Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Did it ever occur to you that the reason those "involved" parents didn't want their children in public schools is because public school education has been awful at educating kids? They're not putting them in charter schools for no reason! Use your head!
And if you had a thought outside of the box, you'd note that those public schools have for years been denied adequate funding for supplies, curriculum, teacher support, etc. And here's the kicker, the charter schools hand pick their students from the public school rosters and use public school bldgs. Know your subject before you make whole conclusions.
If you want to get rid of racism towards Blacks, show Whites positive examples like every other ethnicity has done. Blacks did that in the late fifties and sixties and most whites got behind them and pushed for better conditions and advantages for Blacks in society. The "Greatest Generation" was Black as well as other ethnicities. They moved the ball forward by working, getting educated and being successful in society. All you do is whine and complain that things aren't perfect. If you want things better, get to work and educate Black youth, give them a work ethic instead of telling them that everybody's holding them down.
so, all we have to do is sing and dance and bootstrap our selves until Mr. Charley smiles and says, "my, what a credit to your ya go!"

F you and the horse you rode in on, buddy.

200 some odd years of slavery, an additional 100 of Jim Crow, Civil Rights laws passed just 4 years my senior that re-affirmed my right an education anywhere in the country that my parents could afford.....yearly cases of red-lining, job discrimination in various states.

Yeah, when folk who look just like you get the reality that those cotton pick'in days are over, and the world ain't Father Knows Best or the Andy Griffith show, THEN and only then will racism dwindle and die
Not reported on doesn't mean it didn't happen. That sleazy move by Obama has been revealed by the Durham investigation.
This is your "logic" Alex Jones, the late gasbag Limbaugh, Savage, and all the Fox flunkies can just pull anything out of their collective flabby butts and it's valid?

Man, have I got a bridge in Brooklyn you can have cheap! :auiqs.jpg:
With all due respect, Paul..."fighting racism" is a cottage industry for people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton! They've made millions pretending to champion the black man against "systemic racism" in America! Do you really think either of them cares about the average black man on the street other than as a means to an end? To be honest...I find you to be rather naive.

Guys like Al and Jesse are bought and paid for. These guys don’t represent the interest of black people. They talk about racism but it's the Oprah style, that is talk about but don't overdo it.

The Urban League and NAACP aren’t controlled by black people and they never were from their inception. Jesse and Al are there to keep black people in the position of a permanent underclass. That’s why they’ve been around for over thirty years and black folks are in the same position. Don’t you find that odd ?

They are in that position because their white masters put them there.

How can Al Sharpton “fight the power” when he has a show on MSNBC ?


It's not possible.

Al and Jesse do not speak for me just as I do not speak for every single black person on this planet. They are leaders who happen to be black, but they are not black leaders leading, thinking and controlling the collective black consciousness. I think it’s ridiculous to assume that they speak for the whole race and that we automatically follow them like mice to the Pied Piper.
Like it or not, Sharpton is the clarion call that pisses off the powers that matter how much they main stream him. As the man once said, "if the families of people call me, how am I the instigator? The hustler?

Remember the infamous Tawana Brawley case....only one charge of slander stuck against Sharpton...meanwhile NO questions regarding the cops involved, the missing rape kit, Pagonis involvement, etc. That is indicative as to Sharpton's relationship with the powers that be.

Yes, Jackson was off my list the nano-second he was nailed with a mini-me from another woman, and that his kids were given jobs in exchange for no protests against companies. But in his early career, the man was on target.

Just saying.
Remember the infamous Tawana Brawley case....only one charge of slander stuck against Sharpton...meanwhile NO questions regarding the cops involved, the missing rape kit, Pagonis involvement, etc. That is indicative as to Sharpton's relationship with the powers that be.
Tawana was a fraud and Sharpton exploited her for the publicity. His false claims against Pagonis were disgraceful

For the first 5 years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were 357 acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority white neighborhoods. In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home and burned his furniture in the front yard. The police did nothing. In first six months of 1955 there were 213 acts of violence against blacks by whites in Philadelphia. Whites resorted to terrorism in order to intimidate blacks so they would not move into white communities. In 1964 when blacks tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was again vandalized. All the police did was enter the apartment, take out the furniture and told the people they were evicted. At the same time period in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of terrorist violence against blacks to stop black families from moving to the suburbs. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black owned residences in Los Angeles. In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. They got gunfire and firebombs. Again, that was in 1987.

Chris Wolfgang, Mafiosi and Madams, Omaha Magazine, August 29, 2013,

Dennison’s Political Machine, Dennison’s Political Machine

B.C Franklin, The Tulsa Race Riots and Three of It’s Victims, A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921

William L. Patterson, We Charge Genocide, 4th edition, International Publishers Co., Inc., New York, 2017 pp.60-61

Richard Rothstein, Color of Law, Liverright Publishing, pp.144, 2018

Jae Jones, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenants, November 14, 2018, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenantsblack-family-tenants/

Charles Abrams, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero: Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero:Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend

Christy Clark-Pujara and Anna-Lisa Cox, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence,, August 27, 2020, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence
Americans are woefully ignorant of it's racist history.
Obama did things Conservatives did not like
They call it a scandal
Here's what republicans called "scandals"...
Obama fist-bumping his wife Michelle
Obama putting his feet up on the Oval Office desk
Obama wearing a khaki suit to work
Obama using Grey Poupon

These are the things that boiled their blood and made them believe Obama was evil incarnate.

