Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Then put blacks on the H1B Visa program and guarantee blacks corporate jobs when we graduate like you do for indian immigrants because they are the ones whose earnings raise the median Asian income.

That stale ass racist whatabout asians shit is tired. Asians have not got the backlash blacks have for fighting white supremacy.

You want to deny racism. You asked for evidnce and you got it. So just face the truth and shut the fuck up.
You provided no evidence.
They never will be paid.

None are owed.
I look forward to seeing you tell your fellow USMB rightwingers that it won't be them, but the government that will be paying reparations to American descendants of slavery.
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Let's see, how can that happen? Maybe said dropout DID have a skill. Maybe he was really good at pushing his way through a crowd of oversized men and throwing a ball into a basket. Maybe he was really good at writing and reciting lyrics that denigrate black women as whores, sluts and bitches. Maybe he rose to the top of a gang buying and selling drugs on the street.

And yes, white people pay for all that crap, even race baiting white people.

The claim was made that racism was a cottage industry and that some black leaders got rich from it. That's not playing basketball, where for years whites kept blacks out of the money, nor is it the music industry where white men have objectified women for decades.

Rich Girl - Hall and Oates

So here we have a college flunk out who had no skillls, he could not push people out of the way to get a basketball, he could not put words to music, all he could do was sit behind a mike and bellow racist bullshit. He got rich doing so and his wealth spawned others who became part of the white grievance industry who were zeroes but now are rich, such as college drop out Sean Hannity.
They never will be paid.

None are owed.

We are definitely owed. This government can do what's right or you can watch America be destroyed by natural disaster after disaster.

There are laws that supersede the constitution and a ruler who is above all rulers. And when that ruler issues punishment, there is nothing you can do but hope to survive. So keep talking stupid.
I look forward to seeing you tell your fellow USMB rightwingers that it won't be them, but the government that will be paying reparations to American descendants of slavery.
No one will. government or people.

It is a dead issue which will never happen
We are definitely owed. This government can do what's right or you can watch America be destroyed by natural disaster after disaster.

There are laws that supersede the constitution and a ruler who is above all rulers. And when that ruler issues punishment, there is nothing you can do but hope to survive. So keep talking stupid.
No you are not.
BTW paying mponey to people for false claims will not stop nature.

No there are not any such laws.
The claim was made that racism was a cottage industry and that some black leaders got rich from it. That's not playing basketball, where for years whites kept blacks out of the money, nor is it the music industry where white men have objectified women for decades.

Rich Girl - Hall and Oates

So here we have a college flunk out who had no skillls, he could not push people out of the way to get a basketball, he could not put words to music, all he could do was sit behind a mike and bellow racist bullshit. He got rich doing so and his wealth spawned others who became part of the white grievance industry who were zeroes but now are rich, such as college drop out Sean Hannity.

It is your personal opinion that someone did that, and sounds like you resent people becoming hugely successful despite not getting a secondary education. The bottom line remains, there are some who become fabulously wealthy by having only one talent and manage to capitalize on the desire of people to consume their product. And I find it interesting that you race to defend black entertainers on the basis that white people have done stuff too, while I didn't comment on that. Indeed, there are white rappers who denigrate women, but of course the vast majority are black. And there are white basketball players, but again the majority are black. That's totally irrelevant to the point.

Merely declaring someone to be racist is meaningless.
We are definitely owed. This government can do what's right or you can watch America be destroyed by natural disaster after disaster.

There are laws that supersede the constitution and a ruler who is above all rulers. And when that ruler issues punishment, there is nothing you can do but hope to survive. So keep talking stupid.
But will that ruler punish ALL who practiced slavery or only those you are most upset about? A whole lotta people through the ages have done it, including African tribes who decimated each other.

Will He not also punish the nation for rampant sexuality outside the bounds of matrimony that He set up? For entertainment that celebrates the worst in human nature instead of the best, for a culture that values life less than money? For those who would demand He punish others while professing to find no fault in themselves?

