Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

What lie did I tell about Sharpton and Jackson? Have the two of them NOT made millions as "race activists"?
Yeah, that's a cute little game you white boys have all rigged up for yourselves, there.

You say black people should help themselves. So they start advocacy groups, universities, community action groups, charities, black leaders emerge...

...and you are right there to call their leaders race pimps and to call their groups racist.

Rinse, repeat. Son, you are just number eleventy million in the long list of people playing the same, rigged game you are playing. And all for the same reason.
Yeah, that's a cute little game you white boys have all rigged up for yourselves, there.

You say black people should help themselves. So they start advocacy groups, universities, community action groups, charities, black leaders emerge...

...and you are right there to call their leaders race pimps and to call their groups racist.

Rinse, repeat. Son, you are just number eleventy million in the long list of people playing the same, rigged game you are playing. And all for the same reason.
Gee, Fort...for decades now "leaders" like Reverends Al and Jesse have raked in millions while the lives of urban blacks have gotten worse and worse but you think I'm playing a "rigged" game? The truth is that Jesse and Al cashed in on their positions. Or have you forgotten the "game" that Jesse Jackson played with Budweiser back in the day with his boycott?
Gee, Fort...for decades now "leaders" like Reverends Al and Jesse
Ah yes, the only two you mention. Naturally. Probably the only two you could name. Of course, you know absolutely NOTHING of their community or charity work. You just shit on them, predictably.

You sure seem eager to make my points for me!
And if anyone has the temerity to point out that Sharpton and Jackson got rich playing the race's a given that they will be immediately labeled a "racist"! That's how THAT game is played!
Ah yes, the only two you mention. Naturally. Probably the only two you could name. Of course, you know absolutely NOTHING of their community or charity work. You just shit on them, predictably.

You sure seem eager to make my points for me!
Pointing out that both of them became quite wealthy doing their "community" work, Fort isn't "shitting" on's simply pointing out the truth! They got wealthy while their communities continued to get poorer. How is that making points for you?
Lois Lerner was a conservative Republican? about clueless!
Lois Lerner did not head that project you flaming idiot. Besides this whole thing was a nohing burger.
It seems like you and Paul are just going to attempt to lie your way out of the corner you've painted yourselves into, IM2! Good luck with that... (eye roll)
The only person lying here is you.
I hate to break this to you, IM2 but if you're seriously claiming that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton didn't make millions as race activists...then you're one of two things...either you're a bald faced liar...or you are incredibly ignorant.
I am saying that and nor punk ass racist white right wing loons claims don't make it so. Race is no cottage industry in black communities, its a reality we face. Jackson and Sharpton have helped make things better for us. But you keep skipping Limbaugh who actually did get rich by race baiting.
Where did you get your economics degree?
Irrelevant. Some Sowell makes for fascinating reading. In fact, i sometimes wonder if now he just plays the contrarian to challenge his peers. Smart man. But what a bunch of garbage from him the last 10, even 20 years...
Pointing out that both of them became quite wealthy doing their "community" work, Fort isn't "shitting" on's simply pointing out the truth! They got wealthy while their communities continued to get poorer.
So yes, it's shitting on them. Yes, it is the only reason you are pointing it out. How do leaders make money? Let us count the ways. but if they are brown, make sure to turn it into something negative.

Predictably. The rigged game, like I said..
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Lerner was Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Are you TRYING to prove how ignorant you are, IM2?
In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder. Conservatives claimed that they were specifically targeted by the IRS, but an exhaustive report released by the Treasury Department's Inspector General in 2017 found that from 2004 to 2013, the IRS used both conservative and liberal keywords to choose targets for further scrutiny.

Give me an example of one of my "lies", IM2! Anything I claim here I'm more than willing to back up.
Look at what you're saying. Backing up a lie with another lie doesn't make it turn true.
I am saying that and nor punk ass racist white right wing loons claims don't make it so. Race is no cottage industry in black communities, its a reality we face. Jackson and Sharpton have helped make things better for us. But you keep skipping Limbaugh who actually did get rich by race baiting.
Racism has been a "cottage industry" for both Jackson and Sharpton for the better part of fifty years, IM2! Have they done some good things for black communities? Without question! But the people that have benefitted the most from their "activism" has always been Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton!

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