Republicans are a bunch of jokers.
I've read his stuff.....the wheels come of his wagon when he consistently tries to blame black folk for not taking advantages of the New Deal (like Jim Crow STILL wasn't in the works) and later parroting alt right dreck about how the Civil Rights movement hampered black economic creativity.

Sowell was one fucked up puppy due to his deplorable child hood. His initial marxism changed when he saw the $$$ in telling Mr. Charlie what he wanted to hear....all dressed up in economic dogma of Wall St.

Sowell has been academically debunked so many times nationally/internationally that the propping up of his dreck by the right wing is a joke.
Actually his initial belief in the virtues of Marxism changed when he did a study of how mandated minimum wages in Puerto Rico drastically increased unemployment. That wasn't something he was paid to the time he was a lowly intern working for the Federal Government. He simply realized that his beliefs that he'd held until then didn't work in the real world.
As for your claim that Sowell has been academically "debunked"? He's been the target of the left for the better part of fifty years because of his belief that Big Government programs have been harmful to blacks. Liberal "academics" hate Sowell because he points out that their pet programs don't work. One only has to look at what has happened to urban blacks over the past hundred years to realize that Sowell's beliefs are based on real world results while his academic opponents base theirs on Ivory Tower fantasies.
Jeez, a hit parade of black apologists for America's systemic and congenital racism.


Did you really think the local opinion columnist "debunked" anything Sowell posited in that article, Defiant One? Claiming that because there isn't rent control in "Podunk Iowa" and they have no jobs there means that rent control has worked in New York City and San Francisco is amusing but borders on farce!
To be honest, WTF do you know about black folk other than what the MSM tells you? I'm not saying that either men are without fault, but in their careers their adversaries were just as real as the grapes you ate this summer (without a second thought regarding migrant labor). So spare us all your willful ignorance.
Did you want to take a crack at defending Jesse Jackson's use of a boycott to obtain a lucrative exclusive distributorship for his two sons from Anheuser-Bush, Defiant One? Your other liberal pals ran from that discussion once it was pointed out that Jackson was more concerned with lining his own pockets than he was with improving the lives of the blacks that he was "representing"!
Perhaps CON is the operative term.

Why is it that Sowell never seems to discuss the economic impact of racism on black Americans.

There are a multitude of books out about this, but the darling black "conservative" economist doesn't seem to have written one. You would think with all that conservative grant money he's been paid....

Oh yeah, that's the point, don't write about what really happened, write stuff blaming blacks for failing.

Worse, Sowell is black with an IQ in triple digits. The inhabitants of the plantation and their owners despise that.
You love him because he told you exactly what you wanted to hear....your last sentence indicative of the dreck parroted by the alt right, teabaggers and neocons. Marxism was further alienating him from the the big boys table on the academic scale, so he just flipped the script to the other side. His childhood really screwed him up, but he got his reward/revenge by being accepted and paid by the establishment.
Thomas Sowell was a professor of mine. He was in no way "screwed up", Defiant One! He presented his beliefs in a straightforward manner that made sense. That was true back in the 70's and it remains true to this day. I had other Economics professors that had other beliefs but my life experiences since graduating from college made me realize that those beliefs were not based on what happens in the real world.
Jeez, a hit parade of black apologists for America's systemic and congenital racism.


Amen. I loved the article about McWhorter. I learned more about the new sellout of the moment.
Did you want to take a crack at defending Jesse Jackson's use of a boycott to obtain a lucrative exclusive distributorship for his two sons from Anheuser-Bush, Defiant One? Your other liberal pals ran from that discussion once it was pointed out that Jackson was more concerned with lining his own pockets than he was with improving the lives of the blacks that he was "representing"!
That's not what happened.

Nobody ran and in fact you were shown what happened with Annheiser-Busch.
Thomas Sowell was a professor of mine. He was in no way "screwed up", Defiant One! He presented his beliefs in a straightforward manner that made sense. That was true back in the 70's and it remains true to this day. I had other Economics professors that had other beliefs but my life experiences since graduating from college made me realize that those beliefs were not based on what happens in the real world.
Yes Sowell is screwed up. He suffers from internalized racism and that's a real mental problem.
Oldestyle still refuses to address how college drop out with no skills, Rush Limbaugh, ended his life worth 600 million dollars by race hustling white people.
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Was that supposed to in some way prove that Lois Lerner didn't head that IRS department? Or did you not want to address that lie of yours?
It proves your initial claim to be a lie. IRS did not only target conservatives.
As for Jesse being hit by Ray in Memphis? Jesse was down in the parking lot when that shot was taken. He was nowhere near Martin Luther King. He claimed MLK died in his arms because it gave him more status in the black movement. It's just one more con that Jesse played on naive people like you!
I don't think that's what the picture shows.



Shut your racist white ass up. You don't know anything about this and your gaslighting won't work. Everything I said was right. I know King did not die in Jacksons arm. We all know that, so the only person fooled is you.

That par for the course.

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