Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

This thread is not about Jackson. What does this have to do with skin pigmentation? You're white and avoiding the subject of how Thomas Sowell has avoided mention of the economic impact of racism on blacks.. Instead you used the white racist playbook and invoked the names of Jackson and Sharpton. So now that you're being called on it, you want to play the white racisyt"what does my color have to do with this" card.

You keep saying you know more about Kings assasination than me like that's supposed to mean something. You have seen the pictures and you want to lie about that. It's all you can do and you know you can get away with that here.
Sowell has literally written books PLURAL on the subject of the economic impact of racism on blacks, IM2! You may not like his view point but to claim he's avoided the subject is laughable!
Except I am correct and you have completely avoided any discussion of the OP.
I told you at the onset of this "discussion" that the professor of Economics that I had at Amherst College was in no way a "racist"! Your reply to that was to accuse Sowell of selling out to white racists to make money. My response to that was to point out that Sowell was an educator first and foremost and not an activist like Jackson and Sharpton...who have made millions by race baiting. You then denied that neither had gotten rich from their activism which then prompted me to give as an example of how they had done just that...Jackson's boycott of Anheuser-Bush that was settled when AB gave Jackson's sons an exclusive distributorship.
You can attempt to divert this conversation all you like, IM2 but I will continue to call you out to prove your allegations as I've proven mine. The ball is in your court.
And I find it hilarious that you're so up in arms about how I've not stuck with the subject of the OP when all you've wanted to talk about for the past dozen posts is Rush Limbaugh and how rich he got from his radio program! What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with Thomas Sowell?
I told you at the onset of this "discussion" that the professor of Economics that I had at Amherst College was in no way a "racist"! Your reply to that was to accuse Sowell of selling out to white racists to make money. My response to that was to point out that Sowell was an educator first and foremost and not an activist like Jackson and Sharpton...who have made millions by race baiting. You then denied that neither had gotten rich from their activism which then prompted me to give as an example of how they had done just that...Jackson's boycott of Anheuser-Bush that was settled when AB gave Jackson's sons an exclusive distributorship.
You can attempt to divert this conversation all you like, IM2 but I will continue to call you out to prove your allegations as I've proven mine. The ball is in your court.
What is race baiting ?
Man, do you shovel hard! Let's just pull out one of your support legs:

Hello, TheDefiantOne. My friend, are you prepared to engage in a thoughtful intelligent factual discussion regarding social and health issues Dr. Thomas Sowell and many other caring responsible citizens have been discussing for decades now?

DefiantOne, do you recognize that THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, black or American children and teens of African descent SUFFER our America's highest REPORTED rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment?



☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
TheDefiantOne said:
Remember the infamous Tawana Brawley case....only one charge of slander stuck against Sharpton...meanwhile NO questions regarding the cops involved, the missing rape kit, Pagonis involvement, etc. That is indicative as to Sharpton's relationship with the powers that be.

Tawana was a fraud and Sharpton exploited her for the publicity. His false claims against Pagonis were disgraceful
Actually, Sharpton was called into the case by the family. And yes, there were a LOT of unanswered questions about Brawley that should have been answered in a court of law, not public opinion.

But you can thank the local judge who personally dismissed the case WITHOUT a grand jury hearing. He wasn't re-elected to of the few times the people got off their duffs and got involved in local party politics un masse.

Now that being said, my previous statement regarding Pagonis stands....just WTF was his reason for having his personal investigator confiscate the rape kit? And remember, Pagonis went whole hog with numerous charges against Sharpton...only 1 stuck. Also, why weren't any of the cops involved questioned outside local IAD (if that happened at all)? A man commits investigation of worth.

the whole situation stunk to high heaven...but to tag Sharpton as the sole perpetrator of evil is disingenuous at best.
Perhaps CON is the operative term.

Why is it that Sowell never seems to discuss the economic impact of racism on black Americans.

There are a multitude of books out about this, but the darling black "conservative" economist doesn't seem to have written one. You would think with all that conservative grant money he's been paid....

Oh yeah, that's the point, don't write about what really happened, write stuff blaming blacks for failing.

/——-/ Joe Biden never wrote a book about gravity. Why is Joe a gravity hater?
Actually his initial belief in the virtues of Marxism changed when he did a study of how mandated minimum wages in Puerto Rico drastically increased unemployment. That wasn't something he was paid to the time he was a lowly intern working for the Federal Government. He simply realized that his beliefs that he'd held until then didn't work in the real world.
As for your claim that Sowell has been academically "debunked"? He's been the target of the left for the better part of fifty years because of his belief that Big Government programs have been harmful to blacks. Liberal "academics" hate Sowell because he points out that their pet programs don't work. One only has to look at what has happened to urban blacks over the past hundred years to realize that Sowell's beliefs are based on real world results while his academic opponents base theirs on Ivory Tower fantasies.
1. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the USA, won after the Spanish-American's economy has never been "socialist" in so much as "colonial - ized". It's the little details that Sowell just ignores when he makes his summation. FYI: Puerto Rico: A U.S. Territory in Crisis

