole situation stunk to high heaven...but to tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best.

Wow...someone actually trying to defend what Al Sharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case? The other two lawyers who teamed up with "Reverend Al" to smear a bunch of innocent men back then were disbarred for their actions! That says it all about the "whole situation"!
Wow, you're not that bright, are ya bunky? Let me dumb it down for you .... " tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best." This means that as I said previously, "... yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley..." there were details that warrant closer examination of Sharpton's role as family spokesman.

And spare us all this BS about "innocent men". How did you conclude that, being there was no grand jury or even publicly announce IAD investigation results? You seem to treat your mental flatulence as fact....I keep schooling you on how stupid a tactic that is in a printed medium. And PLEASE learn to read carefully and comprehensively, as the judge I mentioned wasn't 'disbarred', but was NOT re-elected to his office (that's how it's done, ya know...via elections. Get educated, man!).

Once again your biased revisionist screeds make a clear candidate for a StormFront contributor. Carry on.
Pagonis sued Sharpton for libel
Sharpton lost and defaulted

Sharpton made up a wild conspiracy theory about Pagonis and put his life in jeopardy
your version of the facts change nothing of what I previously stated.......Pagonis sued Sharpton on multiple charges...only one stuck.

To date, no one questioned why Pagonis had that rape kit confiscated, or why there was no grand jury or IAD investigation that the public has a right to know the results about. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
That only shows you are the one not thinking. It is all on you.
Wow, you practiced that one in the mirror before typing?
Pathetic. Get back to me when you've muster up the courage to honestly debate the OP using facts and the logic derived from said facts
Rent control may not DIRECTLY cause high rental prices, but it does create a shortage of rental units that contribute to high rental prices. People don't build/buy rental properties to lose money. Santa Monica California found the same thing when it instituted rent control. Rent Control is one of those ideas that look good on the surface, but really doesn't work in the real world because of the law of unintended consequences.
So you say....but as the article pointed out, Sowell's contention is myopic at best, no matter how many ways one may try to salvage it
What you've done, Paul is attempt to divert the conversation from what a sleazy character Reverend Al is to something else. The fact of the matter is that Tawana was never raped at all...let alone by four white men! She made the whole thing up. Al Sharpton ruined innocent people's lives to further his own ambitions.
Even you don't believe what your writing. Tawana was raped and the system of racism protected those white dudes as it pretty much always does
1. You seem to think that you can lie about what was previously posted. YOU posted an assertion about Sowell's take on Puerto Rico. I provided facts that essentially prove the basis of his statements and conclusions are wrong. Plain and simple. All you do here is just ignore (if you've read my link at all) what you don't like and just regurgitate the SOS.

2. You're not curious, just willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn. If you had actually read my link, you'd have noticed the Harvard educated economist was the author. Now there are plenty other academics with authorship that have debunked Sowell, but folk like you just either pretend they don't exist or deny any and all documentation. I don't do the homework for the willfully ignorant, so you can bray on about your little token god without fear of factual contradiction.
What did I lie about? I heard from Sowell himself exactly why his beliefs changed when he was studying how minimum wage mandates for Puerto Rican sugar cane workers resulted in a surge in unemployment for them.
I read one of your "links". It was a history of Puerto Rico. What THAT has to do with proving Sowell's "take" on the effects of a mandated minimum wage on sugar cane workers was'll have to explain! The other "link" you provided didn't exist when I clicked on it! How am I to respond to something that isn't visible? Would you like to cite that article again? Or are you going to continue to whine about how I'm not "curious"?
Even you don't believe what your writing. Tawana was raped and the system of racism protected those white dudes as it pretty much always does
At this point I don't think anyone really believes Tawana was raped Paul and that includes Al Sharpton! The Justice System protected those "white dudes" because they were innocent "white dudes" whom Al Sharpton tried to railroad. The facts simply don't back up what you're alleging, Paul! They never did. There is a reason Sharpton's two lawyer buddies were disbarred for their actions in that case and why Sharpton lost his defamation case! They lied about the facts of the case and did so deliberately.
Wow, you're not that bright, are ya bunky? Let me dumb it down for you .... " tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best." This means that as I said previously, "... yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley..." there were details that warrant closer examination of Sharpton's role as family spokesman.

And spare us all this BS about "innocent men". How did you conclude that, being there was no grand jury or even publicly announce IAD investigation results? You seem to treat your mental flatulence as fact....I keep schooling you on how stupid a tactic that is in a printed medium. And PLEASE learn to read carefully and comprehensively, as the judge I mentioned wasn't 'disbarred', but was NOT re-elected to his office (that's how it's done, ya know...via elections. Get educated, man!).

Once again your biased revisionist screeds make a clear candidate for a StormFront contributor. Carry on.
I'm curious, Defiant One...on what do you base your contention that there was no Grand Jury? You seem to know as little about the Brawley case as you do about Puerto Rico sugar cane workers!

Oh, and I never said the judge in the case was disbarred...I stated correctly that the two lawyers for Ms. Brawley were disbarred. Perhaps you should read more carefully?