IOW, I do believe God's punishment of America will not really be for slavery. Or are you implying that many of Africa's natural woes are due to their part in the slave trade?
you have a really bad habit of trying to lie about the content of information that disproves your assertions. How many times do I have to school you on the reality that you can't lie in a printed medium, much less present your revisionist rhetoric as fact when the chronology of the posts easily supplies the real facts for the reader. Case in point: the Kirchubel article, he is USING SOWELL'S OWN STATED "LOGIC" AGAINST HIM ...something you didn't get either due to poor reading comprehension skills or just willful ignorance. Here, so the readers know how intellectually dishonest you are; "...
Sowell “proves” that minimum wage laws increase unemployment by telling us that Switzerland and Singapore have no minimum wage laws and have low unemployment rates.

So, in our vast and diverse world, he was able to cherry-pick two places with low unemployment and no minimum wage.

Using the exact same “logic,” Sowell states that both New York City and San Francisco have rent control and high rents, thereby “proving” his point that rent control causes high rents. But Sowell seems to have forgotten what he wrote in his previous article: “correlation is not causation.” I wrote on the Daily Republic’s website: “There is no rent control in Podunk, Iowa and the rents there are very low. Also, there are no jobs there. An equally valid point could be made that rent control creates jobs. Why not give us that theory, Tommy?” Using Sowell’s own right-wing logic, I have proven that it only takes two data points for him to extrapolate a new theory.

Now if you STILL don't get it, put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to your local library and have one of the librarians explain it to you. Carry on.
Rent control may not DIRECTLY cause high rental prices, but it does create a shortage of rental units that contribute to high rental prices. People don't build/buy rental properties to lose money. Santa Monica California found the same thing when it instituted rent control. Rent Control is one of those ideas that look good on the surface, but really doesn't work in the real world because of the law of unintended consequences.
Having children out of wedlock doesn't cause anything when America has a divorce rate of 50 percent. Racists use that as an excuse to drny the true root cause of the problems.

It's just that simple.
Really, you are trying to compare a divorce where the father is required by law to pay child support and will go to jail if he fails to to a single mother supporting a child without support from the father? That's stupid even for you.
A divorced father has to pay child support regardless of the conduct of the mother even if she denies him court mandated visitation. The courts will enforce child support orders, but rarely will they enforce visitation orders.
It is obvious that Jackson was in the second picture that was taken right after King was shot.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
I don't know how soon after the murder that shot was taken, but there was what appears to be a white cop in it. So it wasn't taken immediately after King's murder.
With all due respect...what does any of that have to do with the fact that a Grand Jury looked at the evidence in the Brawley case and found there wasn't sufficient cause to bring charges against ANYONE! She made up the story because she didn't want to take a beating from her Step Father for staying out all night! There is absolutely ZERO evidence that anyone raped that girl! What Sharpton did was despicable.
Hello, TheDefiantOne. My friend, are you prepared to engage in a thoughtful intelligent factual discussion regarding social and health issues Dr. Thomas Sowell and many other caring responsible citizens have been discussing for decades now?

DefiantOne, do you recognize that THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, black or American children and teens of African descent SUFFER our America's highest REPORTED rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment?

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☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
I hope you get sued for attaching their pictures to your racist propaganda.
It is obvious that Jackson was in the second picture that was taken right after King was shot.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
It's also obvious that picture was taken at a later time than right after the shot because there is a Police officer on the balcony and King's face is covered up. Jackson's claim that MLK died in his arms is bullshit. Martin Luther King was shot through the head with a high powered rifle, a shot that the autopsy showed completely severed his spinal cord at the top of his neck. He would have been dead before his body slumped to the ground.
What a waste of a perfectly good topic.

While it's true that blacks are greatly affected by the monetary policy, it has to be discussed in that specific tenor. Sowell talks about process. Predictably, OP isn't interested in that critical aspect of the discussion.

Race baiters/social justice wariors aren't qualified to lead such dialogue for that very reason. Discussion will never be germane to the fundamental problem when they lead dialogue. Ever. Really, all they do is regurgitate Robin DiAngelo's communist type narratives which have nothing at all to do with monetary policy/economics but more to do with Cloward-Piven type shenanigans.

People like Sowell simply aren't going to discuss economics from a social justice warrior type of perspective.

But yeah. Total waste of a good topic.
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