2. When I say "academically debunked" I mean that he was proven wrong by fellow academics with similar if not higher acumen than him. Case in point: Sowell is a Biased, Opinionated, Klutzy Intellectual
Did you want to take a crack at defending Jesse Jackson's use of a boycott to obtain a lucrative exclusive distributorship for his two sons from Anheuser-Bush, Defiant One? Your other liberal pals ran from that discussion once it was pointed out that Jackson was more concerned with lining his own pockets than he was with improving the lives of the blacks that he was "representing"!
Yes, in one post here I pointed to my taking Jackson off my good guy list for that AND being a dirt bag by fathering a kid with another woman while married and kids of his own. But as I said, his early career was accurate and just. You should really read more before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less foolish.
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Did you really think the local opinion columnist "debunked" anything Sowell posited in that article, Defiant One? Claiming that because there isn't rent control in "Podunk Iowa" and they have no jobs there means that rent control has worked in New York City and San Francisco is amusing but borders on farce!
What's amusing (actually pathetic) is how you never seem to thoroughly read the material presented to you before you type your screeds.
Did you really think the local opinion columnist "debunked" anything Sowell posited in that article, Defiant One? Claiming that because there isn't rent control in "Podunk Iowa" and they have no jobs there means that rent control has worked in New York City and San Francisco is amusing but borders on farce!

you have a really bad habit of trying to lie about the content of information that disproves your assertions. How many times do I have to school you on the reality that you can't lie in a printed medium, much less present your revisionist rhetoric as fact when the chronology of the posts easily supplies the real facts for the reader. Case in point: the Kirchubel article, he is USING SOWELL'S OWN STATED "LOGIC" AGAINST HIM ...something you didn't get either due to poor reading comprehension skills or just willful ignorance. Here, so the readers know how intellectually dishonest you are; "...
Sowell “proves” that minimum wage laws increase unemployment by telling us that Switzerland and Singapore have no minimum wage laws and have low unemployment rates.

So, in our vast and diverse world, he was able to cherry-pick two places with low unemployment and no minimum wage.

Using the exact same “logic,” Sowell states that both New York City and San Francisco have rent control and high rents, thereby “proving” his point that rent control causes high rents. But Sowell seems to have forgotten what he wrote in his previous article: “correlation is not causation.” I wrote on the Daily Republic’s website: “There is no rent control in Podunk, Iowa and the rents there are very low. Also, there are no jobs there. An equally valid point could be made that rent control creates jobs. Why not give us that theory, Tommy?” Using Sowell’s own right-wing logic, I have proven that it only takes two data points for him to extrapolate a new theory.

Now if you STILL don't get it, put on your socks & shoes, toddle down to your local library and have one of the librarians explain it to you. Carry on.
TheDefiantOne said:
You love him because he told you exactly what you wanted to hear....your last sentence indicative of the dreck parroted by the alt right, teabaggers and neocons. Marxism was further alienating him from the the big boys table on the academic scale, so he just flipped the script to the other side. His childhood really screwed him up, but he got his reward/revenge by being accepted and paid by the establishment.

Thomas Sowell was a professor of mine. He was in no way "screwed up", Defiant One! He presented his beliefs in a straightforward manner that made sense. That was true back in the 70's and it remains true to this day. I had other Economics professors that had other beliefs but my life experiences since graduating from college made me realize that those beliefs were not based on what happens in the real world.
BFD! All you've demonstrated is a more personal relationship with ideology that suits your own. He was one of the "Good negroes" that made you feel comfortable and justified in your prejudices. To date, I've presented facts that prove his contentions wrong and all you can do is just avoid said points and parrot generalities. Typical. Carry on.
Hello, TheDefiantOne. My friend, are you prepared to engage in a thoughtful intelligent factual discussion regarding social and health issues Dr. Thomas Sowell and many other caring responsible citizens have been discussing for decades now?

DefiantOne, do you recognize that THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, black or American children and teens of African descent SUFFER our America's highest REPORTED rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment?

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Spare me the preamble and piling on of memes and Dr. Burke's PR ....that another discussion for another time. You want to discuss Sowell and his writings, then let's do that. You can look at some of my other responses, which may save time.
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1. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the USA, won after the Spanish-American's economy has never been "socialist" in so much as "colonial - ized". It's the little details that Sowell just ignores when he makes his summation. FYI: Puerto Rico: A U.S. Territory in Crisis

2. When I say "academically debunked" I mean that he was proven wrong by fellow academics with similar if not higher acumen than him. Case in point: Sowell is a Biased, Opinionated, Klutzy Intellectual
I never claimed Puerto Rico was Socialist, Defiant. What I pointed out was why Sowell's early ideas that Communism was the best system changed when he saw how Big Government intervention in the wages of sugar cane workers in Puerto Rico caused the unemployment rate there to skyrocket and the government employees who oversaw that didn't care!

I'm curious...what "fellow academics" have a higher "acumen" than Thomas Sowell? Or are we to take YOUR word that someone who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard and has taught at some of our finest educational institutions of higher learning should be ignored?
BFD! All you've demonstrated is a more personal relationship with ideology that suits your own. He was one of the "Good negroes" that made you feel comfortable and justified in your prejudices. To date, I've presented facts that prove his contentions wrong and all you can do is just avoid said points and parrot generalities. Typical. Carry on.
Why is that you on the left feel the need to accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a racist, Defiant? Is your argument so weak that's all you have? I grew up in probably the most liberal town in probably the most liberal State in America. I was "comfortable" with Thomas Sowell because I'm comfortable with intelligent people. I've yet to hear anything out of you that proves Sowell's contentions wrong other than you're claiming that they are!

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