Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

You don't.

And this is the problem with whites like you. You believe you know more about blacks than people who live their entire lives black. You hang on to try dispelling what I said about the hotel when I said that Jackson got spit on, beat up and have had consistent threats on his life which are things you cannot dispute so you try arguing this one part of the comment then in typical racist white boy arrogance try to declare how much more you know about black people.
The color of my skin has nothing to do with where Jesse Jackson was when Martin Luther King was shot! Claiming that you know better than I do what happened that day because you are black borders on farce since you obviously don't know shit!
The color of my skin has nothing to do with where Jesse Jackson was when Martin Luther King was shot! Claiming that you know better than I do what happened that day because you are black borders on farce since you obviously don't know shit!

The color of your skin has you trying to nitpick parts of comments in order to call yourself offering a rebuttal. I am correct about what I have said.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
No, it's no myth. Thomas Sowell is an example of how real it is.
It is a myth and he is an example of someone better and smarter trhan you which is why you have to use that mythological term to describe him.
The question that I have is why don't you know more about what happened that day? Why do I have to educate you?
So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
It is a myth and he is an example of someone better and smarter trhan you which is why you have to use that mythological term to describe him.
It was nation wide.
No it wasn’t. Did some people discriminate in other states? Of course. But the same people discriminated against Jews, Italians, Irish, Latinos, and Women. Discrimination exists today and it will always exist to some extent. You can’t force someone to associate with a person they don’t like. Based upon things you have posted, you have discriminated against whites your whole life and you think that is just fine.
I don't have to. If Busch had not been practicing discrimination they wouldn't have had to do this.

Now explain how a college flunk out with no skills can earn millions race hustling whites.
I already did. Limbaugh got rich as an ENTERTAINER by offering people something they wanted to hear. That’s how things work, he didn’t get rich by taking government grants, crony capitalism or extorting payoffs. Limbaugh spent far more time cxcoriating liberals and feminists that blacks. I listened to him for a few years in the eighties and the only blacks I can remember him criticizing were Sharpton and Jackson.
36 states out of 50 NOT nationwide thanks for proving me correct
And then almost all the laws were either old or affected people other than blacks. But that’s what you get when you use wiki for a primary source, that list was a litany of nineteenth century laws mostly passes in the decades immediately following the ACW.
I said I don't have to, not that I can't. And since I don't have to, I won't.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
You know what, IM2? When you claim Anheuser-Bush gives exclusive territories to people with no experience in the beer business and does it all the time? You DO have to provide examples of that when you're called on to do so! Otherwise you get the reputation of someone who just pulls shit out of their ass...making it up as you go!
So do you have even a SINGLE example of Anheuser-Bush doing what you claim they do all the time...or are you ready to man up and admit you were full of shit when you made that claim?
You don't.

And this is the problem with whites like you. You believe you know more about blacks than people who live their entire lives black. You hang on to try dispelling what I said about the hotel when I said that Jackson got spit on, beat up and have had consistent threats on his life which are things you cannot dispute so you try arguing this one part of the comment then in typical racist white boy arrogance try to declare how much more you know about black people.
I never disputed that Jackson had death threats against him. I simply pointed out that you were once again full of shit when you claimed Jackson was standing next to Martin Luther King when he was shot. Why any of that has to do with skin pigmentation you'll have to explain! It is what it is. Once again...I think it's telling that I know more about Martin Luther King's assassination than you do, IM2! You accuse me of "racism" for only one reason...I've embarrassed you by exposing how ignorant you really are! :)
The color of your skin has you trying to nitpick parts of comments in order to call yourself offering a rebuttal. I am correct about what I have said.

So try explaining to us how a white college flunk out with no skills who made millions talking racist bullshit on the air, didn't make those millions by race hustling whites.
Pointing out that you're completely wrong about the things you post isn't "nit picking", IM2. You AREN'T correct about what you've said and the proof of that is that you now refuse to back any of it up!
The old "I can prove it...but I don't choose to" schtick only serves to underscore how pathetic your arguments here have been!
You know what, IM2? When you claim Anheuser-Bush gives exclusive territories to people with no experience in the beer business and does it all the time? You DO have to provide examples of that when you're called on to do so! Otherwise you get the reputation of someone who just pulls shit out of their ass...making it up as you go!
So do you have even a SINGLE example of Anheuser-Bush doing what you claim they do all the time...or are you ready to man up and admit you were full of shit when you made that claim?

No I don't. Because I am the OP and this thread is about Thomas Sowell and his inability to discuss the economic impact of racism on blacks based on him being an economist. It IS NOT about Rev Sharpton. It IS NOT about Jesse Jackson and your imaginary extortion which was initially claimed by Rush Limbaugh. You have claimed these men used race to make millions but whn confronted with a white man, with no skill, talent or education who was worth 600 million and it was only because he race baited whites, you can't find a way to address this. So until you can, don't tell me shit, because you are the one who pulled shit out of your ass to avoid discussing the top presented in the OP.
I never disputed that Jackson had death threats against him. I simply pointed out that you were once again full of shit when you claimed Jackson was standing next to Martin Luther King when he was shot. Why any of that has to do with skin pigmentation you'll have to explain! It is what it is. Once again...I think it's telling that I know more about Martin Luther King's assassination than you do, IM2! You accuse me of "racism" for only one reason...I've embarrassed you by exposing how ignorant you really are! :)
This thread is not about Jackson. What does this have to do with skin pigmentation? You're white and avoiding the subject of how Thomas Sowell has avoided mention of the economic impact of racism on blacks.. Instead you used the white racist playbook and invoked the names of Jackson and Sharpton. So now that you're being called on it, you want to play the white racisyt"what does my color have to do with this" card.

You keep saying you know more about Kings assasination than me like that's supposed to mean something. You have seen the pictures and you want to lie about that. It's all you can do and you know you can get away with that here.
Pointing out that you're completely wrong about the things you post isn't "nit picking", IM2. You AREN'T correct about what you've said and the proof of that is that you now refuse to back any of it up!
The old "I can prove it...but I don't choose to" schtick only serves to underscore how pathetic your arguments here have been!
Except I am correct and you have completely avoided any discussion of the OP.
This thread is not about Jackson. What does this have to do with skin pigmentation? You're white and avoiding the subject of how Thomas Sowell has avoided mention of the economic impact of racism on blacks.. Instead you used the white racist playbook and invoked the names of Jackson and Sharpton. So now that you're being called on it, you want to play the white racisyt"what does my color have to do with this" card.

You keep saying you know more about Kings assasination than me like that's supposed to mean something. You have seen the pictures and you want to lie about that. It's all you can do and you know you can get away with that here.
I'm lying about the pictures how? It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the picture of Jackson standing next to King was taken before the shot that killed King. It's also obvious to anyone who's not brain dead that King didn't die in Jackson's arms as he has claimed. King was killed instantly and Jackson wasn't close by...he was standing in the parking lot BELOW the balcony!
What I keep saying is that it's TELLING that I know more about King's assassination than you do!

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