Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

They didn't "hire" the Jackson sons...they gave two young men with no experience at all in the beer business an exclusive distributorship in Chicago. Something like that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, IM2 and it doesn't happen all the time! It NEVER happens!
It does happen all the time and it would not have happened if A-B had not been practicing racial discrimination.
I've read his stuff.....the wheels come of his wagon when he consistently tries to blame black folk for not taking advantages of the New Deal (like Jim Crow STILL wasn't in the works) and later parroting alt right dreck about how the Civil Rights movement hampered black economic creativity.

Sowell was one fucked up puppy due to his deplorable child hood. His initial marxism changed when he saw the $$$ in telling Mr. Charlie what he wanted to hear....all dressed up in economic dogma of Wall St.

Sowell has been academically debunked so many times nationally/internationally that the propping up of his dreck by the right wing is a joke.
You guys act like Jim Crow was in effect all over the USA. It wasn’t, just a few states in the Deep South.
Nobody serious in the black community respected Thomas Sowell. No-one. That's why you can't name me one black person like Thomas Sowell that is remembered in history.

  • You know who MLK was.
  • You know who Malcolm X was.
  • You know who the black panthers were.
  • You know who Rosa Parks was.
  • You know who Nelson Mandela was.
  • You know who Muhammad Ai was.
Why ? Coz they stood up and fought against and unjust system and were not afraid to die.

Thomas Sowell was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

He's made his money from hustling the white supremacists by articulating their racist views for them.

Many african ameriucans redspect him and others like him such as William Raspberry.

Sowell also fought against an unjust system of race baiting and creating dependency among african americans.

You might well disgree with the beel curbbe which you never read but that does not mean it is not well written.

It is clear you never read it because you misrepresent what it says.
The only hustlers are the right wing think tanks that provided Sowell with over 1 million in grant money. What you call race hustling is some shit made up by a white boy who is dead now. Sowell IS an apologist, that's what you fail to see.
Because your claim is a fallacy. He was no apologist.
If you want to get rid of racism towards Blacks, show Whites positive examples like every other ethnicity has done. Blacks did that in the late fifties and sixties and most whites got behind them and pushed for better conditions and advantages for Blacks in society. The "Greatest Generation" was Black as well as other ethnicities. They moved the ball forward by working, getting educated and being successful in society. All you do is whine and complain that things aren't perfect. If you want things better, get to work and educate Black youth, give them a work ethic instead of telling them that everybody's holding them down.
We don't have to do more of what we already are doing. Whites like you need to end your racism and stop lying. The blacks in the greatest generation faced jim crow apartheid and were excluded from things that helped whites. We don't need the lectures about hard work etc., from people who have everything they do because government gave it to them.

Many african ameriucans redspect him and others like him such as William Raspberry.

Sowell also fought against an unjust system of race baiting and creating dependency among african americans.

You might well disgree with the beel curbbe which you never read but that does not mean it is not well written.

It is clear you never read it because you misrepresent what it says.
We are black. Most blacks do not respect Sowell. Most white racists do. Sowell has fought nothing.
It proves your initial claim to be a lie. IRS did not only target conservatives.
With all due respect, IM2...the narrative that Lois Lerner's merry band also targeted liberal groups didn't even stand up to a cursory examination of the facts. The differences between how conservative groups were treated by her agency and how they treated liberal groups were night and day. There is a reason why Lerner took the 5th and it ISN'T because she was being impartial. She had an agenda against conservative political groups and it was exposed.
Sure they did..
By lynching, bombing churches and schools, fire hoses, attack dogs, beating protestors and arresting leaders
AZrailwhale is delusional.
We are black. Most blacks do not respect Sowell. Most white racists do. Sowell has fought nothing.
Most white racists don't even know who Thomas Sowell IS, IM2! You claiming that he's an "icon" to the racists of the world simply because he argues against long held "truths" put out by the left is laughable.
With all due respect, IM2...the narrative that Lois Lerner's merry band also targeted liberal groups didn't even stand up to a cursory examination of the facts. The differences between how conservative groups were treated by her agency and how they treated liberal groups were night and day. There is a reason why Lerner took the 5th and it ISN'T because she was being impartial. She had an agenda against conservative political groups and it was exposed.
Bullshit. The treasury IG says it didn't happen and he did so during trump.
We are black. Most blacks do not respect Sowell. Most white racists do. Sowell has fought nothing.
There is no WE. You do not speak for yourself. Blacks are not some monolith with identical opinions or ideas.

Yes he has. He has fought the insanity and stupidity of Social Justice and racism from the left.
You guys act like Jim Crow was in effect all over the USA. It wasn’t, just a few states in the Deep South.
Legally, Jim Crow was in effect only in the South

Socially, Blacks were isolated in the North and restricted from certain neighborhoods, schools and employment opportunities
Most white racists don't even know who Thomas Sowell IS, IM2! You claiming that he's an "icon" to the racists of the world simply because he argues against long held "truths" put out by the left is laughable.
You are a white racist and you know who Sowell is. Sowell is an idiot who has made life harder for blacks wth his factless nonsense. He has kept racism alive while lining his pockets.
I don't think that's what the picture shows.

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Shut your racist white ass up. You don't know anything about this and your gaslighting won't work. Everything I said was right. I know King did not die in Jacksons arm. We all know that, so the only person fooled is you.

That par for the course.
You know what's sad, IM2? You claim to know so much about all things black yet I know more about what happened in Memphis that day than you do. That picture of Jesse Jackson taken on the balcony wasn't taken when King was shot. When King was shot he was standing on the balcony talking to Jackson who was below him in the parking lot. King was teasing Jackson about not having a tie on as they were about to go out for dinner.
You are a white racist and you know who Sowell is. Sowell is an idiot who has made life harder for blacks wth his factless nonsense. He has kept racism alive while lining his pockets.
And I'm a "racist" why? Because I pointed out that Jesse Jackson lined his pockets while representing blacks? That happens to be a fact. The nonsense in this string is being put out by your ignorant ass.
You know what's sad, IM2? You claim to know so much about all things black yet I know more about what happened in Memphis that day than you do. That picture of Jesse Jackson taken on the balcony wasn't taken when King was shot. When King was shot he was standing on the balcony talking to Jackson who was below him in the parking lot. King was teasing Jackson about not having a tie on as they were about to go out for dinner.
No, you don't know. The first picture apparently was taken before King was shot. The second one shows Jackson on the balcony after King was shot. But you want to argue this when the reality is that Jackson faced death threats long after King was buried.

And still you run from how a white boy who flunked out of college with no skills ended up being worth 600 million by race hustling whites.

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