Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

You two are hilarious. You claim I'm spreading "lies" and then when I post proof that what I've said is dead nuts both don't want to talk about it anymore!
But nothing you say is accurate. That's the problem.
With all due respect, Paul..."fighting racism" is a cottage industry for people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton! They've made millions pretending to champion the black man against "systemic racism" in America! Do you really think either of them cares about the average black man on the street other than as a means to an end? To be honest...I find you to be rather naive.

Guys like Al and Jesse are bought and paid for. These guys don’t represent the interest of black people. The Urban League and NAACP aren’t controlled by black people and they never were from their inception. Jesse and Al are there to keep black people in the position of a permanent underclass. That’s why they’ve been around for over thirty years and black folks are in the same position. Don’t you find that odd ?

They are in that position because their white masters put them there. How can Al Sharpton “fight the power” when he has a show on MSNBC ? lol It’s not possible! It’s time for black people to wake up! Ignorance is not bliss.

Al and Jesse do not speak for me just as I do not speak for every single black person on this planet. They are leaders who happen to be black, but they are not black leaders leading, thinking and controlling the collective black consciousness. I think it’s ridiculous to assume that they speak for the whole race and that we automatically follow them like mice to the Pied Piper.
I never stated that they DID speak for the black race, Paul. I simply pointed out to IM2 and Fort Fun that Jackson and Sharpton are representative of black "leaders" who have used racism as a cottage industry for the better part of fifty years!
Did you want to address the Anheuser-Bush dealership being given to Jackson's sons to end a boycott on them started by Jesse Jackson? Or did you want to avoid THAT like the plague?
So here is the rigged game, applied to CRT:

For decades, the racists: "If the laws are no longer racist, and racism is illegal, why are the brown people still doing so poorly, then?"

*wink wink, nudge nudge, know what i mean

So the intelligentsia of our society decided to take that question seriously. The best answer so far is Critical Race Theory.

The rigged game: "CRT is racist! CRT is bullshit! They are forcing it down our children's throats!"

*is not actually taught to children, he knows nothing at all about CRT, so wouldn't recognize it if it were being taught to children anyway

They hate CRT because it isn't the answer they already had in their possession. The one they cant say anymore, unless behind closed doors. Nothing more. It's that simple.

Sowell hates it because it reflects poorly on the results and ethics of his Randian fetishes. Plus, he is a true reductionist, and really, really wishes culture and society would get the fuck out of the way of his brilliant theories on paper. They just muck everything up for his pet theories.
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He didn't extort anyone. If the company had not been practicing racism they could have told Jackson to go fuck himself. But they couldn't because they were indeed practicing racism. when the Jackson sons were awarded that exclusive dealership for Chicago...did that stop the "racism" that Anheuser-Bush was practicing? It certainly did for Jesse! He stopped the boycott when that happened. Amazing...isn't it!
So here is the rigged game, applied to CRT:

For decades, the racists: "If the laws are no longer racist, and racism is illegal, why are the brown people still doing so poorly, then?"

*wink wink, nudge nudge, know what i mean

So the intelligentsia of our society decided to take that question seriously. The best answer so far is Critical Race Theory.

The rigged game: "CRT is racist! CRT is bullshit! They are forcing it down our children's throats!"

*is not actually taught to children, he knows nothing at all about CRT, so wouldn't recognize it if it were being taught to children anyway

They hate CRT because it isn't the answer they already had in their possession. The one they cant say anymore, unless behind closed doors. Nothing more. It's that simple.

Sowell hates it because it reflects poorly on the results and ethics of his Randian fetishes. Plus, he is a true reductionist, and really, really wishes culture and society would get the fuck out of the way of his brilliant theories on paper. They just muck everything up for his pet theories. now you want to talk about CRT? Deflect much? now you want to talk about CRT? Deflect much?
I am right on topic (Sowell, economics), while you want to turn the thread into a puppet show, wherein we all watch you shit on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Because, hey, those are the only two black leaders you could name, if your life depended on it.

Nah, no thanks, Cletus.

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I never stated that they DID speak for the black race, Paul. I simply pointed out to IM2 and Fort Fun that Jackson and Sharpton are representative of black "leaders" who have used racism as a cottage industry for the better part of fifty years!
But they haven't done that. Thats a lie you racists tell yourselves. Meanwhile you pay blacks like Sowell millions and then use his idiocy to argue against people who point oiut that racism continues.

Jackson didn't make millions because he used race. Jackson got beat up, spat on, jailed and if Ray would have missed King it is possible that Jackson could have been killed. He's faced death threats for the past 50 years and faggotts like you want to run your mouth off with a narrative made up by a lard ass college dropout.

You can't tell me shit about black leaders. You have decided who the black leaders are without asking anyone black. Jackson is no longer leading anything. Sharpton is getting old. There are other blacks out there who blacks look to as leaders, not blacks who your white ass wants to make a leader.

I look to a man like Brother William Barber. and in my town, I lead with some other brothers and sisters. So you can stop repeating Rush Limbaugh and then rrecognize who really made racism a cottage industry.


