Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Yes, in one post here I pointed to my taking Jackson off my good guy list for that AND being a dirt bag by fathering a kid with another woman while married and kids of his own. But as I said, his early career was accurate and just. You should really read more before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less foolish.
Since you admit that Jackson is off your "good guy list" why do I look foolish when I expose just how "bad" of a guy he's been? Not because he fathered a child out of wedlock which I could care less about...but because he used his position of power to line his own pockets.
Actually, Sharpton was called into the case by the family. And yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley that should have been answered in a court of law, not public opinion.

But you can thank the local judge who personally dismissed the case WITHOUT a grand jury hearing. He wasn't re-elected to of the few times the people got off their duffs and got involved in local party politics un masse.

Now that being said, my previous statement regarding Pagonis stands....just WTF was his reason for having his personal investigator confiscate the rape kit? And remember, Pagonis went whole hog with numerous charges against Sharpton...only 1 stuck. Also, why weren't any of the cops involved questioned outside local IAD (if that happened at all)? A man commits investigation of worth.

the whole situation stunk to high heaven...but to tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best.
Wow...someone actually trying to defend what Al Sharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case? The other two lawyers who teamed up with "Reverend Al" to smear a bunch of innocent men back then were disbarred for their actions! That says it all about the "whole situation"!
36 states out of 50 NOT nationwide thanks for proving me correct
Bragging that blatant white supremacist laws were only in 2/3rds of the country isn't a good look for you, or the country. Especially the red states.
Bragging that blatant white supremacist laws were only in 2/3rds of the country isn't a good look for you, or the country. Especially the red states.
No one was discussing how it LOOKED.

It is not a look for me good or bad
No one was discussing how it LOOKED.]
It is not a look for me good or bad
So tell me, when did the hearts and minds of 2/3rds of the country change from being white supremacist?
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Wow...someone actually trying to defend what Al Sharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case?

To this day she never denies it.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story. I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

The other two lawyers who teamed up with "Reverend Al" to smear a bunch of innocent men back then were disbarred for their actions!

Brawley was a 15 year old black female who was never actually found to be lying. She just quit fighting.

To this day she has never refuted it as a lie.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but yet they still couldn't prove rape. Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

That says it all about the "whole situation"!

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.

The whole case stinks.

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.


The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit.
Wow...someone actually trying to defend what Al Sharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case?

To this day she never denies it.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story. I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

The other two lawyers who teamed up with "Reverend Al" to smear a bunch of innocent men back then were disbarred for their actions!

Brawley was a 15 year old black female who was never actually found to be lying. She just quit fighting.

To this day she has never refuted it as a lie.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but yet they still couldn't prove rape. Why did one of the cops kill himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said how she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

That says it all about the "whole situation"!

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.

The whole case stinks.

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.


The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit.
Seriously, Paul? The Grand Jury examined the evidence. Some of it made no sense at all if an assault had actually taken place. The feces that Brawley was covered with came from her neighbor's dog. The racial words written on her body were upside down...the way they would be if she had written them herself. She was well fed and not suffering from exposure despite supposedly having been out in the elements for four days. Even her teeth were brushed. Her clothes were "charred" but she had no burns on her body. Her shoes were sliced but she had no cuts on her feet. The rape kit indicated no assault had taken place. Pagones had an air tight alibi for the time that he was supposedly raping her. The police officer who committed suicide left a suicide note blaming a breakup with a girlfriend as the reason he was taking his life. It wasn't until AFTER he committed suicide that Sharpton accused him of being one of the rapists.

With all due respect...good luck getting THAT dog to hunt!
Actually, Sharpton was called into the case by the family. And yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley that should have been answered in a court of law, not public opinion.

But you can thank the local judge who personally dismissed the case WITHOUT a grand jury hearing. He wasn't re-elected to of the few times the people got off their duffs and got involved in local party politics un masse.