You want to argue facts? Perhaps you should get yours straight first?
Last edited:
1. You didn't "expose" anything, genius. As I previously stated why I took Jackson off my good guy list (again, either you have deplorable reading skills or are a poor liar) was IN PART due to his shake down tactics using protest against legitimate targets as a ruse to get his kids good jobs ... the threat of protest then magically disappears. Hell, I've known that for years, and I'll wager dollars to donuts that the other black posters here who have been making a fool of your bigotry did as well.

2. You're SO full of it, as your previous posts on this site are constantly parroting alt right rhetoric about character of black folk, i.e. single parents. So now you say its all about the benjamins...fine. Just stick to that premise whenever you feel the urge to get your Davey Duke on, and you'll have that much less to be humiliated about.
Please provide an example of me "parroting" alt right rhetoric about the character of blacks, Defiant One. You're accusing me of being a bigot. I'd love to see what you think I've posted that is bigoted!
I respond to fact based evidence. FACT: Sowell has continually endorsed and supported social views found prevalent among documented racist and bigots....he does this with his myopic economics views and reviews, which have been thoroughly debunked by academic peers, sociologist, historians, etc. FACT: You have essentially extrapolated Sowell's rhetoric to support your own prejudiced opinions and conclusions (please spare us the usual, "how so, please show me", BS...the chronology of the posts are you undoing to the objective reader, and are of no need for rehash). To date, you avoid discussion of detail of any contrary evidence supplied (i.e., what precisely is wrong in the links provided), and just keep regurgitating your opinion, supposition and conjecture. Your personal like claims are no more believable than your attempts to substitute the aforementioned faux debate style of yours. In short, you're just a troll with delusions of grandeur. Carry on.
So you accuse me of something and in the same declare that you won't be showing where that took place because it's a "rehash"? Well...well...isn't that a convenient out for you! You get to accuse me of holding "prejudiced opinions and conclusions" while you don't have to give a single example of something that I've posted that IS prejudiced!

Then you accuse me of being a "troll"? LOL You're amusing...
At this point I don't think anyone really believes Tawana was raped Paul and that includes Al Sharpton!

Well as I said before.

To this day she never denies it.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story. I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

The Justice System protected those "white dudes" because they were innocent "white dudes" whom Al Sharpton tried to railroad.

Brawley was a 15 year old black female who was never actually found to be lying. She just quit fighting.

To this day she has never refuted it as a lie.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but yet they still couldn't prove rape. Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

The facts simply don't back up what you're alleging, Paul! They never did. There is a reason Sharpton's two lawyer buddies were disbarred for their actions in that case and why Sharpton lost his defamation case! They lied about the facts of the case and did so deliberately.

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.

The whole case stinks.

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.


The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit

I don't like repeating posts but .....
Even you don't believe what your writing. Tawana was raped and the system of racism protected those white dudes as it pretty much always does
To me. Men and Women who promote pure justice, must be of near pure justice. Human history has proved over and over that there are individuals who make out well as a advocates for that. If you look at a pyramid of power and the ones closer to the top in all ways keep changing their views, then there is a problem. How does Joe Scarborough get elected as a conservative Republican in the Congress a Representative and then works on a TV network as not a Democrat but a Progressive Socialist one? People change views I know. But not to extremes unless there is a reason. He is just one of not a few, of not hundreds, of not thousands, but more. People keep voting and they keep getting a high percentage of frauds.
Even you don't believe what your writing. Tawana was raped and the system of racism protected those white dudes as it pretty much always does
That is an outright lie.

She was not raped period. That is fact.

She and Sharpton falsely accused those men
At this point I don't think anyone really believes Tawana was raped Paul and that includes Al Sharpton!

Well as I said before.

To this day she never denies it.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story. I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

The Justice System protected those "white dudes" because they were innocent "white dudes" whom Al Sharpton tried to railroad.

Brawley was a 15 year old black female who was never actually found to be lying. She just quit fighting.

To this day she has never refuted it as a lie.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but yet they still couldn't prove rape. Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

The facts simply don't back up what you're alleging, Paul! They never did. There is a reason Sharpton's two lawyer buddies were disbarred for their actions in that case and why Sharpton lost his defamation case! They lied about the facts of the case and did so deliberately.

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.

The whole case stinks.

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.


The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit

I don't like repeating posts but .....
So why did you? Repeated garbage doesn't start to smell better each time you trot it out, Paul! Repeating conspiracy theory nonsense doesn't prove your case! A Grand Jury looked at the evidence and didn't find cause to bring charges. A jury in the defamation case looked at the evidence and found for Pagones because there was no proof at all that he or any other law enforcement officers were in any way involved in this!
You're right about the whole case stinking but it isn't because justice wasn't's because Al Sharpton used someone to become someone! He's never apologized for his actions back then. His "supporters" paid off the money that he was ordered to pay Pagones. Al Sharpton never paid a dime! Brawley isn't so lucky. Because of how Sharpton sensationalized the lies that she told to escape being punished for running away from home to party for four days...she now has her wages garnished. Think Reverend Al is going to help her with that? Don't hold your breath!

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