So neither one of you clowns wants to address the Jesse Jackson payoff from Anheuser-Bush? Typical. You both know I'm right. You demanded examples and I provide one and you two RUN from it like your little split tails are on fire!
I never stated that they DID speak for the black race, Paul. I simply pointed out to IM2 and Fort Fun that Jackson and Sharpton are representative of black "leaders" who have used racism as a cottage industry for the better part of fifty years!

There is no money in fighting racism. Black people in the west (for the most part) are dependent on whites for jobs, housing, educations

So you think black people attacking and critisizing the people who we depend on is a good money making plan ? That takes courage and heart to attack a system that is more than willing to kill you.
  • Francis Cress Welsing died broke.
  • Ivan Van Sertima died broke.
  • Chancellor Williams died broke.
  • Malcolm X died broke
  • John Henry Clarke died broke.
  • Winnie Mandela died broke.
  • Muhammad Ali retired broke (only making his serious money after retirement).
Most of the black scholars and blk people who fought racism weren't rich men. What are you talking about ?

The money is in ass kissin the white supremacists. The money is in the Larry Elders and Thomas Sowells and Candace Owens and Ben Carsons

Who are blk ppl getting the money from ? How exactly is money generated from exposing white supremacists ? when the Jackson sons were awarded that exclusive dealership for Chicago...did that stop the "racism" that Anheuser-Bush was practicing? It certainly did for Jesse! He stopped the boycott when that happened. Amazing...isn't it!
In 1983 Jackson and Operation PUSH led a boycott against beer giant Anheuser-Busch, criticizing the company's level of minority employment in their distribution network. August Busch IV, Anheuser-Busch's CEO was introduced in 1996 to Yusef Jackson, Jesse's son, by Jackson family friend Ron Burkle. In 1998 Yusef and his brother Jonathan were chosen by Anheuser-Busch to head River North Sales, a Chicago beer distribution company, leading to controversy. "There is no causal connection between the boycott in 1983 and me meeting in the middle '90s and me buying this company in 1998," said Yusef.

See it's this kind of lying that makes me cuss you raggedy bigots out. The boycott was for not hiring minorities. So the company hire Jacksons son who just happened to be a minority to run a Chicago distrbutorship. White people do this all the time, so why the double standard?
So neither one of you clowns wants to address the Jesse Jackson payoff from Anheuser-Bush? Typical. You both know I'm right. You demanded examples and I provide one and you two RUN from it like your little split tails are on fire!
There was no payoff asshole.

Now address how a college drop out with no skills ended up leaving a 600 million dollar estate by race baiting whites for 3 decades.
White people do this all the time, so why the double standard?
The rigged game. Every single time. They want to shit on all of it. All of it.

The "Who, me?" racist: "Why doesn't BLM march against the gang violence in Chicago?"

Uh, because they march against State violence against and criminalization of black people. Like, any toddler can look this up. There are other groups that organize, march, and take community action against violence in Chicago, as their focus. Do you also accuse the people who work for breast cancer awareness of being fine with all other kinds of cancer? Of not caring, if someone dies from a different type of cancer? Of actually being happy, when a MAN dies from cancer?

"All cancers matter! Why do you not hate prostate cancer? Don't you care if MEN DIE?!?!"

They are nothing, if not transparent and predictable.
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As for Jesse being hit by Ray in Memphis? Jesse was down in the parking lot when that shot was taken. He was nowhere near Martin Luther King. He claimed MLK died in his arms because it gave him more status in the black movement. It's just one more con that Jesse played on naive people like you!
There was no payoff asshole.

Now address how a college drop out with no skills ended up leaving a 600 million dollar estate by race baiting whites for 3 decades.
No payoff? Really? How much do you think an exclusive distributorship for Anheuser-Bush for part of Chicago (including Wrigley Field!) was worth, IM2? Amazing how two young brothers with zero experience in the beer business would be granted something like that...isn't it? (eye roll)
I never stated that they DID speak for the black race, Paul. I simply pointed out to IM2 and Fort Fun that Jackson and Sharpton are representative of black "leaders" who have used racism as a cottage industry for the better part of fifty years!

There is no money in fighting racism. Black people in the west (for the most part) are dependent on whites for jobs, housing, educations

So you think black people attacking and critisizing the people who we depend on is a good money making plan ? That takes courage and heart to attack a system that is more than willing to kill you.
  • Francis Cress Welsing died broke.
  • Ivan Van Sertima died broke.
  • Chancellor Williams died broke.
  • Malcolm X died broke
  • John Henry Clarke died broke.
  • Winnie Mandela died broke.
  • Muhammad Ali retired broke (only making his serious money after retirement).
Most of the black scholars and blk people who fought racism weren't rich men. What are you talking about ?

The money is in ass kissin the white supremacists. The money is in the Larry Elders and Thomas Sowells and Candace Owens and Ben Carsons

Who are blk ppl getting the money from ? How exactly is money generated from exposing white supremacists ?
Lately it's been black "leaders" extorting businesses with threats of boycotts, Paul. Forcing them to pay off to organizations such as Black Lives Matters. Once again a lot of that money is getting siphoned off by the organizers of movements to enrich themselves.
Jesse Jackson
Donald Trump

One has a multi million charity with open books that pumps millions per year into urban communities

One steal from charities
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