Now that being said, my previous statement regarding Pagonis stands....just WTF was his reason for having his personal investigator confiscate the rape kit? And remember, Pagonis went whole hog with numerous charges against Sharpton...only 1 stuck. Also, why weren't any of the cops involved questioned outside local IAD (if that happened at all)? A man commits investigation of worth.

the whole situation stunk to high heaven...but to tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best.
Pagonis sued Sharpton for libel
Sharpton lost and defaulted

Sharpton made up a wild conspiracy theory about Pagonis and put his life in jeopardy
Seriously, Paul? The Grand Jury examined the evidence. Some of it made no sense at all if an assault had actually taken place. The feces that Brawley was covered with came from her neighbor's dog. The racial words written on her body were upside down...the way they would be if she had written them herself. She was well fed and not suffering from exposure despite supposedly having been out in the elements for four days. Even her teeth were brushed. Her clothes were "charred" but she had no burns on her body. Her shoes were sliced but she had no cuts on her feet. The rape kit indicated no assault had taken place. Pagones had an air tight alibi for the time that he was supposedly raping her. The police officer who committed suicide left a suicide note blaming a breakup with a girlfriend as the reason he was taking his life. It wasn't until AFTER he committed suicide that Sharpton accused him of being one of the rapists.

With all due respect...good luck getting THAT dog to hunt!
She was raped and no white man spent one day in prison. Meanwhile your women lie on blk men all the time


You have a system set up to lie on black men


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Women who have children have boyfriends. A father not being in a house is not why black men get paid 82 cents for every dollar a white man gets and that's with the same education and experience. Sowell never seemed able to talk about that yet he was supposed to be an economist.
Where are you getting your information about unequal pay?

As for having children out of wedlock, it leads to poverty no matter what your race.

It's just that simple.
The evidence proves otherwise.

She was not raped deald with it.

The rest of your memes are irrelevant to that fact
There is no WE. You do not speak for yourself. Blacks are not some monolith with identical opinions or ideas.

Yes he has. He has fought the insanity and stupidity of Social Justice and racism from the left.
I said we, because it's more than me who dislikes Sowell and when racists such as yourself want to decide who is the proper voice for black Americans don't try that shit about blacks not being a monolith. You don't kow what blacks are if you think Sowell is liked by blacks. He has fought nothing and has only helped keep racism alive. Your support for him is evidence of that.
Where are you getting your information about unequal pay?

As for having children out of wedlock, it leads to poverty no matter what your race.

It's just that simple.
Having children out of wedlock doesn't cause anything when America has a divorce rate of 50 percent. Racists use that as an excuse to drny the true root cause of the problems.

It's just that simple.
Having children out of wedlock doesn't cause anything when America has a divorce rate of 50 percent. Racists use that as an excuse to drny the true root cause of the problems.

It's just that simple.

Again, you failed to show where you are getting that blacks make less money than other races. Where is the data?

Also, there is overwhelming evidence that single parent homes lead to poverty

Single-parent households have less money and less time for children. To be sure, many single parents are heroic, but it's a struggle. Studies "tell us that children raised by single parents are significantly more likely to have children young, to drop out of high school, and to work less as young adults," writes sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia.
It cannot be good news that births to unmarried women have risen. In 2010, 72% of black births were to unmarried women, up from 38% in 1970; for Hispanics, that rate was 53% in 2010, up from 37% in 1990; for whites, 36% in 2010 and 6% in 1970.
We are condemning more of our children to a precarious upbringing — and that is a problem.
I'm lying about the pictures how? It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the picture of Jackson standing next to King was taken before the shot that killed King. It's also obvious to anyone who's not brain dead that King didn't die in Jackson's arms as he has claimed. King was killed instantly and Jackson wasn't close by...he was standing in the parking lot BELOW the balcony!
What I keep saying is that it's TELLING that I know more about King's assassination than you do!
It is obvious that Jackson was in the second picture that was taken right after King was shot.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
Sowell has literally written books PLURAL on the subject of the economic impact of racism on blacks, IM2! You may not like his view point but to claim he's avoided the subject is laughable!
No he has not.
Again, you failed to show where you are getting that blacks make less money than other races. Where is the data?

Also, there is overwhelming evidence that single parent homes lead to poverty

Single-parent households have less money and less time for children. To be sure, many single parents are heroic, but it's a struggle. Studies "tell us that children raised by single parents are significantly more likely to have children young, to drop out of high school, and to work less as young adults," writes sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia.
It cannot be good news that births to unmarried women have risen. In 2010, 72% of black births were to unmarried women, up from 38% in 1970; for Hispanics, that rate was 53% in 2010, up from 37% in 1990; for whites, 36% in 2010 and 6% in 1970.
We are condemning more of our children to a precarious upbringing — and that is a problem.

Unwed women have boyfriends son. That means men are in the house.

The reality in black communities is that married women are not having children. But that fact escapes racists who want to avoid the truth of what white racism actually causes.
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